Paintings of Terror

Chapter 81: Shadow 04 ┃ Death becomes the second dimension


In this dark and bottomless world, Ke Xun has been trying to perceive his own existence, and even had an illusion at one point. Could it be that his eyes have disappeared

About three minutes later, the room returned to normal again.

The diamond pattern probably closed his eyes just now, so he didn't notice anything unusual.

The dot pattern made Guo Lixia's voice: "What happened just now? Was the power outage?"

"..." Sister Guo always has a way to make Ke Xun not know how to answer.

The diamond pattern turned over: "What's wrong?"

"It's alright, let's all go to sleep." Ke Xun didn't want to cause everyone's panic before falling asleep.

In this room, except for the two beds that were gray, the rest were all bottomless black. Ke Xun didn't want to sleep on the black hole-like floor. He looked at the two women on the two beds and finally lay down. to the side of the polka dot pattern.

Guo Lixia gave in, "Let's sleep on opposite feet and don't take up space."

Ke Xun took the pillow that Guo Lixia handed over and lay down on the other side of the bed. When people's vision cannot be extended, other senses will be particularly sensitive, such as smell. Ke Xun feels that the air is filled with a faint smell of paint, and there is no trace of life.

After a while, Guo Lixia's snoring came from the room.

"It's so noisy..." The diamond pattern on the other bed muttered a few words, and then fell silent for a while.

Ke Xun didn't feel sleepy, the heads of the two beds were facing the window, and Ke Xun was sleeping on the other side, so it was facing the window.

The window in the middle of the night is a silhouette-like existence.

The light gray window lattices with intricate patterns, and the night outside is lighter than the darkness inside, like a large piece of ink blue coarse cloth.

Ke Xun wondered what the "black three minutes" just now meant, and what kind of power could make all creatures completely blend into the night, or into another world.

At this time, the temperature of the room is suitable, and there is no quilt for everyone on the bed, so in the dark, the three patterns representing the three people are distinct in black and white, which is very eye-catching.

The pattern of black dots on a white background on Sister Guo's body constantly fluctuated with her snoring, while the narrow diamond-shaped pattern belonging to Xin Beibei remained motionless, like a decorative wallpaper.

Ke Xun gradually became sleepy. The silhouette-like windows formed a monotonous hypnosis, as if everything in front of him would be classified as a painting, and as long as it was properly preserved, it could be passed down for thousands of years.

Because of the vigilance habit maintained in the previous paintings, Ke Xun seemed to have one eye open even in his sleep—especially without Mu Yiran beside him, he lost an inexplicable dependence and responsibility.

So, when the room fell into complete darkness again, Ke Xun suddenly woke up.

First of all, I found that the window like a silhouette was gone, the dot pattern around Guo Lixia was gone, and Xin Beibei on the bed over there was also gone, and the pattern of her wavy pattern disappeared like thick ink was splashed.

What is gratifying is that Guo Lixia's intermittent snoring is still very real in the room.

Everyone was there, just overshadowed by this sudden darkness.

If running water has a source of water, and light has a source of light, then the darkness should also have its source. In Ke Xun's imagination, the source of the darkness is something like a squid's ink sac. When needed, it will be sprayed out and the world will be destroyed. Dyed black.

Ke Xun was motionless in the darkness, carefully discerning the difference in this world with hearing and smell, so when a corner of the window suddenly appeared in the dark, Ke Xun almost screamed.

The silhouette-like window suddenly showed a complex pattern in the dark, and then there were more and more patterns, as if a magical plant was growing in the dark, and gradually half of the window was exposed, followed by almost the entire window.

Everything in the room reappeared: two gray beds, three people with different patterns on them.

Ke Xun's eyes stared at the window for a moment. If he guessed correctly, the so-called black source should come from the window.

The windows were never fully displayed. The middle section was the same darkness as the room. The darkness was wide and narrow, changing slowly.

Ke Xun felt like there was something blocking the window, but because of the line of sight, he couldn't tell whether the black thing was inside or outside the window.

The darkness of the window gradually narrowed, forming the last black tip.

The complete window finally appeared, but Ke Xun realized that the pattern of the window was not the same as before.

This pattern change still occurs in the middle of the window. Ke Xun blinked. His eyes were a little sore because he was too focused on his vision. If you look closely, there seem to be many other patterns hidden in the window lattice pattern. I tried to distinguish the shapes of other patterns from it, but because they were all black and white patterns, I ended up dazzling people.

This complex pattern is like the black band just now, constantly changing in width and width, but it is not as natural and smooth as the black mass, but it is always in danger of crumbling.

Ke Xun dared to get out of bed lightly, trying to see the patterns clearly, and finally saw some moon-shaped patterns vaguely in the gaps of the curtain lattices, small crescent moons one by one, densely scattered in the gaps of the window lattices. .

Ke Xun looked dizzy, and when he returned to the bed, the complex pattern finally disappeared.

What is certain is that the pattern is outside the window lattice, and so on, the darkness just now should also be outside the window.

Could it be that something passed through the window? According to the trajectory of that thing, it pans from right to left, so the next window it goes through is the purple room next to the blue room on the left—the room of Mu Yiran and Wei Dong.

As for where this thing begins and ends, it's unknown...

In short, the room is now restored to the original picture again.

Ke Xun felt like he had experienced an "Oscar-winning animated short"-style night.

When they opened their eyes in the early morning, everyone was not used to the bright colors in their eyes. Xin Beibei was the first to get up, patted the blue pillow, and put it neatly on the head of the bed.

Xin Beibei's white skirt has a very beautiful sky blue diamond pattern, which complements the golden shadow under her feet.

The familiar music sounded again, and the sweet voice of the NPC came as promised: "Good morning everyone! Welcome to the lobby on the first floor to enjoy a delicious breakfast! After breakfast, please continue to enjoy the good work. Today's work task is still three cans. Berries are stored! Please remember, do not contaminate the color!" The NPC seemed to slow down, and suddenly changed a strange tone: "Of course, the room that has lost its color can be freely entered and exited, everyone please."

Ke Xun's heart sank, and he hurriedly got out of bed and put on his own navy blue cloth shoes: "Everyone, get up quickly, there may be an accident outside."

Sure enough, many people in the hall gathered in front of a door, with haze on their faces.

This door is the red door in the middle of the five doors. At this time, the door that should have been bright red turned into a lifeless gray-white.

In this red room, He Yu and Zhang Tianwei, who fouled last night, lived.

Qin Ci stepped forward and prepared to open the door.

Xin Beibei screamed: "Don't come at the door! This door is so weird!"

Shi Zhendong came over to appease his girlfriend: "The NPC has already said that the door that has lost its color can be freely entered and exited."

The door had been pushed open by Qin Ci, and the first person to walk in was Ke Xunmu Yiran and other "old members" who had experienced painting. Shi Zhendong followed closely and told his girlfriend, "You girls are here. Wait at the door, don't come in."

Xin Beibei obediently stayed at the door, but Guo Lixia went in without thinking, followed by Mi Wei and Ye Ningchenyi.

Frightened screams from women soon erupted in the room.

Xin Beibei was trembling with fright in the hall, getting further and further away from the gray-white door.

If she dared to walk in, she would find that it wasn't just the door that had lost its color - the entire room had become pale and empty, including the corpse lying on the bed.

He Yu's corpse was almost integrated into the pale bed sheet. His eyes were open, and even his eyeballs had become transparent like glass balls. His hair and eyelashes were like plaster body art. Ruined off-white.

Several students couldn't help crying. There was sadness in the cry, but more fear.

Guo Lixia slowly leaned over to the team leader Ke Xun: "Did you make a dummy?"

Ke Xun: "..."

Mi Wei was the first to stop crying: "Where is Senior Tianwei? Where is he?"

Yes, there should have been two people living in this room, but now only He Yu's body was found, but Zhang Tianwei was missing.

Ye Ningchen wiped her red eyes from crying: "Let's go to Senior Zhang quickly. If we find him, we should be able to know the truth! Could Senior Zhang be arrested by someone because he witnessed all this?"

Everyone felt that Ye Ningchen's analysis was too naive and naive, but they couldn't bear to expose it.

Ke Xun suddenly said: "Little Ye is right, Zhang Tianwei should have been dragged away by someone."

Mu Yiran's deep eyes met Ke Xun's: "You also noticed that the window was different last night?"

Ke Xun nodded and asked everyone, "Who among you remembers what the pattern on Zhang Tianwei's dress was like?"

As expected of studying art, these students are very sensitive to patterns, and everyone said: "His clothes are full of moon patterns, crooked moons, red."

Guo Lixia couldn't help complaining when she heard this: "According to the old saying, the red moon in the sky is to make a goblin."

Although everyone knows that the red moon is a natural phenomenon, at the moment there are some scruples about Guo Lixia's statement. After all, in ancient China, the blood moon was indeed unlucky, and in some European legends, the red moon will evoke mysterious dark power.

Zhu Haowen said directly: "I don't think the death incident last night has anything to do with the pattern of the clothes. The main premise is obvious. There was a foul in this room, and the deceased not only ran around the room, but also did not wash their hands."

The newcomers were silent, seeing the price of defying the rules for the first time.

Miao Zipei boldly looked at "He Yu" on the bed: "Don't you think the state of the corpse is strange? As the aunt said just now, it looks like a dummy. The statement of the dummy is not accurate. , the corpse looks more like a flat man - he's completely lost his shadow!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone had the courage to observe the corpse. It was no wonder that Bai Huanghuang was very awkward just now, but because of some psychological disturbance, they did not want to take a look at the corpse. Now it seems that the corpse has lost all three-dimensionality. Shadows, like some strange body that exists unexpectedly, are not in the same dimension as everything around them.