Paintings of Terror

Chapter 31: Faith 09 ┃ Seeing human nature before life and death


Qin Ci glanced at the sky outside the tent, then looked at the silent people in the tent, and said, "It's normal that you can't tell from the people in the painting, but you should be more careful in the future. Backlash. I think we are the only ones who can find a way to continue to find the remaining ritual supplies. Before that, we still have to figure out how to get through tonight. Fortunately, there are twelve of us now, even if there are three of us The groups are also divided evenly, and there will be no ineligible numbers."

Ke Xun looked at him: "I think it's even more dangerous. If a three-person group can be divided equally, doesn't it mean that each group may be picked by the huge black shadow?"

Qin Ci lowered his eyes and was silent for a while.

"I think," Sha Liu interjected in a hoarse voice, "the key to self-preservation may lie in the sacrifices we found today. With these sacrifices, will we be able to avoid being picked by that shadow?"

Everyone else's eyes lit up when they heard that.

"It must be so!" Zhou Bin jumped up, "Let's take the sacrifices into the tent, and we will definitely be sheltered!"

"Then divide the group and the sacrifice." Qin Ci said.

Zhou Bin's eyes were bright: "The other meat in the five tribute meat was found together by everyone, I have no opinion on dividing it, but I made the human meat, I want your help, none of you are willing to help, you all watch from a distance , so the human flesh belongs to me. Zhao Dan and I are in the group, and there is one person left, and you can come."

"I - add me, let me join you, please? Please!" Ma Zhenhua knelt in front of Zhou Bin with a bang.

"Then you." Zhou Bin showed no expression.

Li Ziling, who had been watching with a white face, suddenly pulled the salami: "We found Wuhuilu, so of course it belongs to us," and looked at Mu Yiran, "Little brother, come with us, just enough to get together. three people."

Wei Dong looked at it dumbfounded.

"You have a big face, girl," Ke Xun laughed, "Wuhuilu was found by 'you'? Then let me ask you which one of the pots holds the big incense and which one holds the small incense. Xiang, which one contains the male essence and which one contains the phlegm and tears? If you can say it right, you can take all the five Huilus, and I have nothing to say."

Li Ziling bit her lip and quietly pulled the sari next to her with her hands.

Shaliu said embarrassedly: "Anyway, there are quite a few crock pots, let's divide them up."

Li Ziling was in a hurry: "It's not enough at all, we only got so little blood!"

Shaliu stopped talking, Li Ziling frowned, stared at Ke Xun for a while, and said in a nasal voice: "Then can you tell what each of the jars contains?"

Ke Xun folded his arms and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Why, if I can tell the difference, let us take all the five cans?"

"Why do you take all of them?" Li Ziling saw Ke Xun's expression, and was not sure if he could really tell the difference, "The female blood was obtained by me and Shaliu, you can't take this, the other four quantities are also A lot, why can't you give us a little?"

"Beauty, where did your righteous self-confidence come from?" Wei Dong couldn't help but interjected, "Looking at the world, you are your brother, do you have to let you?"

"Men should have given up on women," Li Ziling pursed her lips aggrievedly, her voice was hoarse and soft, she looked at Mu Yiran pitifully, and then looked at several other men, "Besides, I'm not too hard on me. There are already quite a few of those four kinds of Huilu, so why can’t you give us a little bit?”

Wei Dong laughed angrily: "You think so well, beauty, the other four are found by us, we will give you points if you have more quantity, and the remaining one is found by you, and you can't share it with us if you have less quantity. Can I ask you which teacher taught your elementary school ideology and morality class?"

"It's not that I don't give you points, it's really very little," Li Ziling burst into tears, "We searched the whole village, only one girl just finished her work, and the blood is not ready-made, it was what we wanted when she came. The cloth strips we brought with us have not had time to wash, so we brought them, and they are only as big as a small drop, and they are still dry, how do we divide them?"

When it comes to the issue of women, Wei Dong is a little embarrassed, so he can only look at Ke Xun.

Ke Xun retracted his gaze from Mu Yiran's face, and said calmly, "Since you can't divide it, then don't divide it. You can divide half of the remaining four by yourself."

Wei Dong snorted: "They've got it all together. We are short of four, who knows if it's useful."

"If there is a lack of one that is not useful, then other people's are also not useful," Ke Xun said indifferently, "After all, we haven't collected all the required sacrifices, and anyone can die."

After Ke Xun finished speaking, he turned to look at the others: "Who is with me?"

No one said a word. Apparently everyone still thinks that the two with only four types of Huilu are still more at risk of death than the others.

Ke Xun smiled: "Anyway, there can only be three people in each tent, no one will join us, if there is a tent, there will be one more person, we are not in a hurry, we will go back to the small tent first, you are alone. Discuss, come over after the negotiation, welcome at any time. Dongzi, go."

Then he turned his head and walked out of the big tent.

Wei Dong followed him all the way into a small tent, and sat down on the felt blanket with a gloomy face: "This kind of thing is called knowing the face without knowing the heart, and beautiful women are poisonous."

Ke Xun fell back on the blanket, put his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes: "When you see human nature before life and death, men and women are the same."

Wei Dong looked at him: "Ke'er, are you really willing to watch your male god squeeze into those two women's tents?"

Ke Xun's face didn't matter: "They have a complete set of Wuhuilu, and they are more secure than the group with us."

Wei Dong shook his head and sighed, and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw the tent curtain being lifted, and then walked in.

Wei Dong looked at the person who came, and was speechless, and pushed Ke Xun with his hand.

Ke Xun opened his eyes, met Mu Yiran's indifferent glance, and then raised the corners of his lips.

"Boss, why are you here?" Wei Dong moved his ass dog-legged to make way for the boss.

The tent was still the same small tent as yesterday. Originally it was only enough for two people to lie side by side. Now three people are required, which makes it even more crowded.

Ke Xun sat up, and with a smile, his eyes landed on Mu Yiran's face, who was sitting in front of him: "Welcome to the humble house, a small bouquet of flowers, a few expressions of joy."

As he spoke, he suddenly reached out his hand from behind and brought a small bunch of purple wildflowers to Mu Yiran.

Wei Dong was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but want to give his own Tiezi a straight praise - when did he get this flower, he was so patient, and he finally seized the opportunity to be courteous after this moment. , if the big boss Mu doesn't let him break the bend, I'll be sorry for him.

Mu Yiran also seemed to be slightly startled, and his eyes fell on this bunch of brightly colored flowers.

It's jasmine.

When did this man pick so much, when he was looking at the mountain in the afternoon and pondering.

Do you think that he likes purple jasmine

He even hid it on his body and brought it back. Maybe he originally thought that he would share a tent with him at night, so he was going to give him a little surprise.

Ke Xun thought that Mu Yiran would only look at this flower twice, and then slapped him with a cold face like before, and then ignored him again.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yiran reached out and took the flower, Ke Xun felt a slam in his chest and stared at him with flickering eyes.

Mu Yiran held the flower, lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at Ke Xun: "Purple jasmine shouldn't be blooming at this season, it's a bit strange that this kind of flower appears here."

It turned out that he was interested in this flower for this reason. Ke Xun took a few flowers from his hand and looked closely in front of him, except that they had no fragrance, they were no different from ordinary flowers, he pinned them to his ears, and said, "Maybe it's a painter's typo, or it's a form of art. Fictional. What do you think, Dongzi?"

"Yeah." Wei Dong said.

Mu Yi said: "It is impossible for a clerical error, but if it is for artistic effect, maybe it is possible, or maybe, this flower has other intentions here."

Wei Dong also took a few flowers to look at and said, "When we make pictures, sometimes for the color harmony of the picture or the novel composition, we do embellish some details that can play a finishing touch, but when we make pictures, it is true art. After all, the works are different, and I don’t understand what role these flowers can play in this painting.”

After speaking, he wanted to throw it away, but seeing that Ke Xun and Mu Yiran were still thinking about it, they finally pinned the flower to their belt.

Ke Xun asked Mu Yiran, "Do you have any ideas for deciphering this painting?"

Mu Yi sat cross-legged and said in a calm tone: "At the moment, it's just guesswork without any basis. If you want to have further evidence, you can only verify it through sacrifice."

Only through whose sacrifice tonight can we gather more conditions to avoid death.

Thinking of Tan Zheng's death last night, Wei Dong couldn't help shivering, took out the stone chip Ke Xun gave him from his pocket, and checked whether the edge was sharp: "This thing may be used today... I hope I When you need to use it, you can free your hands, don't look back like Tan Zheng, your hands and feet are caught, that's what makes people collapse..."

Ke Xun remembered the strange figure with eight arms last night, and asked Mu Yiran, "What do you think that thing could be? Spider spirit? Octopus monster?"

Mu Yiran said: "Even if it is a ghost or a demon, it is also a god and demon in the sect of the sect. I have a vague guess."

"What is it?" Ke Xun asked.

"Malaka, the transliteration is Malaga," Mu Yi sank his eyes, "originally a pagan demon god, then subdued by the gods in Sudha, and accepted the call and drive of practitioners with high cultivation. In the image of Malaka Among several types of variants, there are eight-armed images. And according to the death of Tan Zheng last night, it proves to some extent that the giant shadow is suspected of Malaka."

"Separation?" Ke Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe it's not just the dismemberment," Mu Yiran pondered, "Everything will be seen tonight."

"I'm afraid." Wei Dong said, "If Ma Hegala is a demon, how could mortals like us be its opponents, or should I die first? I won't wait for it to make a move, I'm afraid it will make a move. There's no chance at all to end yourself."

"Don't talk nonsense," Ke Xun looked at him, "don't give up until the last moment, I don't want to die at all."

"Really..." Wei Dong stared at the void in front of him, his hand tightly clutching his robe, trembling slightly.

Last night, for the first time since he entered the painting, he saw a living person being slaughtered by that irresistible and terrifying force.

The overwhelming sense of fear and powerlessness made his bones shiver and freeze.

Weidong knew that he was like an ostrich, and he would deceive himself the most, bury his head in the sand, and avoid all the things he didn't want to think about.

If during the day, I can still escape and suppress my fear by pretending to be relaxed, then at night, I can no longer suppress this irresistible fear.

Wei Dong felt that his last rational nerve had been broken by fear, and a wave of manic depression and evil fire for no reason broke through the defense line. Da always protects him and helps Ke Xun. Their strength and fearlessness make him even more vulnerable and humble. He can't stand the torment of this fear, nor can he be compared to such a pitiful and powerless self.

Wei Dong suddenly burst out.