Paintings of Terror

Chapter 6: White thing 06 ┃ paper man


The paper boy wearing colorful clothes, clinging to the window sill, slowly turned into the house, making a clicking sound of paper rubbing.

Ke Xun didn't dare to move, his eyes fell into the darkness not far in front of him.

In my ears, I heard the sound of paper rubbing approaching little by little, sandwiched by a chilling wind blowing coldly from the window.

The sound got closer and closer, and the chill that pierced the bones became heavier and heavier, and a strong smell of soot was suddenly smelled between the nose and mouth.

Not cigarette ashes, nor candle ashes, with the smell of tar, with a rancid smell, with the choking of... bones turned to ashes.

Ke Xun's trachea shrank, almost coughing out, but he bit the tip of his tongue and held it back, his body inevitably trembled slightly, and in the next instant, a colorful pair of paper pants appeared as far as he could see.

Ke Xun heard the sound of paper above his head, rustling, getting closer, louder and louder, the cold air and the smell of soot squeezed down like a substance, making his chest feel stuffy, and something seemed to be under his skin. Filled, the whole body has a kind of swelling and uncomfortable.

The room was terribly silent, except for the noise made by the paper man, which seemed very strange.

Ke Xun felt that Mu Yi Ran around him was as motionless as a stone, and suddenly felt that he and himself were abandoned by the whole world. At this moment, no one could come to save him and him, and no one could help them. , they are so lonely and helpless, helplessly, desperately, waiting for the horrific death to come.

The sound of the paper figurine was approaching above Ke Xun's head. Ke Xun didn't know what this thing wanted to do, but he knew that he had absolutely no resistance to it.

In the corner of the line of sight, the paper figurine's mouth that was painted dark red slowly appeared, followed by the nose outlined by ink lines. Seeing that the two almond-like eyes were about to meet Ke Xun's line of sight, Ke Xun suddenly thought of Mu Yi. He quickly held his breath for what he said just now.

The whole face of the paper figurine appeared in the field of vision, with a red face painted in the color of bright pink, and a blood-red red dot between the thin and curved eyebrows, and the eyes drawn with two ink brushes were in Ke Xun's place. In front of him, his dark pupils were no different from the usual scribbles with a black pen, but at this moment, being looked at by such a pair of paper eyes, Ke Xun only felt that his bones were frozen to the point of breaking out of flesh. .

The paper figurine and Ke Xun looked at each other almost face to face, and the room fell into a dead silence again, as if there were no living people in this dark silence, only three motionless paper figurines remained.

-paper man

I see!

Ke Xun suddenly understood what Mu Yiran meant.

Don't move, don't breathe, isn't it just like a paper figurine? So the paper man in front of him couldn't tell whether the two of them were alive or of the same kind, and that's why he didn't do anything unimaginable to them.

However, the breath that Ke Xun had held his breath just now was about to be exhausted. Even if his lung capacity was a little bigger than the average person, he wouldn't be able to hold it for too long. otherwise…

This tone was used to the end, but the paper figurine was still fixed in front of him, two dead black eyes looking at his face.

No way... Ke Xun was in great pain, his brain was stunned for a while due to lack of oxygen, and the blood vessels on his forehead were about to collapse.

Experts say that it is impossible for a person to suffocate themselves to death by holding their breath.

Ke Xun said the experts were right.

No amount of willpower can do physiological functions.

Just a moment before Ke Xun's will was about to lose to his physiological function, he suddenly heard a heart-piercing scream from the direction of the main room on the north side, followed by two or three voices from different people. , that voice was so terrifying that it didn't look like the sound quality of a human being, and it made people hear endless goose bumps from the flesh and blood under the skin.

The paper figurine in front of Ke Xun straightened up at the moment when the screams sounded, the face painted with ink disappeared from Ke Xun's field of vision, followed by a sound of paper, colorful trousers moving, a step Step into the dark.

Listening to the direction of the sound, the paper figurine seemed to climb out of the window, and then all the movements were covered up in the miserable screams that kept coming from the main room.

Ke Xun was soaked in sweat, gasping for breath.

It's still hard to believe that just now, I really faced that weird supernatural thing directly, and really, was almost killed by it.

This time, he really believed it.

Sensing that Mu Yi was looking down at him, Ke Xun panted and raised his hand, saying OK.

Mu Yiran glanced at him with the eyes of a magical species.

I almost died just now, and now I still have the heart to tell others, "I'm still ok, don't worry."

I don't know if it's because of lack of tendons to fear death, or because of too much heart.

Ignoring him, Mu Yiran stood up.

Ke Xun also got up from the ground and cautiously looked out the window.

The courtyard outside was still dark, but the outline of the main room could be vaguely seen, and just in front of the door of the main room, a pair of paper-tie boys and girls were standing behind their backs, facing the door of the main room. He seemed to be listening to the movement in the main room.

The terrifying screams in the main room had gradually subsided. Ke Xun remembered that there were three people with cloth strips with the word "people" written on them. One was a middle-aged uncle with a beer belly and a fat brain. He looks like a wealthy man with a successful career, the other is a young man in his twenties, with a resigned expression on his face, and the other is one of the three who painted later than him and Wei Dongjin. In a state of panic.

From the severity of the screams, it can be inferred that these three people are in all likelihood.

Ke Xun didn't know what was going on in his heart for a while. The three people who were alive a few hours ago were taken away by some abnormal and inexplicable terrifying force in the terrifying house just a few steps away. the right to live.

It's not that Ke Xun has never seen death, but this kind of death under the control of unnatural forces for no reason makes him feel quite uncomfortable.

I couldn't tell if it was unwillingness, anger, fear, or daze.

Mu Yiran looked at this newcomer, who was entering the painting for the first time, with cold eyes.

In the previous painting, a newcomer who was frightened by someone else's death collapsed to the point of incontinence of feces and urine, crying, and he almost died with him.

There is also a newcomer who directly chose to commit suicide to escape.

In addition, there are many people who are scared stupid, scared crazy, think they can conquer everything and rush out to give their lives.

The emotions of the person in front of him at the moment are no different from those of the newcomers who have just entered the painting before.

In the world of painting, vulnerability and cowardice mean certain death.

Mu Yiran was about to look away, but saw this man suddenly raised his hand and wiped his face, then calmed down as quickly as possible, and licked the corners of Tian Tian's somewhat sloppy mouth, with a slightly unruly gaze. , it was a little hard.

Some people are not afraid of death, but even if they die, they will die on the body of an elephant with the body of an ant.

Mu Yiran retracted his gaze, but saw Ke Xun retreating to his side, and lowered his voice to discuss with him: "There will be no sound in the mourning hall for a while, do you think the two paper figurines will come back?"

Let him hold his breath again, he is afraid that he will not have the same luck as before.

Mu Yiran was silent for a moment, as if thinking, and then lowered his voice: "From what I just saw, my thinking should be right, as long as we don't move or breathe, the paper figurines won't attack us. In addition, maybe they If you can't see us, you won't come up to us and try it out."

Ke Xun thought it made sense. At first, the paper figure just walked outside unhurriedly. He walked out the window and glanced in. After meeting his gaze, he started scratching the window until he heard the sound of the sack falling. , the paper talent really went berserk and smashed the window and climbed in.

So, if you don't let them see the "shape" of "people" in the room, won't they come into the room

"Let's move the sack in the corner of the house and hide behind the sack." Mu Yiran's voice sounded very softly in his ears, "Be careful, move lightly, and try not to make any movement."

"it is good."

Touching the darkness, the two of them quietly moved towards the corner of the house little by little. Fortunately, the distance was not too far. Then the cat groped for the sack and moved the position carefully.

The number of sacks is not large enough to build a fortress that can cover two people sitting side by side. The two tried several arrangements. In the end, only when they lay side by side can they barely cover from head to toe, together with the upper part of the body. Can also be blocked with sacks.

Although such a block can completely block the paper figurine's sight, it will also cover all the gaps where the two peep out, making it impossible to monitor the paper figurine's movement. In this way, once the paper figurine attacks outside the sack, There was absolutely no way for the two of them to resist or evade in advance.

But as long as there is a little gap, I am afraid that it will become a breakthrough for the paper figurine.

The two finally decided to die and then live. If this method can't stop the paper figurines, then other methods are also useless. There is a death on the left and right, and they have to accept their fate.

The two lay on their sides in a small fort of sacks.

The space is small, and it's quite crowded even when you're on your side. Mu Yiran refused to lie face-to-face with Ke Xun, so he turned around and faced out.

The barrier made of sacks divides the world into two. Although the small world of two people is crowded, they also have a little sense of security because of the crowd.

However, after the outside world fell back into a dead silence, the two worlds slammed into one, and even the only sense of security disappeared.

The two lay on their sides motionless, breathing lightly as much as possible. After a while, all the sounds in the darkness began to become clearer, the sound of thick fog surging in the middle of the night, the sound of the wind moaning and whimpering, and the rustling of paper. moving sound.

Ke Xun didn't know how he survived the night.

He even felt that he fell asleep in the middle of the night not because he was sleepy, but because his nerves were too tense and he lost consciousness.

When I walked out of the granary in the gloomy and gray morning light, the situation at the door of the main room was no different from the situation when I came in yesterday. courtyard.