Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 110: Twilight flowers bloom all over the street


At noon the next day, the drums were thundering, and the flags and flags were obscured for thousands of miles.

Wuyangyang soldiers and horses stand on the boundless wilderness.

In front of the formation, a soldier suddenly turned around and ran back, "The urgent secret letter ahead, please take a look at your majesty."

Xiao Yu turned around, swept his eyes, and handed it to Su Huaian.

"The one who guards Yezhou is the general of Qi State, Chang Qingge, who leads 40,000 troops."

After a while, Su Huaian picked up the long sword and said in a low voice, "I will meet him."

Fang Shu, the governor of Langzhou, said, "This minister will also go together."

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Three days later, I will meet with Jida and continue to go north, you all be careful."

Su Huaian wrote: "The minister takes orders."

Su Huaian and Fang Shu immediately went to Yezhou. When the soldiers approached the city, it was already dark.

A silvery white flashed across the sky, and only the sound of thunder could be heard.

The rain was pouring, and the fire was flickering.

Su Huai'an rode on the horse and tightened the reins. The other party forgave him, "I heard that the Governor Fang's mansion is happy to add a thousand pieces of gold, and the joy of holding the pearl can be celebrated and congratulated."

Speaking of his wife and children at home, Governor Fang's eyes were slightly red, and he couldn't help thinking of five years ago.

In June of the first year of Yanxi, he brought the report of the fall of Qingzhou, accusing the Su family of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Governor Fang choked and said, "Five years ago, a certain person has no eyeballs and humiliated the reputation of the martyrs of the Su family. Fang Mou owes Mr. Su an apology."

Su Huaian raised his chin to look at the dark city wall, and said leisurely, "It's not to blame Mr. Fang for what happened back then. My family feud is in front of me."

Fang Shu said: "After this battle, Fang returned to Beijing to apologize to Master Su in person."

Su Huai'an drew his bow in the sky, shot three arrows in a row, and said sternly, "Array—"

Governor Fang tightened the reins, held a long spear, and shouted: "The state of Qi invaded my territory and killed me 60,000 Zhou Erlang. If you don't step on Pingyezhou today, you will never look back!"

Anger filled the eyes of the generals and soldiers, holding up their iron spears, and their shouts were like stormy waves.

The Yezhou city gate was closed, and a cloud ladder was erected outside the city. The soldiers were not afraid of death and rushed up in groups.

The horn sounded suddenly, arrows rained down, and explosions sounded one after another.

It's on fire again.


In the blink of an eye, it's March.

Yesterday was a night of spring rain, and the peach blossoms in the palace were even better. The breeze blew and rustled, and the petals fell one after another on the dark pebbles.

Qin Yue's stomach was already bulging high.

Did Ning Sheng come to Kunning Palace to ask for the Ping'an pulse as usual? When he raised his hand, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The queen has insomnia and dreams, and often wakes up at night. The older the month, the more unstable the pulse. There is even a sign of premature birth. He has lost a lot of hair in the past few months, and his temples are hanging high. up, looking more and more smooth and shiny.

Thinking of this, Ning Sheng raised his hand and pressed the official hat again.

Qin Yan said, "How?"

Ning Taiyi said, "Not only does Niangniang have a strong pulse, but her complexion is also much better than in the past few days. Her body is no longer in trouble. Niangniang just needs to relax."

Qin Yan said, "Do you still need to continue drinking the medicine?"

"Of course not." Ning Taiyi tilted his head to look out the window and smiled, "The weather is getting warmer now, and Niangniang can walk around more every day."

Qin Xie nodded, "Okay, I see."

After Imperial Physician Ning retired, Zhu Xin came over with a cup of hot tea and said, "The sun is just right today, no wind and no rain, Niangniang wants to listen to Imperial Physician Ning and go out for a walk?"

Qin Yan pondered for a while, "Help me up..."

Zhulan originally thought that Qin Xue would go to the Imperial Garden, but unexpectedly she went straight to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Sheng Gongzheng was talking to several little eunuchs.

Out of the corner of the light saw a crimson, and quickly turned his head away.

The spring is bright, and the empress is even brighter than the spring.

The palace servants all bowed and said, "The servant has seen the Queen Mother."


Eunuch Sheng stepped forward, bowed and said, "Why does Niangniang have Yaxing to come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation today?"

Qin Wei said: "I'll come to Yangxin Hall to get something."

Sheng Gonggong's face was embarrassed.

Except for the empress, the emperor clearly forbids any concubines from stepping into the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The one in front of him should not be blocked, but considering the things in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he dare not let anyone in.

"Yesterday, there was a servant who didn't wake up and burned incense in the Hall of Mental Cultivation as usual. The lady is pregnant, and I don't know if the spice is taboo. What does the lady want to get, or the servant will take it for you?"

Look, these are the words of the people around the emperor.

Qin Xue said, "Then ask someone to move the incense burner out."

This is determined to enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Eunuch Sheng had something in his mind, turned his head and said calmly, "Go, you guys, bring out the Jiuding Incense Burner inside."

Several little eunuchs immediately moved out the incense burner in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Eunuch Sheng opened the door of the Hall of Mental Cultivation with a smile.

When Qin Jie crossed the threshold, she said softly, "I will report this to Your Majesty, father-in-law need not worry."

Sheng Gong said: "Thank you, madam."

Qin Jie raised his head and looked around, Gong Gong Gong blocked a red sandalwood two-drawer box with his body, and silently kicked under the cabinet. I thought to myself: This red sandalwood box with two drawers must not be discovered by anyone.

Eunuch Sheng felt a little at ease, and saw the queen walking towards the red sandalwood inlaid enamel Duobao Pavilion on the left side of the dragon chair.

In the Duobao Pavilion, there are two pairs of large copper tripods, dozens of square treasure inkstones, pen holders of various colors, and a locked wooden box.

Eunuch Sheng breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

Fortunately, fortunately, the boxes in the Duobao Pavilion are locked.

Qin Jie raised her hand and touched the lock. She had seen this bronze swallow lock in her dream.

Eunuch Sheng hadn't finished breathing when he saw Qin Xue twisting the lines on the lock very quickly.

"click" to sound.


She poured the contents out.

A mahogany box.

A golden flower inlaid with red pearls.

A set of undershirts that were barely worn, and a pile of strange anecdotes that were incompatible with the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Qin Xue was stunned for a while.

When he left, he took away the book that the emperor would not allow to touch. Unluckily, Eunuch Sheng didn't dare to stop him.

In the evening, it rained again outside, and the double window was closed, and the sound of the rain could still be heard.

Qin Peiping stepped down and opened these books that contained everything in the world.

The records in the book are not very detailed, or it is said that the whole picture cannot be seen.

She only knew that reincarnation and life extension were divided into three stages, namely, recruiting flags, casting a curse, and reviving the soul. Even if Lingyun Daochang broke the formation that day, the emperor's Yuanshou consumed by lighting the lamp and recruiting flags could not be returned.

Now, how old is he? How long

Qin Jie took a deep breath and put her hand on her lower abdomen.

At the beginning of March in the Xin Chou year, after Da Zhou captured Ye and Qiongzhou, he and Mongolia attacked Chengyang, the capital of Qi. Human realm.

The Qi royal family knew that they were unable to return to the sky, so they took the first ferry and fled.

The frontier battle report was sent back to the capital immediately.

If the battle is won, it means that the emperor wants to return to the court.

But Zhu Lan and Zhu Xin had a depressed look on their faces.

Qin Jie put down the dim sum in her hand and glanced at the two of them with a frown. These two looked forward to the emperor's return every day, and suddenly frowned for no reason.

They didn't say it, and she didn't ask.

In the evening, after dinner, Qin Xue really didn't look at it any longer. The two of them seemed to be hesitating to talk, so they said, "After all, what are you hiding from me?"

Zhu Lan and Zhu Xin glanced at each other, shook their heads quickly, and said in unison, "This servant does not dare to deceive the lady."

Qin Jie sighed and said, "If you have something to say, just say it directly, you are hiding it, but I can't sleep well."

Hearing this, Zhulan and Zhuxin immediately explained.

Nowadays, the maids of Kunning Palace have eyes and ears and listen to all directions, and there is no news that they can't inquire.

They wanted to find out when His Majesty would return to the DPRK, but they never expected to hear the news that Princess Baoyin would return to Beijing with the army.

Mongolia has made great efforts this time, and heard that Princess Baoyin is here to marry.

Zhu Lan whispered: "The majesty's natural beauty is comparable to that of Princess Baoyin. Your Majesty's heart has always been on the majesty..."

Seeing the empress frown, Zhu Xin immediately knelt down and interrupted Zhu Lan, "Niang Niang, this is all random inquiries by the slaves."

Zhulan also knelt down and said, "Niang Niang, there are many people outside, and the three of them are like tigers. You can't believe what you say."

"The slaves talk too much."

"Slave admits punishment."

Looking at the guilt-ridden eyes of the two of them, Qin Jie couldn't help but smile: "Okay, get up quickly."

At this moment, the eunuch of Kunning Palace said loudly, "Niangniang, Your Majesty has returned to the palace first, and is heading towards Kunning Palace."

As soon as the words fell, the smile at the corner of Qin Ye's mouth suddenly stopped.

He is back.

Zhulan Zhuxin quickly supported her and stood up.

The setting sun hangs on the branches, insects and birds chirp.

The door of Kunning's palace was wide open, Qin Ye supported her waist and looked forward—

Snow falls all over the head when we leave, and flowers bloom all over the street when we return.

The tall man's figure came back in the twilight.

They looked at each other, time staggered, and their figures overlapped.

He strode in front of her, threw down his long sword, removed his armor, stretched out his arms, and hugged his wife tightly in his arms.


"I am back."

Qin Jie hugged his waist back and said, "Congratulations on the triumph."

The queen's figure is already graceful, and it is even more amazing when she is pregnant. The mountains are soft and swaying, and her breath is full of bewildering fragrance.

His throat moved slightly, and he couldn't help but gasp deeply.

The palace servants of Kunning Palace slumped and retreated.

"Are you hurt?" she whispered.


I didn't hear the concern five years ago, but now that I heard it, Xiao Yu couldn't help but his eyes were hot. He raised his hand to protect her belly, buried his head on Xiang's shoulder, and kissed her urgently. I don't know, he thought that this human relationship was just beginning, and he was full of blood. Fang Gang, eighteen years old.

Qin Jie pressed against his hot chest and whispered, "You get up first."

Xiao Yu knew that he didn't smell bad, but he still didn't want to let go. He leaned down and met her nose tip to nose tip, his breathing became quick and low, "Do you like me?"

Qin Jie looked at the fine lines at the corner of his eyes and said, "I'm sure I'm not injured, right?"

The corners of the man's mouth twitched and he bit her, "Yeah."

Qin Jie's eyes changed slightly, and she whispered, "That's right, I have something to ask you."