Paintings of Terror

Chapter 3: White thing 03 ┃ ghost animal old man


Ke Xun believes that when he doesn't know anything about the situation at hand, the only way is to stalk one of them, and then act according to chance.

Through the observation of the previous group, Ke Xun felt that this cold and handsome guy seemed to be more reliable than others, so it was him.

The three people who came at the end also followed in shock and scolding. In fact, they had no other choice. Except for this small village, the four fields were all wilderness, and they did not follow everyone into the village again. Where can I go

What's more, people have a herd mentality. Under such a strange and incomprehensible situation, most people's choice is to be brave.

A group of people entered this weird little village with different thoughts.

Ke Xun wasn't sure what time it was in this "painting". In the real world, it was still the morning of the day, but the sky was dark and gloomy. Some of the window sashes were pasted with worn-out window paper, and some were directly nailed to the wood.

And whether you look in through the window or the door, all you can see is pitch black without exception.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ke Xun always felt that something seemed to be looking out from the cracks of those dark doors and windows.

Following these people around this small village, a dim light suddenly appeared in front of them, and there was actually a room with lights on.

"That's it." Someone in the team said.

"Go in." Someone said with a sigh.

Everyone went over, and the middle-aged uncle with big belly at the front knocked on the door.

The wooden door was creaked open from the inside, revealing the face of a gray and wrinkled old man.

"Everyone is here? Come in." The old man said to open the door.

Everyone filed in and saw that the four walls and the ground were made of mud and grass mixture. There was only a broken table and a few long benches in the room, and an oil lamp was lit on the table.

It is more appropriate to describe this family with four walls and poverty.

The old man stood in the middle of the room, and his cloudy eyes slowly glanced at the people in the room. When Wei Dong met his gaze, he couldn't help shivering.

The pupils of this old man had no warmth and focus at all, and were scattered like a... dead person.

Wei Dong hurriedly lowered his eyelids, for fear of looking at him for good or bad, he only listened to the old man with his ears: "When everyone is ready, let's arrange the work for everyone."

As he said that, he took out a roll of cloth from his arms and stretched it out in front of everyone: "Just tie this, one per person."

Ke Xun and Wei Dong were at a loss, but seeing that the people who came earlier seemed to have taken it easy, they stretched out their hands one by one, and took out one piece from each of the rolls of cloth, and the two of them had no choice but to draw a gourd.

This cloth sash is about an arm's length, two fingers wide, and has a gray-white burlap texture. In the middle, I don't know if it is made of cinnabar or some kind of paint, and a dark red character is written.

Ke Xun's one has the character "Yang" written on it, and Wei Dong's one has the character "Gu" written on it.

Before he could figure out what the words were written on, the old man continued: "The person who got the 'min' cloth will be in charge of the night vigil at Li's house tonight. The person who got the 'and' cloth, Go to the northern suburb of the village and dig a pit five miles away. The pit is six feet long, four feet wide, and two feet high. Those who get the 'Gu' cloth strips, go to the Li's firewood house to cut firewood. Those who get the 'Yang' cloth strips Man, guard the Li family's granary. The one who got the 'Evil' banner... The one who got the 'Take' banner..."

As the old man spoke, Ke Xun pondered in his heart.

People, and, gu, central, evil, take... What is the meaning of these words? Obviously, the purpose of asking everyone to choose the cloth strips is to group these thirteen people, but only literally, it is difficult to connect with the current situation.

After the old man was divided into groups, he finally said: "The Li's house is under the three old locust trees in the north of the village, everyone, you can start work. Remember: those who stay in the Li's house to work, don't go out at night. Well, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, everyone Come to my place to gather."

After everyone heard it, they turned around and walked out. Wei Dong couldn't bear it any longer. He walked up to the old man and asked him, "Master, can you explain to us what's going on?"

The old man looked serious: "The Li's house is under the three old locust trees in the north of the village, everyone, you can start work. Remember: those who stay in the Li's house to work, don't go out at night. Well, everyone will come to my place at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Come gather."

Weidong: "...No, can you tell us where this is?"

The old man: "The Li family is under the three old locust trees in the north of the village. Everyone, work can start. Remember..."

Weidong: "...Did I accidentally activate your ghost animal function? Can you say something else?"

The old man: "The Li family is under the three old locust trees in the north of the village. Everyone, work can start. Remember..."

Wei Dong turned to look at Ke Xun: "Is it illegal to beat an unqualified old man in a painting?"

Before Ke Xun could answer, the little braid from before suddenly laughed and stepped forward to look at him: "Don't waste your energy, he's not human."

"What the hell isn't a human being?!" Wei Dong was shocked, "Rereading machine essence?!"

"You can think of him as an NPC in the game. He is only responsible for explaining the plot or 'game' rules, as well as some specific questions that he can answer. He will not answer any other redundant questions." Crooked mouth.

Ke Xun and Wei Dong looked at each other, Ke Xun asked Xiaopi, "Is this a painting or a game?"

"Painting." The braid sneered, "It's just that the rules in the painting are strictly and precisely set, and violating the rules has only one result, which is death."

"Death? GAME OVER?" Wei Dong stared, "How many lives does a person have? Can you save the progress and read it again?"

"I said this is a painting, not a game!" Pigtail glared at him impatiently, "If you die in the painting, you are really dead, and you will never want to leave here and return to reality, understand?!"

"—True, true or false?!" Wei Dong was shocked.

"Believe it or not, I've already made it clear to you anyway, don't blame others when you die." Xiao Zhuizai glanced at the cloth strip on Wei Dong's hand in annoyance, "Why are you talking to the newcomer? It's unlucky to be assigned to a group! Are you going?"

"Go? Where are you going?" Wei Dong looked confused, looked at Xiaopi, and then at Ke Xun.

The little braid rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to control his temper: "I also got a piece of cloth with the word 'gu' written on it, which proves that the two of us have been divided into a group, so now you and I You have to go to the so-called 'Li Family' as the old man said, understand?"

Wei Dong asked him, "What will happen if you don't do what the village chief says?"

"I just said you didn't hear me?" Little Braid became furious, "If you violate the rules, you will die! Die!"

"Then, can we form groups freely. For example, if I don't go to Li's house with you to chop some wood, should I go to guard the granary with him?" Wei Dong pointed at Ke Xun.

"Death!" Little Pigtail roared horribly.

"Grass." Wei Dong looked at Ke Xun, "What should I do?"

Ke Xun touched his chin and thought for a while: "I think we have really encountered a strange thing that cannot be explained by common sense, and the reason here is probably not understood for a while, so let's listen to him for the time being and look at this guy. If you know some doorways, you would rather trust them than not, and life safety comes first."

"Okay." Wei Dong asked him, "How about you? Who are you with?"

When the three of them came out of the old man's house, Ke Xun saw a man standing under the steps, a tall man with a stern expression and a handsome face.

The sackcloth he had drawn was loosely tied around his waist, with the character "Central" written on it.

Wei Dong looked at the man and the braid next to him: "By the way, what would happen if I changed the cloth strips with someone else?"

"Death!" The braid gritted his teeth.

"Be careful, be vigilant, and put safety first." Ke Xun instructed Weidong.

This guy has been bad at both since he was a child, and Ke Xun was afraid that he didn't know what to do, so he really entrusted his life to this strange place.

"Understood, you also pay attention, don't lose sight of life." Wei Dong pouted at the tall man under the steps.

"...Go away." Ke Xun raised his arms in a speechless manner.

According to the old man's arrangement, most of the people's destination was "Li's house", and the others had already walked in front, so the four of them walked together.

Not long after walking, Ke Xun turned around and found that the old man's house had turned off the lights at some point, and like the other surrounding dwellings, it was plunged into dead silence and darkness.

In a village without lights, the road is difficult to walk. The dirt road in the countryside is not smooth. One hard foot is soft and the other is soft.

Ke Xun stepped down and suddenly seemed to be stepping on a hand, and the sharp and stiff fingers with sharp knuckles clearly rested on the soles of his feet.

Ke Xun jumped up very quickly and hit the tall man. When he landed, he could almost hear his heart beating wildly and violently against his chest. He had to stretch out his hand to hold his chest. Open, his heart will be pulled out of the cavity with blood and flesh by the hand just now.

"What the hell are you doing, you scared me to death!" Wei Dong said in shock.

Ke Xun's heartbeat was so fast that he couldn't even make a sound for a while.

Just as he felt his palms and lips were chilled by the shock, he heard a tall man's voice faintly entering his ears: "Don't worry about anything, just keep going."

It was as if he had guessed why Ke Xunwei suddenly jumped up.

Ke Xun let out an "um", tried not to look at his feet, and looked into the distance, only to see that this small village was shrouded in a thick gray night fog at some point, making it a sight that could not be seen very well. more chaotic.

"Cough, by the way, since we are all teammates in the future, why don't we get to know each other," Wei Dong seemed to have noticed something, so he used his words to strengthen his courage and reached out to Xiaopi, "I'm Wei Dong, this is my buddy Ke. Searching."

Xiaopii refused to shake hands with him, only snorted, "Liu Yufei."

Wei Dong turned his head and stretched out his hand to the tall man again: "What about you, buddy?"

The tall man glanced at him coldly, and didn't shake his hand: "Mu Yiran."

Wei Dong had no choice but to grab Ke Xun's hand and shook it: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ke Xun felt the cold sweat in Wei Dong's palm, squeezed hard on his hand, then let go, turned his head and asked the handsome man named Mu Yiran beside him: "In order to avoid being a pig teammate holding you back, This little brother, can you tell us about this in its entirety?"