Paintings of Terror

Chapter 72: Animal World 10 ┃ People are knives, I am fish


Without wasting any time, the two of them quickly and quietly ran along the top of the wall, and climbed along the cracks of the bricks again. This time it took longer and was a more severe test of physical strength. Fortunately, Ke Xun followed. It was very stable, without the slightest mistake, and finally successfully climbed up the vent and got out with Mu Yiran.

Standing on the edge of the vent and looking into the distance, the visibility is surprisingly high at night with few stars and moons. Unlike the polluted world of human beings, the air here is so transparent that it doesn't look like a realm of monsters.

So in such a clear and transparent night, Ke Xun saw a lot of tall buildings in the sky.

That is the city.

It is also different from other paintings they have entered before. The edges of the central picture are all backgrounds with low pixels. Even the Ganxiong Plateau in "Faith" and the modern city in "Breaking Earth", the most they can see. The edges, too, are blurry.

But here, there seems to be a city at the end of the city, and there seems to be a sky at the end of the sky, so deep and boundless.

Like a real, living world.

"Does this mean that we can go to a wide range, and if we are active within this range, even at night, we will not be bound by the 'law of death at night'?" Ke Xun gave "We must not leave the designated range at night, otherwise The rules in the painting "Must Die" were given a random name.

Mu Yi nodded, but his expression was a little dark.

"What?" Ke Xun asked softly.

Mu Yi lowered his eyes and looked at him: "This also means that the scope of the signature is wider, and it will be more difficult for us to find it."

Ke Xun also lowered his eyes, then raised his eyes, and the corner of his lips raised an optimistic arc: "Although 'painting' has always shown infinite malice to us, you see, every previous painting has traces. Follow, the clues it leaves us, no matter how difficult or difficult, will always remain within our reach, and will not give clues that are absolutely impossible to think or do, so…”

Mu Yiran has been looking at him intently. Hearing this, he suddenly laughed, but he stopped smiling: "So, no matter how vast the world shown in the painting is, the clues will definitely exist where we can."

Ke Xun's eyes were still amazed at the moment just now, and his expression was sluggish for a while before he smiled again: "Yes, be optimistic, we will definitely find it. Continue?"

"En." Mu Yiran retracted his gaze and turned to look around.

The lawn of the farmhouse is large, but irregular. It is surrounded by a tall plank fence, bypassing some bushes and low rocks, and looking down from a height, it looks like a large crouching dog. On the periphery of the fence, extending to the edge of the city in the distance, was a thick grove of trees.

Nearby, there were several tall houses on either side of the farmhouse. The furnishings of the houses could be clearly seen through the windows. The two identified which was the keeper's office and which was the slaughterhouse and food processing room.

Since it takes a lot of time to climb, the two of them couldn't have time to explore these places at night and run back and forth, so they had to give up, and just walked around the wall of the compartment in the farmhouse and checked every corner, sorry The thing is, there are no gratifying findings.

When they returned to their compartment, the sky was almost bright.

After breakfast, everyone was put outside the farmhouse to let the wind out.

However, there is no opportunity to act as planned yesterday, because several giant cows are also on the lawn, moving out of a huge low-edge wooden basin and filling it with water.

"I'm taking a shower!" Several insiders shouted cheerfully, chasing around the tub.

"..." Ke Xun glanced at Mu Yiran. In this situation, he suddenly had to take a bath or something... emmm... Although there were dozens of mandarin ducks entering the water at the same time.

After Ke Xun's mixed feelings, the water in the tub was already connected. The giant cows bent over and started to pick up humans and throw them into the water. Some people didn't seem to like bathing, and after throwing them in, they struggled to turn outside the tub. , However, the huge cows that could not be screwed were thrown back into the basin again and again.

"Moo." A giant bull called Mu Yi, pointing to the wooden basin to let him in.

Listening to the pronunciation, it seems to have given him a nickname, "Mumu".

Ke Xun wanted to laugh a little for some reason, but he didn't want "Mumu" to be thrown by the giant cow like a pig, so he hurriedly pulled him and jumped into the basin on his own initiative.

The water splashed, and Ke Xun emerged from the water, his hair fluttering like a big golden retriever, then turned his face to look over, and was capturing the next picture of Mr. Ba's water coming out.

Mu Yiran raised her face slightly and showed her head out of the water, and her soft hair was pulled back by the water, forming a stylish and stylish ascetic CEO hairstyle. The forehead slid down, and some hung on the eyelashes, glittering like diamonds.

... just too lustful.

The worst thing is that he still has a cold and handsome face, both lust and abstinence, it's just...

is the devil.

When Mu Yiran came out of the basin, Ke Xun was still soaking in the water and singing the national anthem silently, when he felt a hand stretched out from behind and pressed it on top of his head, and his fingers curled up, grabbing his messy dog hair. .

"Don't delay the business, come out." President Mu's voice rang coldly behind his ears.

Ke Xun came out obediently, and saw Qin Ciweidong and the others were all there, and was cautiously watching Liulu.

The giant bulls seemed to be carrying equipment again, taking out a slender tube and a few strange utensils from the food processing room.

"According to yesterday's plan," Mu Yiran whispered to the others, "The groups are slowly approaching the house they are going to, and don't be too obvious. I will lead the giant cow away. You take the opportunity to enter, and one goes inside to find it. One is venting outside, remember, don’t stay too long, get in and get out quickly, and safety first.”

The crowd nodded and immediately dispersed.

Ke Xun took Wei Dong to the slaughterhouse, walking slowly, getting closer and closer.

As soon as he got close, he heard a scream. He thought that Mu Yiran had already started to move. He followed the sound and saw that it was not him, but Bi Jing.

Bi Jingzheng was strangled on the hoof by a giant cow, his jaws were clamped, forcing his mouth to open wide, the other giant cow took the thin tube he saw just now, and inserted one end of the thin tube deeply into Bi Jing's throat. .

Ke Xun and Wei Dong were stunned by this scene, Wei Dong was stunned for a while, then said tremblingly: "This depth... is directly inserted into the stomach..."

The other end of the thin tube is connected to a strange machine. At the entrance of the machine, the giant cow is pouring porridge-like food into it.

"This is..." Ke Xun frowned tightly, "cramming fat."

Wei Dong was taken aback.

Bi Jing is too thin. If it is used for breeding, obviously his quality is extremely unqualified. Therefore, it is necessary to promote fattening, fast and effective fattening.

Wei Dong couldn't bear to see Bi Jing struggling in pain between the hooves of the giant cow, turned his face away, crouched aside and retched.

Fortunately, the cramming process didn't last long. After Bi Jing's stomach swelled, he was released. The giant bull picked up the next thin man and inserted a thin tube into his stomach.

Ke Xun didn't look any further, and turned to Mu Yiran in the distance.

Seeing that he seemed to be saying something to the people in the painting around him, those people obviously had a high degree of obedience to the leader, and they were divided into two groups fearfully and respectfully. Suddenly one group started to run towards the far side, and the other group After rushing to catch up, there was a scuffle, and the entire lawn suddenly became a mess, while Mu Yiran ran to the door of the food processing room where Zhu Haowen was located.

The chaos on the lawn attracted the attention of several giant cows. They temporarily let go of the thin people who were still being fattened by ducks, and got up to chase after the humans who were scurrying around. In the house, leaving one standing at the door to let the wind blow.

Ke Xun was glad that Wei Dong did not follow up.

The situation in front of him will live forever—no, maybe he won't even forget it in the next life, the next life.

The slaughter room made him realize what purgatory on earth was.

Walls, floors, huge long tabletops, and between the gaps of various machines, old and new blood stains in different shades remain on it.

If you look closely, you can also find that some places are wrapped with shredded meat, some places are embedded with bone slag, and some places are left with nails.

But these are far less than the viscera and intestines soaked in blood in the big bucket in the corner, far less than the blood-stained human bones on the huge chopping board, and even less than the rows of iron hooks on the wall. Stringed, or peeled, or cut off limbs, or hollowed out the abdominal cavity, or beheaded, or dismembered into pieces, the human body.

Beneath that, there are huge food bowls one after another, containing human hearts, human livers, human intestines, or a full basin of limbs, or a mountain of human heads, who have been shaved, or closed or closed. With his eyes open, or biting his lips and tongue, some faces are like sleeping, and some are painful.

His compatriots, like raw meat ingredients to be processed, are displayed here so neatly, coldly, and without dignity.


Low-end food chain species, where can there be dignity.

In the basin containing the head, Ke Xun saw Yuan Yuan. Above him was a fresher, forty-year-old woman's head.

It took a long time for the commotion outside to subside, and all the humans were driven back to the farmhouse cubicles.

"The administrator's room didn't find anything." Qin Ci shook his head.

"There is no food processing room either." There was no disappointment in Mu Yiran's expression.

Everyone looked at Ke Xun.

"No." Ke Xun said.

Mu Yiran looked at his face for a while.

"This is probably the most clueless one of all the paintings I've ever seen." Qin Ci calmly said, "Is this artist just trying to make people understand the natural law of the strong eating the weak more intuitively and deeply?"

"Maybe he is an extreme vegetarian." Zhu Haowen said, "When I traveled abroad, I encountered a demonstration of vegetarians, and many people held a sign that animals can eat people to protest."

"So the signature might be on the vegetables?" Wei Dong said.

"Maybe it will be ironically signed on the knife and axe." Qin Ci said.

"Or signed on the horns?" Dong Dong said.

"Ke Xun," Mu Yiran didn't participate in the discussion, just walked in front of Ke Xun and stared at him, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's alright," Ke Xun said.

Mu Yiran looked at him for a long time. Seeing that he did not speak with his eyes down, he stopped asking questions, turned to look at the crowd, and lowered his voice: "We will go to the fence in the afternoon. Ke Xun and I speculate that here, Even at night, it is possible to leave the house and go outside, so we can no longer wait to die, at least try to escape."

"How to escape?" Dong Dong and Wei Dong asked in a low voice in unison.