Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 53: Grace (micro repair) is no different from the promise of the prince. ……


Xiao Yu went to Changchun Palace for two nights in a row.

For the new emperor, who wanted to go to the evening court after the morning court, it was simply unprecedented.

Rewards like flowing water poured into Changchun Palace.

It was secretly rumored in the palace that the emperor really liked this concubine Li from Goryeo.

The identity of the three concubines who entered the palace was not low. After Li Yuan became favored, Concubine Xue was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and her eyes lit up when she saw Li Yuan.

These undercurrents among the concubines and concubines are surging, and the Empress Dowager Chu is naturally happy to see it happen.

Early the next morning, Su Ling went to the Cining Palace to say goodbye.

The Empress Dowager Chu said to Su Ling, "The emperor and the officials advocated ostentation of extravagance and thrift, and the harem should follow suit. On the birthday of Aijia, let's keep things simple."

"The concubine understands the thoughts of the queen mother, but Your Majesty has repeatedly warned the concubine, the next thing is to be careful and careful, but the queen mother's birthday is absolutely necessary, and it is not beautiful if it is not thrifty." Su Ling said softly: "The queen mother is also considerate. Your Majesty's filial piety."

The Empress Dowager Chu smiled and said, "That's it, I'll leave it to you. Aijia is always at ease."

After a long while, Zhang Gong said: "Qi, Empress Dowager, Concubine Li, Concubine Xue, Concubine Liu, are all waiting outside the hall."

"Let them in now."

The three concubines greeted each other and took their seats.

The Empress Dowager Chu glanced at Li Yuan and said with a smile: "Cining Palace doesn't have so many rules. If you are tired, you can come later. It's better for you to come one earlier than the other."

If tired.

This is also meaningful.

Li Yuan replied, "With the Queen's Empress as the example of the harem, how dare a minister and concubine be lazy."

Concubine Xue glanced at Concubine Li, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Yeah, the Queen's concubine always obeys the rules when she is pregnant with a dragon child, how can the concubine be tired."

The Empress Dowager Chu circled the beads in her hand and said, "The life in the palace is really fast, and in a flash, the Ai family is going to be a grandmother. You guys, you must serve the emperor with all your heart in the future, so that you can spread the branches for the royal family as soon as possible. leaf."

The three concubines answered yes.

When Su Ling looked at Li Yuan, Li Yuan looked down at her stomach, her cheeks flushed.

Su Ling left Cining Palace and returned to Kunning Palace with a blank expression.

After discussing the arrangements for the Queen Mother's birthday with Xu Shangyi and Ning Shanggong, it was almost time for dinner.

Dinner was set on a table, full of color and flavor.

But Su Ling was indescribably disgusting, she couldn't even eat the fresh shrimps in pepper and vinegar, which she loved most on weekdays.

Fuying caressed her back and said, "Niangniang, otherwise the slaves will take these away, and come over with a few more."

Su Ling spit out her strength, rinsed her mouth, she waved her hand and said, "No need, take it down, I won't eat it yet."

Fuying said anxiously: "How can this be done... The imperial doctor said that the empress is for the child in her womb..."

Su Ling's eyes were red, and she suddenly said loudly: "I said take it!"

After shouting, Su Ling was also stunned.

She let out a long sigh and said softly, "Fuying, I really have no appetite."

"My servant understands." Fuying took Su Ling's hand and said, "My lady, take a break."

When he helped Ying go out, he happened to bump into the emperor.

Xiao Yu watched as the meals were brought out one after another, and said, "Has the empress used the meal?"

After Fuying pondered over and over again, she whispered, "Reporting to Your Majesty, Empress has been vomiting for the past two days, and she has not eaten anything today."

Xiao Yu frowned and said, "It's been so long, why is it still so serious?"

Fuying said: "The imperial doctor said that this is a symptom of unpleasant happiness, and it is not a big problem, but the empress has not been eating, her body is getting weaker and weaker, and the slaves don't know what to do."

"I know." Xiao Yu hurriedly walked towards the hall.

Fuying looked at the back of the emperor and sighed.

I just hope that the emperor will not stay in Changchun Palace today...

"Your Majesty, Wan'an." Su Ling got up and said blessedly.

Xiao Yu sighed and walked over to help her up, "Just you and me, what kind of salute?"

"Ceremonies cannot be abandoned." Su Ling took out the veil, covered her mouth, and said, "My concubine is uncomfortable, don't look at it, Your Majesty."

If you don't eat, you can't spit out anything.

Su Ling's cleanliness attacked, rinsed three times in a row, put down the cup, and sat on the couch to breathe lightly...

Xiao Yu looked distressed. After a few seconds, he hugged her in his arms, rubbed her shoulders, and said, "I heard that you didn't eat anything today, didn't you?"

Su Ling lowered her eyes and said, "My concubine just has no appetite for a while, so I'll eat it later, and I won't starve the fetus in my womb."

Xiao Yu pecked her cheek lightly, "If you don't want to eat, don't eat, don't worry about that, embarrass yourself, your body is the most important."

Su Ling's shoulders stiffened.

Hearing him say that made me feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

It was like she pushed him away, knowing she couldn't do it.

Xiao Yu put his hand on her lower abdomen, "Let me see how this little thing can torment you like this."

Su Ling said softly, "Your Majesty."

"Yeah." Xiao Yu said.

Su Ling said: "My concubine is tired. I want to rest early today. The affairs of the state are heavy, and Your Majesty should also pay attention to your health." The implication is: Chen and concubine want to sleep, Your Majesty, hurry up and leave.

However, Xiao Yu didn't hear the deep meaning of the words, only felt that she was caring about herself, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but show, "I'll be here with you tonight if there is nothing to do."

In fact, his papers have not been approved yet, and there are still some left in the Changchun Palace.

But he just didn't want to go.

The cold moonlight shone through the window, Xiao Yu saw that she was no longer vomiting, and her spirit was better, so she asked Shang Food Bureau to bring porridge over.

Xiao Yu blocked her in the corner of the bed and coaxed her: "Just take a bite, if it doesn't feel good, don't eat it."

Su Ling frowned and looked at the bowl.

Xiao Yu picked up the bowl, scooped a spoonful, blew it, and put it to Su Ling's mouth, "I'll feed you."

"Chen and concubine come by themselves."

The man's hand is strong, he doesn't want to give it, Su Ling will definitely not be able to grab it.

However, Su Ling opened her mouth slightly.

Xiao Yu gave her a mouthful and said, "Is it hot?"

Su Ling shook her head.

Xiao Yu wiped the corner of her mouth with his thumb and smiled, "Then take two more bites?"

She nodded.

After feeding half a bowl of porridge, Xiao Yu put down the bowl and said softly, "Eat less if you're not feeling well, it won't be uncomfortable at night, I'll come back tomorrow, eh?"

Su Ling suddenly felt that this man was so cunning. He seemed to be holding the key of joy and sorrow, opening and closing her body, doing whatever he wanted.

The curtain fell, Xiao Yu wrapped the person in his arms, Su Ling rested on his arm.

Xiao Yu lowered his head and kissed the person in his arms habitually, but Su Ling subconsciously avoided it.

His voice was slightly deep, with a shallow smile, "A Ling, don't hide, I won't bother you."

After saying that, Xiao Yu kissed her lips, breathing a little disorderly, and lust poured in.

He really likes to bite her, especially her slender collarbone.

Su Ling couldn't help raising her head, but when she closed her eyes, it was Li Yuan's eyes looking down at her lower abdomen.

His heart shrank, and his eyes turned red.

She put her hand on his chest lightly and said lightly, "Don't mess with me, it hurts."

Xiao Yu raised his eyes and met the red eyes in front of him, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared instantly.


Su Ling simply turned her face away.

At this time, maybe he didn't want to mess with the rules of the harem, maybe it was because the emperor was born suspicious and didn't want to raise the ambition of the people next to him, or maybe he didn't want to admit that one day he would confuse family affairs and state affairs, so now , There are some things he really didn't want to tell her.

After all, once she promises that she only has the child in her belly, it is no different from promising the prince.

How could he have thought, they thought completely different, his queen did not care about the position of the prince at all.

He whispered: "Vinegar?"

Su Ling tidied up her clothes and said in a low voice, "I don't, and I don't want to tell His Majesty this."

Xiao Yu pulled her back, shackled her wrist, put his lips against her ear and said, "You are the only one in my heart."

The warm breath entered his ears, and Su Ling's back trembled faintly.

"A Ling, don't make trouble with me, I want to give you more than you think."

The emperor can speak to this, and whoever changes it should be content.

She even wanted to ask for him, "What do you still want from me?"

Su Ling looked into his eyes, thousands of words were condensed into one sentence, and the concubine knew it.

Xiao Yu said again: "Do you really know?"

Su Ling hummed.

Hearing that the Empress was not feeling well, the three concubines all came to Kunning Palace early the next morning to greet her.

From Concubine Xue's point of view, Su Ling's mother's family was prominent, she was modest, and she was born with a dragon child.

Li Yuan is very good at serving tea. When the tea boils three times, she pours a cup for Su Ling.

Su Ling raised her arm to take it, the placket of the square collar was lightly wrinkled, both red and purple.

Li Yuan squinted her eyes, and then said casually, "What do you think of the Empress?"

She knew from a young age that she would serve the Great Zhou Emperor in the future, so when he came that night, she prepared a lot.

As long as he lucky her once, she can let him eat the marrow and know the taste.

But this handsome emperor just negotiated a "deal" with her indifferently.

He gave her an imperial decree to save Goryeo from paying tribute for two years. There was no lust in the man's eyes, not even the slightest guilt.