Paintings of Terror

Chapter 65: Animal World 03 ┃ Raising


When passing in front of the cow, Ke Xun boldly raised his head and glanced at it.

This cow is not the same as the real cow. It is taller and stronger, and its proportions to humans are just like real people are to cats and dogs. Ke Xun needs to lift his head hard to see its chin.

The cow also looked down at him, but apparently didn't take Ke Xun's eyes seriously, and only tapped his back with the stick on his hoof. He quickened his pace and followed the crowd into the house.

The interior of this row of houses is also very prison-like, with compartments one after the other on both sides, separated from each other by brick walls, and iron fences on the side facing the central aisle.

At this moment, all the iron fences were opened to the size of the door, and naked men filed in, but after some people entered the room, they were picked up with the hoofs of the giant cow who followed and threw them into another room, Ke. Xun Zuo carefully observed for a while in the back, and found that these rooms seem to be allocated according to the age of the people.

Among them, the elderly were assigned to the same room, and the middle-aged, young adults, and teenagers were also separated from each other.

Just as Qin Ci, who was walking in front, was about to pick a room to go in, he was suddenly bent down by the giant cow and pinched it with his hoofs. The three newcomers were so frightened that they ran away. Ke Xun quickly pulled Wei Dong with one hand and held Mu Yi with the other. Of course, he dodged into the closest compartment.

Ju Niu ignored the three newcomers who were running around, just picked Qin Ci up, carefully looked at him back and forth, then turned his head and shouted a few times at the outside: "Moo, moo. Moo, moo?"

"Damn it, can it still call out interrogative sentences?" Wei Dong shuddered and whispered BB.

Soon another giant cow in the same dress came in from outside the house. When he came to this giant cow, he took Qin Ci from its hands. He also glanced back and forth and communicated with the giant cow:

"Moo moo, moo moo, moo moo."

"Moo, moo, moo, moo. Hum hum ho ho."

"Hum ho ho, moo moo."

Ke Xun Weidong: "..." Is this... teasing the poor? These two—couldn't they be too small...

After the giant bulls finished their exchange, they pinched Qin Ci at one end, locked him in an empty compartment, and walked over to catch the three newcomers who were still running around. with a round stamp.

At this time, the three newcomers were all locked in Qin Ci's compartment. The first giant cow was still carefully looking for the naked men in each compartment. Ke Xun guessed that he was looking for his own.

The other cow took Qin Ci and the three newcomers with a round stamp, and stamped them on their back waists one by one. Ke Xun remembered that the other naked men also had blue round marks on their bodies, some of which had faded. Yes, some are more obvious, but he didn't have the heart to look closely, so he ignored it.

Now that I think about it, these pokes seem to be...

"It's like the kind of poke that covers the pig's butt in a pig farm." Wei Dong was pulled out by the giant bull, and he shouted humiliatingly while being stabbed on the back.

In the end, several people outside the painting could not escape the fate of being stamped, and after the stamp was completed, they were locked in the compartment where Qin Ci was. In addition to a few people, there were seven or eight naked people of the same age. The man is also in this compartment.

"Forgive my ignorance, I want to ask what the blue stamp on the pig's butt usually means?" Ke Xun rubbed his back, trying to wipe the stamp off.

"It means boar." Qin Ci's expression was indescribable, "Hongzhang means sow."

Everyone: "… "

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!" Wei Dong rubbed his lower back with a loud BB, and then asked Qin Ci, "What seal is the breeding pig?"

Everyone: "… "

"You guys, stop arguing," one of the human beings in the painting in the same room was very impatient, "Isn't it normal to stamp it after stamping it?! Be honest, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

After hearing the words, everyone calmed down and looked at the seven or eight people in the painting. Seeing that everyone was close to each other in age, those people's faces were still full of youthful arrogance and arrogance. Their eyes were also quite bad, and there were even one or two people with provocation in their eyes, and they focused on Mu Yiran, Ke Xun, and Dong Dong, a 1.9-meter-strong man.

In the world of men, either Mu Qiang or Qiu Qiang.

"Look at what!" Dong Dong has a hot temper, and since he has been in the painting, he has been full of tension, fear and confusion. At this moment, he suddenly broke out, staring at the two people with provocative eyes like a cockfight.

"Look at you?!" The two of them were even more unwilling to be outdone, and at the same time as they replied, several other companions also followed, and they all stared back at Dong Dong's face.

"Dongzi, don't cause trouble." Yuan Yuan quickly stopped Dong Dong.

Wei Dong: "Huh?"

Ke Xun: "Don't be so sensitive, he has more wooden characters than you."

Wei Dongchao whispered BB: "There is a sense of discomfort when a genuine product encounters a product A."

The two groups of people were staring at each other, and suddenly they heard cheers from the other compartments. Ke Xun stood by the iron fence door, heard the sound and pressed close, looked out from the crack of the fence, and saw the two giant cows alone... Holding a huge basin, he was throwing food into the partition.

This is... come to feed.

Ke Xun looked at Qin Ci, who was also speechless, and looked at each other.

This feeling of being treated as a livestock seems not as good as the feeling of the previous paintings.

After all, in the first few paintings, even if he died, he died as a dignified person, and this painting... the self-esteem of human beings, the only higher animal on earth, was completely trampled to powder.

This feeling is humiliating and angry.

When the food was distributed, several of the insiders didn't care about confronting Dong Dong any more, cheering and looking up at the giant cow who gave out the food. Ke Xun swears that he saw the twinkling stars in the eyes of these people.

A large piece of food was spilled.

These compartments have no roof, the brick walls on both sides are high enough, and the upper part of the fence gate is also made of bricks. It is impossible for humans to climb up with their bare hands. On the brick floor, I saw many carrying bags and boxes, and there were even Cokes in them.

Wei Dong was stunned by a bottle of Coke that fell on him: "Is this treatment too good, they eat this every day?"

Ke Xun also picked up the food that fell at his feet: "Whole milk, butter buns, cheese, French fries, cream puffs, cream biscuits, cream cakes, chocolates, nuts, candied fruit, canned fruits... I don't know if the treatment is good or not. Dare to say it, but these things are definitely fast food for our sports students."

"Why?" Bi Jing asked.

"It will accumulate fat, and it will also increase the burden on liver and kidney functions." Ke Xun dropped the food in his hand and pointed to Yuan Yuan, "You ask him, there are certain things he likes to eat here."

Yuan Yuan was a little embarrassed, and silently threw away the Coke and French fries in his hand.

A few insiders were still scrambled for the food, each of them cradled their arms full, shrank to a corner of the room, and couldn't wait to gorge on the sea plugs.

"Can these things be eaten?" Yuan Yuan asked Qin Ci in a low voice.

"I think... it should be edible." Qin Ci said.

"Then let's... eat?" Wei Dong looked at the old members.

Qin Ci nodded slightly: "How much to eat, who knows what will happen in the future."

Everyone heard the words and silently picked up a few kinds of food from the ground.

Ke Xun, a habit he developed when he was in school, was a little conflicted when he saw this kind of food, so he just picked a few nuts and a can of canned fruit and sat next to Wei Dong and Zhu Haowen.

Weidong has a long-term habit of being a hard-working artist. He basically doesn't pick a variety of food, but chooses a few at random. Some packaging bags are not transparent, with strange characters printed on them, and he doesn't know what is inside.

After taking a bite of the cake, he tilted his head to look at Ke Xun, and then looked up at Mu Yiran who was sitting opposite him. He couldn't help but quietly touched Ke Xun with his elbow and asked him in a low voice, "What's the matter with you, why don't you? Go sit with your male god? I feel like you have been avoiding him since you saw him this time, what's wrong? You were rejected by violence?"

"Shut up and eat your food. Without clothes on your body, you won't be able to stop your curiosity, right?" Ke Xun picked fruit from the can with his eyelids down, and took great care not to drink the fruit soup inside.

"Do you like him?" Zhu Haowen, who had never spoken next to him, suddenly asked.

Ke Xun was startled and turned his face to look at him: "Fuck you, what's wrong with you, you like to be concerned about other people every time you eat? What kind of weird physiological structure and neural reflex is this? Shut up and concentrate on eating. Okay."

Zhu Haowen looked at him and put a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"Hey, look what this is," Wei Dong called Ke Xun again, "it looks like meat?"

I saw that he was opening a package in his hand, which contained fragrant processed meat.

"Could it be beef?" Ke Xun smiled wickedly, pointing to the giant cow that had reached the end of the two rows of stalls.

Wei Dong was speechless: "...what kind of noble and great sentiment is this, feeding us just to feed us their own meat?"

"I think it's better not to eat meat." Mu Yiran's voice came from the opposite side.

Wei Dong glanced at Ke Xun, and when he saw this guy, he lowered his head again, and continued to pick fruits from his can.

"Boss, what do you mean... this meat is not safe?" Wei Dong asked as he put down the meat in his hand.

"I'm not sure what kind of meat it is," Mu Yiran looked at him indifferently, "but it definitely won't be beef, or even pork, mutton, or chicken."

"Also, try not to eat too much other food," Qin Ci continued, "I always feel that some strange things are added to these foods."

"How strange?" Wei Dong asked as he put down the cake in his hand.

"I have a good friend who is studying Chinese medicine," Qin Ci said slowly, "I have seen a medical case where he treated a patient with anorexia. I know the taste of some of the medicines, and in these foods, it seems that There is also a suspicious smell."

"In other words," Mu Yiran interjected, "it's very likely that there are ingredients for fattening in these foods."

"...Fuck." Wei Dong put down all the food in his hand.

"Eat the dried fruit," Ke Xun raised his eyelids only at this time, as if he was talking to everyone, but also to Mu Yiran who was on the opposite side, "These dried fruits are all in shells, I looked at them, and there is nothing in the middle. Seams should be pure natural and unprocessed, and dried fruits can also increase the body's calories, so even if you eat less of other things, you can still hold on."

"These two cows..." Dong Dong said hesitantly, "Why do you feed us something to increase fat?"

Mu Yiran's voice sounded very cold: "You can think about why the pig factory wants to fatten the pigs it raises."