Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 95: Marriage (catch bugs) Don't remember anything?


From the time Lishan returned to Beijing, to the time when the old cases of the first year of Yanxi were announced to the world, it was the end of June in a blink of an eye.

The summer heat is wrapped in wind and rain, just like the impetuous people in the courtroom.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this old case in the first year of Yanxi was undoubtedly a beginning for the emperor to reach out to the aristocratic family.

There is no airtight information in the world. The ledger that the Ministry of Punishment keeps pressing, and the rebels who keep it from killing, make the hearts of the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty more and more hanging.

The previous emperor had neglected his administration for more than 30 years, and the powers he released were unrecoverable. The new emperor is still not enough to say that he has the power, but these three divisions, such as Xu Bowei, the censor of the left capital of the Ducha Yuan, Xue Xiangyang, the minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Zheng Baiyao, the minister of Dali Temple, are currently It's a real royalist faction.

Although there are disputes over interests among powerful families, everyone understands the truth that the bottle is exhausted and the lips are lost. Once the imperial power shows the signs of encroaching, they will work together and find a way out.

One of the ways out is the people of the world.

The unjust case four years ago was rehabilitated, but the 60,000 lives were still killed for the court. Even though the new emperor tried his best to make up for the pension, there are tens of thousands of people behind the 60,000 lives. The white-haired people sent the black-haired people. Over the years, they could not wait to tear the Su family's veins out of their bones to calm the hatred in their hearts.

Now that they are told that the enemy has been wronged, there is nowhere to express their uneasy feelings, and the sorrow and confusion flooded into their hearts again.

The more turbulent it is, the more suitable it is to incite people's hearts. Some people use poems to imply the incompetence of the court, and some people say that Qi's army is strong and strong, and it will definitely raise troops to enter the customs within this year.

When people's hearts are in chaos, it is impossible to easily retrial the old case of these twelve years.

The imperial court could not tell the world when people were panicking, the government of Da Zhou had been rotten to the bone as early as the Yongchang period.

As soon as the family and the imperial power began to compete, the Empress Dowager Chu released the news of the serious illness.

It is obvious that he wants to use filial piety to press the emperor again.

It is an indisputable fact that the Empress Dowager Chu's upbringing kindness and the Chu family support the new emperor's contribution to the dragon, and the emperor can't cross the cut.

If this matter was put in four years ago, the new emperor would have no power, and there were very few people in the court, so he could only bow his head in the end.

But today, it is very different.

At three o'clock, just after the dynasty was dispersed, An Xu, a hundred civil and military officials, left the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Eunuch Sheng hurriedly walked into the crowd holding the official hat, and said loudly, "Engong Zhenguo stays, Xue Shangshu stays."

Su Huaian and Xue Xiangyang turned back together in the vast crowd.

The two said in unison, "What's the matter with Eunuch Sheng?"

Sheng Gong said: "Your Majesty has called you two to discuss matters in the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding ministers began to look at each other and lowered their heads to whisper.

"When did Master Xue become as good as Duke Zhen?"

"Can't you see it? You two have been chasing me for many years, just to show us a big show..."

"No wonder..."

"No wonder what?"

"No wonder Su Huaian was able to disappear out of thin air from the prison of the Ministry of Punishment back then. Master Xue's way of doing things is well-known. Who do you see him showing mercy to?"

Several people who were friends with Xue Xiangyang on weekdays, such as Li Langzhong of the Ministry of Punishment, Yu Sicheng and others, looked at Xue Xiangyang with even more meaningful eyes.

Brightly written in the pupils - Mr. Xue is really a good way to make a few of our brothers play around.

There are also Chu Guogong and others, who look at him like a traitor.

At this moment, Su Huaian tilted his head and smiled at Xue Xiangyang, "Master Xue, please."

Xue Xiangyang's hand in his sleeve couldn't help clenching tightly.

Why knock out your teeth and swallow in your stomach? That's it.

But now the Xue family, there is no way back.

At this point, Xue Xiangyang simply raised his head and smiled and said, "Haha, Duke Zhenguo is polite."

The two followed Eunuch Sheng towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

They walked side by side, Xue Xiangyang gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know when Duke Zhenguo plans to return the mansion in Xue's house?"

Su Huaian said: "The Duke of Zhenguo's mansion was destroyed by Lord Xue back then, and it will take some time to repair it."

Xue Xiangyang couldn't help raising his voice and said, "I'm handling the case impartially! Mr. Zhenguo does not distinguish between public and private."

Su Huaian smiled at him again, "Yes, what Master Xue said makes sense..."

Xue Xiangyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a bloody taste in his mouth.

He vaguely felt that the house might not come back.

Eunuch Sheng stood up outside the hall, and Gao Sheng said, "Empress Zhenguo, Xue Shangshu has an audience—"

Su Huaian stepped into the Hall of Mental Cultivation first, followed by Xue Xiangyang, walking to the front of the imperial palace, raising his hand, and composing, "I have seen Your Majesty."

Xiao Yu put down his pen, raised his eyes and said, "Give me a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xiao Yu held the ledger from the heavy trial, looked down at the map of the Zhou Dynasty, and said to himself, "Twelve years ago, if you wanted to go north and sell private goods with Qi, and transport a large amount of bow horns, lead, iron, green alum, and medicinal materials, Armor and gunpowder, no matter which way you go, Xuzhou is the only way to go."

Xue Xiangyang's eyes couldn't help but change, "Your Majesty is wise."

Twelve years ago, Xue Xiangyang was not the head of the Xue family, so these things cannot be said clearly, only 70% to 80% known.

At that time, the national power of Qi was incomparable to today's. The purpose of each family's private trade with Qi was to make profits. No one had any intention of collaborating with the enemy and treason. Cross the treasury and put it in your pocket.

If you want to make long-term profits, the most taboo is to buy and sell awl.

For latte and medicinal materials, if the skill of smelting iron is handed over, the other party will mine iron ore and smelt iron on their own in the future. Similarly, if the prescription is handed over, it will be convenient for them to dispense the medicine themselves. Therefore, the family discussed together at that time that all weapons and armor should be prepared. , Only easy finished products. The medicinal materials are also ground into powder and sold.

In order to facilitate transportation, there was a road for soldiers and horses. Although it was completely destroyed, it did pass through Xuzhou.

The governor of Xuzhou at that time was the younger brother of the Empress Dowager Chu, and now the cabinet scholar Chu Luwei.

Xiao Yu looked at Xue Xiangyang and said, "I know that the case from more than ten years ago is not easy to investigate, but it involved a lot of manpower and it is impossible to leave no trace. Master Xue, let's go to Xuzhou secretly."

Xue Xiangyang's heart is like a mirror. Since ancient times, he has ruled the world with filial piety. If the emperor wants the word benevolence and filial piety, it is impossible to personally appoint the queen mother. This move will undoubtedly push the Xue family to the Chu family.

Xue Xiangyang held his breath as a salute, and said, "Wei minister leads the order,"

Half an hour later, Xue Xiangyang left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Xiao Yu left Su Huaian alone.

Su Huai'an also knew the emperor's difficulties, and said, "Your Majesty is planning to retry the case for the crime of smuggling trade?"

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice: "The Chu family is inciting the people while pressing me with filial piety. Right now, people are panicking. The queen mother is sure that I will make matters smaller, and then introduce two more supporters from the Chu family as backers, and the case will be settled. Cooperating with the enemy and treason is a capital crime, and smuggling trade is also a capital crime, I can't let the Chu family die, but I have to break this outstretched hand."

If you want to move, you have to move the Chu family, and you have to move the people involved in the case back then.

Su Huaian said again, "Your Majesty asked Lord Xue to fight this battle, how do you plan to deal with Xue Erlang?"

Xiao Yu said: "Xing Bu is in charge of the name of punishment in the world. If he doesn't know the seriousness of this matter, then the minister of punishment will have to be replaced by someone else."

Su Huaian said, "Your Majesty is wise."

The Hall of Mental Cultivation was filled with smoke. After talking about state affairs, Su Huaian still didn't move. Xiao Yu saw that he was hesitating to speak, and said, "Is there anything else?"

Su Huai'an suddenly lifted his robe, knelt down, and gave a meticulous minister salute to the emperor on the dragon chair.

"I do have something to do."

Xiao Yu's brows twitched, and he half-squinted his eyes and said, "You can say it bluntly."

Su Huaian said: "Wei Chen has admired the eldest princess for a long time, and I implore Your Majesty to marry her."

It's better not to mention some things, once mentioned, the air seems to be filled with the word embarrassment.

This made the princess' belly bigger and gave birth to two children. If it was anyone in the world, Xiao Yu would not let him go, and he was alone against Su Huaian, which was really not enough.

After all, he was planning on his sister back then, but he didn't show any affection.

The king of Jin Xiao Yuqiang married the daughter of the Su family and forced the government to stand in line.

Xiao Yu still remembers Su Huaian's expression when he brought A Ling back to his mother's house and picked it up with a cold face.

"I will send you to Your Highness." Su Huaian said through gritted teeth.

Now that the feng shui turns, Xiao Yu finally realizes what it's like to be trapped by his sister, but "powerless" as an elder brother.

He looked at Su Huaian and said only, "Have you mentioned it to Changning?"

There are some things that the emperor does not investigate or blame, but Su Huai'an, as a minister, can't perfunctory things, he thought for a while, but decided to tell the truth: "It was indeed inappropriate for the minister to act four years ago, but the minister never despised the eldest princess. , it's just that the minister was drugged at that time..."

Xiao Yu interrupted: "I know that you and Changning are in love with each other, and I didn't blame you."

Su Huai'an added: "The minister's sentence is true, and there is no false statement."


Xiao Yu frowned slightly and said coldly, "Who did it?"

Su Huaian said, "Eldest Princess." And more than once.

Xiao Yu's Adam's apple moved slightly, coughing again and again.

The words I wanted to say swirled around in my mouth, and finally I just picked up the pen and dipped in the ink, and decided to get married.

The little eunuch outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation had long since been blasted away, and only Eunuch Sheng looked up at the sun and sighed: Who said that the nine sons of Longsheng are different, it can be said that His Majesty and the eldest princess are exactly the same.

In the evening, Xiao Yu came out of Yangxin Palace and went straight back to Jingren Palace.

The sunset slanted in, and through the window, it was paved with ling flowers.

After dinner, Xiao Yu went to the clean room to take a bath, and Qin Wei went to coax the eldest prince.

When the sky was still dark, he was alone in the hall to criticize the memorial.

At three quarters of Xu Shi, Qin Xue pushed open the door and entered.

The evening breeze blew, and candles flickered in the room. He sat on the low couch, holding a memorial, looked back at her, and said softly, "A Ling, come here."

Qin Jie walked over, his eyes subconsciously avoiding the book in his hand.

Four years ago, she was like that.

Knowing that he doesn't like foreign relatives interfering in politics, the harem is involved in politics, and his case has been sparsely reported, but she has never touched it once.

If it wasn't for a big dream, she didn't even know that he pretended to favor Li Yuan and refused to tell her, one was for her, and the other was that he didn't believe her.

The emperor has doubts in her heart. It's not that she doesn't understand, but four years ago, she took him as her husband...

Xiao Yu spread out a book and put it in her hands, and said seriously: "The imperial court has won a lot of officials recently, and the positions of Taichang Temple Secretary and Guanglu Temple Shaoqing have all been vacated. You used to be in charge of the harem, and you were always with them Do you have a reliable person in your heart to recommend to me?"

Qin Ei bit her lower lip, and it took a moment before she said: "The selection of officials is an important matter in the previous dynasty, and the concubines are the concubines of the harem. It is really inappropriate to interfere in this matter."

His eyes darkened, and he said slowly, "A Ling, I'm not testing you."

Qin Jie said, "But it's been four years, and the concubine really doesn't remember it."

Xiao Yu pulled the person over, pressed him on his lap, wrapped his arms around her waist, looked her in the eye, and breathed in a low voice, "Don't remember anything?"

Qin Jie leaned back pierced by his gaze.

He squeezed her wrist tightly, and she couldn't stand the pain, so he opened his mouth: "Four years ago, it wasn't because I didn't believe you, it was because I was afraid that people would change, so I did things on my own, and the husband and wife were separated. I owe you."