Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 67: Qin Mansion (Wei Xiu) Empress, which brother are you! ……


The Hall of Mental Cultivation was brightly lit, as bright as day, Xiao Yu said lightly: "A Ling, come and see the list."

Qin Jie walked over, and Xiao Yu handed her the name book, and the densely packed names came into view, along with the official age marked in red ink.

Xiao Yu leaned back and said to Lu Ze, "Go on."

Obviously, the emperor had no intention of avoiding Qin Zhaoyi at all.

Lu Ze's eyes were slightly stunned, and the old decree was still in his ears - "Yan Qing, this matter is the most important thing, you must be careful when you act, and don't attract attention."

For the emperor's words "Don't attract attention", Lu Yanqing followed Baiguan like a thief every day, secretly measuring his height, shoulder width, and foot size with his eyes, but what happened

The emperor is not the only one in his heart.

Lu Ze sighed in his heart, slowed down, and said with a serious face: "According to the clothes submitted by the government, Tantai Yi is about seven feet eight inches tall, four feet four inches wide at the shoulders, and the soles of his feet are One foot two inches, most of the officials on the list are in line with it, but because it is impossible to measure everyone accurately, there will still be some deviations." Guo Gongfu, referring to the Zhen Guo Gongfu, Lu Ze was concerned about Qin Zhaoyi's presence, so he Deliberately called the government.

Xiao Yu pondered for a moment and said, "This is all?"

Lu Ze nodded and said: "Actually, according to the size of seven feet eight inches, there must be more than a hundred officials of the fifth rank and above, and if you add the soldiers of the capital, there must be at least two thousand people. In the name of martial arts, the stature of some military attaches and soldiers was accurately measured, and those with too large differences in shoulder width and foot length were screened out. One hundred and forty-three."

Lu Ze added: "I can't guarantee that there will be no omissions."

Hearing this, Qin Jie guessed the intention of this directory.

This is using the clues left by Tantai Yi in the past to gradually narrow the scope of suspicion.

Xiao Yu nodded and looked at Su Huaian again, "Jing Ming, where's your name book?"

Jing Ming.

Lu Zetong shrunk in vain, and a layer of cold sweat broke out behind his back. He quickly pressed his fist to his lips and coughed countless times, intending to remind the emperor, Jing Ming, that was the name of the criminal minister Su Huaian, not the pregnant woman!

Unfortunately, Xiao Yu did not respond.

Lu Ze glanced at Su Huai'an out of the corner of his eye, and saw Su Huai'an take out a name book from his sleeve, showing his expression as usual.

As expected of a person who does great things. Lu thought.

Su Huaian opened his mouth and said: "Although there are many people in the imperial examination this year, the number of literati is much lower than that of the warriors, and the age and appearance are all suitable, and there are only seven people left in Beijing. As for the Hanlin Academy, the ministers are in daily contact with them, but It is concluded that Tantai Yi is not here."

After saying that, Su Huaian took out another list and said, "This is the list of officials below the fifth rank that was blocked by the minister. There are twenty-seven people in total, and seven people from the top talents, there are thirty-four people in total."

But why is it below the fifth grade.

Lu is the Marquis of Chunnan, and he is in contact with dignitaries and dignitaries on weekdays, even in the upper court, he is also standing by the emperor's side, and as far as he can see are officials of the fifth grade or above standing in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. As for "Huaijing", he was compiled by a seventh-rank Hanlin Academy. The court was supposed to stand outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony. What he saw was the exact opposite of Lu Ze, and all he could see were officials below the fifth-rank.

Xiao Yu put down the three lists in his hand, and took another one from the case table, put it in Qin Wei's hand, and said lightly: "Last year's election, in addition to the daughters of officials, the daughters of wealthy businessmen, squires, and farmers also need to submit The Ministry of Rites submitted their names, and this matter was handled by Jin Yiwei and the Ministry of Rites together, and the Duke of Chunnan mainly investigated the wealthy businessmen and squires with surnames, this is the last list, a total of 16 people."

Hearing this, Qin Jie was already stupid...

She clearly remembered the situation of last year's general election. The Ministry of Rites shouted about the election of the new emperor, and their attitude was very strict. It was almost a door-to-door check. No one could hide the girl. step.

Could it be that last year's draft was not about drafting women at all, but searching for people

No wonder, no wonder there were 5,000 beautiful girls, and in the end he only had three...

Qin Wei frowned and looked at Xiao Yu and said, "From last year to February this year, are the imperial examinations and martial arts examinations all for..." Tantai Yi

Xiao Yu said: "That's not true. The imperial examinations are held every year by the imperial court, and I just advanced the time for the examinations."

"What about the draft?"


Xiao Yu naturally pulled up Qin Yan's wrist, looked at her, and slowly "explained": "Last year, the Queen Mother and Baiguan together persuaded me to accommodate the harem, and I responded to the matter, but I was empty. This harem can't hold that many people."

The man's eyes were burning, very hot, as if to say: I can't hold so many people in my heart.

Seeing this, Lu Ze involuntarily took a step back with his left foot.

He is blind, he must be blind, he actually saw the emperor coaxing people in the Hall of Mental Cultivation

As for last year's general election... If he remembered correctly, didn't the emperor want to let He Yuru and Xu Lanzhi enter the palace? Wasn't there anything about the Qin family's daughter

Qin Jie's mind was full of Tantai Yi, and she had no time to think about other things. She took a deep breath and said, "The preparations for the draft should have been in February last year. Did Tantai Yi return to Beijing at that time?"

At this time, Su Huaian opened his mouth and said: "In February last year, the minister found a fake imperial teacher in Qi State, and guessed that Tantai Yi might have returned to the capital, so he hurriedly sent a letter to Lord Hou, asking him to be careful, but Tantai Yi can change a person by turning around, his whereabouts are a mystery, and it is impossible to confirm where he is. It was not until the beginning of this year that I found his trace outside the capital, and it was confirmed that he really came back."

Qin Jie turned to look at Su Huaian, worried: "You haven't been discovered by him."

Su Huaian smiled and said, "Don't worry, Niangniang, no."

Qin Yan said, "That's good."

Lu Ze's expression gradually lost control.

This Qin Zhaoyi is amazing!

He actually dared to look at the courtiers in front of His Majesty, and the worry in his eyes would overflow, but, His Majesty didn't say anything.

Lu Ze couldn't help but slander: Are the harem's means so high now? He is only twenty-eight years old, and he is unsophisticated at first glance. The immortal jade bone looks like a white lotus that emerges from the mud and is unstained. But who would have thought that such a pair of pure and innocent eyes would be able to grasp a man. dead dead

No wonder his mother said that you have to know the bottom line to get a wife.

Lu Ze raised his hand and rubbed his face, reorganizing his expression.

After thinking for a while, Su Ling murmured: "Tantai Yi needs time to imitate a person, so he came to Beijing twice... The first time, he came to choose people, after all, the officials in Beijing are the same It's very different from four years ago."

Su Huaian nodded, "Yes."

"What is he going to do?"

"The minister guessed that he was either coming for His Majesty this time, or he had the same idea as 15 years ago." Tantai Yi once set off a political strife with the battle for the crown prince. Who knows what he will do this time What about the cholera court

If this man does not die, he will become a disaster.

Qin Jie looked at the four lists and said to Xiao Yu, "There are 193 people in the four lists. How do you confirm so many people?"

Xiao Yu said slowly: "A fake is a fake. Even if you have the ability to mess with the real, you will definitely leave flaws. No one can make it seamless, don't worry."

Qin Yu nodded.

There was silence all around, the bell rang, and the four of them made exclusions from the name book.

Lu Zedao: "Tantai Yi acted more cautiously than fifteen years ago. I thought that he would not choose a famous general to replace him, especially someone like Guide Houfu. General Guide is just a brother. There are four of them, and they all live in the same mansion. The risk of impersonation is too great. I think back then, the manor of the country was just split up, and there was only one wife..."

Speaking of which, Lu Ze did not continue to speak.

But the other three understood.

Xiao Yu nodded, "First get rid of the complicated people."

An hour later, one hundred and ninety-three people became ninety-three people, and there are more than ten people who need to be re-investigated.

Su Huai'an added: "With Tantai Yi's talent, he can definitely think of us taking precautions. This minister thinks that those with shallow roots in Beijing are the good candidates in his eyes."

Lu Ze frowned and said, "How can things be done with a shallow foundation? Mr. Huai, Tantaiyi is not too young, how many fifteen years can a person have?"

Su Huaian said: "The foundation is shallow, it doesn't mean that he can't be promoted to the official position, what if the son in the family is powerful, or if the daughter is married?"


Ninety-three became seventy-three.

Lu Ze tapped his head with a wolf, and muttered to himself, "The family has a strong son, and my daughter is married. I have to write it down and check it later..."

Qin Jie looked at the name book in her hand, looked at Xiao Yu, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, my concubine thinks that Uncle Si Yuan is impossible. My concubine has seen his eldest lady, and she has a very strong temperament. Uncle Si Yuan is late to return to the house. She's going to turn around."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu curled the corner of his mouth towards her and said meaningfully, "Really?"

Back then, she had also told him that she would go home earlier if there was nothing to do.

Qin Jie looked away from him and continued to stare at the name book in her hand, thinking about whose wife she had met before.

After a long while, she leaned her head against Su Huaian, who looked at her sideways and said softly, "What's wrong?"

Qin Xue said: "Brother, let's change, I don't know anyone here."

Lu Ze's hearing was excellent, he turned his head abruptly, his handsome face was out of control again.

elder brother

elder brother

Does she call Su Huaian a brother? What drama is this

Su Huaian immediately exchanged the list in his hand with Qin Xie.

The list in Qin Yu's hands became officials of the fourth and fifth ranks.

Qin Xue used to be a country, and most of the people who could talk to her were the eldest ladies of noble houses. When they got to Wupin, they knew even less.

Positive five products

Staff member Wai Lang Weide.

Zeng Hening, Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple.

Zhuang Qizheng, right counselor of the Secretary for Communications and Political Affairs.

The Grand Historian ordered Qin Wang.

Qin Wang.

Qin Xue's eyes were stagnant, her breathing was hurried, and her fingertips were instantly cold.

Beijing has a shallow foundation.

The heirs in the family are powerful.

Daughter is married.

Besides her appearance, she was born the same as before. Qin Wang and Su Jingbei naturally have many similarities, so...

Qin Xie put the broken hair behind her ear, and kept saying to herself: No, no, how could such a coincidence happen

But while she denied it, the recent events flashed through her mind...

Qin Wang took another concubine.

Qin Rong and Chu Liulang secretly met in private.

Qin Wang was so angry that Miss Qin and Zhu Ze wrote a letter, how could he let Qin Rong and Chu Liulang meet privately

Seeing that her face was not right, Xiao Yu hurriedly said, "A Ling, what's wrong?"

Qin Jie turned around and dragged Su Huaian: "Brother, you just said that Tantai Yi was found outside Beijing at the beginning of this year. Where is it? Is it close?"

Su Huaian said: "It's not too close, it's on the Hebei side."

Qin Jie squeezed the name book in her hand, and her voice became inexplicably tight: "Hebei... But Qian'an County?"

Su Huaian nodded and said unexpectedly, "Yes, how do you know this?"

The name book in Qin Yan's hand fell directly to the ground, staggering half a step.

How would she know...

That's because there is a house in Qian'an County, where the little Jiang Lanyue is locked up. Isn't it the best choice for Tantai Yiruo to pretend to be Qin Wang and find a concubine who knows "himself" best

Thinking of this, Qin Ei immediately asked Xiao Yu for a pen and paper. After writing, he put down the pen, turned around and said to Lu Ze, "Please send this letter to my brother quickly." Qin Ei's hand trembled slightly. She was right, Jiang Lanyue might be gone now.

Lu Ze was going crazy. He couldn't understand anything, but he couldn't get angry, so he sighed and said, "Miss, which brother are you!"