Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 85: Valley bottom (micro repair) his princess. (two more)……


In the entire East Hunting Ground, there are sentries every five feet.

Xiao Yu and Ji Da were divided into two groups, ten men holding bows, and one hundred arrows divided by red and green arrows. They walked on both sides of the north and south. win or lose.

The sun jumped over the treetops, the breeze was blowing, the leaves rustled, the green leaves turned back and forth, and the whole dense forest seemed to be sprinkled with a handful of broken gold.

Xiao Yu rides a horse and overlooks—

Turning back to Lu Ze, he said, "Explore the road, and then send someone to follow Jeddah."

Xiao Yu whipped his whip, and his horses walked like flying, with "duo duo" sounds everywhere in his ears, looking up, there was really a trend of arrows being fired in unison.

The soldiers who came to Taiwan waved their flags to score points.

Xiao Yu rode his horse and led twenty cavalry all the way to the south, and got countless hunts. Except for the neighing of animals, he could not even see a single spark.

Lu Ze even thought that Tantai Yixing might have changed his strategy, and he was not sure if he planned to assassinate Jida.

But even though I thought so in my heart, my spirit was always tense, and I didn't dare to relax for a moment.

The drums are getting faster and faster, the ticking of the platform is constantly ticking, the sun is getting higher and higher, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Soon to reach the top of the slope.

Jeddah's entire shirt was soaked with sweat, and with a confident smile on his face, he filled the wine in a bowl and drank it with a toast.

Ji Da looked at the Great Zhou Emperor in front of him and smiled: "If my sister becomes a Great Zhou wife, Suigong Mutual Market, etc., I will listen to His Majesty's words."

As soon as the words fell, Princess Baoyin slapped her brother on the shoulder with a smile, and then immediately tilted her head to smile at Xiao Yu.

Princess Baoyin is lively and enthusiastic. As long as she faces Xiao Yu, the smile on the corner of her mouth seems to have never disappeared. She smiles like honey and warm sunshine.

She was waiting for an answer from him.

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and was noncommittal about Jida's words.

Princess Baoyin looked at the light smile at the corner of the man's mouth, her heartbeat was fast and sour. She really liked him so much that she was willing to stay in Da Zhou forever.

Princess Baoyin said again: "There are ten arrows left. In the last round, Baoyin wants to compete with His Majesty."

At this moment, the sound of gongs came from up and down the mountain.

"It's dry, be careful with candles—"

"It's dry, be careful with candles—"

"It's dry, be careful with candles—"

It was midsummer at this time, and it was also the hottest day of the day. The sun seemed to fall on the shoulders, and those who were dazzled by the sun felt dizzy.

Suddenly, the north wind picked up—

Not far away, in the middle between the left and right, the last group of beasts ran over.

Princess Baoyin drew her bow and arrow, and was aiming at the deer's eyes, and those watery eyes instantly widened.

No words can describe this terrifying scene in the East Hunting Ground.

Nearly a hundred deer, wolves, and other wild beasts were engulfed in flames. They ran wild like crazy, crashing into the crowd one after another. The horses were also startled, and raised their front hooves one after another, making a cry of "呴呴"—

Princess Baoyin and Jeddah jumped to a high place to shoot arrows.

But after a few rounds, the hand was thrown behind the shoulder, and it was empty.

By this time, there were no more arrows left in the quiver.

Princess Baoyin said nervously, "Your Majesty! What's going on here!"

"We have no more arrows!"

Lu Ze got on his horse, put on a Junxiu scholar's face, and scolded, "Damn..."

Everything, candles, and fine wine are his best strategies. His best strategy is the right time and place. He painted phosphorous powder on the beast in advance, and he doesn't need anyone to ignite it.

As soon as the hour arrives, the noon is high, and the phosphorus powder spontaneously ignites—

After a while, I only heard a "boom" from the Dongwei Hunting Ground.

With the sound of the explosion, the joy under the warm sun was broken.

Everyone looked east together.

Even though she knew that something would happen to the East Hunting Ground, Qin Xun's heart seemed to be hanging in her throat, and her breathing stopped.

Concubine Liu said, "What's going on?"

Xu Shuyi said: "Isn't it not allowed to bring gunpowder and gunpowder in traditional wild hunting? Why did the concubine hear the explosion?"

Xiao Yun raised his eyes and saw that the concubine's face was not good, so he stretched out his small hand and held her cold fingertips.

In less than half an hour, a young eunuch suddenly ran to the high platform. Because he was running too fast, when he stopped, he couldn't help slipping and staggering, "This servant is disrespectful."

Concubine Xue said quickly, "Speak quickly."

The little eunuch said: "Qi Empress Dowager, East Hunting Field, something happened."

After all, it was the empress dowager who had experienced two dynasties. Empress Dowager Chu looked calm. She slowly got up and said, "Make it clear, what can happen to the East Hunting Ground?"

The inner servant knelt on the ground with a "pop", "The East Hunting Ground caught fire for some reason, and the war horse was frightened. The Grand Governor has already sent someone to seal the mountain, and the entire Taiyuan Hospital has rushed over."

Fire, closed mountains, Tai Hospital.

Thinking about it makes me shudder.

Empress Dowager Chu's face sank instantly, "How is the emperor?"

"Eunuch Sheng said that His Majesty's life is safe for the time being, but he was seriously injured, and..." The chamberlain looked at Empress Dowager Chu hesitantly.


"The second prince of Mongolia, I'm afraid he won't survive..."

The Queen Mother Chu said, "What did you say?!"

It is well known that if the second Mongolian prince died on the hunting grounds of Da Zhou, the old khan would definitely send troops.

Empress Dowager Chu said, "What about the princess?"

The little eunuch replied, "I haven't woken up from a serious injury, so my life is saved."

Although the news of Fengshan was tightly concealed, a trace of wind was still leaked.

Qin Tianjian Sun Jianzheng said to Qin Wang: "Have you heard? The East Hunting Ground is on fire. Brother Qin, if you say this, Your Majesty will not blame us in the future."

After saying that, Sun Jianzheng couldn't help sighing, "That's it."

Qin Wang wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and said, "Three people become tigers. There are rumors about everything outside. Why don't you know what's going on?"

Sun Jianzheng patted Qin Wang on the shoulder and said, "Brother Qin is right."

Qin Wang took a sip of water and said, "Don't worry, I'll go ask my boss."

Hearing this, Sun Jianzheng couldn't help but say, "If my child can catch up with Linglang by half a point, I'm afraid that he will wake up laughing from a dream."

Qin Wang smiled and said, "Brother Sun is overrated."

After saying that, Qin Wang turned and left Qintian Prison, his expression instantly disappearing from his face.

At the same time, those who took off their official hats and turned to leave were also the ministers of Taichang Temple, the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple, the head of the Ministry of War, the court officials and others.

The sky was getting dark.

Qin Wang walked across a barren meadow and walked towards the camp in the mountains. That is the tent of the great governor.

The East Hunting Ground caught fire, and there was a lot of movement in Lishan's closure.

He bypassed the soldiers in armor, climbed the back mountain with his bare hands, and came to the white camp.

In the shadows of candlelight, there is a tall figure.

Qin Wang held his breath and moved forward, pulled out the dagger pinned to his waist, turned a somersault silently, and came behind the soldier.

There was a little more breath between the necks, the gap between the soldiers was wrong, and they were about to turn back.

The sharp blade in Qin Wang's hand wiped across his throat, steady and accurate.

Immediately afterwards, he dragged the man into the grass, put on a soldier's armor, and took off Qin Wang's mask. When he got up, he wiped the blood on his body and took out another mask. Mududu is generally the same.

Tantai Yi nodded and walked to the front of the tent, and said in a false voice: "Captain, I have something to play in my humble position."

The figure inside coughed softly, turned his back to him, and said in a false voice, "Come in!"

"What's the matter?"

Tantai Yi held a military order and walked up slowly, a cold light flashed in his right hand. At the same time, Su Huai'an turned around and took a step ahead of him. He inserted the dagger in his hand into the gap of the armor and inserted it straight into him. the abdomen.

Su Huaian said softly, "Emperor teacher."

The afterglow of the setting sun spilled into the curtain, and they looked at each other.

Su Tantai Yi looked at his pupils carefully and said in a tight voice, "Jing Ming."

This tone is exactly the same as Su Jingbei's tone.

Another dagger fell to the ground with a thud.

The dagger in Su Huai'an's hand slashed across his abdomen, and a chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth, "You don't deserve to call me that."

Tantai Yi's eyes suddenly became the same as many years ago, "Jing Ming, what do you want, the ledger?"

Su Huaian said slowly: "I will find the ledger myself, I want your life."

Tantai Yi felt the trembling of his wrists, looked into his eyes and said, "My hands are stained with blood, and there are only two people who can't let me go, one is you, and the other is A Ling."

Su Huai'an sneered: "The one between you and me is the feud of annihilation, why can't you stop it?"

Tantai Yi said slowly: "You should take my life."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Huai'an's eyes lit up with a scarlet smile, "You won't die, and you don't deserve to die, you've played someone else for half your life, karma is reincarnated, and you should be replaced by someone else, you will always 'live' in this world , no one will support your coffin, no one will bury you, after tonight, Mongolia and Dazhou will turn their battles into jade and silk, and in the future, they will fight together, and 'Tantaiyi' will appear on the battlefield, what will the little emperor think?"

Tantai Yi took a half step back.

Su Huaian's hands were soaked with blood, "Emperor Qi will never know in this life that he still has a father."

Tantai Yi felt the pain in his lower abdomen, his breathing gradually became rapid, his pupils shrank, and his voice became like an old man, "Jing Ming... Jing Ming..."

Su Huai'an saw that his expression gradually became real, and knew that he guessed right. A person like him who is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but is actually selfish and cruel, will not be loyal.

He is doing everything for his blood to seek the world.

So four years ago, he didn't hesitate at all.

How ironic...

Emperor Qi never called him father, but he and Ah Ling called his father for more than ten years.

Su Huaian held his chest, cut straight across his abdomen, and whispered in his ear: "I want you to become a traitor of Qi, I want everything you have read, hoped for, and hoped for in your life to burn. , become a dream of Huangliang."

Tantai Yi followed the gap in the tent and looked out, not knowing what to think, he opened his mouth and whispered, "Jing Ming, when I...was really in Zhuo County...I left a boat for you. ferry."

Tantai Yi's pupils gradually became slack, and his breathing became weaker and weaker. Life was like the setting sun disappearing from the horizon, and suddenly, the night sky closed.

Su Jingming took out the alum sand in his hand, shook his hands, lifted his mask, and saw his original and real face.

With lines on the corners of his eyes and frost on his temples, he is an unremarkable man.

He seemed to find it hard to believe that this man had held him on his shoulders, taught him to ride and shoot arrows, taught him the way of being an official, and taught him benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness.

Su Huai'an was stunned, then stood up expressionlessly, wiped the blood from his hands, and strode out of the camp.

He is no longer the Su Jingming he once was.

He has lost too much, the century-old glory of the Su family, his parents, and his younger sister.

And his princess.