Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 80: The beloved handed his face over, Beat it. …


When Xiao Yu entered the hall, Qin Ye happened to take the eldest prince to the clean room, and when he came back to see him sitting on the couch, the whole person couldn't help but be stunned.

The emperor came to the palace of the concubine, so naturally there was no place for the little prince. After Xiao Yun saluted and greeted him, Yuan mama winked and brought the little prince back to the side hall.

The little prince turned back frequently.

I don't seem to understand, why is he leaving as soon as the father comes

Qin Xue said in a daze: "Why did Your Majesty come here so late?"

Xiao Yu calmly patted the edge of the couch, "Come and tell me."

Qin Jie walked over and sat down, "Isn't the Mongolian mission coming soon?"

"Well, five days at most."

When she got close, Xiao Yu realized that her eyes were red, and she couldn't help frowning, "Why are your eyes red?"

The inquiring gaze made Qin Jie lean back.

Xiao Yu supported her waist with his hands and dragged him, "What's going on?"

"My concubine's eyes are red?" Qin Jie blinked, "Maybe it was just too hot in the clean room..."

Xiao Yu thought that she had just returned from the clean room with her son, and her brows were slightly loose.

However, his stomach made an untimely sound.

"Your Majesty hasn't eaten yet?"

Xiao Yu made a "hmm" sound.

"How can this be possible? Your Majesty, wait, the concubine will find..."

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his eyes to look at her and said, "A Ling, do it for me."

Qin Ei spread her hands, "Where can the concubine know?"

Xiao Yu said, "Don't you know how to make soup?"

When he first took over the government, he spent all day in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. At that time, she would often send Gu soup to nourish her body.

He knew that it wasn't a way for concubines in the harem to compete for favor. She was really worried about his body.

Qin Wei frowned and said, "But... it takes at least an hour to make soup..."

Xiao Yu said: "I'll wait."

Qin Yupi glanced at him with a smile.

This person clearly set the emperor's profile with her.

It was said to be cooking, but it was on the mountain. In the small kitchen of the Winter Palace, there was almost nothing to use except pots and bowls. In addition, Qin Xun had not been in the kitchen for many years, so she was already in a hurry.

Fortunately, Bamboo Orchid and Bamboo Heart helped her make the fire.

Zhu Lan said: "Miss, the ingredients here are obviously not available. Why don't you go to the Sili Jian's place?"

Qin Xue said, "You don't have to go that far, go to Changning Princess Chang's courtyard and order something."

With Changning's gluttonous personality, there is no shortage of food in the yard.

After a while, Zhulan appeared at the door with a lot of things in her hands.

Qin Yan looked at the yam, shrimp, mushroom, and bamboo fungus scattered on the table and rubbed her temples.

She thought about it and threw it all into the casserole.

Not to mention, there are also benefits to cooking.

With the sound of boiling water, my mood unexpectedly calmed down.

Qin Xue's cooking skills are not superb. She cooks and tastes it as she cooks. When it's salty, add some water, and when it's light, add some salt. In the end, she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. Anyway, she always thinks it's delicious.

This is like the soup in her hand, the mushroom flavor is very strong and fresh.

After working for half an hour, she brought the casserole back to the hall, and as soon as she entered the door, she found that the emperor had closed his eyes.

She put down the tableware and walked over to him to untie his girdle.

He held her hand, opened his eyes, and half-squinted, "Are you back?"

The person's exhaustion seemed to be engraved in her eyes, and she whispered: "If Your Majesty is tired, rest early."

Xiao Yu got up and said, "I'm really hungry."

The size of the inner room of the Winter Palace is similar to that of the Palace of the King of Jin, and it is only three steps away from the bed to the desk.

Xiao Yu nodded and looked at the steaming mushroom soup. He hurriedly sat down and drank a bowl. Seeing him frown, Qin Yu said tentatively, "It doesn't suit Your Majesty's taste?"

Xiao Yu held the bowl and spoon to her, she took it naturally, and muttered, "I just tasted it."

Seeing this scene, Zhulan suddenly felt that her heart was about to jump out.

Your Majesty loves Zhaoyi and trusts Zhaoyi. It's fine if you don't try the dishes, but you can't use it either... The same pair of bowls and chopsticks, right

Zhulan quickly withdrew.

Qin Xue also realized that something was wrong, and when her eyes met, she put down the bowl and chopsticks.

But the next moment, she was carried to the clean room by him, and when she came back, the tableware and chopsticks were kicked to the ground.

In the panic, Qin Jie didn't forget to secretly use the contraceptive incense for herself.

And when Xiao Yu stood up, he deliberately supported her waist, which was a very fertile position.

After it was over, he couldn't help kissing her hair and was slightly startled, "A Ling, did you change the soap horn or the hair oil."

Qin Xue said vaguely that she was sleepy.

A moment later, a hard arm fell on her belly.

When Qin Wei woke up, Xiao Yu had already left. After lunch, Xiao Yun will go to Huicheng Hall to study books.

The Huicheng Hall is adjacent to the Winter Palace.

Looking around, jagged rocks can be seen everywhere, as well as looming caves.

Xiao Yun followed the little eunuch into the Huicheng Hall, the main hall was transparent on all sides, and Su Huaian was standing by the double window waiting for him.

Xiao Yun walked towards him step by step to sign.

I have to say, the moment Su Huai'an saw Xiao Yun, his heart was still shocked when he was more prepared.

This is his little nephew.

Su Huai'an folded his hands to make a compilation, and said softly, "I have seen Your Highness before."

Xiao Yun stopped in his steps, made a compilation with both hands, and saluted, "I have seen Mr.


For some reason, Su Huai'an's eyes were inexplicably sore.

The four-year-old prince can understand only a few things. After reviewing the Qionglin Junior School that Mrs. Yao usually taught him, he spent most of his time practicing calligraphy.

Su Huai'an didn't forget to look at him.

Except for his eyes, he still looks like an emperor in most places.


The little prince was very obedient, holding a wolf's hair, sitting in front of the table, staring at him with eyes like grapes washed with water.

Su Huaian endured the thought of picking him up and taking a bite, before laying out the rice paper.

"Have you ever learned these words?"

Xiao Yun shook his head.

Su Huaian held the little prince's soft hand and led him to write slowly, his voice was very soft, almost revealing his original voice, "Come on, relax your wrists."

Xiao Yun's face flushed, and he did as he said.

Unconsciously, after the sun set on the rockery, the color of the sky became darker and darker, and the sound of pattering rain sounded outside.

After Su Huai'an led him to write the last word "li", the palace servant pushed open the door and said, "Sir, Empress Zhaoyi saw that it was raining outside, so she came to pick up the eldest prince back."

This is the favorite concubine, and no one dares to speak up when she walks around with the emperor's token.

There was no chair in the palace for the little prince to sit in the study room of the Huicheng Hall. The chair in front of him was a bit high, and the little prince stumbled when he crooked his buttocks to the ground.

Seeing that he was about to fall, Su Huaian picked him up.

Su Huai'an was tall and stood up in vain. The little prince couldn't help but fall into his arms, holding his neck to control his balance. Su Huai'an took the opportunity to touch the flesh in his hand and smiled, "Did he fall? "

Xiao Yunke had never enjoyed such a gentle tone from the old lady.

Blood relatives, although there will be inexplicable closeness.

But Xiao Yun was still not used to being hugged by someone other than his parents, so he said, "Thank you sir, I didn't fall, I can walk by myself..."

Su Huaian raised his eyebrows, and as soon as he put Xiao Budian on the ground, he saw Qin Xie walk into the hall.

"Brother." She lip-synced to him.

"It's raining outside, I'm here to bring you an umbrella." Qin Jie said with a smile.

Su Huaian took it and said, "Thank you, madam."

They walked out of the Huicheng Hall, and as soon as they pushed the door, they bumped into the Princess Changning who was passing by.

"It's a coincidence, the Empress is also here." After saying that, Princess Changning leaned over and pinched Xiao Yun's face, "Call me Auntie."

Xiao Yun said honestly, "Auntie."

Xiao Lianyu chuckled lightly, and when she straightened up, she met Su Huaian's eyes in the air, and when they touched it, she turned her face away.

"Niangniang, Changning has something to do at the moment, so let's go first."

Qin Jie nodded, "Come on."

Xiao Lianyu turned around and returned to Fu Xun's umbrella.


Under the pouring rain, the relationship between men and women can be known just by looking at the angle of the inclination of the umbrella.

The eldest princess paused and faced Fu Xun.

The two facing each other in the rain looked like they were arguing, but unfortunately their voices were covered up by the sound of heavy rain, and nothing could be heard.

After a while, Fu Xun sighed and held up another umbrella.

Only then did everyone know that Princess Cai lost her temper because she was afraid that her guards would get wet.

Qin Jie looked at Su Huaian worriedly and whispered, "Brother..."

Su Huaian suppressed his heartbeat that was about to burst, and whispered, "A Ling, you don't have to worry about this, I will make it clear to her."

In the middle of the night, the moon was full of moonlight and the rain was crackling. Su Huaian followed the light from the horn lamp, avoided the eunuchs who were following each step, and came outside the Winter Palace in black, thinking about how to get in.

Meanwhile, on the other side—

Xiao Lianyu was sitting on the couch frowning, counting the figures of the eunuchs outside the window, and couldn't help clenching her fists.

She took two deep breaths and smiled.

The Queen Mother has already put her eyes on the Hermitage...

She really, really had enough.

Fu Xun was serving tea and said softly, "It's cold in the rain on the mountain, and His Highness is not yet fully recovered. Let's drink some hot tea."

The eldest princess took the tea and took a sip. When she looked up, lightning flashed and thundered, and a figure came straight to her.

This stature is not low, could it be Eunuch Zhang

In a blink of an eye, the person was gone.

She put down the tea cup, pulled Fu Xun's arm, and the two stood next to the door.

The figure outside had just put his hand on the door when he heard movement from inside, "Xun Lang."

"I'm sorry for you."

Fu Xun said, "Don't say that, Your Highness, it is a blessing for this minister to serve His Highness."

"If the queen mother forces me to marry that minister of punishment, then I will become a monk."

"Princess don't say that."

"Xun Lang, don't leave tonight, just leave me here." Xiao Lianyu said, "Ayu just wants to be with you, nothing else matters..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a faint sound from the door, and a barely audible gasp.

This sound is particularly seductive in the night.

- "Su Jingming, Changning just wants to be with you."

- "Ayu doesn't care about anything."

Su Huai'an's heart fell suddenly, and his expression darkened completely. He couldn't help but pushed the door open with a "bang".

At this time, Fu Xun was bowing and talking to the eldest princess. The princess' hair was a little messy, and Huaijing was standing at the door of the palace like a yin envoy.

The six eyes collide with each other, and the surroundings are like cold winter.

Seeing Huaijing, the little princess was just startled, but Fu Xun's face flushed with a guilty conscience.

This guilty blush fell into Su Huai'an's eyes, but it turned into an ironclad proof of cowardice, and turned into a blush of love and affection.

Lonely man and widow were living together in the same room, and he couldn't explain it clearly, and now he was seen by his concubine.

Especially, the princess is engaged.

Princess Changning's heart was pounding, she gritted her teeth, hooked Fu Xun's girdle with her hand, and glared at Lord Huai in front of her.

Su Huaian looked at the thin white fingers on his girdle, his tense reason becoming more and more vulnerable.

He knew she didn't owe him anything.

For four years, she fell in love with others, and it was reasonable.

But Xiao Lianyu, do you treat everyone the same

Su Huaian looked at Fu Xun and said coldly, "Go out, I have something to tell His Highness."

Fu Xun didn't move. Instead, he held the handle of the knife at his hand. He vaguely felt that the quasi-consort wanted to fight with the princess tonight.

A fire broke out between Princess Changning's brows, and she stood in front of Fu Xun, saying word by word, "What are you doing, Master Huai? Is the Winter Palace where you should come?"

The voice fell to the ground, and Su Huai'an raised the knife and fell, and slashed directly at Fu Xun's neck, stunning him.

It's not that his martial arts can really defeat the enemy with one move, but Fu Xun never thought that a champion of the text actually practiced martial arts.

He involuntarily pulled Xiao Lianyu into the studio.

Xiao Lianyu shook off his hand and said, "Master Huai is showing her true nature..."

Before the sarcastic words were finished, Su Huaian gambled on his mouth.

The moment he leaned over, the eldest princess' eyes widened instantly, she desperately pushed the person away, and she slapped Su Huai'an on the left face with a slap.

It's not heavy, but it seems that the person who was beaten is deafening.

She shook her hand and said, "How dare you... How dare you do such a thing to me."

A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of Su Huai'an's mouth, and he kissed again regardless.

How dare I.

What I did to you today is not as good as what you did to me back then.

One attacked the city, the other punched and kicked.

There is a huge disparity in strength between men and women. Xiao Lianyu was shackled with both hands, and both calves were firmly held by the man's knees, unable to move at all...

I don't know how long it took, the whimper of the little princess became weaker, and Su Huai'an's burnt-out reason returned to his seat. He suddenly let go of his hand, looked at her, and handed her the right side of his face, "Fight."