Paintings of Terror

Chapter 48: Breaking Ground 05┃Do not drop by!


The sound of knocking on the door was particularly harsh in the quiet night.

Ke Xun felt the knock on the door close to his ears, and even felt that the knock was the 411 where he lived.

The knocking on the door became louder and louder, accompanied by a crying female voice: "Open the door! Please open the door!"

The voice was a little familiar, it seemed to be one of the three long-legged girls. When he thought of being a companion, Ke Xun couldn't lie down, and sat up to take a look through the window.

Mu Yiran, who was lying beside him, stretched out his hand to hold Ke Xun, and said in a very low voice, "It's 410."

Sure enough, the knock on the door rang again, and even changed from knocking to knocking. The girl outside shouted for help: "Two sisters! There is something wrong with this building! You can't live in it at all! Come out, let's discuss what to do. go out!"

The clap on the door was getting louder and louder, and there was a desperate desperation.

But what answered them was a dead silence.

Ke Xun still wanted to take a look through the window, but his arm was restrained by Mu Yi Ran, and the other party's voice came in his ear: "The other party has violated the rules in the painting."

Ke Xun's arm paused. Indeed, they had violated the prohibition that the concierge said "don't come in after the lights are out", and knocking on the door itself was an invitation to come in.

A light flickered outside, like the light of a flashlight inside a cell phone, and the light brushed through the window and dimmed again.

The knock on the door gradually became smaller, and it seemed that a girl was crying: "What should I do, is there anyone in this building..."

Another girl's voice said: "It's already past 12 o'clock, let's go back to the house, we'll move out tomorrow!"

The figures of the two girls were hit by the light of the mobile phone on the curtains, the light flickered, and the figures were messy after being cut by the light.

The two passed by Ke Xun's window, the light gradually faded away, but the voice was very clear in the dark night: "Fortunately we bought candles, we will light wax tonight."

Ke Xun and Mu Yiran didn't say anything for a long time, Ke Xun was still sitting by the bed, and Mu Yiran was still lying down.

At night when you can't see your fingers, you are very sensitive to light - a window opposite suddenly lights up, emitting a warm orange light, which is the 402 where the girls live.

"One of the three of them was singled out." Mu Yiran still maintained a very low tone.

Indeed, there were only two girls who came to ask for help just now.

"Maybe they violated more than one prohibition." Ke Xun lay down again, feeling that the participants in this painting were different from the previous ones, but soon these people would submit to the rules in the painting - the so-called All self-righteousness will be appeased in the face of death.

Because of the reflection of the candlelight in the opposite room, the room was no longer so dark, Ke Xun lay on his side and looked at Mu Yiran's angular profile: "Mu Yiran, have you noticed that living here? Everyone in this apartment calls it the Chunsun Dormitory."

The word "Mu" turned into a soft voice in Ke Xun's mouth, which sounded almost like "Yan Ran".

Mu Yiran directly ignored the fact that he was called "Yanran", and continued on the following topic: "The name dormitory often comes from a certain unit or school collective."

"It stands to reason that the dormitory is an old-fashioned name. It used to be called a student dormitory, but now the university is called a student dormitory." Ke Xun rested his arm, "It seems that the predecessor of the Chunsun Apartment was the Chunsun Dormitory. The apartment used to belong to a certain unit collective?"

Mu Yiran also agrees with this: "The old people downstairs who enjoy the shade seem to be familiar with each other, far from the way of communication in ordinary communities or apartments."

"You mean, these old people used to be employees of a certain unit? So they are not only neighbors, but also former workers?"

If this is the case, the relationship between the occupants of these unit dormitories is not so simple.

These people can be said to be a group of their own, and they are inherently xenophobic for those foreign renters.

It's like the hostility of people in a certain village to outsiders.

"There are still a lot of outsiders here. Most of the shopkeepers downstairs have foreign accents." Mu Yiran's voice came from the side of the pillow. Although the distance between the pillows was a bit far, Ke Xun felt that This distance is cosy and comfortable.

"Well, for example, the fifth sister in the restaurant, and the girl in red in the Wenzhou hair salon," Ke Xun's mind flashed the people he had seen this evening, who actually shivered in the summer, "Have you noticed, There is one thing in common in the way those people dress today."

Mu Yiran didn't answer immediately, and after a while he said, "This topic will be discussed in the daytime."

Since Ke Xun summed up the characteristics of these people's clothes, he felt full of bad omen. Hearing Mu Yiran say this, he also felt that it was not good to say this in the middle of the night. Besides, it is now in the painting, and the night is the most dangerous time— What the two of them say now may be overheard by something else in the corner.

But the more he talked about it, the more he felt that this apartment was indeed full of weirdness. Ke Xun couldn't help but leaned closer to Mu Yiran's ear: "When you first came, did you observe this building carefully?"

Mu Yiran's voice was so low that only he could hear it: "From the outside, it looks like a cannon tower."

It turned out that it wasn't just me who discovered this. If the entire cylindrical building looks like a cannon tower from the outside, it means that the column body cannot have too many windows, but the current room is clearly facing the road. windows!

Why can't these windows be seen from the outside? Where are these windows

Ke Xun recalled that when he first entered the room, the night he saw through the outside window was as black as a curtain, and seemed to understand a little bit.

There are some things that are not suitable to be said at night.

So Ke Xun yawned: "Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the restaurant."


Ke Xun turned around and lay down: "Good night?"

"Good night."

Although the prelude to sleep was started with good night, Ke Xun couldn't sleep for a while, and the people he saw today reflected in his mind: the girl in the red short skirt at the entrance of the hair salon; in the small restaurant wearing retro black fitness pants and Five sisters in a white T-shirt, there are large red maple leaves printed on the chest of the T-shirt, and a string of words: Maple Leaf Love…

Also, the concierge in a red hurdle vest, and the old lady neighbor who lives in 409 are also wearing red floral shirts...

These people are all wearing dark or light red, it should not be accidental.

Red clothes are obviously a sign of joy, but these people all wear red clothes together, especially at night, when they appear in such a strange apartment building, the joy has turned into an inexplicable bad omen.

The night was still very quiet, and it seemed that the expected danger did not occur, or perhaps the danger was hidden too deep and could not be revealed for a while.

The girls living in 402 across the street who have already committed a taboo, the candles in their windows are still on...

Ke Xun fell asleep unknowingly. This time, he slept very deeply. The next morning, he was woken up by Mu Yiran: "Something happened outside."

If something goes wrong, it means death in the painting.

Ke Xun sat up and felt that the light in the room was still very dark. There was light in the direction of the door, and the small window beside it was bright, but the position of the bed seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Ke Xun couldn't help looking at the big window facing the street. There was no light outside the window. Mu Yiran pulled the curtains open. There was a black-gray cement wall standing outside the window, only half an arm's distance away from the window. .

No wonder yesterday that this building felt like a cannon tower, with no windows at all! It turned out that someone built a circle of cement walls on the periphery of the building! The whole building is like being enclosed in a concrete wall, people can only see the world inside the building, but they can't see or hear the outside.

Such an artificial and eerie isolation from the world, I don't know who did it, it must not be someone in this building.

Ke Xun didn't want to think too much, got up and walked out of the house with Mu Yi. Standing in the corridor outside the door, he could already see a lot of people watching in the courtyard, and there were two corpses covered by white cloth.

Sha Liu and Qiu Lu were also standing by the railing and looking down. Sha Liu should have also realized that there would be a death incident today. There was a dead calm in the eyes behind the lens, but his body could not help shaking.

Qiu Lu was stunned on the spot: "This is... what happened?"

"Go downstairs and have a look." Mu Yiran took the lead to walk to the stairs, and everyone followed with a heavy expression.

When a few people came downstairs, the onlookers were almost scattered, and most of the rest were people from their own team. Everyone's faces were either frightened or sympathetic or sluggish, in short, they were very ugly.

Qin Ci lifted the white cloth and found that the corpse had been burnt to black, as did the other corpse.

Xin Miao in the trio of long-legged girls now had a blank face and trembling all over: "I told them that waxing all night is dangerous, but they don't listen..."

Qin Ci frowned and asked, "There was a fire in the room last night?"

"But... Maybe." Xin Miao's lips were trembling, and she couldn't speak.

Qiu Lu couldn't help but ask: "You two live in the same room, don't you know if there is a fire?"

Xin Miao shook her head vigorously: "I fell asleep last night. I felt a little choked in the middle of the night and coughed a few times. I thought Tina was smoking... I didn't feel the fire at all... Until morning, I found out that the two of them have... "

Xin Miao's eyes widened, her body trembled uncontrollably, and she seemed unable to recall the scene of this morning - the two charred corpses sleeping beside her.

The concierge, still wearing the faded red hurdle vest, instructed several people to carry the body away, shaking the big key plate in his hand: "Go to Wumei Restaurant for breakfast at eight o'clock."

The door was opened immediately, and the person carrying the body went out from the door.

Xin Miao suddenly went crazy, staring and rushing out: "Let me out! You let me out! This is not a place for people! Who dares to stop me! I want to call the police! I want to sue you for illegal detention! "

In the end, several people worked together to stop it, and Sha Liu's sharp eyes shot through the lens: "Going out will only kill you faster!"

Xin Miao almost twitched in despair: "What's going on? Who can tell me what's going on?!"

Mu Yiran looked at the watch on his wrist: "It's just seven o'clock, let's go to the death scene to see," and then his eyes stayed on Xin Miao's face, "You better calm down and put everything you can remember. Speak up so that the next tragedy may be avoided.”

Xin Miao's eyes were empty like corpses at this time, and she muttered in her mouth: "Yesterday they were alive and kicking, but this morning they turned black... The room is full of black powder of their corpses... Everywhere..."

Ke Xun looked at Sha Liu: "You stay and persuade her, let's go up first."

Ke Xun still believed in Shaliu's convincing and persuasive power.

Sha Liu nodded and pulled Xin Miao aside: "The reason for this is because they committed fouls first, knocking on other people's doors after turning off the lights last night, which in itself is a sign of visiting."

Xin Miao took a deep breath like a dying fish: "Yes, they went to knock on the door of 410 last night..." Xin Miao's voice suddenly increased, staring at Shaliu, "You live in 410, right? Why was that? Don't open the door for them?!"

Sha Liu's expression was cold: "If I open the door, it may be me who will be burned to death."

Shaliu asked again, "What about you? What were you doing when they knocked on the door last night?"