Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 75: It's good for the door, but it's against him


The residential building is still lively.

The shopkeeper continued with a smile, "Sir, although the land price on Yunli Long Street is high, you can see that the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army and the Sixth Division are all nearby. If you move forward, it is Zhengyangmen. The upward value is extremely convenient.”

"Lord, look at the shops nearby. From here, looking south, there is a hut in the hut, there is food in the hut, there is a building in the 20 li, and there is fine wine in the building." Speaking of this, the shopkeeper smiled, "I can't help but have wine, And beautiful people."

The most famous Qinlou and Chu Pavilions in the capital are all here.

The shopkeeper raised his hand, covered his mouth and said, "Young man has a good relationship with the adult. You might as well have a clear word with the adult. Just the two sets the adult is watching, and the others are watching! If you hesitate any more, it will be gone."

Although these remarks may be exaggerated, Su Huaian grew up in this street, and naturally knows how quickly the houses in the vicinity change owners.

Thinking of this, Su Huaian couldn't help pinching the bridge of his nose.

But his annual salary is not necessarily two thousand taels.

The shopkeeper was used to this kind of silence from the depression, so he had to take out another land deed and said, "Look at this, sir, although it is not on Yunli Chang Street, the yard is very particular, and the foundation is six feet long. Said that there are two open bookstores, and flower beds are built in the open space before and after the main courtyard. When spring flowers bloom on the wall, they will be more than a thousand years old, and they will be very lively. The most important thing is that the rent is not as high as that of the courtyard. A month, but forty-two."

Su Huaian looked at the map of Beijing and pointed at the opposite door of Princess Changning's mansion with his index finger, and said, "This is the mansion under the name of the Xue family? Not renting?"

The shopkeeper whispered: "Sir, that's the Xue family, how can it be possible to deal with the little one? The little one doesn't dare to ask whether the Xue family's mansion is rented or sold."

Su Huaian nodded thoughtfully and said, "Thank you."

The shopkeeper said again: "That lord... Are you still renting it?"

Su Huaian took out a bank note to the shopkeeper, and said, "This is a deposit, please let the shopkeeper leave the courtyard for me for another day." On credit.

The shopkeeper accepted the bank note and said, "Little understands."

Su Huaian didn't get on duty until Chen Shi, and as soon as he entered the penal office, he bowed to Xue Xiangyang and said, "Sir, I have something to delay today, so I am late."

Xue Xiangyang turned over the case file in his hand, thinking that he was going to handle the case, and said, "What's the matter?"

Su Huaian said, "It's a personal matter of Xiaguan. Xiaguan went to the housekeeping building this morning."

Xue Xiangyang frowned and said, "What are you doing there, Master Huai?"

Su Huaian said with sincerity: "Xiaguan lives in Yibeifang. He can only catch up with Zaochao when the roosters crowing, so he thought about renting a house again."

Xue Xiangyang looked up at him.

Huaijing is not a native of the capital. Now that he has been promoted, he has become a quasi-consort, and it is common sense to have plans to relocate.

Xue Xiangyang gave a "uh", got up and handed him the thick stack of case files on the table, and patted him on the shoulder: "If you need help, just tell me directly." As expected of Xue The father, a simple sentence can make him say the meaning of rich and powerful.

Su Huaian said, "Thank you sir."

After Xue Xiangyang threw the case file in his hand to Huaijing, the head of the punishment department got up and said: "Sir, that prostitute in Mingzhaofang is really suspicious. The official thinks that she is here to deceive the bounty, should we use the punishment?"

Xue Xiangyang frowned, not knowing what he thought, and said solemnly: "Su Huaian is different from his treasonous father, he never went to Fengyue Land, and it is unlikely that he will be involved with prostitutes as soon as he returns to Beijing. relationship, try first, if the truth is not tried, then the sentence will be imposed."

After all, he turned around and left the punishment department.

The Director of the Criminal Department whispered to the chief of the Criminal Department: "Why is Master Xue so talkative all of a sudden?" Who knows, Xue Xiangyang, the Minister of the Criminal Department, handles the case, and if he can use the punishment, he will never say a word.

The head of the punishment department glanced at his mouth and said, "Since our lord has personally tried the fourth girl, that's how it is."

The secretary sighed: "I still can't forget how the Fourth Young Lady pleaded with the adults that day in prison. That appearance is really pear blossoms and rain, I still feel pity, eh, eh, that expression of yours, is it difficult... Master Xue has something to do with her?"

With a pair of eyes, the head of the punishment department smiled and said, "I heard that Master Xue wants to take the fourth girl as his concubine, or the aunt who was brought into the mansion."

Si Wu glared and said, "It is a blessing for an actor to enter the Xue Mansion in eight lifetimes."

"But there are people in the world who don't hesitate to be lucky, those four girls, don't say anything to us adults."

The secretary said in surprise: "I have seen her household registration, so how can she be worthy of us adults with such a background? Lord Xue is dignified, holds great power, and is the eldest son of the Xue family. She, what kind of Joe does she take?"

Su Huaian raised his eyebrows and glanced at them.

Four girls, that should be Qiu April in Ah Ling's mouth, but isn't she with Zhuang Sheng...

Su Huai'an remained silent. After sitting down, he picked up the pen and wrote the report against the case file. The speed of writing the pen was astonishing. The head of the punishment department blinked and said, "Is it possible that Mr. Huai has memorized all the laws of Da Zhou?"

Su Huai'an said slowly, "Just read it in advance."

Anyone can hear this as being humble.

The chief said silently in his heart: No wonder Master Xue asked this man from the Hanlin Academy.

In the evening, Xue Xiangyang returned to the prison room.

Su Huaian put a stack of case files and submissions in front of him.

Xue Xiangyang opened a scroll at random, and was startled, then turned to another scroll, and was startled again.

He read it from top to bottom, compared the submission in his hand, raised his eyes and said to Su Huaian, "Fourteen files... It's hard work for you."

Su Huai'an respectfully said, "It's all what a subordinate should do."

Xue Xiangyang leaned back, raised his chin, put his hand on his lips, half-squinted and looked at Huai Jing, the more he looked, the more pleasing he felt.

As expected of my week's champion.


Xue Xiangyang will promote Huaijing, although it is because of his status as the champion, but mainly because the prospective concubine in front of him cannot tolerate Su Huaian.

Xue Xiangyang originally planned to let him be the eye of the eldest princess' mansion, but after reading these files today, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of cherishing talent.

It is better to win such a talented person sincerely. In the future, he will also be a help to the Xue family with this kind of promotion and help.

Giving charcoal in the snow is far more precious than the icing on the cake.

Xue Xiangyang said: "The Mongolian embassy is going to Beijing in a few days. You can accompany me this time."

Su Huai'an made a bi-weekly compilation, and said in a low voice, "My lord's kindness for promotion today is unforgettable."

Xue Xiangyang smiled, got up, patted him on the shoulder affectionately, and said, "Mr. Huai said this morning that I went to the housekeeping building, but I don't know which street I went to?"

Su Huaian pursed his lips and said, "Yunli Long Street."

As soon as the voice fell, Xue Xiangyang raised his eyebrows.

This is for the long princess

Wouldn't that be right with him

Xue Xiangyang said again: "But you have chosen a place?"

Huaijing, the son of a poor family, managed to climb up to the princess. He had no money and no power. As we all know, there was no need to cover up.

Su Huai'an sighed and said directly: "Xiaguan has to go to the next street to take a look."

Xue Xiangyang immediately understood the meaning of the words.

This is a shame.

However, the housing prices of Yunli Chang Street are indeed not something this poor family consort can withstand.

As the saying goes, don't bully the poor.

They were all men. Xue Xiangyang, taking into account his self-esteem, whispered, "I have a mansion under my name that I want to rent, and it happens to be on Yunli Chang Street. Master Huai, can you go and have a look?"

Su Huai'an said with a look of fear: "Sir, the salary of the subordinates is meager, it is really..."

Xue Xiangyang has always been open and bright, he interrupted Su Huai'an, "Sibo, you and I have come to Japan for a long time, so the polite words will be omitted." Sibo is Huaijing's name.

Su Huai'an said solemnly: "Your Excellency is not a low-ranking official. Si Bo dare not accept such a favor."

Xue Xiangyang has been in the Penal Department for so many years, and he prides himself on being well-informed. He has seen everyone. Seeing the sincerity in Su Huaian's eyes, he knows that he is not wrong.

He patted Su Huai'an on the shoulder and said, "It's not that I let you live in vain. I will deduct the rent from your salary."

Su Huaian said: "Xiaguan..."

Xue Xiangyang said: "Why, you have to push and refuse with me three times?"

Su Huai'an took a deep breath and bowed deeply, "I don't dare to be a lower official."

Xue Xiangyang said, "Let's go."

The courtyard was quiet, the fragrance of gardenias in the corners of the wall was fragrant, the birds on the branches were full of birds, and five or six maids surrounded the bright woman in the blue gauze skirt. Some people served tea, and some people fanned her.

Xiao Lianyu closed her eyes and leaned on Furong's couch.

Suddenly, a female Shi named Cheng Tao came over in a panic and said, "Princess, it's not good."

Xiao Lianyu closed her eyes and frowned, "What's the matter?"

Orange Tao said: "Princess, someone moved to the opposite street from us."

Xiao Lianyu snorted and said, "Isn't that Xue's house? Why, Xue Xiangyang is staring at me here?"

Cheng Tao said: "No, Master Xue rented the house to someone else..."

Xiao Lianyu sat up and said, "He Xue Xiangyang is not short of money. He rents a house? Who does he rent to?"

Cheng Tao said vaguely: "Yes... the concubine."

Xiao Lianyu's apricot eyes glared, and a burst of anger burst out between her brows, "Who allowed you to call him concubine!"

Cheng Tao immediately changed his tune and said, "The slave and maid are convicted of the crime, and it is Lord Huai, the minister of punishment."

Xiao Lianyu got up and said without a smile, "Okay, I really turned against him."