Paintings of Terror

Chapter 42: Faith 20┃What you have in your heart is what you see


The tributes that the middle-aged man asked everyone to prepare were Wuhuilu, Wugong meat, libations, Dom, offering bowls, lamps, Gala, Dangka.

What Mu Yiran brought back from Sutuo Temple was Wugong Meat and Wuhuilu which were processed by practitioners with various plants collected by him and Ke Xun.

Wugong meat is the five plants that Mu Yiran just mentioned, and Wuhuilu is nutmeg representing feces, woody juice representing urine, white cardamom representing brain, bamboo yellow and The red sandalwood that represents the blood of women.

The libation consisted of five kinds of wine, including Qingsha wine, wine, rice wine, rice wine and kumiss wine that Qin Ci had retrieved, instead of the wine made from human brains, blood and bile prepared by everyone before.

Dom is an offering cake. It is made of five kinds of rice noodles, including millet, rice, barley, wheat, and peas, which were found by the Geng family.

The lamp is an ordinary oil lamp that Mu Yiran first brought back. The lamp oil was ghee obtained by Wei Dong, instead of the lamp oil and lamp core made from human oil and hair.

As for Gala and Dangka, people still don't know what they mean, but Mu Yi used the sacrificial rites of other sects as a reference, and speculated that in addition to offering wine and meat to the gods, the believers often offered clothes and headgear to the gods. Gala and Dangka must be referring to these two.

The so-called clothing here refers to clothes and equipment, and equipment refers to the symbolic tools held in the hands of each god.

Many good-looking gods often hold flowers, spices or jewelry in their hands. Mu Yiran thinks that given the living conditions in the current area, jewelry is unlikely to be available. Wood, rosin, and several spices replaced the flowers made from human five senses and the human bones used as instruments.

As for the clothes of the gods, the god of anger is clothed with human skin, and the god of goodness is clothed with eagle feathers or silk. Mu Yiran believes that when the man pointed to the north, he did not mean the corpse on the celestial burial platform, but the vulture and the mountain. Sunken flowers and plants.

In fact, the answer has always been in front of everyone's eyes, but good and evil are only in one thought. Yongxi Vision Buddha said: What you have in your heart is what you see.

Therefore, it is also worship. Some people see the blood and blood, and some people see the fragrance of flowers and plants.

"No wonder this painting is called Faith," Ke Xun and Mu Yi stood side by side beside the group of small tents when everything was ready and waiting for the night to fall, Ke Xun said with understanding, "It seems to be The artist is testing whether the power of thought in our hearts is evil or good. If we found the right thing from the beginning, maybe so many people wouldn’t die. It feels like some people keep killing themselves from beginning to end.”

"In fact, I once believed that the artist's intention was to force us to use the evil side of our hearts to gradually annihilate our humanity and kindness, and believe that only the devil can make you live forever." Mu. He said calmly, "The reason why the cult has so many believers is nothing more than two ways: either to seize people's desires for brainwashing, or to tap people's evil thoughts to encourage and condone. This painting is a trap about human nature, and I also nearly fell, so much so that I didn't find it until today."

"Don't be too hard on yourself," Ke Xun reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Even if you are evil in your heart, I still love you."

Mu Yiran pinched his wrist expressionlessly and threw his arm aside.

The night finally came, and the snow light reflected from the distant mountains, with a cold chill.

Everyone stood outside the small tent that had been turned over, under the snow, looking for a suitable angle on the top of the tent.

The strange thing is that no matter if you turn it over or look for it again, you can't use the angle of light to illuminate the obvious patterns like Mu Yiran did last night.

Everyone looked at each other, and Ma Geng couldn't help worrying: "Is it not working? What can I do? Is that - I'm still going to die tonight?"

Shaliu turned pale and whispered, "Could it be that these sacrifices... make the patterns no longer appear?"

"Tsk," Ke Xun heard from the side and looked at her with a half-smile, "I seem to smell a breath of blame. Miss Shaliu, if you are reluctant to sacrifice those people's brains and hearts, you can do it yourself. Take a tent and get in, we won't stop you."

"You misunderstood..." Shaliu said quickly, "I didn't mean that, I just offered one more idea, everyone can brainstorm, after all, time is running out, and the black corpse will appear soon..."

Ke Xun didn't bother to care about her anymore, he walked to Mu Yiran's side and whispered, "I suspect that the light will not reach the right angle until the Black Corpse Sky appears."

Mu Yiran looked at Xueguang in the distance, and said "um".

Mother Geng cried out in despair: "Doesn't this mean that some of us will still die? That thing will kill people when it appears. Where do we still have time to find patterns, we have to put together the whole picture according to the patterns, this is not Are you talking about a dream!"

Dad Geng's bloodshot eyes looked at Mu Yiran: "Didn't you say that these sacrifices are dedicated to the god of goodness? Will it be the side of the goodness that appears tonight? The goodness should not be Murderer, right?"

"It's best not to have high expectations," Mu Yiran replied calmly, "after all, everyone has personally prepared sacrifices for the god of anger and fierceness, and this fact can no longer be erased. , has been summoned, I don't think it will be willing to be replaced by the other side, things in this world, this is the one that grows, the good and the evil fight each other, and never stop."

"Then what should we do? Are we just waiting to die outside the tent like this? As soon as the black corpse appears, the person who is not in the tent must be arrested first..." Sha Liu also looked at Mu Yiran eagerly.

Mu Yiran lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, then raised his eyes to look at the people who were looking at him Qiqi, waiting for him to make a decision: "There is only one stupid way to try. Tonight's request is a tent for two people, eight of us. Individuals are divided into four groups, and there are a total of seven tents, which requires one person to look at the patterns of all seven tents, and move and stitch them into a whole pattern according to the correct position as soon as possible.”

"This person, I'm afraid it's you, Brother Mu," Dad Geng said hurriedly.

Mu Yiran nodded slightly: "I will try my best. Then we will number the seven tents now, and I hope everyone can remember them. Next, we will allocate tents. Mrs. Geng took the child to tent No. 1. This tent was yesterday. I have seen the one with the pattern before, you don't have to look at it tonight, the two of you don't have to do anything in it, just listen to my only password, that is, when all the tents are in place, I will shout 'Turn over the tent', Mrs. Geng, please turn the tent over, the tent is not heavy, and Mrs. Geng should be able to do it alone."

When Geng Ma heard the words, she stepped forward and tried to turn it over, and it was quite easy, so she nodded at Mu Yi.

Mu Yiran continued: "Shaliu is in tent No. 2. I have seen the pattern on this tent last night, but it doesn't match the pattern on tent No. 1. I believe there are other tents between the two tents. Pattern connection. You are alone in this tent, don't worry, if the black corpse comes to you, someone will enter the tent in time to make up enough people. Although this trick failed in the middle of the night yesterday, I think it should still be with tonight. It was the same as in the first half of the night yesterday, at least in the initial stage, it can be effective for a while."

Shaliu bit his lip, looking embarrassed: "What if it doesn't work? Yesterday, Black Corpse Tian already knew our routine, how could it be fooled today?"

"Even so," Mu Yiran said indifferently, "Black Corpse Heaven's first choice is always tents that do not meet the required number of people, and you will not be the only tent that does not meet the number of people tonight."

Without waiting for Shaliu to say anything, Mu Yiran turned to the remaining men: "We will each occupy one of the remaining five tents. Dr. Qin corresponds to Mr. Geng, Wei Dong corresponds to Ke Xun, I correspond with Shaliu, once I find out that the black corpse is walking towards whose tent, the corresponding person will immediately leave their tent and enter that person's tent."

Everyone suddenly realized when they heard the words. Mu Yiran used a mutual rescue method. Whichever tent Hei Shitian went to would immediately become two people. In this way, Hei Shitian would definitely adjust his target and go to Finding another tent with only one person delayed the time when someone was selected to a certain extent.

"During this period," Mu Yiran saw that everyone was following the train of thought, and continued, "I will enter the five tents one by one as the mobile one, so as to observe the patterns on the roofs, and everyone please enter before I enter. Before, I tried my best to rely on the illumination of the snow to adjust the tent to an angle where I could see the pattern clearly, so that I could see it directly after entering the tent, so that I could write down the pattern more quickly.”

"Okay." Everyone responded.

"Finally," Mu Yiran said, "you must remember the number of the tent you are in, and listen to my password. Once I figure out the splicing position of these patterns, I will immediately tell everyone to move their tent. Wherever you go, tent No. 1 will be the benchmark and will not move, and other tents will be moved based on the benchmark of tent No. 1. After moving, I will let everyone turn over the tent, and then everyone will turn the tent over together. understand?"

"Understood." The crowd replied.

"One thing I need to remind everyone," Mu Yiran looked at the crowd with deep eyes, "We don't know how many people meet the screening criteria for Black Corpse Sky tonight, but if one person is caught outside the tent, then it is very likely that At least one more person in the tent will die.

"And what I want to say is that tonight we are a whole, and all the actions are completed by the eight of us together, and none of them are indispensable. Once someone falls off the chain and pulls one hair into the whole body, it is very likely that the whole thing will collapse.

"So, I hope that everyone must have the courage to withstand the huge pressure of death, and don't run away, don't panic, and don't give up.

"Every one of us is tied to the lives of the other seven people. I hope everyone can last until the last second, do their best, stay calm, and keep hope."

Everyone nodded.

"The time is almost up," Mu Yiran looked up at the sky, seeing the darkness about to fall, "Everyone should enter their tents, and the tent openings are directed towards the circle, so that it is convenient for each other to run."

Everyone's faces were still unavoidably nervous, and they shrank and entered their tents with a little fear.

Ke Xun, however, was as calm as Mu Yiran, and before entering the tent, he turned his head and said to him with a smile, "Do you know how sexy you were when you lined up?"

Mu Yi looked at him blankly, and finally dropped a sentence: "Well."