Paintings of Terror

Chapter 12: Bai Shi 12 ┃ Curse


It is said that there are cases of corpse fraud in reality, and the scientific explanation is related to what kind of bioelectricity.

Ke Xun pondered, no matter how powerful bioelectricity is, it is not as powerful as natural electricity. How can it be hundreds of millions of volts when a lightning strikes down? In reality, people may have been burnt long ago, but this is not reality. If a ghostly grandma comes out, who can resist it

"Should we hide the coffin?" Ke Xun discussed Mu Yiran.

"There is nowhere to hide." Mu Yiran's eyes were heavy, "Wherever you can hide, you can only hide it in the house or in the soil, and it is no different from placing it in the mourning hall. It's all the same consequences."

"... This is forcing us to wait for death." Ke Xun thumped the trunk hard.

"If we can find the seal before tonight, we don't need to care about whether there is a thunderstorm or not." Mu Yiran went down the tree after speaking.

As soon as Ke Xun got down from the tree, he saw the people who had gone to the cemetery to check back, with the aftermath of shock on their faces.

After obtaining Mu Yiran's consent, Ke Xun told these people his suspicions about the grimace on the locust tree, and asked everyone if they wanted to look for it together.

"Let's eat first." The doctor had the calmness and composure unique to a doctor, "You have to save up enough energy, and then look for it after you finish eating."

Lunch was still eaten at the old man's house, with only wotou pickles and fried bean sprouts. Although it was still unpalatable, everyone tried their best to feed their stomachs.

"I miss the pancake fruit deeply now." Wei Dong whispered to Ke Xun, and glanced at the owner of the pancake stall sitting opposite.

The owner of the pancake stall didn't know whether he had accepted his fate or was frightened, and sat there without saying a word.

After lunch, everyone gathered under the three locust trees to check the faces on the trees together.

Wei Dong went around behind the tree and was carefully poking a dead branch into the mouth of a wretched grimace when he felt that someone was beside him and asked him in a low voice, "What clues have you found?"

Turning his head, it was Liu Yufei.

"This is not a clue." Wei Dong pointed to the grimace.

"That's the only one?" Liu Yufei's face flashed disbelief, "It's impossible that the surnamed Mu has only found so many clues. I'm afraid I didn't tell you two."

"Listen to what you mean, he's very cool?" Wei Dong continued to poke faces as he asked.

Liu Yufei snorted and laughed: "It's awesome, he was the first to find the seal for the first two paintings, and..."

"Leave half of what you say, be careful you are constipated tonight." Wei Dong said.

Liu Yufei glared at him: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the surnamed Mu is not as kind as he shows, his face is too deceptive."

"I really don't think he's kind," Wei Dong poked a grimace, "but you say his face is deceptive, I agree with that." Mingming looked at a very calm and calm person, angry The field was very aggressive from the start.

Liu Yufei had a cold face and lowered his voice: "Then, do you know that in the first two paintings, those who ganged up with the surnamed Mu failed to leave the painting in the end?"

Wei Dong slapped his hand and looked up at him in surprise: "Crawled out?"

"..." Liu Yufei's face changed from anger, but he seemed to be trying his best to control his emotions. He gritted his teeth and asked Wei Dong, "He really didn't find any other clues?"

"How do I know, even if someone finds out, it's impossible to tell me." Wei Dong lowered his head and continued to poke faces.

"In the painting, you'd better have more eyes and eyes," Liu Yufei looked at him. "If you ask for more clues, you will have more hope for opening the painting."

"Okay, I see." Wei Dong said.

"Don't forget, the two of us have the same word, and it is likely that we will be together in life and death." Liu Yufei reminded him in a deep voice, "So I hope you and I can share clues and think of ways to get out of here together."

"Okay, I see." Wei Dong said.

Liu Yufei stared at him for a long time, and finally grabbed a dead branch from the ground and followed him to poke faces.

Everyone searched all afternoon, but couldn't find anything useful.

At this moment, the sky was as gloomy as night, and the thick clouds rolled up and gathered overhead, constantly changing, surging, and squeezing.

"Go back, it's getting dark." The doctor's deep voice made everyone feel gloomier.

The old man said that he would go back to his house when it was dark and arrange tasks for everyone tonight.

This also means that the second round of terror has begun.

"The person who gets the 'Gu' banner will be in charge of vigil tonight. The person who gets the 'Evil' banner is responsible for digging graves in the northern suburbs of the village. The person who gets the 'Yang' banner will go to Li's house The firewood house cuts firewood. The person who gets the 'take' banner will guard the Li family's granary."

After the old man finished speaking, he turned and went to the next room, leaving behind eight people with different expressions, falling into an indescribable silence.

"...I...I don't want to die..." After a long while, the silence was finally broken by a trembling whine, "Ke'er, I don't want to die...I don't want to go to the mourning hall, I don't want to die..."

Wei Dong panicked and grabbed Ke Xun's arms with a pale face, trying to get protection or assurance from his good brother.

Ke Xun grabbed his body, which was almost unsteady, and burned his body and mind for a while.

"The surname is Mu! Where the hell is the seal?!" Liu Yufei, who also got the "Gu" cloth strip, his eyes were splitting, he rushed up a few steps, stretched out his hand and was about to pull Mu Yiran's front placket, but Mu Yiran slipped. Step out of the way.

"Are you just so inhumane and watching others die?!" Liu Yufei roared, his eyes filled with collapse and madness, "Tell me the clues you know! I don't want to die! No one wants to die. Why do you want to go out alive?!"

Roaring here, he waved at the people next to him, "The surnamed Mu must know the clue where the seal is! Let's go together! Let him say it! He knows! He must know!"

Everyone was silent, looking at Liu Yufei, who was emotionally broken, with the eyes of the dead.

Although other people may not be able to survive tonight, those who go to the funeral hall... are almost certain that there must be no return.

"I think," the doctor said calmly, "while there is still some time, everyone can tell us all the clues that come to their minds and put them together, maybe they can find the seal."

Seeing that everyone was still silent, the doctor added: "According to the arrangement of yesterday and today, the tasks of keeping the spirits and digging graves will fall on others sooner or later."

It means that everyone can't escape. If you don't provide clues, everyone will work together, and sooner or later, you will die here.

Seeing that everyone was moved, the doctor continued: "I'll start by throwing bricks and attracting jade. In the morning, I walked around this village and found a stone tablet at the head of the village. The inscription on the tablet is a brief village chronicle of the village.

"The people in this village are all surnamed Li. I think the villagers here are probably from the same clan. Their ancestors can be traced back to the Warring States Period, when they were officials in the Qin state at that time, and the official name was 'Zongzhu'.

"The official 'Zongzhu', as far as I know, is the official in charge of praying to the ancestors and the ghosts and gods, so this official position is an official with the nature of a wizard.

"I think this clue may have something to do with the content of the painting. The above are the clues that I have obtained so far that seem to be relatively useful. If you think of anything, you might as well say it, and everyone can analyze and analyze together."

After the doctor finished speaking, his eyes first fell on Mu Yiran.

"The matter of ghosts and gods, isn't this nonsense!" Liu Yufei roared irritably, "Even if their ancestors weren't a sect, this painting is all about ghosts and gods! Your clues are completely useless!"

No one paid any attention to him, just stared at Mu Yiran, as if he was a god of salvation.

"I think there are laws to follow in the death of those five people last night." Mu Yiran's face was calm, "And the village annals you mentioned on the stone tablet, I don't think it's completely useless."

"It's the same as not saying it!" Liu Yufei rushed up again to grab Mu Yiran, but Ke Xun next to him grabbed his wrist.

"Either shut up and find a way, or I'll turn your clothes into a broken arm shirt." Ke Xun said with a blank expression, his hands were slightly hard, and Liu Yufei screamed in pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead immediately.

"Speaking of the death of the five people," the doctor continued Mu Yiran's words, "the two who died in the cemetery are indeed a bit strange. When we passed, those crows were already eating the corpses, but they could still see Out, those two corpses were divided into several pieces of meat - note, it's 'equal parts', it's a very even division of corpses, which makes me feel a little unnatural, unless that kind of force has obsessive-compulsive disorder , otherwise I don't think it's necessary to be so elaborate."

Mu Yi lowered his eyes and pondered, and the doctor stopped bothering him when he saw this, and looked at the others: "Do you have any clues to provide? Even seemingly trivial and normal trivial things can be said."

"Let me tell you one," it was Ke Xun who spoke. Seeing that Mu Yiran seemed to know what he was going to say, he didn't stop him, so he continued, "It's not about the seal, it's about how to avoid being caught by those two papers. way to kill people."

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on his face.

"No matter what kind of work you are assigned, find a way to hide yourself from top to bottom, either cover it with sacks, or block it with firewood, as long as you don't be seen by those two paper figurines, if the figurine walks in front of you , must hold your breath."

"What about those who go to dig graves?" asked the person who got the "evil" banner.

Ke Xun shook his head: "I don't know."

"It really doesn't work, try covering it with soil." The doctor said.

"What about the guardian of the mourning hall?" Wei Dong asked with a pale face and trembling, "Will the one in the coffin run out? Is it something in the coffin that gouged out the eyes of the three people?"

No one answered him, and the silence was almost deadly.

"Did Xiaomu come up with something?" The doctor broke the unbearable silence.

"I am very concerned about the fact that the ancestor of the villagers is Zongzhu." Mu Yi raised his eyes, and everyone immediately looked at him.

"Gods and ghosts have the nature of a wizard, which was very common in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period." Mu Yiran said, "This kind of curse was very popular at the time. For example, before the war between the two countries, there would be a The most famous one is "Curse Chu Wen". It was in the late Warring States period, when the hegemony between Qin and Chu was at its most intense, the king of Qin prayed to the gods to bless the Qin State to win, and cursed the Chu State's defeat. .

"In connection with the current situation, the three locust trees behind the Li family's house, called yin trees, are not a curse. In some places, the locust trees are called 'ghost beckoning', and it is said that it gathers yin to attract ghosts. I have reason to suspect that the person who planted these three trees behind the Li family's house had no good intentions towards this family.

"Also, even if it is the world in the painting, the scene must be logical and the story meticulous and free of bugs, but at the Li house last night, we did not see any descendants or close relatives of the Li family. According to common sense, This is a bug.

"Our role should be the villagers who went to the Li family to help. If we were the Li family, the linen clothes on our bodies would not be like this. It can be seen that the Li family should have no relatives or grandchildren. In other words, they are extinct.

"For the ancients or the people of the old era, being extinct is a miserable end in the eyes of others. There is a saying that they have been punished or cursed.

"In addition, the coffin in the mourning hall is made of pure cypress wood. The pure cypress coffin will be beaten by the sky. Thunder strikes from the sky is not a good word, and it is usually used to verbally curse others, but if a pure cypress coffin is used, it will be beaten by heaven. To put it into practice, this curse is not just verbal, but a real, artificial, deliberate, and real curse.

"Combining the above points, we can draw a clue whether it is important or not, that is, the family that held the funeral was artificially cursed. From the time when the three locust trees were planted, until now, the family died. The one in the mourning hall is the last person in their family, and this family is now dead."