Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 109: Year and month two letters to the family


Day and night turn, winter and spring come again.

In the three years of Yanxi, a few good things finally came from the DPRK and China.

Last year, the floods in Jiangxi were severe. The floods entered the city at a height of six feet. Twelve bridges were washed away. Jiang Chengyuan, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mukang, Wenshu, and the Ministry of Housing, went to Jiangxi to rebuild the dam.

At the same time, Xu Bowei, the censor of the Zuodu capital, went out to Beijing to rectify the officials and achieved initial results. The evidence of corruption by political envoys in Sichuan and Huguang was conclusive.

Everyone in the world said that the emperor was a wise man, but only Xiao Yu knew how absurd those words were.

Every Qingming Dragon Boat Festival, tens of thousands of people in Qingyu Mountain offer sacrifices, crying in front of the monuments, but the monuments of the four generations of the Su family are poured with blood.

Xiao Yu sat on the dragon chair and tilted his head to look at the continuous rain outside the window.

He doesn't regret letting go of his willful ambitions in the world, but he doesn't want to listen to the long live my emperor in this deep palace twilight, and his life is too long.

Xiao Yu took off his crown, put on his regular clothes, and turned around to instruct the little eunuch to prepare the horse.

Eunuch Sheng's ears were sharp and he heard it clearly. He leaned over and asked knowingly, "Where is Your Majesty going?"

Xiao Yu said lightly: "I'm going out of the palace, so I don't have to ask people to follow me."

Obviously everything was business as usual, but Eunuch Sheng looked at the emperor's back, but his right eyelid trembled faintly.

If he remembered correctly, today is the fourteenth of February, the birthdays one after another.

It was foggy in the mountains, Xiao Yu came to Lingyun Taoist Temple.

In the temple, the curtains are interlaced, the flags are lined up, and two seven-star lamps are placed on the table.

Daoist Lingyun said leisurely: "Both reincarnating a corpse and reincarnating to extend one's life are all against the law of heaven. Even if your majesty is the son of the emperor, you have a deep foundation of fortune and great merit, and you must also bear this cause and effect."

Xiao Yu said: "I know."

Daoist Lingyun said: "Things must come, of course, your Majesty's actions against the sky will damage the emperor's longevity."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man opposite him fell into a long silence.

Just when Daoist Lingyun was glad that the monarch in front of him was not crazy, Xiao Yu said slowly: "I only need ten years."

Ten years of hard work are enough to pave the way for his children.

Daoist Lingyun frowned and looked at him, saying word by word: "The reincarnation of the heavens has its own set. Even if the poor Dao recites this reincarnation mantra today, His Majesty may not be able to get what he wants."

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly became more dashing and wanton, "regardless of success or failure, regardless of gain or loss."

At night, Daoist Ling Yun made a hexagram and wrote down the name of the Yuan Queen with a pen.

The hexagram enters the country, looking at its cause and effect, and crossing the cycle of life and death.

The wind blew the forest, the flags moved slightly, the criss-crossing curtains were raised high, the morning light outside the window gradually faded, and time seemed to flow quickly.

With more leaking ticks, the emperor became visibly thinner and his outline became deeper, as if he had passed his thirties.

At this moment, the roar of the war horse suddenly sounded in the ears of Daoist Lingyun, and the light and shadow of the people fleeing everywhere flashed in front of him.

Daoist Lingyun raised his hand to break through the formation without hesitation, and the seven-star lights went out.

The emperor's words are the law of the world, and his actions determine prosperity and decline.

Can't go any further.

Daoist Lingyun got up and said, "The poor Daoist cultivation base is not enough."

This sentence means a lot, it goes without saying that Xiao Yu pressed his white jade finger, and for a moment, whispered: "The flag has moved." The movement of the flag means that the soul is still there.

Daoist Lingyun said: "Your Majesty, Xu Shi Niangniang has another chance and cannot be forced."

Can't be forced.

The man's eyes did not change, but the fine line at the corner of his eye couldn't go back.

The halo was dazzling, Qin Jie suddenly opened his eyes, and hot tears rolled down.

The Queen slept for three whole days, the Kunning Palace was silent, and when she woke up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhu Xin fell directly to the ground.

Ning Sheng squeezed his shoulders, shook the head on his neck, and said quickly, "Niangniang?"

For three days and three years, Qin Jie's eyes were blurred, and her memory was a little confused. The first sentence she said was, "Fuying."

She read it vaguely, and others didn't seem to hear these two words clearly.

Eunuch Sheng walked over quickly and said, "Could it be possible for the maiden to see me clearly?"

Qin Wei blinked and said, "Eunuch Sheng?"

Eunuch Sheng turned his back and recited a sentence of "Thank God", one sentence was not enough, and another sentence of Amitabha.

Something is going to happen to this guy in front of him, let alone the emperor, even he wants to wipe his neck.

Ningyuan is re-diagnosing the pulse, and then said to Sheng Gong in a fair way: "The niangniang's pulse has stabilized, and the lower official will go to prescribe the medicine first."

Now that the queen is pregnant, the imperial hospital is cautious in prescribing the prescription, and several imperial doctors are arguing outside the Kunning Palace with the prescription.

Ning Yuan said sternly, "You dare to write about red orchid beads? Don't you know that this has the effect of promoting blood circulation?"

Doctor Meng said: "Red orchid pearls are warm in nature. They not only have nourishing effects, but also relieve dizziness. The lower officials thought... If you take a small amount, you should be fine."

Ning Yuan scolded the pig's brain and said in a low voice, "It should be, it should be, that's the queen! There is still a dragon child in her belly. If something happens, your Meng family's ten heads are not enough to compensate."

Doctor Meng whispered: "What the lord said is."

It took Qin Wei a long while to recover.

Recalling everything in the dream, the heart beat violently against the chest, the wind chirped in the ears, and both hands were shaking.

Okay, so good.

She promised him a good life, and she did her best to live with him.

But what about him

This is what he meant by being honest.

This is what he said to never lie to himself again.

Qin Jie's closed eyes were the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

No wonder his body was so bad, just like four years ago, when he felt sad, his lower abdomen also throbbed.

Qin Jie raised her hand to wipe the bottom of her eyes, took a deep breath, and said to the outside, "Fu... Zhulan."

Zhulan hurried over, bowed and said, "The servant is here."

Qin Yan said, "Bring me a bowl of porridge."

A hint of joy flashed in Zhulan's eyes, and she said, "Niangniang has an appetite now?"

Qin Xie nodded, "Mmmm".

Just when he was bored, Kun Ning Palace suddenly flashed a shadow.

"A-Niang! A-Niang!" Xiao Yun ran in.

Qin Xue took a breath and stretched out her hand towards him, "Come here and let A-Niang hug me."

Xiao Yun walked to her side and whispered, "Mother said that Aniang is ill, and she is still pregnant with her sister, so she can't hold her."

Qin Xue looked at him dumbfounded and said, "How do you know it's your sister?"

Xiao Yun said honestly: "Aniang, I dreamed." It must be my sister.

Qin Xue only felt that he was thinking about it every day and dreaming at night.

Xiao Yun's face was startled, as if he had never thought about this issue.

There was a creaking sound from the door of the hall, and Zhu Xin came over and said with a smile, "Tian Physician Ning said that the medicine tastes too bitter, so let the servants put some sugar in the porridge, and the maiden will quickly taste if it suits your appetite."

Xiao Yun stretched out his hand to pick it up, and said solemnly, "Give it to me... My mother is sick, I'll feed it."

Zhu Xin whispered, "His Royal Highness, this porridge is a little hot."

Qin Yan pinched her son's face and took it by herself. Xiao Yun asked with concern beside her, "Is it hard for Auntie?"


Xiao Yun swaggered undressed onto the couch and pulled Qin Yan's hand, "I will sleep with my mother."

Don't say, the meat dumplings really don't hurt in vain, and at night they know how to cover Qin Xue with a quilt and cover her stomach.

In the blink of an eye, a month later, the cabinet received the battle report, and the Kunning Palace received a letter from the family.

Eunuch Sheng smiled and walked over and said, "Niangniang, this is given to you by Your Majesty."

Qin Jie looked at the letter and couldn't help taking a deep breath. She reached out to take it and put it aside, feeling faint in her heart.

Eunuch Sheng smiled again: "Isn't your maiden looking at it?"

Eunuch Sheng's smile was irresistible, Qin Ye thought for a moment, raised his hand and opened the letter.

The man's hand and mouth are wholehearted, and the so-called family letter is only a few short sentences.

A Ling, see the words like a meeting.

Everything is going well in the battle ahead, the army has plenty of salaries, and there is more than enough food and grass. You can take care of your baby without worrying about it. If everything goes well, you will be back in the spring.

There was still wind and sand on the letter, and she twisted it lightly, as if she could hear the thunderous sound of horses' hooves and the continuous firelight in front of the tent.

Eunuch Sheng said again: "Do you want to reply to the letter? Someone is waiting outside."

Qin Yan put her hand on her lower abdomen and said, "Eunuch Sheng, I'm a little dizzy."

Hearing that he was dizzy, Eunuch Sheng also became dizzy, and immediately bowed and said, "Hey, the servants will retreat now, Niangniang, please rest."

The gate of Kunning Palace closed, and the soldier outside said, "Father-in-law, do you have a reply?"

Eunuch Sheng shook his head, "You go first, no."

At the beginning of February, the border wars were successively reported victorious.

Qin Jie received his second letter from home.

A Ling, it has been more than a month, but I haven't seen the sound for a long time, and it is very deep.

Are there trivial matters in the palace to bother you? Is your body healthy

My body is very safe, and I haven't seen any injuries in military affairs, but unfortunately I can't travel together in Shangyuan, don't worry.

Qin Xue looked at the words "I am very safe", and her heart subconsciously ached.

"Do you want to reply to the letter?" Eunuch Sheng said with a smile, "People from the outside said that the last time I returned to that person empty-handed, I was almost punished."

Qin Xun clenched her fist and said a few words, family affairs and state affairs, don't mess up, come back and talk about anything else.


Sheng Gonggong prepared a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and the queen stopped the pen with gritted teeth.

The night dew was heavy, and the city gates were closed.

Hearing only the sound of hooves, the soldiers tightened the reins and shouted, "U-"

Outside the tent, someone shouted loudly, "Report—"

The silver lights flickered, and the man's handsome face was half-bright and half-dark.

"What's the matter?"

The soldier wrote: "Wei Chen has come to send the letter from the Empress to Her Majesty."

Xiao Yu's Adam's apple moved slightly and said solemnly, "Bring it here."

The soldiers immediately offered their hands. Got a reward that night.

Xiao Yu headed the tent alone, and slowly opened the letter in the dead of night.

The concubine was overjoyed when she heard the news of the victory at the border, and couldn't help congratulating her. The spring is cold and the material is steep, and it is the most difficult to rest. The concubine wished that she could not fly like a geese and send cold clothes thousands of miles away.

The concubine and the son are all good, and I hope that the king and the elder brother will triumph at an early date.

The man's eyes were slightly red, and he read it repeatedly.