Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 69: The acting award for the beloved concubine of the province


Qin Xie recounted the plan in her heart from beginning to end.

After Xiao Yu heard it, he still agreed with her.

Xiao Yu frowned and wrote down the imperial decree to approve Qin Zhaoyi's relatives. The retort words were brewing in his mouth for a long time, and then swallowed. After receiving the imperial decree, Jiang Zhongting, Minister of Rites, immediately drew up with Qin Tianjian a good time and auspicious time—Yanxi In the fifth year, on the eighteenth day of the fourth month, Qin Zhaoyi was allowed to return to his home to be a relative.

April 18, that is, three days later.

That day, Qin Xie got up early in the morning to dress up.

Zhu Xin used daifen to hook her eyebrows with suitable shades of willow leaves, applied a thin layer of pearl powder to her cheeks, smeared mouth grease, and finally inserted her hair on both sides of her temples .

Qin Xie doesn't wear makeup very often, and she doesn't speak much on weekdays. Although she is beautiful, she is always a little cold and distant, making people dare not look directly at her. Only when she is holding the eldest prince, her eyes will show a bit of tenderness. With light makeup and a little bit of color, you will feel like a thousand dendrobium pearls shining at night, bright and dazzling.

Zhu Xin couldn't help but sighed in the mirror: "The maid is so beautiful, the slaves are reluctant to look away."

Qin Xue looked at Zhu Xin and couldn't help thinking of Fuying. She took a deep breath and stopped thinking.

After noon, she sat on the Zhai sedan chair given by the royal family and left the palace from Shenwu Gate.

Although Qin Jun was only a third-grade Zhaoyi, and did not have to follow the many red tapes and formalities of the queen's visit to her relatives, but she should pay attention to all the pomp and circumstance, especially in the matter of stationing, Lu Ze, the commander of Jinyiwei, cleaned up the whole day ahead of schedule. West Street.

His relatives were the mighty emperor, Qin Wang was outside the Qin mansion early, and Qin Suizhi and Qin Rong stood behind him and looked forward to it.

The sound of the chariots and horses gradually slowed down, and as the drums of the "tiger" stopped, Jin Yiwei surrounded the Qin mansion, and Lu opened the curtain for her. Qin Jie helped the little eunuch get out of the sedan chair. He met Qin Wang's eyes.

Qin Wang bowed first, followed by Qin Suizhi and Qin Rong, who also followed suit, and said in unison, "I give my concubine your condolences."

"Father, please get up quickly." Qin Wei turned to Qin Suizhi again: "The elder brother and the second younger sister don't need to be too polite."

"Thank you madam."

The little eunuch Fu An stepped forward and said, "Do you want to sit inside?"

Qin Xue waved her hand and said, "No need, you all go down."

Even if they are close relatives, they are monarchs and ministers when they enter the palace gate. Qin Wang looked at Qin Xun and hesitated several times before he said, "I have prepared dinner for the empress in Dongci."

Qin Jie watched his movements calmly, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Daddy."

Qin Wang tilted his head to look at her, shook his head, and muttered, "It's still like this."

The tone and demeanor were exactly the same as Qin Wang in Qin Jie's memory.

Qin Wei and Qin Wang's father-daughter relationship is because Jiang Lanyue has been weak for many years, and it is impossible to become intimate at once. After a few greetings, Qin Wei moved to Qin Suizhi's side.

In the end, Qin Suizhi's attitude changed a bit after he became an official, but those eyes seemed to stick to him since Qin Wei entered the door.

Qin Suizhi said in a low voice, "Ayi, how was your life in the palace?"

In fact, Qin Suizhi knew very well that his younger sister must be favored in the palace, otherwise she would not have been promoted to the third-rank Zhaoyi after entering the palace for a few months, but he still wanted to hear her say it in person.

"Brother, don't worry, I had a good time in the palace." Qin Ye smiled and said, "What about Lord Qin?"

Qin Suizhi couldn't hold back, he snorted and said, "Thanks to Niangniang, Lord Lu has taken care of the lower officials."

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters were still whispering in the back, Qin Wang turned his head and said, "Can you eat now, Niangniang?"

Qin Xue was stunned, then nodded, "Okay."

Qin Rong secretly glanced at Qin Suizhi, her nose was going to be sore, she had never seen her big brother give her a smile, and when her sister came back, she was smiling like something.

Qin Rong quickened her pace and was about to step into the East Room.

Qin Wang glanced at her and said sternly, "Rong'er! Do you know the rules!"

Qin Rong paused and stopped at the door, waiting for her sister to advance.

Qin Xue didn't deal with Qin Rong in the first place, so she didn't say a word for her at this moment.

A family of four sat down in the East Second Room, and there was quite a sumptuous banquet on the table.

Stir-fried mutton, two-cooked fried fresh fish, mutton crystal horns, three-line soup, roast goose, bean soup, lychee pork... There are more than 30 dishes to count.

Qin Suizhi said again: "I specially bought gouache dumplings and steamed sea bass for the niece today, and the niece will try it."

At this moment, the palace maid at the door came over and said, "My lady, wait a moment, you have to try the dishes first."

Qin Wei glanced at her displeased, and pretended to be angry, "Why does this palace still need to try the dishes when I go home to save my relatives?"

The palace maid said nervously, "Niangniang, this is the rule."

Qin Ei put down the wooden chopstick, and when the maid finished trying the dish, she immediately took the fish that Qin Suizhi pointed out to her. Yu Guangli, Qin Wang didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Niangniang eat slowly." Qin Suizhi looked at her with a smile, "No one will rob you."

Qin Wei nodded and cried to Qin Suizhi, "I haven't eaten this flavor for a long time."

Qin Suizhi said: "Then Goddess, just eat more..."

Qin Jie said: "Brother, if you want me to eat more, just say a few words less of the goddess."

Qin Suizhi agreed: "Okay, okay."

Qin Wang didn't speak for a while, he just moved the steamed perch on the case towards Qin Xie again, and coughed two times rigidly: "Niangniang, don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep."

Qin Wei sat down on her hands and whispered, "Dad said yes."

After dinner, Qin Wang rubbed his knees with the palm of his hand and said, "I have a few words that I would like to say to the empress alone."

Qin Xie nodded eloquently.

Qin Wang said: "My lady, come with me to Cheng'an Tang."

Walking into the house, Qin Jie sat down casually, and said with a defensive face: "Dad has something to say to me alone? Could it be that Daddy is planning to bring Jiang's back?"

Little Jiang's, that is Qin Xue's death point.

Qin Wang rubbed his temples with his hands, and sighed three times in a row, "I will never see Jiang's again in this life, and I will do it if I promise my mother."

Qin Xue breathed a sigh of relief: "Dad, if you have something to say, just say it directly."

"Not long ago, Rong'er entered the palace to cause trouble for the empress." Qin Wang said, "It's the minister who didn't take care of her in this matter."

Seeing that Qin Wang's eyes were full of guilt, Qin Jie quickly said, "Dad, don't say that."

"The maiden is favored, and there are many difficulties in the palace..." Speaking of which, Qin Wang almost gritted his teeth, "It was because the minister used to be so used to her that he gave her a stinky condition. I never imagined that she would dare, dare to do such humiliating things..."

After all, Qin Wang coughed twice.

Qin Yue turned around and poured him a glass of water.

Qin Wang patted the table a few times with his palm, "But the maiden can rest assured that from now until she gets married, she will not even want to leave Qin's house, and if she dares to have any connection with the Chu family, the minister will expel her from the Qin family. In the future, whether it is dead or alive, it will no longer affect the empress."

Such a tone is really similar to Qin Wang.

Thinking back to a few months ago, he also said the same to himself.

- "The man surnamed Zhu is just the son of a merchant, and it's worth doing so! From now on, don't go out for half a step. If you meet that kid from the Zhu family again, I'll discount him in front of you. Legs! This Taishiling, I will not do it!"

Qin Wang has always been such a person, with joy and anger on his face, sometimes he gets emotional, and he will say a few harsh words, but he is actually a soft-hearted person, otherwise he will not be played by Jiang Lanyue. middle.

Hearing these words, Qin Xue couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and her heart settled a little.

Maybe... she really thinks too much.

Qin Wang looked up at him and said, "But she is your sister after all..."

As soon as Qin Xie heard this, he knew what he was going to say, and immediately interrupted him as before: "Dad, don't say this is done?"

Qin Wang frowned, and said in a low voice, "Okay, okay."

Qin Yan said: "My daughter finally came back, she just wanted to accompany her father and brother. Now that these things are over, don't mention them again in the future."

Qin Wang said: "Yes, yes, it's still early now, or else... Empress will play chess with the minister?"

Qin Xun's expression softened, and she said, "In the palace, Your Majesty dislikes my poor chess skills. I'm finally going home today, so let's stop playing chess, okay?"

Qin Wang smiled directly to the bottom of his eyes, "Since Your Majesty said that Niangniang is not good at chess, Niangniang should practice more diligently."

"My daughter has practiced too." Qin Jie rubbed her temples and said, "Perhaps, my daughter just doesn't have the talent."

Qin Wang painstakingly persuaded: "Diligence is like the seedlings that spring up. If you don't see it growing, you will grow every day. As long as you work hard, you will definitely make progress."

This way of speaking is indeed Qin Wang's style.

Qin Wei yawned and said, "Father, why don't my daughter write a sub-word for you, the days in the palace are always extraordinarily long, the scriptures and palace rules are not copied, and my daughter's characters have improved, and she has been praised by Your Majesty. ."

Qin Wang got up quickly and said, "Then, that lady, go to the study with the minister."

After all, it was a civil official. When he pushed open the door of the study, a scent of ink wafted through his nostrils.

Qin Wang shook his sleeves, and pretended to study ink for her. Qin Wei said, "Dad, you are staring at your daughter to write, but her daughter is nervous."

Qin Wang smiled, took a few steps back in a panic, and sat down on the chair.

She removed the lamp and candle, flattened a piece of rice paper, pressed the ballast on the left and right, and began to sharpen the ink.

After a while, Qin Xue's slender white wrist turned and she put down her pen. Her brows were full of smiles, and she raised the dense small characters in her hand and said, "Dad, how is it?"

Qin Yan's face was not obvious, but her heart was actually mentioned in her throat.

Qin Wang nodded, "Yes, there is progress."

Qin Wei raised her chin and said with a smile, "Could it be daddy to guide you for a second or two?" She clearly knew how much she was like Su Ling in the past.

"Luo Luozhuyu, Piao Piao Ying group, the empress's font is indeed a bit softer than before, but there are still some shortcomings." Qin Wang looked at her straight, patted his wrist, and said: " Niangniang lacks strength in her hands and owes some effort, but looking at it as a whole, her color has lost a bit."

Qin Jie looked at the rice paper in her hand and nodded, and suddenly realized: "It was wrong here."

It was already dawn and dusk, and the sound of the drum "teng" sounded outside, indicating that it was time to save relatives.

When Qin Xie left the house, Lu Ze saw her face as usual, and whispered, "Go in?"

Qin Jie gave him a "don't move" look and said, "It's time, let's go back to the palace first."

When Qin Wei returned to Zhai Jiao, her whole body softened.

She saw Tantai Yi's power again, and if it weren't for the small print, she almost thought she had recognized the wrong person.

Her words were too small, and she deliberately stood farther away. There was only one reason. Qin Wang was born in a poor family, and his family couldn't even afford an oil lamp. In order to be admitted to the jinshi, his eyes had been burnt out, and he could still see from such a distance. It is not Qin Wang who is clear.

It is Tantai Yi, who is unparalleled in martial arts and can penetrate Yang in a hundred steps.