Paintings of Terror

Chapter 99: Shadow 22 ┃ People without shadows


The images in the mirror couldn't seem to hear Ke Xun's voice, and these people were still doing their own thing.

"We try not to let our shadows come into contact with these people." Zhu Haowen was a little wary, and subconsciously moved away from the gloomy Zhang Tianwei from the angle in the mirror.

Ke Xun looked at Ye Ningchenyi who was about to pull up his sleeves: "These people shouldn't do us any harm. Even if some people are malicious, they can only play the role of shadows at night."

Ke Xun just looked at his shadow in the mirror and was "disturbed" by Ye Ningchenyi. The girl seemed to want to pull her up, but her shadow seemed to be separated from hers, which made Ye Ningchenyi no matter what. You can't reach yourself directly.

This reminded Ke Xun of the words that heaven and man are forever separated.

Ke Xun tried to raise his arm and greeted Ye Ningchen with his figure in the mirror. It seemed that it really worked. Ye Ningchen smiled as he stared at Ke Xun in the mirror.

Ke Xun said, "Miao Zipei."

Ye Ningchen was a little dazed and sad, shook his head gently, and turned his eyes elsewhere.

"No, it's very uncomfortable for me to stay here," Wei Dong rubbed his head, "I feel sick and want to vomit, as if my body is about to be divided."

The other people didn't feel well either, and they were all holding on at this time.

Mu Yiran has not spoken, he has already entered the entire mirror room and glanced sharply at each mirror: "These people in the mirror can't hurt us, don't be affected by them, and try not to look closely at your own shadow. "

Listening to Mu Yiran's words, Wei Dong seems to be feeling better. The discomfort just now is not a real physical feeling, but caused by psychological problems. In such a mirror room where images are everywhere, the first thing to overcome is psychological problems. .

The people in the mirror were probably also bored, and they used their own colors to relieve their boredom. He Yu had already painted a large landscape painting with red paint; Mi Wei had made sand paintings with yellow paints like golden sand; Guo Lixia I didn't know how to paint, so I dipped my palm in blue paint and took a lot of royal blue handprints on the mirror.

"Have you noticed that there are actually layers in the mirror, and it's not a unified world." Zhu Haowen touched his chin and carefully observed the mirror.

Indeed, those colors appear to exist in another dimension or dimension, and are not affected by mirror refraction, they simply form a domain for each color.

Deep purple, bright yellow, warm red, soft green, refreshing blue, these colors flow in various gestures, interweaving into a new world.

"Look over there!" Wei Dong took advantage of the artist and quickly discovered the bug in the color, pointing to the corner of the ceiling, "There seem to be two black spots there!"

Everyone focused their attention on the two black dots on the mirror in the corner of the wall—as everyone got closer, they found that the so-called black dots were actually two letters, very random handwriting, both of which were slanted to the lower right corner. , forming a quirky artistic sense: RR.

"This is Rong Rang's initials?" Everyone guessed.

Ke Xun had already put Wei Dong up, Wei Dong raised his hand and touched the black signature on the ceiling. Wherever his finger went, it was like being touched by a wave of water. The two black letters turned into faint ink marks and scattered. Come on.

When Wei Dong's fingers left, the ink marks slowly gathered together, and finally synthesized the previous two letters.

Mu Yi frowned: "This is... the shadow of the signature?"

"Shadow? Signature and shadow?" Wei Dong couldn't stand the reality in this painting.

"Everything has a shadow, especially in this world where shadows are emphasized, the painter's signature should have a shadow."

Zhu Haowen looked at the window: "I think we should go to the maze immediately."

The five old members left the window one after another in tacit understanding. Although Ke Xun was at a loss at this time, he didn't understand why he was going to the maze. Another follower who was ignorant was Wei Dong, who followed Ke Xun out of the window at this time.

No one noticed that a piece of golden yellow in the mirror of the room had been wiped away, revealing a face inside - Miao Zipei, who seemed to be trying to mix the purest color, with a solemn and pious expression on his face. expression.

The five members climbed to the ground along the castle wall and walked non-stop towards the maze.

When he passed the pool, Ke Xun still stopped and glanced inside. The coins with the wheel-shaped pattern on the seedlings were all gone.

Everyone guessed the result from Ke Xun's expression, and their hearts were heavy, but they were even more urgent: Tonight, the shadows have gathered the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue, and I am afraid there will be a qualitative leap in their abilities.

"I have a solution. Although it is a foul to walk the maze, I can only do this at the moment." Ke Xun showed a slightly rogue expression.

Seeing Mu Yiran also cast his gaze, Ke Xuncai continued: "We don't have to walk in the dark in the alley, but we have to fly over the eaves and walls like a nightcrawler."

"You mean, let's walk on these bush walls, so that we can see the situation in the maze at a glance." Mu Yi Ran looked at the bush walls of the maze and thought this method would work.

Ke Xun has dexterously climbed to the top of the wall of bushes, these bushes are very strong and can fully bear the weight of an adult man, Ke Xun made a gesture of looking into the distance: "The field of vision is good, at least three ring roads can be seen clearly. "

Several other people also climbed to the top of the bush wall one after another. Except for Wei Dong, who was slightly afraid of heights, the others were relatively comfortable.

"Tell me now, why did you lock your signature in the labyrinth?" Ke Xun had a good sense of balance, standing on the top of the high wall still as if walking on the ground.

"While you were working, a few of us made new discoveries in the labyrinth," it was Qin Ci who answered Ke Xun, "We found the man hidden in the labyrinth. He was very fast, and we failed to contain him. But there was something special about that man - he had no shadow."

This discovery surprised Ke Xun: "What kind of person is that person?"

"There are some colorful patterns on the clothes. He ran too fast to see clearly, but he has no shadow, we can all be sure."

Ke Xun felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth: "That is to say, this person without a shadow is the real entity of the shadow?!"

Everyone expressed their acquiescence, and everyone began to slowly move forward along the wall, and observed the situation in each labyrinth ring road left and right.

Wei Dong walked the slowest, for fear of accidentally stepping down the wrong foot: "The cerebellum seems to hinder the operation of the brain, I'm just walking a tightrope... What did you just say? That person lives in a labyrinth Inside? His shadow lives in the castle? Could he be separated from his shadow?!"

Mu Yiran saw that Wei Dong was flickering away, and reached out and pulled the other person: "That mirror room is definitely not groundless, it should be the place where the shadow and his entity meet."

This is the first time Wei Dong has "contacted" Mu Yiran, and suddenly he feels that the other party is not so cold, and there is a rare intimacy: "Thank you ha... Then according to what you said, the signature is the same, the shadow is there The house of mirrors, the real signature is in the labyrinth!"

Mu Yiran found out that after he had pulled Wei Dong, the other party didn't let go of his hand again, his palms were sweating and he was clutching him hard.

Just when Wei Dong felt that Mu Yiran was getting more and more friendly, he suddenly heard the other person say coldly: "You squat here and wait."

Wei Dong, who lowered the chassis for fear of falling:…

Ke Xun in the distance threw a sentence to Wei Dong: "Dongzi, you stay on the periphery and observe!"

Dongzi, who was likely to fall if he took one more step forward, nodded hurriedly and squatted tremblingly against the wall.

"I saw that person!" Qin Ci quickly moved forward, pointing to an alley in front of him.

The four people cooperated tacitly to surround the people in the labyrinth along the outer road.

At this time, everyone had pushed the man to the center of the maze, and the man stopped walking and sat down directly on the lawn at the center of the circle.

Ke Xun rolled down from the wall and kept a relatively safe distance from the man.

Zhu Haowen and Mu Yiran also came down one after another, only Qin Ci remained on the commanding heights and kept vigilant observation of the surroundings.

The man wore a large robe embroidered with patterns in four colors: a blood-red moon, blue circles and diamonds, goose-yellow wheels, and an orange maze-like texture.

If the moon represents Zhang Tianwei, the circle represents Guo Lixia, the diamond represents Xin Beibei, and the wheel represents Miao Zipei, these are all members who have been absorbed in color, then who does this orange maze pattern belong to

"No wonder we are divided into five colors. In addition to the three primary colors, there are also two secondary colors, purple and green. The only thing missing is orange." Zhu Haowen's eyes stayed on this person, "So you are Orange."

This person is very thin, but his eyes are piercing, and the whole person looks a little weird, probably because there is no shadow.

The man didn't say a word.

"Actually, I think, every color has its own beauty, there are people who like any color, and there are many people who like duck shit yellow and bile green," Ke Xun cleared his throat and said the opening remarks, "Anyway, all the The colors are all black together, so why not enjoy the process of these colors, these colors can be divided and combined, why not give yourself some freedom!"

Shadowless Man glanced at Ke Xun indifferently, but did not speak.

Ke Xun had never received such a thousand-year-old cold hole in his eyes. Compared with this person, Mu Yiran's coldness was at most a box of ice cream, or lemongrass flavor.

The signature must have been hidden by this person. Judging from his icy eyes, even if the torture was exhausted, he would not say a single word.

"I'm willing to contribute a part of purple." Mu Yiran finally said, "This way you can gather six colors and get the black you want."

"Don't fool around!" Ke Xun's mind instantly showed the big glass jar used for soaking people, and for the first time in his life, Mu Yiran roared.

"We've looked everywhere we can, and now we can be sure that the signature is on this person."