Paintings of Terror

Chapter 74: Animal World 12┃Take care of you, protect you, like you


"Me! Me! Hey, look here!" Ke Xun, who was holding on to the other hoof, suddenly wriggled in every way, shouted, and danced his limbs violently and powerfully, looking extraordinarily excited and aggressive.

The giant bull seemed to smile, bent down, and put Ke Xun on the field.

"Ke Xun!" Mu Yiran's voice was filled with anger, Ke Xun turned to look at him, and saw an expression he had never seen on Mu Yiran's face.

"You're not his opponent, step back!" Seeing that he was indifferent, Mu Yi raised his eyebrows in anger, and punched the giant ox on his hoof.

Of course he couldn't hurt the giant cow, but it was enough to make it hurt.

"You don't want to..." Mu Yiran strode towards him, his eyes were full of deep concentration and helplessness, "always so willful."

Ke Xun looked at him intently and smiled: "In my life, I have only been willful towards three people. My father, my mother, and you. Whoever made you all are me, the most cherished people."

"Since you cherish it, you shouldn't be self-willed." Mu Yiran had already walked in front of him, frowning slightly and berating, "Go back."

"I won't retreat." Ke Xun stood still, "Whether it's an opponent, you won't know until you fight. Mu Yiran, you don't really think I can't beat you, do you? It can be seen that you have seriously learned how to fight and capture. , and maybe boxing. If you are an academic, then I am a wild way. It is not certain who is better at a college party, and this big man can see that his hand is definitely a wild way. It is more suitable for me to deal with it. ."

"His size and strength are higher than yours," Mu Yi frowned and looked at him, "If you go head-to-head, you're more likely to have the disadvantage, you can only use a lot of money to win by chance. Ke Xun, I don't need it. Your protection does not require you to do anything for me. If you regard me as such a person, it is a humiliation to me. Do you understand?"

Ke Xun lowered his head, rubbed his forehead with one hand, then raised his eyes and smiled helplessly: "I hate bickering with you intellectuals, good and bad can be misinterpreted by you and extended to other meanings. Okay, To protect and pay is to humiliate you, Mr. Mu, tell me, what are you doing now? I am the one who was chosen to fight against the big man, what are you doing here? Discourage me and say that I am not an opponent, is this a humiliation? I?"

Mu Yi was choked for a moment, and was about to speak again, but saw Ke Xun suddenly take a step forward, staring straight into his eyes with a smile: "But I like it. Please humiliate me. But I want to do it. What, will still do. Take care."

Just when the words fell, he suddenly tilted his head and looked forward, gently and quickly, kissed Mu Yiran's cheek, turned around, and walked towards the big man who was ready to go. past.

Mu Yi was stunned for a while, but did not stop Ke Xun, because he knew that this willful and willful guy would not change his mind once he made up his mind. Mu Yiran's eyes swept around, wondering why the giant cows didn't respond after talking to Ke Xun for so long.

However, he saw that the giant cows seemed to be discussing something all the time. Just when Ke Xun walked in front of the big man, he saw another giant cow carrying a cage and placed it in the field, opened the cage door, and rushed out a fancy man. A very strong, strong and flexible man.

Mu Yiran felt that he was pushed by a huge cow's hoof behind him, and pushed him into the field as well, and the surrounding herds of cows let out an excited cry.

Wu Yi suddenly realized: these cows just saw him and Ke Xun vying to play, so they temporarily changed the way of gambling, becoming two-on-two, or they might prefer to see four people. The scene of the brawl, because it seemed that the strong man who had just been put on the court didn't seem to be in the same group as the big man.

Mu Yiran took a few steps to catch up with Ke Xun, and took his arm: "Don't rush to shoot, now it's two-on-two."

Ke Xun also understood, he didn't rush forward, staring at the two eyeing people on the opposite side, he lowered his voice and said to Mu Yiran: "Sit and watch these two dragons and tigers fight, and then let's make a move."

Mu Yi Ran said "um".

Ahead, the big man and the strong man didn't fight immediately, but while vigilant with each other, they approached Ke Xun and Mu Yi tentatively.

"Hey, big guy," Ke Xun suddenly said, "You were too powerful just now, aren't you the greatest leader in the world? But you don't seem to have any deterrence when you are the leader. This kid on the opposite side should not be your opponent. Right? Even this kind of thing dares to show his teeth and claws in front of you, should you reflect on something? Some people, if you don't give them a good look, they won't know who is the real powerhouse, do you think so? ?"

The big man didn't change his face when he heard this, but the strong man opposite was angry and shouted angrily: "Shut up, man! If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

"Why, do you look down on the big boss?" Ke Xun sneered, "People like you are really hateful, but no bloody man will endure your attitude. If you don't know how powerful you are, you really don't. Put others in the eye."

"I killed you—" The strong man rushed towards Ke Xun, but he was stopped by the big man halfway, and punched heavily in the chest, but the strong man was able to escape, and the two instantly fought into a ball .

"This kid is not a big opponent either." Ke Xun came to a conclusion after only two rounds.

"En." Mu Yiran stared at the field.

"I think we shouldn't wait until the two of them are completely over," Ke Xun said. "If we wait for the big guy to completely kill this kid, maybe the giant bull will release another one to continue two-on-two with us. If a smart guy joins forces with a big guy, we're probably going to suffer."

"Yeah." Mu Yi agreed.

"The most disgusting thing is to go back to one-on-one. No matter who of the two of us is against the big guy, I'm afraid it's hard to say."

Mu Yiran's eyes were drawn away by this little hook for a moment, and then moved away expressionlessly.

"So what I mean is, seize the opportunity and get rid of future troubles." Ke Xun pointed to the big man who had the upper hand, "While he made the final blow, I would circle the front to attract his attention, and you would attack directly from behind. he."

Having said this, he turned his head and continued to look at Mu Yiran with the corners of his lips hooked: "Can you achieve a KO? If you can't, then I will do it. You go to the front, and I go to the back."

"Take care of yourself." Mu Yiran gave him a cold look, then walked towards the field.

Ke Xun and him split up, circled halfway, walked to the front of the big man, and kept changing directions with the big man's movements on the field.

The strong man has gradually been unable to withstand the heavy punch of the big man, but he is still attacking with all his strength, like a red-eyed chicken.

Finally, when a big punch hit his chest, he heard a "bang ka" sound, like the sound of a broken sternum, and the strong man screamed and was beaten and flew backwards.

The big man didn't stop, chased a few steps up and threw a heavy fist again, wanting to beat him to death, suddenly he felt a flower in front of his eyes, followed by a huge pain on his face, and another "bang", the whole The person was hit by something hard and then leaned back, staggering back several steps.

Before I could see the person in front of me clearly, I felt a human finger suddenly stretched out from behind me and pressed it heavily in front of my neck. Just as I was about to hit my elbows back in an attempt to get rid of it, it was dark in front of me, and there was a "thump" sound. Fainted to the ground.

Ke Xun rubbed his knees with one hand and gave Mu Yi a thumbs up: "This kid is really tough, his face is as hard as a rock, this knocked on me all of a sudden, and the kneecap almost broke."

This sudden change on the field only happened in an instant. The big man's fall caught the giant bulls onlookers off guard. There was silence outside the field for a while, and then the cows exclaimed and seemed to be applauding.

The cooperation between Ke Xun and Mu Yiran was quite neat and neat, which seemed to open a new door for the giant bulls. They were not in a hurry for the next game, but discussed it for a long time. The manager brought Ke Xun and Mu Yiran back off the field and threw them back to the farmhouse.

Wei Dong Qinci and Zhu Haowen came over, and the three of them saw everything that happened on the field from the window just now.

"I was scared to death by you guys!" Wei Donghou patted his chest in fear, "This fucking treats you like a dog fight! You won't stop dying!"

"But why did the cows let you two back, Dong Dong?" Zhu Haowen looked back at the window and saw that it was Dong Dong who was put on the field at the moment.

"I thought they would keep the two of you fighting." Qin Ci also had doubts.

"I think they might have some new ideas." Mu Yiran looked out the window coldly, "They seemed to have discussed it just now."

Dong Dong outside the window has been forced to walk into the field, and the one who is fighting against him is also a strong man. The two quickly became a group. You came and I went back and forth. There was no difference for a while. Dong Dong took a few punches, and his opponent was not spared by him. This was a real bare-handed fight, straightforward, Bloody, cruel, animalistic.

Since the two were almost on the same level, the fight lasted for more than ten minutes. In the end, Dong Dong won by a slight advantage. His opponent was strangled by his arm and strangled to death on the spot.

Every compartment of the farmhouse was noisy, and all the human beings were watching the cannibalism outside the window, some exclaimed, some applauded, some cursed, and some laughed.

Dong Dong was temporarily taken off the court, and the next two humans came on the court.

In this way, round after round of fighting, all the humans who were brought in were caught and killed in pairs, and one was left in each round, and then all the remaining people were caught and killed again for the second round, and so on, until the end. In the middle of the night, all the fighting was over, and in the end there was only one human who survived with scars.

It was not Dong Dong who survived.

Before Dong Dong's body was thrown into the slaughter room, the people outside the painting stopped looking out of the window. Tonight, what they saw was like a nightmare, so everyone didn't want to talk anymore, and they just sat in their respective corners and closed their eyes.

The giant cows closed the place and did not leave, but put down the tables, chairs and dishes, and drank and had supper.

Zhu Haowen opened his eyes and looked out the window, and then he saw the stewed big man on the table and Dong Dong who was braised.