Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 41: On the hunt (catching insects) I have seen the princess. ……


(receives the dream)

In early spring, it was drizzling.

There is a cloud in the distance to urge the sunrise, and there are many mountains outside, a beautiful scenery.

Emperor Jiaxuan brought hundreds of civil and military officials and the female relatives of the harem to Lishan Bieyuan.

The emperor sat on the high platform, with narrow sleeves on the inside, sleeveless armor with square collar on the front, a tartar hat on his head, white boots on his feet, and said with a smile: "All Aiqings are flat."

"Chunso today, I'm waiting to see you show off your skills."

After all, the emperor raised his arm.

Immediately, the drums and horns sounded in unison.

This time, the Ministry of Industry has built a very large subjective platform. The emperor is on the left, the ministers and eunuchs are sitting beside him, the queen is on the right, and high-ranking concubines and the female family members of the palace are sitting beside him.

The descendants of noble families, princes and ministers went off to participate in the hunt one after another, with white blades flashing and flags blocking the sun. In the hunting grounds, the roars of the worms and the roars of the deer can be heard incessantly.

The female family members are the same as always. At first glance, they are happy, but in fact, the waves are surging.

Jing Concubine looked at the verdant trees under the sun, and said quietly: "This Lishan Garden is really full of spring, which makes people feel relaxed and happy."

This is the concubine Jing, whom the emperor has been very fond of recently. His elder brother Jing Chang Yi was only in the seventh rank. Because of his good work, he was appreciated by His Majesty. In addition, Jing concubine was favored. manage.

There are rumors both inside and outside the palace. It is said that this concubine Jing wanted to see the beauty of Mount Li, so His Majesty chose Mount Li as the venue for the spring search.

Empress Chu glanced at her and said, "If concubine Jing likes it, you might as well stay here for a few more days."

"Niangniang is joking, the concubine is so courageous, how dare you live in the deep mountains without the pressure of His Majesty's dragon." Everyone who said this couldn't help but curl their lips.

Empress Chu snorted lightly.

Jing Concubine knew that the Empress did not like her, so she lowered her head and looked timidly at Emperor Jiaxuan—

But at this time, Feng Jinjiao bowed and mingled, the emperor who had always loved women, and only a galloping horse was left in his eyes.

In the paddock, the eagle spread its wings and hovered in the sky. Xiao Yu tightened the reins and stared at it for a moment. He suddenly raised his arm, pulled the bow into a full moon shape, and quickly released the thumb that was holding the arrow.


The arrow left the string and flew into the air as fast as lightning, and inserted into the neck of the eagle without any bias. Almost at the same time, an arrow was also inserted into the wings of the eagle.

The arrow behind was shot by Su Huaian, the son of Duke Zhenguo.

Standing in the paddock in charge of counting the little officials, he waved the flag and said that the eagle was the king of Jin.

There is a rule for counting in the paddock. If both hits are hit at the same time, the winner or loser will be judged at the point where the arrow falls.

The eye and neck are up, and the rest are down.

Xiao Yu and Su Huaian turned their heads to strike the bow and smiled at each other.

Lang Jun's spring shirt is thin, riding a horse to ride the spring breeze, really worthy of the sentence as bright as a jade tree in front of the wind.

Looking at the heroic two, no one couldn't help sighing that the Su family girl was lucky.

Seeing this, Empress Chu finally smiled. She looked at Su Ling and teased, "A Ling, Saburo and Master Su have such outstanding archery skills, why didn't you learn a few points?"

Su Ling smiled and said, "After returning to my mother, Ah Ling has actually asked His Highness for some advice recently."

Empress Chu rubbed the Buddha beads in her hand, and suddenly smiled: "Oh? It's rare for him to do something flattering, but I don't know how to teach it?"

Su Ling said: "Compared to the above, the concubine must have made some progress."

Seeing that Su Ling took the initiative to mention the last time, Empress Chu smiled brightly and said, "Okay, then Ben Gong will wait and see."

An hour later, the Ministry of War released the results.

At the same time, the jeweled Princess Changning, wearing a peach-colored satin cloak, Shi Shiran walked over, "Changning has seen the queen mother."

"No ceremony, come and sit down." Empress Chu turned her head to Sun Zhaoyi and said, "Didn't you say that Changning was going to rest in Nanyuan because of the wind? Why did you come here?"

Sun Zhaoyi said: "She has this temperament, and the concubine can't control her."

Chang Ning sat down beside Su Ling, looked into the distance, and said hello to both sides: "Three royal sisters-in-law, are you over?"

The little princess has sex and play. Today, let alone the wind, she has to throw a pot and shoot arrows even if she is hot. The big deal is that she can go back to the palace to drink the soup for a month.

Princess Cheng smiled and said, "Yes, the game is over."

Princess Yan couldn't help teasing: "Princess came a little late, I really missed a lot..."

There was something in Princess Yan's words, and everyone could understand it.

The princess has not yet been married, and a scene like today's gathering of young talents is definitely a good opportunity to choose a concubine.

Changning gave a soft "uh" and followed them: "It's a pity, a pity."

However, she didn't care who was there just now, she only cared about whether she could have fun today.

Princess Changning ate two grapes and asked Su Ling, "How about the third brother, the first one again?"

Su Ling nodded, "Yes."

Immediately afterwards, Changning turned to Princess Cheng and Princess Yan and said, "What about the second?"

According to the experience of previous years, the second is either King Cheng or King Yan.

Concubine Cheng said, "The second one today is Master Su, Shaoqing of Dali Temple."

Changning frowned and thought for a while, Master Su... Oh, isn't that the elder brother of the Three Emperors' Sisters

If the Prince of Zhenguo was to end the competition, the second would be reasonable.

However, for Princess Changning, these things just happened in a flash. She raised her head and said to Empress Chu, "Empress Mother, when will we start?"

"You child, wait a little longer and warm up first." Empress Chu said to the palace servant, "Go and pour a bowl of ginger soup for the princess."

Along with Jiang Tang, there were also three princes and Su Huaian.

Su Huaian will appear here because this spring search, all the female family members need are docile Hequ horses, and these Hequ horses are the horses of the Su family.

Su Huaian took a step forward, nodded and said, "Reporting to the Empress, this minister has prepared the river bend horse and light bow, and can enter the shooting range."

Empress Chu looked at Princess Changning and said with a smile, "Changning, do you hear me? You can go pick a horse."

Changning put down the ginger soup in his hand and raised his head in response.

When he raised his head, he happened to meet Su Huai'an's eyes.

The man in front of him had a face like a crown of jade, with a smile in his eyes, and his posture was like the independence of a lonely pine, and the majesty was like a jade mountain that was about to collapse.

She looked at him motionless, as if to stare him out of a hole.

The gaze of the princess of the Tian family can be described as straightforward and direct, with a few large characters written on her face - this Su family son, really, well-deserved reputation.

Su Huai'an was startled, then bowed respectfully, "I have seen the princess before."

Chang Ning suddenly clenched the ginger soup, and the bead hairpin on his head swayed and swayed in the wind.

After countless years, she has always remembered that when Xun Shi, he appeared in front of her in such an ordinary and extraordinary way.

The little princess didn't answer for a long time, and everyone saw that something was wrong. Su Ling lifted her with her arm and said, "Changning, let's go, I'll accompany you to pick a horse and a bow."

Princess Changning regained her senses. After she got up and walked away, she couldn't help but look back. But Su Huaian turned his back a long time ago.

The female relatives are riding horses to shoot arrows, replacing wild animals with targets. It is definitely not as lively as the hunt just now, but the emperor is an unexpected supporter.

The female relatives arrived at the shooting range one after another, fetching light bows first, and then choosing horses.

The Empress Chu looked forward and said to Xiao Yu, "Sanlang, I heard that you taught Ah Ling to shoot arrows?"

Xiao Yu looked at the back of Su Ling's horse, and said with a smile, "It was taught by my son. Let's take a look at the mother."

The Empress Chu looked at the smile in Xiao Yuzhi's eyes, and couldn't help turning the Buddha beads in her hand.

Princess Cheng's archery was more advanced last time, with ten arrows, she hit six red hearts, while Princess Yan was worse, only hit twice, and then it was Su Ling's turn.

Because there was a big joke last time, this time, before the bow was drawn, everyone's eyes fell on her.