Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 3: Huai Jing (completed)


"He's just so good, in order to be with him, are you even willing to leave me behind?"

Hearing Qin Suizhi's words, Su Ling felt a pain in his temple, and the images of Qin Xie looking for life for the man of the Zhu family came one after another in his mind.

Since the Ministry of Rites announced the news of the new emperor's election, Miss Qin either sat by the window all day crying, or smashed things on a hunger strike. Later, she simply hung the three-foot white silk on the beam of the house.

A mournful tone echoed in her ears—

"Zhu Gongzi told me that if I enter the palace, he will never get married in his life."

"Brother, you know better than me that three people become tigers and everyone speaks of gold. Most of the words outside are untrue. Zhu Ze is definitely not what you think."

"Ajie is destined to be ashamed of her parents and brothers in her life."

Qin Wang said yesterday that he cried, made trouble, and hanged himself.

In all fairness, if Qin Ye and Zhu Ze were really in love with each other, it would be fine, but now, for the sake of committing suicide by drinking poison, I have never seen the Zhu family man appear once.

Affectionate and shallow, it goes without saying.

Look at Qin Suizhi again.

The boy's robe was dusty, his shoes were stained with mud, and his palms had red marks from the reins of the fast horse.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, Qin Suizhi couldn't help laughing at himself. He looked up at the roof beam, sighed, and said, "Ayi, what should I do with you?"

The distress in Xu Shi's eyes was too dazzling, she tentatively reassured: "In the future... I won't."

Qin Suizhi's eyes froze, "What did you say?"

Su Ling tried her best to imitate Qin Xue's tone and said, "After this incident, I have seen many things clearly... In the future, I won't let my brother worry anymore."

Qin Suizhi blinked hard, and after a long pause, he still said in an unbelievable tone: "Is what you said true? Will you see that Zhu Ze again in the future?"

Su Ling nodded and made a low "um".

Xu Shi had been in a coma for too long, and Su Ling's voice was obviously a little hoarse. Qin Suizhi couldn't help but think of her drinking poison for Zhu Ze, his eyes darkened a little, and he tapped her shoulder and said, "Okay, rest early. , I've been at home with you these days."

Said to accompany, to put it bluntly, or to look at her.

However, Su Ling also knew that Qin Suizhi would only dare to believe half of what she just said. After all, Miss Qin is very affectionate, so there is no guarantee that this is not a new method of retreating.

After Qin Suizhi left, Su Ling returned to the couch, thinking about what to do in the future.

Miss Qin didn't hear anything outside the window, and was full of only Mrs. Zhu. In her memory, there was no news related to the Su family and the government.

There's only one piece of news she can get right now—

In the battle with Qi State three years ago, Da Zhou won, and the Xiao family's country was preserved.

As for the others, we can only inquire at Qingfeng Building in Dongzhimen.

Anyway, she had to get out the door.

Early the next morning, the sun hangs on the treetops.

The maid Hezhu stood behind Su Ling, facing the mirror, and slowly inserted a turquoise gold hairpin into Su Ling's bun, and then sighed, "This servant has never read books, so she can't speak beautiful words, she just thinks that the girl is really born. It's really eye-catching, and when I see the girl, I feel that the flowers in this yard have lost their color."

Su Ling raised her eyes to look at her.

This is where he can't speak, this is clearly "too good at speaking".

If she was the real Qin Xie, tears would be falling at this moment.

Draft, draft.

Although talent, character, background, and talent are all within the scope of the assessment, in the final analysis, it is still a beauty pageant.

As far as the appearance of the Qin family's daughter is concerned, it is hard to imagine.

To say that Miss Qin is eye-catching is tantamount to stabbing a knife in her heart.

This maid's heart is obviously long.

Although she has changed her identity, Su Ling is still the queen who used to be in charge of the affairs of the Sixth Palace.

She bit her lip and said with a dry smile: "Girl... why does the girl look at the slaves like this?"

Su Ling narrowed her eyes and said lightly, "It's nothing, you can go out."

Hezhu stepped back nervously.

Before the door was closed, Qin Suizhi walked in with two food boxes. He smiled and said, "I just went to the street and bought your favorite gouache dumplings and steamed sea bass, don't you have a sore throat? It's best to eat something light, come here."

Su Ling sat down, and Qin Suizhi gave her a piece of fish belly.

Su Ling held the wooden chopstick in her hand and didn't move.

Because she never eats fish.

"Hurry up, what are you thinking about?" Qin Suizhi patted Su Ling's head, tilted his head and smiled, "Last night I was wondering if your words were fooling me, but today, it looks like It's like being reborn."

The voice fell to the ground, and Su Ling immediately coughed.

Qin Suizhi stroked her back, "Slow down."

"A-Gui, follow me to my father's place later, admit your mistake." Qin Suizhi put down his chopsticks, and his expression became more serious, "Even if he has all kinds of wrongs in your heart, but you are forcing each other with death, what is it? Do not… "

"Forget it, I won't mention it in the past, you just think it's for me, will it work?"

Su Ling raised her eyes and said, "Yes."

After yesterday, she had planned to meet Qin Wang. After all, if she wanted to enter the palace, she had to deal with the Qin family first.

Qin Suizhi didn't expect her to agree so easily, and the corner of his mouth was about to rise when Su Ling said, "Brother, I want to go out of the house this afternoon."

Hearing this, Qin Suizhi's smile disappeared instantly, and he said with a serious face, "Ayi, are you going to see him again?"

Su Ling knew that her reputation was too low, and it was unrealistic to go out alone at the moment, so she said, "I feel uncomfortable in my heart these two days, so I just want to go out for a walk. If my brother is worried, you can go with me."

Qin Suizhi glanced at her and said, "Okay, then I'll accompany you."

After the two finished their meal, Qin Suizhi took Su Ling to the main courtyard.

When entering the door, Jiang Lanyue was arranging Qin Wang's clothes. The two of them were talking and laughing, but when they saw Qin Xie, Qin Wang immediately pouted, "What are you doing!"

Qin Suizhi's heart was tight, for fear that his sister would turn around and leave, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Ayi, father is also in a hurry this time, don't think about it, we'll leave after we finish speaking."

In fact, according to Miss Qin's temper, as soon as Qin Wang said this, she had already left. Not only did she want to leave, she had to turn back and scold Jiang Lanyue for a vixen.

Jiang Lanyue looked at Su Ling with a smile on her face, and was about to enjoy the scene where the father and daughter were inseparable, when she heard Su Ling slowly say: "From today onwards, I won't see Zhu's son again."

Her tone could not be called sincere, but even such a fluttering sentence was enough to make Qin Wang stunned.

After a long silence, Qin Wang lifted his face and said, "If it happens again, the Qin family will be without your daughter."


Su Ling turned and left.

After the two brothers and sisters left the main courtyard, Jiang Lanyue bowed and poured a pot of tea for Qin Wang, and she smiled: "As the saying goes, where fortune and misfortune lie, and where fortune and misfortune lie, the eldest girl has gone through this. It's not a bad thing, now, Master can rest assured."

Since Wen Shuanghua's death, Qin Wei has never spoken to Qin Wang so calmly.

At this moment, the corner of Qin Wang's mouth seemed to have a crack on the three-foot-frozen lake.

There was a hint of joy in his heart, but he still said stubbornly: "Don't worry? She has done less absurd things? Maybe one day she will change her temper again."

Jiang Lanyue joked: "No matter how absurd it is, it is your own."

Qin Wang followed with a smile.

That smile is not what Jiang Lanyue asked for.

The autumn sky is dark and the wind is a little cool.

Su Ling stepped on the carriage wearing a hat.

When I take a little girl to the street, the first thing I go to is a jewelry store.

Qin Suizhi's face was full of words, "You can choose whatever you want, and my brother will pay." But Qin Yan didn't find what she wanted.

In desperation, Qin Suizhi had to ask the shopkeeper to ask for a piece of paper, and said slowly, "Tell me, I'll draw it for you."

Qin Wei pointed at Qin Suizhi's pen, "I want a golden flower with red pearls embedded on it."

"Brother, bend here a little more."

"Why didn't you say it first?" Qin Suizhi said with disgust, but still redrawn it.

After a long while, Qin Suizhi handed the painting over to the shopkeeper, "Just do it like this, I'll trouble the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper continued with a smile, "You're welcome, sir."

Qin Yan said, "I wonder how long it will take to make this golden flower inlaid with red pearls?"

The shopkeeper pinched his chin and said, "This step is exquisitely drawn. No matter how anxious the girl is, she will have to wait ten days."

Qin Yu said thank you.

Ten days is enough.

After coming out of the jewelry store, the two headed towards Dongzhimen again.

As soon as he got off the carriage, he saw Wuyangyang's people walking in the same direction.

They were here to have fun, so they followed, and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus along the road became stronger and stronger.

I stopped to find out that this is the Gongyuan.

Today is the seventeenth day of the eighth month.

Xie Yuan: Huai Jing

Ya Yuan: He Wenyi, Chu Jiangya, Mu Zhengyan, Ding Jin, Tang Wen, Luo Qiuhe…

Everyone congratulated a man in a long black robe, "Congratulations to Mr. Huai."

"I didn't expect that the first time Young Master Huai participated in the scientific examination, he was admitted to the understanding of the yuan. It is really promising."

"Thank you."

The man surrounded is tall and straight, with deep eyebrows, and the curvature of the corners of his lips is neither too deep nor too shallow, and that look of ease is really not like his first scientific examination.

Su Ling took one look and then withdrew her gaze.

When she turned around, Qin Suizhi was looking at the word Xie Yuan motionless.

In Su Ling's memory, Qin Suizhi was known as a child prodigy since he was a child. If the eldest lady of the Qin family did not make Qin Suizhi make that oath before her death.

Perhaps, this year's Jie Yuan is him.

Qin Suizhi noticed that someone was looking at him, so he calmed down and smiled at Su Ling, "Look at what I'm doing?"

Some things do not need comfort, and if they are broken, they will only hurt people more.

Su Ling said, "Let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, the cold wind suddenly picked up.

The hat on Su Ling's head and the banner paper in front of the Gongyuan were rolled up by the wind at the same time.

However, at the moment when the list was set off-

Su Ling's heart seemed to stop.

She seemed to see a yellowed wanted notice.

And the man on the wanted list...

In order to confirm her conjecture, she strode forward and tore down the wanted notice regardless.

At this time, a man in a gray shirt said, "Hey, what does the girl mean by tearing up this wanted order?"

The wind rustled in my ears.

Su Ling stared at the portrait on the wanted notice and the three words below the portrait - Su Huaian.

Su Huaian.

how could be

He wasn't early...

If he didn't die, what happened to the blood veil three years ago

Just thinking about it, Qin Suizhi came over and asked in a low voice, "Ayi, what's wrong?"

Su Ling muttered to herself, "Who is this?"

Upon hearing this, the man in the grey shirt smiled and said, "The girl is not from the capital, right? Don't you even know this one?"

"This one, this is the former Prince of Zhen Guogong and the Shaoqing of Dali Temple. Oh, yes, he is also the champion of Jinke in the thirty-fourth year of Yongchang. He should have a bright future. Shaking his head, he said, "It's actually a thief who is collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country."

Su Ling clenched her fist secretly, her fingernails about to sink into the palm of her hand.

She controlled her voice and said softly: "Collaborating with the enemy and treason, the crime should be punished, why is this person still on the wanted list?"

The gray cloth shirt touched his chin and said, "Hey, I remember it was three years ago, on the night of August 15th, this person disappeared from the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. already."