Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 93: The monument of merit (catching insects) Wen sees Su Jingming, Wu sees Qin Ziyou


Late at night, the rain stopped, the eve of the tribunal tribunal.

Jinyi Guards.

Qin Suizhi raised his hand and rubbed his shoulder blades, preparing to return to the house next time.

The Lishan hunting ground caught fire, and the beasts and horses were frightened one after another. In order to save the second prince, the emperor fell off the horse and was injured. The entire east hunting ground was in chaos.

After that, he hurried back to Beijing, and when the value came, he really hadn't returned home for several days...

As soon as Qin Suizhi got up, Lu Ze pushed in the door, looked at him and said, "Is this going to go back to the manor?"

Qin Suizhi said immediately, "Yes, but don't worry, do you have any orders, sir?"

Lu Ze looked at the young man in front of him, and his tone was as calm as possible: "Ziyou, come with me to the punishment department. Sir Xue sent someone to pass a secret letter to me. Tomorrow, the three divisions will have a trial, involving the Qin family."

Hearing this, Qin Suizhi couldn't help but be taken aback.

Tribunal tribunal.

Isn't that the case of Su's treason four years ago? How could the Qin family be involved

Lu Ze really didn't know where to start, so he sighed and said, "Let's go over and talk about it first."

Qin Suizhi nodded ignorantly.

At night, Lu Ze and Qin Suizhi drove a horse to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

They followed the officers of the Punishment Department and went underground. The deeper they went, the stronger the smell of dampness and corpse decay.

They stopped in front of the dark room used for interrogation, and Qin Suizhi saw Xue Xiangyang, Minister of Punishment, and Xu Zuo.

After salute each other, Xue Xiangyang turned around and unlocked the lock, and the dark room was opened with a creak. With the flickering silver light outside, Qin Suizhi saw a strange corpse lying on the ground, and he was severely injured. Taichang Siqing, who was sentenced to have one arm missing.

Xue Xiangyang said: "I am looking for Lord Qin today to inform you of something important."

Qin Suizhi's heart was inexplicably tight, but he still said calmly, "Lord Shang Shu, please speak."

Xue Xiangyang said: "Your Excellency Qin Taishi, Qin Wang, was killed by Tantai Yi, the teacher of Emperor Qi, at the beginning of this year. Due to the long period of time, there are no traces of the bones to be found."

Qin Suiyi was stunned, heaved a sigh of relief, and explained, "Lord Shang Shu may have misunderstood something. Last month, my father was in charge of the star calendar and went to Lishan together."

Xue Xiangyang held up the candlestick on the side, illuminating the two stacks of files and a human skin mask on the table, and said: "The file on the right is the confession of the three divisions' joint trial tomorrow, and the file on the left is not open to the public. , All of the above, Master Qin can read tonight."

Qin Suizhi looked back at Lu Ze who frowned and nodded to him, his pupils moved slightly, and a bad premonition emerged spontaneously.

He walked to the side of the case, picked up the case file, and slowly opened it.

The candle went out and lit again, and the ticking sounded. After reading the file on the right, Qin Suizhi picked up the autopsy record on the left, which recorded the stature, shoulder width, and foot length of Tantai Yi and Qin Wang. .

His throat tightened slightly, and he felt that everything in front of him was like a big dream.

"Because Tantai Yi's death will not be announced to the world, the inscription on the inscription of Lord Zun will be changed to rescue and martyrdom." Xue Xiangyang turned around and took the imperial decree, and changed the topic, "Lord Qin listen to the order first."

Qin Suizhi took a breath and staggered to his knees.

"Qin Taishi Qin Wang, who has done a good job in escorting him, has enjoined Cheng Enbo, and the tomb of his clothes and crown can be erected on Qingyu Mountain."

Qingyu Mountain has been a special existence since the founding of the country.

Great Zhou Gaozu overthrew the old dynasty, the last battle was crossing the Lianghe River, the water battle was different from the land station, facing the enemy near the water, once sacrificed, there would be no armor left, no matter how many merits he made, he could only be buried in his clothes in the end.

The burials of Qingyu Mountain are all martyrs who devoted themselves to serving the country. To be able to erect a monument there, it can be said to be a supreme glory after grief for the descendants.

Qin Suizhi touched the ground with his forehead, "I thank you Your Majesty for your grace."

Xue Xiangyang said: "These secret scrolls today are of great significance. Master Qin just needs to read them. Don't talk to others in the future."

Qin Suizhi said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you for your suggestion, the lower official understands."

Su Huai'an had been preparing for this trial for too long, and even the autopsy of Mrs. Zhen Guo's autopsy was brought to court. The witnesses and physical evidence were all available. Speed closed the case.

When the unjust case was rehabilitated, the emperor first issued an edict of guilt, and then planned to restore the title of the Su family.

The truth, four years late, made the court and the opposition feel embarrassed.

But the compassion of the world is short-lived and fleeting. When the twilight passes and the court comes, no one will care about whether the dead souls under the monument can hear this sound of justice.

After the heavy rain, the sky became clear and translucent.

The smell of earth permeated the air, and the wind rustled slightly through the forest.

As soon as Dali Temple closed the case, Qingyu Mountain added several merit monuments. Qin Suizhi buried Qin Wang's official uniform in the soil. He knelt on the ground and carved words on the stone tablet with his own hands.

As a palace concubine, Qin Xie could not wear filial piety, so she could only wear a white dress to show her condolences.

She pulled Qin Rong to the side.

Qin Suizhi had toasted, and Qin Rong rushed over and cried bitterly.

The whimper was louder than the sound.

Qin Wang turned around and Qin Rong was really stimulated. After all, Qin Wang really loved her. In those years when Jiang Lanyue was favored, Qin Wang's heart and soul were given to Xiaoyuan, even if Qin Rong was only a concubine, from childhood to adulthood. favored.

In Qin Wei's childhood memory, as long as Qin Wang went out, he would bring three gifts back when he returned home.

The gifts from the main courtyard are always put on the table in advance, but for the small courtyard, Qin Wang would put them in his hands and tease the youngest Qin Rong by raising them up and down.

Every now and then, Qin Suizhi would take Qin Wei back to the main courtyard, imitate Qin Wang's way of coaxing her to be happy, trying to balance that preference.

Whenever they were completely disappointed with Qin Wang, Qin Wang would ask Qin Suizhi's homework in the form of a strict father.

In all fairness, Qin Wang really can't be called a good father, but he can't be called a villain either.

It shouldn't be reduced to a dead end.

Just thinking about it, Qin Suizhi walked around Qin Rong, walked to Qin Yan, and said softly, "Don't cry..."

Qin Suizhi handed her a handkerchief and coaxed her: "Father is a civil official, and he has been working hard for half his life, just to make his children and grandchildren inherit. Now Qin Mansion has become Uncle Cheng's Mansion, and Dad can make a monument on Qingyu Mountain. In the end, it's just relying on you to be favored in the palace, A-Xie, you've already done your filial piety."

Listening to the obvious comfort, Qin Xue's heart was full of mixed feelings. If she said she was not guilty, it would be false.

How could Qin Suizhi not feel uncomfortable when his biological father passed away

"You don't have to coax me." Qin Xie nodded and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, then slowly looked at him and said seriously: "Brother, no matter what happens in the future, remember to send news to the palace, don't hide it from me. "

Qin Suizhi nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, I remember."

After they left Qingyu Mountain, Qin Suizhi returned to Qin's house. His Majesty's newly-appointed Cheng Enbo had many guests to receive. The eldest son, became the head of the family.

Qin Xue's heart was relieved a lot.

In the evening, the palace servant took Qin Zhaoyi back to the palace.

But when the night fell, Qin Wei returned to Qingyu Mountain.

She has another person to sacrifice.

Su Jingbei was the prince of the state, and he had numerous meritorious deeds in his life. In addition, he was rehabilitated this time, and the monument of meritorious deeds was erected on the highest hillside.

Su Huaian had been waiting for her for a long time.

In the midsummer night, the sound of insects is everywhere...

Su Huai'an's movements of placing the sacrificial drinks are familiar and neat.

In the past few years, there has been no clothes tomb, Qingming Dragon Boat Festival, winter solstice and New Year's Day, he is looking for a place without people to pay homage to his parents and sisters.

Su Huai'an knelt in front of the tomb and said a lot, but this time he didn't express any remorse, nor did he express his aspirations.

He just poured a pot of wine and talked like a homely chatter.

From the reversal of the case, it was said that the sister was still alive.

In the end, he also specifically said that he has two children, both of whom are three years old.

Listening and listening, Qin Jie suddenly turned around and lay on Su Huaian's body to vent. She cried so badly that her snot all rubbed onto his clothes, Su Huai'an patted her on the back, and said with a low laugh, "A Ling , I've been patient long enough this time."

Qin Jie walked away from his shoulder, raised her hand and wiped her eyes.

Weeping and crying for a day.

In order to save face, Qin Jie scolded him, "How could you still have the face to tell Dad when you bullied Chang Ning?"

Su Huai'an raised his hand and snapped her fingers on her forehead, "I bullied her? Ah Ling, I don't know the whole truth, so don't talk nonsense."

As the two went down the mountain, Qin Xue continued: "Then you tell me what the whole picture is. Changning raised children on the mountain for three years, but you kept it from her when you returned to Beijing. No wonder she doesn't want to talk to you."

Su Huai'an turned his head and "hiss", moved his mouth, but did not speak.

Instead of letting his sister gain power for a while, he didn't want to tell the process of handing over the note.

Su Huaian retorted: "I find you will betray me."

They didn't go very far, and their footsteps couldn't help but stop.

Looking down from the rolling mountains, under the thick moon, I saw the young man kneeling in front of the Qin Family Merit Monument.

At a glance, he knew that he had been kneeling all night.

The moonlight was getting lighter and lighter, and the boy's shoulders were trembling, and he raised his hand to wipe his tears.

No matter when Qin Wang passed away, today is Qin Suizhi's last night as a son of man.

Qin Wei looked at Qin Suizhi's back, her feet and shoulders seemed to weigh thousands of pounds, Su Huaian saw through her thoughts and said softly, "A Ling, in this life, sooner or later, people will experience this day. ."

Su Huaian said again: "When it's dawn, how about I invite him to have a drink?"

At this time, Su Huaian hadn't thought of it, but because of the wine at the dawn of the morning, they became close friends at one time, and later generations commented on the two of them, and there is one more sentence. , Wu looked at Qin Ziyou.

Before dawn, none of them stepped forward to disturb him. Su Huai'an turned around and patted her on the head, and said to her in a childish tone, "Lingling, you are still alive, I don't know how happy my brother is."

At this moment, the breeze was blowing, and Qin Xue couldn't help but wonder why she had such an opportunity.