Paintings of Terror

Chapter 96: Shadow 19 ┃ Guo Lixia


The whole night was like a car driving silently in the dark, no one knew where the end was or what they might encounter on the road.

Ke Xun looked at the gradually clearer colors in the room. If this change could have a name, let's call it "Dawn".

Ke Xun specially inspected the window that was nailed with wooden boards. The gap left was extremely narrow, and even a chopstick could not pass through.

Where is Guo Lixia? Live without people, dead without corpses, it's really strange.

In the end, Ke Xun saw a ball of paper at the base of the wall under the window, like a ball of waste paper that was crumpled into a ball in real life.

Ke Xun really didn't remember anyone using paper in this room, so he picked up the ball of paper with some doubts, and the weight was about the same as a piece of ordinary A4 paper.

Ke Xun unfolded the piece of paper and found that the shape of the paper was a bit strange, it didn't seem to be a traditional square, and it felt indescribably smooth.

As the paper slowly unfolded, Ke Xun's heart sank little by little. When the whole paper was laid flat on the table, Ke Xun's heart also fell into the deep ice.

"Ke'er! Are you okay? Come out!" Wei Dong's voice came from outside the door.

Ke Xun rolled up the paper in a complicated mood, held it in his hand, and opened the door.

The faces of everyone are not good, there is no earlier panic, more of a helpless resignation.

"Has something happened to Mi Wei?" Ke Xun had already guessed the result.

Miao Zipei's voice was very low: "Mi Wei didn't suffer much, and it was similar to what Ye Ningchen was in when he left."

Shi Zhendong looked inside the open blue door: "How about Guo and Xiao Guo?"

Ke Xun walked to the table in the hall with a solemn expression, and spread the piece of paper in his hand on the table.

Wei Dong took the lead to walk over to see: "What is this? Is it a little guy? This is... "

"This is Sister Guo." Ke Xun stopped looking at the scary little human skin.

Hearing this, Wei Dong shuddered in fright. He boldly looked at the "little man" on the table. To be precise, it was a human skin whose heart was emptied, and it was only about 30 centimeters tall. It was spread softly on the table, looking at the shape of the facial features, it was indeed Guo Lixia.

Although everyone has seen or heard of Zhang Tianwei and Xin Beibei in the glass jar before, but this time, "Guo Lixia" has not been more shocking.

This unspeakable "corpse" is now lying on the table in front of everyone. There is no need to enter the circular building, and there is no special big glass tank. There is only a cold thin corpse, as if a The pieces of paper that may be overlooked are clearly placed in front of everyone's eyes.

"Did this thing unfold like this when you first discovered it?" It was Mu Yiran who asked.

"No, it's like a crumpled waste paper ball..." Ke Xun said.

Zhu Haowen also carefully looked at "Guo Lixia" on the desktop: "So it turns out, the black shadow probably used the previous method to force its prey to the window, but the human body cannot pass through the window slit, and the black shadow does not. I would like to waste such ready-made color resources, so I can only choose colors on the spot."

"To take color on the spot? How to take it?" Miao Zipei asked.

Zhu Haowen shook his head: "Only Hei Ying himself can explain this matter."

Even if you can't get the specific operation method, you can still imagine what happened last night. Guo Lixia's body should have been forcefully squeezed for color. As a result, the whole person was completely evacuated, and even the human skin was wrinkled, and finally shrunk into a ball like a waste paper ball.

It's like we're drinking some sort of bagged drink, the outer bag will crumple together when sucked forcefully.

Ke Xun couldn't help thinking of Guo Lixia's gasping voice in pain last night.

"If this method is also effective, why did the black shadow go so far as to drag people away?" Shi Zhendong took a bold look at Guo Lixia's corpse, and found that although the corpse was flat as paper, it still had a faint color. The facial features and hair can still be seen clearly, and the polka dot pattern on the clothes can still be faintly seen some light blue.

Qin Ci quickly discovered this: "This method can't completely absorb the color of the other party, and torture people like this is probably the limit of black shadows."

Ke Xun seemed to have thought of something, and when he was in a hurry, he rushed downstairs: "Quickly go to that pool to see if Sister Guo's coins are still there!"

Everyone thought of something in an instant, and when their hearts tightened, they heard Mu Yiran's arrangement: "The soldiers are divided into two groups, one group will go to the pool downstairs, the other group will go to the circular building, and then gather in the lobby on the first floor."

Several people quickly divided into groups, Miao Zipei was about to rush downstairs with Wei Dongmu, but heard Mu Yiran say: "You go to the sixth floor, you probably need to identify the color there."

Miao Zipei seemed to understand, but he still nodded and followed Qin Ci and the others upstairs.

Ke Xun came to the pool. Although he was mentally prepared, when he saw the coins with circular patterns at the bottom of the pool, he still couldn't accept the fact.

Neither Mu Yiran nor Wei Dong spoke, it was hard to imagine that Guo Lixia was still alive now.

"Give Sister Guo a good one." Ke Xun's voice was almost inaudible.

The current "Guo Lixia" is being held in Mu Yiran's hands, Mu Yiran's face is silent, he walks to the pool, and completely immerses this little human skin in the water, until a few minutes later, the dot coins in the pool The texture gradually disappeared.

The human skin was completely floating on the water, floating like garbage.

Ke Xun dug a half-deep hole with his hands directly by the pool, buried "Guo Lixia", and muttered in an inaudible voice, "I'm wronged Sister Guo, wait for your son to come back from abroad, let him know. He will give you a good kowtow and incense."

Wei Dong was standing beside him, feeling very uncomfortable. I still remember that when I first entered the painting two days ago, Guo Lixia was involved as an extraordinarily innocent person, she just wanted to find a place where the water could be turned on.

However, among these people who entered the painting, these people who came and went, which one is not innocent

Mu Yiran's eyes stayed on the labyrinth, as if thinking of something, he walked to the edge of the labyrinth, stood at the northeast corner, and looked into the distance.

"Yan Ran, what did you find?" Ke Xun asked back.

Mu Yiran narrowed his eyes, as if he wanted to see something in the distance. He heard Ke Xun's question and replied, "Nothing special. I just heard a movement in the labyrinth, so I came over and listened."

Ke Xun frowned: "Who is the Minotaur you said yesterday?"

Wei Dong looked at his Tiezi: It's rare that you can remember such a long name.

"The Minotaur had the head of a bull and lived in a labyrinth. According to legend, virgins and virgins were sacrificed to him." Mu Yiran left the labyrinth and walked towards the castle with the two of them. "The archaeologist later During the archaeology of Crete, the remains of this labyrinth were really discovered. There are a lot of linear texts on the clay tablets, among which there are records of this type: seven women from Athens, one boy and one girl. Names, etc., these records are exactly in line with the saying of the sacrifice of Minotaur."

Ke Xun watched the members passing by the open-air corridor above the castle, and his eyes stopped for a moment on several floors of the circular building: "You say, is the extraction of people's color by the shadows like a sacrifice?"

Wei Dong looked at the pool that could record life and death: "There is also the setting of the pool, which seems to be quite ceremonial."

"If it is really a color sacrifice, then who is it used to sacrifice?" Mu Yiran tried to analyze, "These colors add up to black, does the shadow use black to make itself stronger, or does it have other uses? "

"I always feel that only when there is a substance can there be a shadow, and these two things are interdependent and indispensable," Ke Xun looked down at his shadow, "The law of this world is also the same, the dead will lose their color, It also loses shadows—and I think the same applies to shadows themselves."

"The shadow itself is strong enough, how big is its entity!" Wei Dong couldn't imagine it.

"Fauvism sometimes magnifies something that it wants to express, such as the shadow that this painting wants to express," Mu Yiran continued to say that several people had returned to the hall at this time, "Although the shadow is so big that it can cover everything, But the entity may not be large."

It happened that another team member had just come downstairs to the hall, Zhu Haowen heard Mu Yiran's words and thought: "If the shadow has an entity, then the actions of the entity should be the same as his shadow, according to our In the previous analysis, the big shadow can control our shadow, so as to control our body, so what was the entity of the big shadow doing at that time?"

Mu Yiran's eyes suddenly lit up, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Miao Zipei: "What new discoveries have you made?"

Miao Zipei said: "The fourth and fifth floors are still the same red and blue as before, but the door that represents the color is tightly closed, and the sixth floor is pure purple, whether it is the clock on the wall or the purple liquid in the glass jar, it is the same. It is the purest purple, with equal red and blue."

Qin Ci asked Mu Yiran and Ke Xun, "Is this the purple you saw yesterday?"

Ke Xun scratched his head and felt that it was difficult for him to give everyone clear information on color recognition.

Mu Yiran: "The purple we saw yesterday was slightly reddish."

Miao Zipei suddenly realized: "So it is! It seems that someone added a small amount of blue to the purple liquid today, which made the red and blue colors equal, so as to extract the most accurate and pure purple!"

As for how the small amount of blue came from, everyone knew in their hearts, and invariably, Guo Lixia's poor thin corpse appeared in their minds.

The NPC's voice sounded again, announcing that today's labor task is still to store three jars of berries, and then invite everyone to breakfast.

Now that there are only seven people left, the work task is particularly heavy, especially in the blue room. Only Ke Xun is alone. Even if he works non-stop, it will take at least half a day to complete.

"Have you ever thought about why the NPC never showed up? We have never encountered such a situation in previous paintings." It was Zhu Haowen who spoke.

Suddenly another sneer came from the hall, clearly from an NPC.

"Probably too ugly to be seen." Ke Xun raised his middle finger into the void.

"..." Zhu Haowen looked at Ke Xun, "Or maybe this person can't be seen, so he can only broadcast his voice to us."