Paintings of Terror

Chapter 41: Faith 19 ┃ Do not kill


Ke Xun stared at Mu Yiran's figure running out, watching him rush to the tent in the distance, watching the giant shadow stretch his arms from the top of the tent, and watching someone cry and be carried out by it. , the eight hands clasped up together, and the shrill screams stopped suddenly from the gap between the fingers.

Finally, watching Mu Yiran rush into the tent, Ju Ying's hands poured down a rain of blood, which was poured on the tent, followed by the torn head, wrapped around a long messy hair from the top of the tent. It rolled down and slid to the ground with a bang, and then the broken arms, legs, and ribs fell one by one. The giant image was dismantling a clock, patiently dismantling the human body in his hand piece by piece. trunk.

Before dawn, the giant shadow dropped the broken body that had been torn apart in its hands. A hollowed-out skeleton hung with a few pieces of floating and cracked skin and was thrown on the top of the tent. The giant shadow took it with him. The obtained pair of bloody internal organs returned to the thick black above the head.

Ke Xun was the first to rush to the tent, opened the blood-stained curtain, and saw Salix vomiting at the corner of the tent, Geng Ma fainted on the felt blanket, and Mu Yi stared at the patterned surface of the tent. Expressionless.

"Have you found anything?" Ke Xun asked him.

Mu Yiran turned to look at him: "We need to gather all the small tents together."

No one was in the mood to eat breakfast. After Qin Ci and Mu Yiran put Zhao Dan's stump together and covered it with a felt blanket, everyone started working together and moved all the small tents together.

However, the light during the day is very scattered, and looking up in the tent at this moment, it is still full of vague patterns.

"We need to wait until night," Mu Yiran said. "After dark, before the giant shadow comes down, we must stitch these tents together according to the pattern on the top."

"Piece?" Qin Ci was keenly aware of the meaning of the words, "Do you mean that the pattern on the top of these tents is a complete pattern, divided into several parts, and then painted on the top of these tents? "

"I think so," Mu Yiran nodded slightly, "Last night I observed our tent and the tent where Mrs. Geng was, and found that they were incomplete."

"It seems that the key lies in the patterns on the top of these tents." Qin Ci pondered, "I still don't understand something, why is Purple Jasmine able to resist the giant shadow?"

"Maybe I'll have the answer to this question when I come back from Sutuo Temple." Mu Yiran was about to leave.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Geng Dad hurriedly asked, "The sacrifices before are definitely unusable, so how do we complete the task given by that person?"

Mu Yiran looked at the crowd and said, "What you have to do now is to collect the following things: First, wine. As far as I know, the residents of Ganxiong area can make Qingsha wine, wine, rice wine, and horse milk wine. Come on, I can make as many as I can.

"Second, rice noodles and ghee. The Ganxiong area has millet, rice, barley, wheat, and peas. Whatever kind you have, you can get it.

"Third, spices. Camphor, sandalwood, rosin, and other kinds of spices, no matter how many, can probably be found in the Ganxiong area.

"Fourth, over the sky burial platform, the vulture's feathers.

"Get back as soon as possible before dark."

Everyone didn't ask any more questions. In fact, at this time, no one had the extra energy and mental strength to question anything. For a few days, everyone hardly fell asleep. At this moment, the only physiological function is "obedience" The functionality is barely surviving.

"I'm going to the sky burial platform." Ke Xun said.

During the day, the most dangerous place is probably only the sky burial platform.

Mu Yiran looked at him and said something rare: "Be careful." Even though the expression on his face was still repulsive.

Ke Xun smiled at him and turned around.

It takes nearly a day to go to the celestial burial platform. Ke Xun travels fast, but considering the time to collect the feathers of the vultures, it is not too early to return to the tent area. Everyone else has already arrived. Dong even slept.

The open space in front of the small tent was filled with the things that everyone had collected according to Mu Yiran's request. Geng Ma and Shaliu kneaded the noodles with rice noodles and kneaded them into the shape of a cake.

"Dom?" Ke Xun asked.

"Maybe." Shaliu replied in a low voice.

"Xiao Mu, now that everyone is here, can you tell us your thoughts?" Qin Ci looked at Mu Yi Ran.

Mu Yiran was just checking the things that everyone brought back, and just finished ordering it. After hearing Qin Ci say this, he nodded, and everyone stopped and looked at him in unison.

Mu Yiran's eyes swept across the crowd with a meaningful expression: "The biggest difficulty for us has always been that we can't determine which branch of the Suda religion the painting depicts. The gods of the branches are not the same, and we can't confirm which god of the eight-armed monster that appears every night.

"Different gods have different attributes of gods. If the attributes cannot be confirmed, we cannot make corresponding responses.

"We know that since its inception, Sudaism has integrated the teachings and theological settings of multiple sects. After thousands of years of development and changes, several branch sects have been derived, each of which has developed and grown, and has an independent Doctrine and theology are both separate from and closely related to this religion.

"Many of these sects and sects have come after the latecomers, and their reputation and influence have even surpassed that of the original sect.

"So many people have forgotten the teachings of the original Sudha teaching, one of which is not to kill."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Don't kill, Sudo teaching is actually - don't kill!

Then, then—what have these people done? !

"However, even if it is the sectarian religion, there is also the item 'meat' in the sacrifice," Mu Yiran said, pointing to the piece on the ground.

A few of them were left in the Suda Temple yesterday. After being processed by the practitioners in the temple, they were all brought back just now. "But in the orthodox Suda teachings, meat can be replaced by plants. For example, , Mirabilis, on behalf of dog meat, Angelica, on behalf of horse meat, asparagus root, on behalf of elephant meat, Tribulus terrestris, on behalf of peacock meat, Huang Jing flower root, on behalf of, human flesh.”

Looking at the direction of Mu Yiran's fingers, Sha Liu's face turned pale.

Qin Ci looked at Mu Yiran: "How does Xiaomu know which plant represents which kind of meat?"

"Last night I was at the top of our tent, and this is the pattern I saw," Mu Yiran replied calmly. "The pattern is divided into two circles, one with plant patterns and the other with animal patterns. I didn't realize that the two circles were in a one-to-one correspondence, I just thought it was some kind of modification to the main pattern, but when I continued to look down, I found that several patterns were drawn with feces, urine, brains, etc. , I realized that these patterns seem to be what Shaliu once said, Wuhuilu and Wugong meat."

Speaking of which, Mu Yiran looked at Sha Liu: "There is nothing wrong with the bloody sacrifices you read in the book, but you probably forgot to tell us the name of the book, mind telling us now. Is it?"

Shaliu's lips trembled, not daring to look at the eyes of everyone staring at her, and said in a low voice: "The title of the book... The title of the book is "Revelation on All Things in Qingjiao Ritual"."

"Qingjiao?" Dad Geng was stunned.

"The Youth Sect is a branch of what we call Suda Sect," Mu Yiran said with a blank face, "After thousands of years of development, it has gradually separated from the original sect and exists independently. This sect is more inclined to worship fierce gods. In the subordinate temples, most of the offerings are anger and fierce gods, and whether it is sacrificial ceremonies or witchcraft ceremonies, they are all evil, extremely cruel and bloody."

As soon as the words fell, Geng Ma rushed in front of Sha Liu and slapped her face fiercely: "It's all you! It's you who misled us! Let's get those—those inhuman things! It's you! You harmed us, you made us become such a human being and a ghost—"

Wei Dong and Dad Geng hurriedly pulled the emotional Geng Ma away, Shaliu lowered his head, straightened the glasses that were slapped by Geng's mother, and whispered, "But the sacrifices I mentioned don't work the same way. Has the shelter worked? At least Ma Zhenhua's death can prove that those who do not prepare these sacrifices will die."

"If you don't prepare, you will die!" Geng's mother roared, "Zhou Bin is fully prepared, right?! Didn't he get sacrificed!"

"But that doesn't mean that this Black Corpse Sky is indeed the fierce god of the Youth Sect. The place we are in is the place of faith of the Youth Sect." Sha Liu bit his lip in defense.

"Then, we who had no sacrifices around us also survived last night. How can we explain it?" Qin Ci asked her.

Shaliu couldn't answer.

Mu Yiran didn't look at her again, but continued to say: "That giant shadow is indeed the wrathful and fierce god Black Corpse Heaven mentioned in the Youth Sect, and it is indeed enshrined with those bloody sacrifices mentioned by Shaliu, to be used for Strengthen one's own divine power. However, many people do not know, or have long forgotten, in the original teachings of the santa sect, the black corpse is a two-faced god. It was originally born with eight hands and two faces. One face is born with anger, and the other face is born with kindness."

"Goodness!" Ke Xun, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly snapped his fingers, "Before entering the painting, I vaguely saw a pair of benevolent eyes on the painting. Could it be the side of the black corpse's goodness?"

"In the teachings of Sudaism, the black corpse is the godhead after the pagan demons converted to Sudaism. The anger side still retains its vicious and brutal killing nature, and the good side is the highest of Sudaism. Duyin was domesticated by the gods and became the protector of the law to protect the believers." Mu Yiran said, "According to the pattern on the top of the tent, it can be speculated that although the names of the gods of anger and the gods of goodness are the same, the objects are different. 'Five tribute meat', the god of anger needs real meat, and the god of goodness uses plants instead, which is the sign to distinguish the two."

"That's why..." Qin Ci was stunned, "We were able to escape last night's catastrophe by holding the purple jasmine. The purple jasmine is the enshrined of the good-looking god, and it neutralized the fierceness of the angry god to a certain extent."

"So the reason why I was able to stay on my own the night before and didn't die, maybe it wasn't my power of belief, but just because I had purple jasmine in my arms?" Ke Xun spread his hands.

Mu Yiran looked at him, pursed his lips and pressed down the words he just wanted to say, and looked at the crowd again: "According to my inference, if the bloody sacrifice can make Hei Zhetian's anger stronger, then the corresponding Another type of sacrifice mainly based on plants should be the good side of Heishatian. In other words, we may be able to summon the goodness of Heishatian, so that the world in this painting can be transformed into this picture. The original picture is painted."

"That pair of benevolent eyes in the original painting!" Ke Xun said.

"Yes," Mu Yi nodded, "this may be the only way for us to get out of here."