Paintings of Terror

Chapter 47: Breaking Ground 04┃ Entering the Tongzilou


The Chunsun Apartment has six floors. Except for the business on the first floor, the five floors above are all residential, with 16 families on each floor.

If this is a square-shaped building, then the public toilets and stairs should be distributed at the four corners of the floor - if it is a circular building, the toilets and stairs are located at the four equally divided points of the circle, which happen to be separated in the middle. Four households.

The terrace is surrounded by a fence painted in brick red. Standing by the fence, you can see the circular courtyard below when you look down. When you look up, you can see the doors of most of the residents in this apartment, which are neatly arranged into a cylindrical interior. lock up.

The residences of the 13 people outside the painting are mainly concentrated on the third and fourth floors. Only Zhu Haowen and Wei Dong live in the last room on the sixth floor on the top floor, 616.

Ke Xun took the key and opened the door of room 411. Because it is a circular building, the doors of the room are very close to each other, and the rooms inside are arranged in a fan shape.

The room is a suite, at most 50 square meters. The outer room is a small living room, with an old-fashioned chest of drawers, a coffee table with glass plates, and a pair of small sofas with wooden armrests.

There was only an old-fashioned large wooden bed in the room, with a writing desk and a bookshelf beside it, and the bookshelves were full of books on art.

Ke Xun opened the cloth curtains, and the night outside was breathless, thick and cramped.

The warm orange room makes people feel at ease.

Sometimes, just the furnishings can give a glimpse into the life of the family.

"Did you have any previous discomfort when you entered the painting this time?" Mu Yiran put the simple luggage on the writing table.

Ke Xun didn't really think about this issue: "After you said that, it seems to be better than the previous two times, but when I first walked into this building, I was a little suffocated." Ke Xun also put his backpack on the writing table. , "By the way, I brought toilet paper this time, if you use it, take it."

Mu Yiran: "I brought it too."

It seems that everyone has suffered before.

Mu Yiran looked inside and out of the room carefully, looked under the bed, and frowned slightly.

Under the bed was a pair of red plastic slippers, tossed there one after the other, like a woman who was about to take a slow step forward.

Ke Xun quickly discovered the pair of red slippers, and felt that the shoes were strangely placed under the bed.

"The NPC didn't say that you can't move the things in the room." Ke Xun comforted himself, picked up the pair of red slippers, slipped around the room, and finally put them on the simple shoe rack outside. - These things that don't belong to you are not easy to throw out, and the shoe rack is probably the most suitable place.

The shoe rack itself was empty, and at this moment a pair of red slippers were placed on it, as if there was a woman living in the room.

Ke Xun looked at his hands, always feeling a little dirty.

"Go to the bathroom and wash your hands." Mu Yiran took out a travel soap box from her backpack.

Ke Xun had never been treated like this before, so he took over this frigid soap box and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

The public toilet is connected to the public water room, and the cement mill is smooth and clean. Ke Xun is in a good mood. He just saw that the red slippers were all swept away, and he washed his hands twice. Mu Yiran's soap is Coconut-flavored, makes me want to take a bite.

The soap is clearly white, but the soap foam is a touch of pink, and I don't know where the other party bought such a girlish soap...

Soon, Shaliu also brought some simple travel toiletries to wash in the water room. When he saw Ke Xun, he asked, "Is there anything strange in your room?"

Ke Xun didn't intend to hide it either: "There are a pair of red slippers under the bed, is this weird?"

Shaliu's face was full of gloom: "Our two houses are full of books, two large bookshelves are piled up, even the bed is full of tall books, and there are boxes of books under the bed. "

Ke Xun didn't bring a towel, and shook his coconut-scented hand: "Then it seems that the previous landlord or tenant liked to read books, maybe he was a scholar."

"No, those books are all romance novels."

"… "

"Those that were especially popular in the 1980s and 1990s, Qiong Yao's Cen Kailun's Xi Juan's Yu Qing's..." Sha Liu frowned, he didn't have the embarrassment to say what happened next. Apart from these, the books on the bedside were full of romance. The forbidden book of the world - Xiao Huang Ben'er.

Ke Xun picked up the soap box and prepared to leave the water room, and said, "Then it seems that your landlord used to open a bookstore."

Shaliu was alone in the water room, looking at the water that was not clear enough and somewhat rusted from the faucet, and reluctantly washed.

In Room 410 where I live, those romance novels are actually not terrible, but when combined with the fact that the traces of life can be observed everywhere in the room, it makes people feel a little weird.

In 410's bedroom, there are two spittoons, one small and one large, and I don't know what they are used for.

Shaliu can understand that people who use public toilets like this may use a spittoon at night, which can be called a urinal.

But the big spittoon was a little too big, almost the same size as the toilets of later generations. It was covered with a lid and a hole was dug out. It looked like it was used to sit on the toilet.

What kind of person is going to poop in the house? Obviously there are public toilets in the apartment.

There is also a princess-style dresser in the bedroom. I don’t know why the mirror has been removed. On the dresser are face oil, perfume, prickly heat powder, a bottle of massage cream for cracked feet and some unknown ointments. There is a wide-toothed comb with a few white hair hanging on it, especially long white hair. If this hair grows on a person's head, it should be able to grow to the waist.

But it happens to be white hair, and it is so long that it makes people feel unspeakably weird.

Sha Liu was thinking about this in the water room, and suddenly realized that he was the only one left in the water room. He looked up at the pale incandescent lamp above his head, and when he was cold, he hurried out.

Passing through room 412 next to the water house, I saw an old lady sitting at the door of the house fanning a fan to enjoy the shade, wearing a floral singlet that is especially for old ladies, and the white background was covered with small red flowers.

When Shaliu passed by, the old lady shook her fan and said, "It's really hot today."

Sha Liu unknowingly slowed down, thinking that he might be able to learn something from the old lady, so he replied with a smile: "Yes, it's still so hot at night, should the lights be turned off soon?"

The concierge didn't say anything about turning off the lights. Sha Liu wanted to know whether the lights were turned off actively or passively.

Sure enough, I heard the old lady say: "At 11 o'clock, the power will be turned off and the lights will be turned off."

Power outages? Shaliu really wanted to ask the public toilets when the power supply would be cut off, but the old lady asked first, "Girl, are you new here?"

Sha Liu nodded and asked boldly, "Aunt, who lived before 410?"

"Yafen," the old lady said by a name, "Yafen has lived here for more than ten years, and now she is enjoying herself with her parents. She lives in a new house in the center of the city. I heard there is an elevator!"

"Oh, that's really not bad." Sha Liu smiled, then lifted the curtain and went back to the house - I've been talking to these NPCs for a long time, who knows if it will cause any side effects, or it's better to stop.

Back in the room, he saw Qiu Lu reading a romance novel on the sofa, Sha Liu frowned, and he didn't want to move at all about the things in this room.

Qiu Lu closed the book "I Am a Cloud" in her hand, and dimmed the shawl table lamp beside her: "I heard you say just now that the power went out at 11 o'clock," she said, looking at the pink hanging on the wall. Color Clock: "There's still half an hour."

Sha Liu felt a cool breeze blowing, and it turned out that Qiu Lu turned on the fan: "You said, are the things they said true? In the painting? How could they tell such a romantic lie."

Sha Liu glanced at the poetess with some sympathy, but at the moment just smiled: "Romantic or not, I will know after tonight."

Qiu Lu turned on the lamp again and continued to read the novel.

It was the first time that Shaliu had seen such a big hearted person, but at this moment he was restless, and it was impossible for him to fall asleep in the first half of the night. According to the "practice", he could barely sleep until the "danger" of the night passed. A little while.

Sha Liu first listened to the movement of 411 next door, and could vaguely hear Ke Xun's voice, occasionally mixed with a few low responses from Mu Yi, but the content was unclear.

The whole Chunsun Apartment was not so quiet, and even had a kind of liveliness like a large courtyard. Shaliu opened the curtains a little and looked at the people sitting outside in the shade. Some children refused to go to bed early and were still chasing and playing on the terrace.

Some people's TVs are especially loud, and the old TV drama theme song is playing on it: The sky is big, where is my home! Heaven and earth are big, what words are left! …

The old lady sitting outside had returned to the house at some point.

At this time, a few girls passed by the window, discussing their topics without restraint: ""The Legend of Xiangshuai"? When was that TV series? Is it earlier than "Youth Bao Qingtian"?"

"There is no "Han Zhu Gege" yet! Can you imagine it! It's a group of prehistoric humans!" The girls who spoke were the three long-legged girls, each of whom was eating a sorbet. , "Also, the things here are so cheap!"

"Don't listen to those people's alarmist talk, we probably just crossed over! There's no such thing as a painting! Let's buy stocks tomorrow! Buy a house while it's cheap! I have a lot of money in my card!" The three are simple-minded The more the girl said, the more excited she was, wishing she could take the opportunity to transform the world.

Shaliu looked at them in the dark with some hostility, recalling that he was in front of the fifth exhibition hall of the Xixiang Art Museum today, obviously he had chosen a "companion", but who knew that he was cut off by these three girls and directly let him go. My "companion" was behind, and the three of them came first!

The number of people suddenly became chaotic, and Sha Liu wanted to cry but had no tears. In total, 12 people had entered, and there was only one person left, and that person could only be himself...

It was suddenly dark in front of me, and the three long-legged girls outside the window screamed in unison, and I heard a neighbor shout: "What is the ghost calling? Isn't it just turning off the lights and powering off? Go back to the house and sleep!"

The three girls became quiet, and taking advantage of the light from the public toilet, they went back to where they lived—402.

Qiu Lu was very calm about the sudden power failure, and said with a smile: "Our university used to be like this, and the lights went out after reading a novel!"

Sha Liu has no temper with Qiu Lu, the other party might as well be a little timid, and he can analyze the current situation with him, but the other party is an idiot with a big mentality, hehe.

Sha Liu watched the three long-legged girls enter 402, and then turned her face from the window. Qiu Lu turned on the phone light at this moment, and a face was particularly abrupt and terrifying in the backlight, Sha Liu was horrified. Yu, a little angry.

The two of them were lying on a small bed with clothes on, and Shaliu was neither sleepy nor speaking.

Qiu Lu took the initiative to say, "I think you are still a little girl, have you ever been in love?"


"It's a pity not to fall in love in college!"

"… "

"Which one do you think is better, Slender Bamboo or Juicy Tiao?"

Shaliu didn't want to talk anymore, his eyes stared at the two large spittoons in the dark, one tall and one short, which should be two toilets. out of sight.

When the eyes got used to the darkness, they could feel that the whole apartment was quiet, as if no one lived in this building at all, it was clearly an empty building in the dark night.

An eager knock on the door rang an hour later.