Paintings of Terror

Chapter 19: Bai Shi 19┃ is a brother, but also a father and son


"But the old man looked like he was going to eat people—really, literally, eat people!" Wei Dong looked frightened, "I don't think you might be able to ask anything, maybe you might even be his lunch—say me I think our lunch may have gone to waste, the old man has changed, and I wondered that he may have forgotten how to cook human meals..."

Mu Yiran ignored the chatter behind him: "Even if he has become unable to answer questions, we still need to enter his back room to find clues."

Wei Dong shuddered: "You are pulling your teeth out of a tiger's mouth. It's too dangerous, Ke'er, please advise."

Ke Xun looked at Mu Yiran: "Are you really going?"

Mu Yiran didn't answer, just looked at him blankly.

Ke Xun: "I'll accompany you."

Wei Dong: "… "

Ma Zhenhua shivered and said, "I, can I not follow? I can continue to look for seals elsewhere..."

Zhang Maolin also quickly followed: "I will also look for the seal first, we will not delay."

Before waiting for the rest of the people to express their opinions, Mu Yiran said indifferently: "If you are not afraid, you can go to the mourning hall of Li's house and look carefully. We have already looked for other places in the village just now, and only the mourning hall is left. And the old man's house most likely. We'll be gathering here in an hour."

Ke Xun also pulled Wei Dong and whispered to him: "Be careful yourself, if you don't see me at night, I guess I will be heroic, you have the key to my house, if you can leave this painting, go to my house On one trip, my real estate certificate, all the documents and materials for running a gym, my ID card, and my bank card were all placed in a flower pot with a fake cactus on the balcony. All the things that require a password are after my ID card. Six, you donated my savings for me. The house is rented out. The rent is used to add new equipment to the gym. The income from the gym is distributed to my buddies who work in partnership. There are 1 T small movies in my computer. It's yours."

"Go away! The 1 fucking T you have saved are calcium tablets, I don't need it!" Wei Dong cursed, and after scolding he took Ke Xun's arm worriedly, "Are you really going? Just for him? It's not like that, there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, so I have to pay for this tree? You have only known him for a few days. Besides, how can they be as crooked as you are? For a straight man , are you not at a loss?"

"What are you thinking about? For him and for ourselves, the teaching motto of the Department of Physical Education is: There is a reward for hard work. We can't let people pay all the time, let's wait for the results." Ke Xun said, "Besides, you forgot, I His intuition is always accurate.”

"So what?" Wei Dong didn't know why.

Ke Xun smiled, turned and walked towards Mu Yiran.

The two groups acted separately.

Mu Yiran and Ke Xun came outside the old man's courtyard, Mu Yiran stopped and looked at Ke Xun: "Do you really want to go in with me?"

"I not only want to go in with you, but also come out with you." Ke Xun said.

"I'm afraid not." Mu Yiran said, "If you don't plan to change your mind, then listen to my arrangements."

Ke Xun: "Okay, say it."

Mu Yi looked at him with scrutiny: "Wait for you to enter the courtyard gate, and walk carefully to the door of the house. If the old man chases him out, try to divert him away. I will take the opportunity to enter the house and search for his back room. Here In the meantime, I hope you can hold him back for as long as possible. Can it be done?"

"I have a question," Ke Xun said. "This old man can't be judged by ordinary people's standards. If he jumps faster than me, what should I do?"

"Since you and Wei Dong were able to escape from his house just now, we will definitely be able to escape this time." Mu Yiran said, "Even if you escaped too fast just now and escaped his control, you were able to completely escape him. Get rid of it, so this time you have a good sense of balance, neither let him catch up nor throw him too far, always keep a safe chase distance, take him out of this yard, try to drag him outside for as long as possible, If I can finish things ahead of time, I'll go to you and get rid of him when the time comes. How's it going, is there any problem?"

"Yes," Ke Xun said, "what's your phone number?"

Mu Yiran's face was cold: "If there is no problem, go in."

Ke Xun moved his legs and feet, stretched his muscles and bones, and motioned to Mu Yiran: "You hide at the door, I will lead the old man out and run this way."

Mu Yiran stood on the other side of the door according to his words, and saw Ke Xun's long legs stepped forward and stepped into the courtyard door with one foot.

Mu Yiran looked at his back and walked towards the door with almost no hesitation. His usual sloppy and lazy attitude disappeared. His straight back and gait full of elasticity and strength made him feel at this moment. It really looks like a... sharp character from the sports department.

The sharp man, classmate Ke Xun, walked to the door of the house.

The door was closed, and the interior of the house could not be seen.

Ke Xun didn't want to give himself time to make up his mind about the situation, so he reached out and opened the door.

With a "squeak" sound, the gray light flooded into the dimly lit hall. The old head was like a walking corpse, sluggish and motionless in the middle of the room.

The moment he saw Ke Xun, his face that was as gray as a withered corpse suddenly opened his mouth, and his dark gums and mouth were like a bottomless black hole, growing bigger and bigger until it exceeded the capacity of a human mouth. Zhang reached the limit, and immediately rushed towards Ke Xun with such a huge mouth.

Ke Xun turned around and ran, listening to the wind behind him and the old man's footsteps to judge the distance between the two.

This is Ke Xun's forte skill. When he is in school, he participates in big and small events, and he listens to the sound to judge the opponent's position, which has a crucial impact on the adjustment of the game's tactics.

Ke Xun controlled the distance between the old man and himself, always keeping about five steps, and ran out of the courtyard one after another.

Mu Yiran didn't enter the courtyard quickly until Ke Xun led the old man out of his sight, then went straight to the back room where the old man lived.

Ke Xun did not dare to go in the direction of the locust tree, for fear of encountering a few other people, so he took the old man back and forth between the villages.

After thinking about it, he is the only one who can do this job. If it were someone else, he would not have the speed and endurance of his.

His current speed has not reached his own fastest level, but by ordinary people's standards, it is already quite fast. If Wei Dong hadn't been dragged by him at that time, he would have let the old man pounce on him long ago. Not to mention the need to keep running at this speed all the time, and in order to give Mu Yiran enough time, it is very likely that he will continue to run for dozens of minutes.

There was one thing that Ke Xun didn't quite understand. If this old man wasn't a real person, but a "thing", his "competitive level" shouldn't be worse than that of a human being.

Mu Yiran said that if you do not follow the rules in the painting, you will be met with irresistible backlash, and what happened in the past two nights also proves that those "things" that have appeared, although there are ways to avoid them. The harm was actually caused by chance or luckily avoiding it. If they really met head-on, they would have no hope of surviving.

In other words, the power in this painting, even if there are rules to follow, can't be confronted head-on.

But this old man is not.

The old man couldn't escape him.

Isn't it weird

Ke Xun thought about it, and couldn't help but turn his head to look.

This risk did not frighten him to stumble.

He no longer knew what it was that was chasing him. A big mouth like a black hole covered his entire head. Two thin hands stretched forward, with long fingers, grouped with thin arms, like It is the three locust trees with buckling knots.

The worst thing was the old man's belly.

Because of the fast running, the clothes on the body were blown back tightly against the body by the wind, and the bulge on the abdomen was clearly outlined.

That's a face.

The facial features are complete and the expression is vivid.

This face is crying.

It opened its mouth wide, pierced its heart, and was in unbearable pain, constantly swinging and struggling with the old man's running movements.

Ke Xun felt itchy all over and couldn't help scratching his stomach.

Suddenly a thought flashed in my mind: itching... itching all over... last night's experience...

After running for an unknown amount of time, and finally seeing Mu Yiran's figure appearing in front, Ke Xun raised his voice and shouted, "Boss, this guy—is a deformity!"

Mu Yiran made a gesture, dodged and disappeared around the corner. Ke Xun picked up his speed, and after a few minutes he got rid of the old man.

Mu Yiran was waiting on the only way to the locust tree. Seeing Ke Xun striding over and running at such a fast speed for such a long time, this person was only slightly panting, and his mental head even looked like he had just just been there. It's like opening up your muscles.

With such physical strength, even Mu Yiran sighed a little to himself.

"This old man is also a deformed child," Ke Xun stepped forward. "He has an extra face on his stomach. I suspect that he has an extra brain in his stomach. Even if he can't think, he can control the face on his stomach. look. Are there any clues in his house?"

Mu Yiran: "Yes. Cypress wood."

"He beat Li Guegai's coffin?" Ke Xun was surprised, "Both are deformed children, so why is it too urgent to fry each other."

"His name is Li Mazi," Mu Yiran gave him a look, "it's Li Guaiguai's father and his... brother."

Ke Xun was stunned: "I seem to know something incredible."

Mu Yiran was expressionless: "Because this village is closed and backward, many ignorant and unethical customs are left behind. Because many people are close relatives married, the medical level is low, the survival rate of offspring is not high, and there are more males than females. In order to reproduce the plan, with the consensus of the villagers, a system of common wives has gradually emerged."

"... It's terrible to be closed and backward." Ke Xun didn't know what to say anymore.

"Actually, the probability of birth defects in consanguineous marriages is only 4%," Mu Yiran continued. "Many of these deformed babies died prematurely before reaching adulthood, and some died in infancy. Like Li Mazi. It is estimated that in this village, someone who has grown up like Li Guaiguai is a minority."

"I don't know if this is lucky or unfortunate." Ke Xun said.

"Of course he won't be lucky." Mu Yiran looked at him, "Can you imagine what kind of life he has lived in the village since he was a child, who is so deformed that he is almost a ghost?"