Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 68: Once upon a time (overhauled) Ah Ling, come here. ……


Qian'an, Jiang Lanyue.

Thinking of this, Qin Jie asked Xiao Yu for a pen and paper. After writing, she put down the pen, turned around and said to Lu Ze, "Please send this letter to my brother quickly." Qin Jie's hand was shaking slightly, if she You were right, Jiang Lanyue might not be there anymore.

Lu Ze was going crazy. He couldn't understand anything, but he couldn't get angry, so he sighed and said, "Miss, which brother are you!"

Qin Wei said: "Qin Suizhi, a thousand households of Jinyiwei."

Lu Ze raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of doubts, he looked back at Xiao Yu, and said somewhat weakly: "Your Majesty, this..."

Xiao Yu just saw the content of Qin Ye's letter, and he had already guessed her thoughts. He nodded and said, "Go, just do as she said."

When the emperor spoke, Lu Ze could only bow to take orders.

Lu Ze took two steps, then turned back, looked at Qin Xun and said, "Is there any problem with the content of this letter?"·

Qin Xue said softly, "Don't worry, Lord Hou, the letter didn't mention anything that shouldn't be mentioned."

"It's the minister who said too much." Lu Ze bowed and saluted, pushed open the door and left.

After Lu Ze left, the three people in the hall looked at each other, even if they didn't say anything, they all had answers in their hearts.

Beijing Zhong has a shallow foundation, his parents died early, and he has no wife or brother. The eldest son works in Jinyiwei, and the eldest daughter is the favorite concubine in the palace. There is really no more suitable candidate than Qin Wang, just like the Zhenguo Gongfu.

Jin Yiwei always works fast, but today it happened to catch up with Qin Suizhi's duty at the guardhouse, and Lu Ze returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation in less than an hour.

Lu Ze presented the letter in his hand to Qin Yan, "This is what Qin Qianhu asked the minister to pass to the empress."

Qin Yan took it and opened it directly.

Maybe it was because of the urgency of time, Qin Suizhi only briefly said Jiang Lanyue's condition, and reassured her that he would take care of everything at home.

The person who took care of Jiang Lanyue in Qian'an was Qin Suizhi's confidant for many years, and would send messages to Beijing every half month.

Jiang Lanyue has been depressed since she left the capital. First, her hopes for the first half of her life were in vain, and secondly, the Wen family would go to her for trouble from time to time, until last month when she learned of Qin Rong's relationship. Marriage, vomited blood, people suddenly went crazy.

"Jiang Lanyue is still alive?" Qin Wei murmured, "Did I think wrong? Didn't he go to Qian'an to see Jiang Lanyue?"

Just now, Qin Jie was ready for Jiang Lanyue's "death from illness". Tantai Yi was a ruthless person, and he never left troubles in his work. If he had seen Jiang Lanyue, he would not have saved her life.

Xiao Yu said suddenly: "There is another possibility."

Qin Yan said, "What?"

"He may not be looking for Jiang's when he went to Qian'an." Xiao Yu said slowly: "Before Qin Suizhi entered office, he was a businessman, and he held the Wen's firm in his hand. The Wen family started from Qian'an, and the business All over the north, they have their own inns, pawnshops, restaurants, and most importantly, the Wen family has their own chariot team, and Qin Suizhi was not allowed to leave Beijing without permission after entering Jinyiwei. This part of the industry should have been handed over to Qin Wang. It's gone." The reason why Xiao Yu can remember Qin's family affairs so clearly is because he has not investigated Qin Xun much before.

"With the carriage and horse team, it will be much easier for him to transport things." Su Huaian frowned and said, "If this is true, then it is not an accident that he is eyeing the Qin family."

"But at the end of the day, it's all speculation."

They all knew that once the wrong person was caught, it would be even more difficult to find Tantaiyi.

"This person is really cunning." Lu Ze said: "Fight with him, he will disappear in a blink of an eye, and investigate him according to the regulations, then these things will be completely exposed, and the family will have some protection against it."

How to confirm Qin Wang's identity without causing trouble is really a problem.

Su Huaian said, "I'll find a chance to meet him."

Lu Ze said: "This is absolutely impossible. He knows you best. This matter has to be discussed in the long run."

Hearing this, Qin Jie couldn't help clenching her fists.

If Tantai Yi has now become Qin Taishi, where has the real Qin Wang gone? Has the pin been ossified and passed away

Qin Suizhi, Qin Rong and Tantaiyi live under the same roof. If an accident happens, will the Qin family end up in ruins? Just like the former township government...

She couldn't wait for the long-term plan.

"Can your majesty allow the concubine to go home to save relatives?" Qin Jie suddenly raised her head and looked at Xiao Yu and said, "The concubine has just been promoted, and it is not abrupt to go home to save relatives at this time. If you can see him with your own eyes, you can have a way to confirm. his identity."

"I hope Your Majesty's permission."

According to the old custom of the previous dynasties, once a concubine entered the palace gate, she could not go home in this life. Even if a relative died, she had to ask the empress first, and she could only meet her relatives at the gate of the palace with permission. Da Zhou is obviously a lot more lenient in this regard, and concubines have the opportunity to go home every year, of course, there is a premise - favor.

As soon as she heard that she was going back to the Qin Mansion, Xiao Yu's face immediately sank, and his tone was rather heavy: "You give me a break from this thought as soon as possible."

Qin Xue said: "Can your majesty allow Chen's concubine to say a few more words?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, staring at her coldly, this is really the attitude of a monarch and a minister.

No one dared to speak bluntly anymore.

But Qin Xue had no choice but to dare.

She looked at Xiao Yu and said word by word, "Since Tantai Yi has something to pursue, he will not easily expose himself before he gets his wish. If tonight's inference is correct, then Tantai Yi's concubine will say that it is separated by two The next time he killed his father, he became a fake Taishi Ling, but his concubine was the real daughter of the Qin family. The concubines remembered the events of two lifetimes.

Xiao Yu interrupted her: "What if he recognizes you?"

"Resurrection from the dead, who would dare to believe such absurd things?" Qin Jie looked at him, "Didn't your majesty recognize his concubine at first?"

Xiao Yu slapped the table and stood up, looking down at her.

Xiao Yu's palm slapped Lu Ze's head buzzing, and only one sentence hovered in his mind-resurrection from the dead.

His knees were weak, and he glanced at Su Huaian helplessly, but Su Huai'an remained expressionless and could not see a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Lu Zexin said: "You don't guard me, and you don't tell me, what does this mean?"

There was silence in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Yu said to Su Huaian and Lu Ze, "Let's step back, we will discuss this matter another day."

Su Huai'an and Lu Ze bowed and said, "I will retire."

When the door of the hall was closed, Xiao Yu kept his voice extremely low: "Is it too accustomed to you?"

Qin Ei knelt down straight towards him, "It was the concubine who made a mistake."

For the first time in the world, Xiao Yu didn't call her up.

Qin Jie said again: "Your Majesty only told the concubine that a fake is a fake, and no one can do it seamlessly. The concubine understands both Tantaiyi and Qin Wang's habits. In just a few hours, they can He tried it out."

"Concubines and concubines must accompany Jin Yiwei and participate in the stationing, and everything will be fine."

"Although the concubine didn't grow up in the Qin mansion, she has received a lot of favors. The concubine can't just watch the Qin manor go wrong again."

Xiao Yu didn't even think about it, he said, "From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to come back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Eunuch Sheng outside the hall received Su Huaian's hint, and hurriedly walked in with a bowl of soup medicine, and said, "It's getting late, Your Majesty should drink the medicine first."

Eunuch Sheng stepped back with a wink.

Qin Wei and Eunuch Sheng met their eyes, then looked up at Xiao Yu and said, "Is your majesty ill?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, didn't look at her, but put the spoon aside and held up the bowl with one hand.

Seeing that he was determined not to let herself go back to the Qin Mansion, Qin Jie stood up and touched his mouth with her fingertips, "Come on, concubine..."

The purpose of this tenderness could not be more obvious.

Xiao Yu looked at her unmoved and said, "I don't need you to serve me, don't waste your time."

After all, he drank it all.

Qin Jie looked at the empty bowl and spoke again: "What's wrong with Your Majesty?"

Another silence.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu took off the jade belt around his waist with one hand, took off his dragon robe in front of her, unbuttoned his single coat, and looked at her.

The man's chest is lean and strong, his shoulders are broad and broad, his waist is narrow and thin, and his whole body is not much different from Qin Jie's memory, except for the long and narrow scar on his chest.

Qin Jie looked at Yin Hong in front of her, and frowned slightly: "How... how did you get it?"

"Yang Di, remember?"

Qin Jie nodded, Yang Di, a former staff member of the Jin Palace.

"I thought I knew him like the back of my hand, but he actually gave me a knife on the battlefield four years ago." Xiao Yu looked at her and said, "It's a big taboo to underestimate the enemy, you think you know him, but you even do it this time. Nothing is clear."

"There is no need for further discussion on this matter."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Jie suddenly grabbed one of his fingers, "Your Majesty, listen to your concubine's plan, and it's not too late to make a decision."

Xiao Yu looked down at her hand and breathed for a while. Obviously, the man's body was harder than his heart.

He paused for a while before saying, "I'll take you back to Jingren Palace."

The night dew was heavy, Qin Ye followed behind Xiao Yu with the horn lamp in hand, and the two were silent.

The Hall of Mental Cultivation is in the west and Jingren Palace is in the east. This section of the road passes through Kunning Palace, and Qin Jie will walk with her eyes closed.

She suddenly stopped walking.

There was no rustling footsteps behind him, Xiao Yu stopped and turned around.

The dim light in Qin Ye's hands just illuminated the bluestone bricks under their feet, and Xiao Yu realized that behind them was the Kunning Palace.

Looking through the sash window, it seems to have pulled people back to the past—

Autumn is slightly haggard, and the curtains are cool.

He seemed to see how she was pregnant, sitting on the couch waiting for him. He never dared to think about how she lived every night from when he left for the war to when Xiao Yun was born.

The pillars in front of the Kunning Palace are like a shackle on their hearts.

Xiao Yu's Adam's apple moved slightly, "A Ling, come here."

A layer of tears floated in Qin Jie's eyes, and she said softly, "My concubine in my last life died with regret. In this life, can Your Majesty trust my concubine once?"

Xiao Yu knew that she did it on purpose.

She deliberately stopped here, deliberately brought up the past.

But he couldn't stand her saying this.