Paintings of Terror

Chapter 45: Groundbreaking 02 ┃ Back to 1997


Xixiang Art Museum, as a famous private art museum, is located in the city center of B city.

More famous than the Xixiang Art Museum is the underground restaurant of the Art Museum. This restaurant is a very famous Internet celebrity restaurant in City B. Because of its artistic decoration, fashionistas often come here to dine and take pictures.

"Before you die, you should have a good meal at the famous Rhinoceros Art Restaurant, and take a posthumous photo by the way." After Wei Dong made this complaint, his eyes were attracted by the three long-legged girls.

The two were walking on the steps in front of the hall leading to the Elephant Art Museum, and the three long-legged girls walking above the steps looked even more swaying.

"You haven't eaten enough yet?" Ke Xun stroked his full belly, "I still don't understand how the three fried dough sticks, two sugar cakes, four tea eggs, and three bowls of tofu brain were stuffed in."

"My grandmother said that you have to eat before you go on the road," Wei Dong whistled a whistle that only he could hear, followed behind the three long-legged girls, and turned back and shouted at his iron son, "Hurry up, slut. Got me a guy with a tea egg yolk!"

Ke Xun followed lazily. He really ate a lot of breakfast today, because he really couldn't tell what the next painting was waiting for him. Maybe there was no food to eat, and maybe it wasn't human food.

Wei Dong hiccupped, feeling a bit of a rare excitement: "Look at those three girls, either from the dance academy or as models, they really deserve to be in city B, and the beauty of the beauties has also increased."

Ke Xun said with an expressionless face, "Are you trying to be obscene to the point of death?"

Wei Dong deliberately made a very wretched smile, but in the depths of that smile, there was an infinite sadness.

Time flies so fast, it's about to enter the third painting.

The two entered the museum with the tickets in their hands. Wei Dong had already seen the fifth exhibition hall upstairs from the lobby on the first floor. He was even more hesitant, and Ke Xun, who was beside him, didn't seem to move much.

"Are you trying to meet the rhythm of the boss..." Before Wei Dong finished speaking, he saw that Ke Xun's eyes seemed a little cold.

Wei Dong looked in that direction: "Isn't that Shaliu? Who are the two short girls beside her?"

Shaliu quickly found the two of them, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, and then smiled and said hello: "Are you here too?"

Ke Xun's face was very ugly: "Are you here with an acquaintance?"

Sha Liu hesitated for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "It was just by chance, it's fate!"

The two short girls smiled and said to Sha Liu, "Thank you for your introduction, then let's go up first?"

Sha Liu nodded and said goodbye to the two girls.

Even Weidong understood a little bit, thinking that this woman really has a lot of thoughts, so she began to look for a partner to be drawn into the painting.

"Aren't the two girls together?" Ke Xun asked suddenly.

Sha Liu was stunned when he heard the words, and then raised his glasses without changing his face: "How do I know, people are here to ask me for directions, saying that they are looking for an exhibition of works by the painter Luo Bin," he said to the two of them. Showing the museum brochure in his hand, "Today, Luo Bin's works occupy the two exhibition halls on the second floor."

"That is to say, there will be a lot of people in the fifth exhibition hall today?" Wei Dong looked up at the crowd pouring into the fifth exhibition hall, "I have a headache for the people behind the painting, how to screen so many people."

"Going for gold in the sand." Ke Xun squatted down and tied the shoelaces of his running shoes. Although he knew that he would be forced to change his outfit after entering the painting, tying his shoelaces before preparing for action had been a habit he had developed over the years.

However, Sha Liu felt that it was "disrespectful" to blatantly discuss the behind-the-scenes of the incident in this place, so he did not participate in the conversation, but turned and walked to the escalator: "Let's go quickly."

Ke Xun and Wei Dong waited for him to go up for a while before stepping on the escalator. Wei Dong couldn't help but ask, "Keer, how do you know that the two girls were not together?"

"What the hell is Cole?"

"The abbreviation of Conan Doyle, Cole, you will be Cole from now on."

Ke Xun, who transformed into Kerr, explained his analysis to Wei Dong: "The two girls selected by Shaliu are both thin and small, and they seem to have insufficient social experience. Compared with Shaliu, they are obviously at a disadvantage. It seems that the purpose of Shaliu is not to choose a capable person as a partner, but to choose a weak one intentionally."

"Why did you choose the weak?" Wei Dong seemed to understand after asking, "Does she want to find a scapegoat for herself?"

"That's pretty much what it means, but it's better for the dead ghost to be the one who is alone, otherwise the two will easily be attacked by them when they form a group."

"Oh~" Wei Dong understood instantly, "Smart women are indeed scary."

Ke Xun's eyes turned to the big backpack that Wei Dong was carrying: "I forgot to ask when I got on the train, what is in your big bag?"

"This time I'm packing all natural fruits and some bread and biscuits. Even if the black-hearted painting is pushed back to its original state, it shouldn't affect eating," Wei Dong said directly behind the scenes of the painting. The black hand is simply referred to as "painting push", "the rest is all toilet paper."

Regarding toilet paper, Ke Xun understood deeply, and he also packed three rolls of toilet paper—the last painting was so miserable, everyone used grass leaves and dirt to solve the problem, and the chrysanthemums were wiped into peony flowers...

The two went up to the second floor and saw the door of the fifth exhibition hall open, and a group of students who were chatting and laughing came out. Is the curse of black heart painting finally over

The two walked to the tall log door in the fifth exhibition hall and looked left and right, but at this time there was no one who wanted to enter this exhibition hall.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed open the door again. The light in the door just now disappeared, and the familiar darkness greeted the two of them.

The door behind him closed automatically, and he couldn't open it even if he wanted to.

After all, there is no escape from the entanglement of fate, and the painting push is just waiting for the right number of people.

Ke Xun wanted to see the paintings on the wall clearly in the dark, but he was suddenly hit by a strong light and almost temporarily blinded. He had to concentrate his eyesight and stared at the swirling picture in front of him without blinking. What they arrived were some vague normal life, old wooden windows, old-fashioned electric fans, and children with bright smiles playing rubber bands...

When the feet landed on the ground, the world in front of them was a lively street scene, old-fashioned rough asphalt roads, square and outdated cars, hawkers on the street, and there seemed to be an elementary school on the side of the road. Xue, a group of red scarves are surrounding the street stalls to buy snacks and toys that they are interested in...

"This... Are we going in or not?" Wei Dong looked around, and no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the style of this painting was completely different from the previous two, "Are you sure this is not a certain street in the old city of City B? ?"

Ke Xun observed it carefully for a while: "Are you sure that the elementary school is over now, and you will rest assured that the children in the lower grades will go home by themselves?"

Wei Dong looked at the raised eyebrows of the two fashionable girls walking by the street, as well as the platform shoes on his feet, and also felt that the era of this street was a bit wrong.

Ke Xun noticed that something seemed to be stuffed in his sweatpants pocket, he took it out and looked at it. It was a piece of advertising paper, and the paper was very old, with the advertisement of "Spring Bamboo Apartments for Low-Rent Houses" printed on it.

Weidong found the same advertisement in the pocket of his denim jacket, and it seemed that the destination he went to was Chunsun Apartment.

"Hey, flowers of the motherland, do you know where the Chunsun Apartment is?" Wei Dong smiled and asked the two elementary school students next to him who had just bought Saint Seiya's pictures.

The primary school student replied very politely: "Just turn the corner in front of you, on Chun Bamboo Street."

Another primary school student added: "The Chunsun Apartment has been demolished, and my dad said that a big art gallery will be built there!"

Ke Xun looked at the date of the advertisement on his hand and asked, "Uncle wants to test your memory, who can tell the exact date today?"

The primary school students of that era were not as vigilant as today's children. In order to prove their good memory, one of the students quickly answered loudly: "Today is June 12!"

Another student added: "Today is June 12, 1997!"

"Thank you!" Wei Dong actually took out two big bubble gums from his pocket, "This is a reward!"

The two children said very politely: "Thank you uncle, our teacher does not allow anyone else's things! Goodbye uncle!"

The two children left together.

Ke Xun shook the advertisement paper in his hand, the date on it was printed: June 12, 1996.

"When did you keep the big bubble gum privately?"

"All the things I brought have become delicious food in the 1980s. I also have popping candy and sour plum powder in my bag. Where are you from?"

"… "

Gradually it was dusk. According to the words of the primary school students, the two turned a corner from the front and came to Chunsun Street. This street is very narrow, and the shops on both sides of the street are very old, but there is no sign of demolition.

Wei Dong also said in confusion: "This place is a bit like a mountain city, and the streets have many slopes."

Ke Xun, however, looked at the shops on both sides of the street with their lights gradually lit up with some vigilance, and whispered, "It's not that there are many slopes, but it's been going downhill all the time."

Weidong had not even thought about it, but he had already seen a peculiarly-shaped building in front of him—a cylindrical building, perhaps due to the influence of the building capacity at that time, it was not built very high, and it only looked like six or seven floors. .

Because dusk has come, the two of them can't see it clearly, but they always feel that this circular building is strange.

On the door of the cylindrical building is a striking sign - Spring Bamboo Apartments.

Neither of them meant to go in, but stood in front of the apartment and waited for someone.

It is impossible for other people to enter first, and they have to wait for thirteen people to enter the apartment.

Ke Xun still didn't understand why the two of them didn't appear directly in front of the apartment, but came over from other streets. Could it be that this painting delineated a large area

"It stands to reason that we should appear directly in front of Chunsun Apartment." Wei Dong also thought of this question.

"Probably because we arrived early." Ke Xun looked at the deserted street. Although the shop was brightly lit, the street was sparsely populated.

"That Shaliu really has a lot of heart. I thought she entered the fifth exhibition hall, but I didn't expect to see it secretly outside." Wei Dong snorted.

The wind was a little cold, and Ke Xun put his hand in his pocket: "I just think it's weird, we arrived early, we can wait at the door of the apartment, why should we send us to another street? And the time on the flyer is also No way, it's an old ad from a year ago."

Under the semi-unknown street lamp in the distance, a tall and familiar figure came over.