Pampered Consort’s Acting Awards

Chapter 97: Three groups of sister-in-law


From Lingyun Taoist Temple, Xiao Yu looked down at her, "Is this suspicion gone?"

Qin Xue curled the corner of her mouth subconsciously, "Your Majesty is right."

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "What?"

Qin Yan said: "I remember that Your Majesty told me a few days ago that these Taoist priests are not omniscient and omniscient. Looking at them today, they are indeed the case."

Xiao Yu: "..."

Xiao Yu was much taller than her. He looked down at the top of her head, frowned at an angle she couldn't see, and sighed helplessly.

What does she think about this

There is no pattern to the east and the west.

Xiao Yu brought the horse over, took her hand and said, "I'll support you."

When she came, how could he slow down and not listen, the wind was galloping, and her soul was about to fall into the capital. At this time, she was suddenly thoughtful and had a false sense of good intentions. Xiao Yu supported her round buttocks with his hands and lifted them up, " What are you thinking?"

Qin Jie got on the horse: "I didn't think of anything."

Xiao Yu rolled over and sat behind her, tightened the reins, bit her ear deliberately, and whispered, "If it still hurts, tell me, and let's go back in a carriage."

Qin Xue paused and said in a low voice, "No need, it should be too late... Just slow down."

Xiao Yu pecked her pink ears again.

They rode on their horses, the speed was much slower, and there was no long wind whistling in their ears, and they returned from the barren mountain road that was barren.

It was already dusk, and the end of the line of sight seemed to fall into an orange moon. The sound of horse hooves gradually stepped over, stepping on the twilight, and the palace group standing in the distance gradually showed a clear outline.

The decree for marriage was handed down.

The marriage between Princess Changning and Duke Zhenguo was acquiesced by the Queen Mother, and the Ministry of Rites naturally continued according to the regulations.

Originally, Xiao Yu and Su Huaian had other plans for the identity of Huaijing, but they were completely disrupted by a fire in Lishan, and it was exposed. Say what.

At the end of summer, the cicadas were drenched in thunder, and several torrential rains knocked down the last few pomegranate flowers on the branches. Within a while, the sun and Qi Zhe, a layer of broken gold fell on the glazed bricks and tiles, and the eyes floated again. Cui Liu Dan.

Seven days later, Xiao Lianyu was released from the ban and entered the palace to thank her. Xiao Yu originally planned to say a few words to her, but looking at her low-brow and pleasing appearance, and the two three-year-old children, she just waved her hands and said: "The queen mother said she was ill, so you don't have to go to the Cining Palace."

"Thank you, brother."

Xiao Lianyu took the two children out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Qingyu said, "Your Highness, the carriage is ready at the corner gate, shall we go back to the mansion now?"

The princess thought for a while and said, "No, I want to see Empress Zhaoyi. After I came back from Mount Li, I was grounded, and I haven't been able to say thank you."

Xiao Lianyu grew up in the palace since she was a child, and was very familiar with the terrain in the palace. She walked to the gate of Jingren Palace very quickly and showed the token to the little eunuch.

Seeing that the person who came was the eldest princess, the little eunuch said, "The servant will go and tell the empress."

Under the shadow of the sun, there are heavy eaves, and the breeze is full of flowers.

When Qin Jie heard that Changning was coming, she immediately put down the scroll in her hand and got up to greet him.

As soon as she went out, she saw two children standing beside her, her eyes lit up, "Come and sit down, Zhulan, prepare tea."

At first, Changning kept Qin Zhaoyi's mentality at a distance and did not want to move around too often. After all, in her heart, Su Ling was her sister-in-law.

But after experiencing what happened to Lishan, she suddenly understood why the imperial brother favored Qin Zhaoyi alone.

She and her sister-in-law are so similar.

Xiao Lianyu put on her skirt and walked into the hall, and said, "Changning is here to thank you today. If there is no help from the Empress in Mount Li, Changning still doesn't know what will happen, and the Empress will laugh."

Qin Yan said: "The eldest princess is serious."

Xiao Lianyu nodded and said to the two children, "My dear, please give me your condolences."

Su Lingyi and Su Youlin walked up to Qin Xun step by step, bowed, and said in unison, "Lingyi, Youlin, I have seen the empress."

Qin Jie's eyes were instantly fixed on the two children, and she couldn't move them away.

Su Lingyi wears a moon-white upper and a lake-blue skirt. She wears fake temples on her head. She wears a bead hairpin just like Princess Changning. Her eyes are big and round, and her skin is almost transparent. No one couldn't help but praise Yuxue for being cute.

And the elder brother beside her... Qin Wei glanced at her, and her eyes were bent.

Su Youlin and Xiao Yun are too similar.

Especially the pair of eyes, which seems to be the same as the previous generation of Su family brothers and sisters.

There was only one prince in the huge palace, Xiao Yun, and it was really deserted. Suddenly, two children of the same age came. Qin Xun hurriedly turned around and asked someone to carry the eldest prince over.

The three meat dumplings looked at each other for a moment, Su Lingyi and Su Youlin bowed again, "Youlin, Lingyi has seen Your Highness."

Although Su Youlin and Su Lingyi's aunts are all old aunts in the palace, there is nothing wrong with the rules, and they don't even shake their sleeves when they salute, but they have always lived on the mountain, except for the eldest princess, the aunt, and the guards. , I haven't seen outsiders much, and I haven't been to other places.

No, Su Lingyi looked at Xiao Yun with a little dodge, and couldn't help but take a small step back behind her brother.

Xiao Yun blinked and said according to the rules: "No need to be too polite."

Qin Jie and the eldest princess looked at the three short legs and greeted them there, and couldn't help but chuckle.

While this room was talking, the palace maid and the three children went to see the carp in the shallow pond of Jingren Palace, but before she could get there, Su Lingyi stumbled on her left foot and her right foot, and sat forward with both hands on the ground.

It definitely didn't hurt much, but the child was thin-skinned, she looked at Xiao Yun frowning at her, shook her mouth, and immediately began to cry.

Sobbing and whimpering, this gate opened, like a river rushing, and it couldn't be stopped at all.

The pearl hairpin on his head rattled, and the expression on his face was that of a broken heart.

Su Youlin was used to it, but Xiao Yun was frightened.

Xiao Yun quickly squatted down to help her up, and whispered, "Does it hurt? Does it hurt?"

While blinking, Su Lingyi dropped the golden beans, "It hurts... it hurts."

Xiao Yun imitated A-Niang to blow her hand like that to him, "Does it still hurt?"

Su Lingyi nodded, "Leg, it hurts..."

Just as the little prince was about to blow her legs, she was pulled up by her mama.

At this time, Xiao Yun didn't realize that the two in front of him, as well as the unborn ones, would cause him no peace in the future.

Qin Yu and Xiao Lianyu heard the sound and came.

The eldest princess picked up Su Lingyi and said, "Let Aniang take a look."

Su Lingyi exaggerated: "It hurts... it hurts..."

The princess' servants and maids knelt down together, "The servants should die, please ask the empress and the eldest princess to punish."

The eldest princess said: "Get up, she is like this in the princess' mansion. She falls flat all day long, and she doesn't know who she resembles."

Su Lingyi's eyes widened, tears glistening, as if she couldn't believe that her aunt would say such a thing to her.

Qin Jie couldn't help laughing. Who else could she be like? Her brother was steady since childhood, but he never fell on the ground.

Before they left, Qin Xue went back to the hall and took out a pair of jade pendants and put them in Changning's hands, "I asked someone to beat them two days ago."

Looking at the two jade pendants in Qin Wei's hands, Xiao Lianyu's eyes widened completely.

"This... is this the mother-in-law personally hired someone to beat the two of them?"

Qin Jie nodded and said, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Xiao Lianyu's heart beat faster, and she stammered, "Changning is offended!" Then she reached out to Qin Yan's face, rubbed it back and forth, and even picked it, hating herself for not bringing some alum sand with her.

Qin Xie leaned back, "What is the eldest princess doing?"

Xiao Lianyu screened back from the crowd, looked at Qin Yu's face, and muttered, "No, if you are, then there is no need to make them exactly the same..."

Qin Jie looked down at the jade pendant and said, "But what happened to this jade pendant?"

Xiao Lianyu called Su Youlin and Su Lingyi in, took a pair of jade pendants from their waists, and put them in Qin Wei's hands.

Both pairs of jade pendants are top-quality suet white jade.

Qin Jie looked at Su Huai'an's handwriting, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised an arc.

She and Su Huaian had a pair of jade pendants carved by their father when they were young. They were also white suet jade, and the patterns on the bottom were at least seven points similar.

She just subconsciously chose this jade material, but she didn't want to be similar to Su Huaian.

Xiao Lianyu pursed her lips and looked at her, and said tentatively, "Niangniang..."

Qin Jie thought about what the Taoist priest said yesterday, and said with a letter attitude: "Changning, I have to tell you something alone."

Xiao Lianyu nodded.

Even though Qin Xue only picked important things to say, they still talked about it for more than an hour. When the princess entered the palace at the time of the hour, it was the hour of time.

Guessing is one thing, admitting it is another, the princess looked at Qin Xie, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Memories turned upside down in an instant.

No wonder the mother-in-law said that she didn't have that mole, no wonder the imperial brother loved her so much, and no wonder that the Lishan Garden was on fire, she would help when she was alone and helpless.

In fact, she felt that the Queen's Sister-in-law was back for countless moments, but the person in front of her was only seventeen, her family was innocent, the daughter of the Taishi made Qin Wang, she was drafted into the palace, the emperor's favorite concubine, for various reasons, she could not doubt.

She never thought that it would be a story of resurrection.

"Before, I always thought that this kind of strange thing would be a bad omen, so I didn't plan to say it..." Qin Jie looked at her and said, "Can you blame me for hiding it from you?"

In an instant, thick sourness rushed to his eyes.

The princess shook her head and hugged her, "Sister-in-law has suffered so much, it's a good thing to be back!"

Qin Yan looked at her with a smile: "You are also amazing, you actually built a temple on the mountain to raise children..."

Xiao Lianyu wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "Sister-in-law, wait, I'll call those two back."

Su Youlin and Su Lingyi were standing in front of Qin Yu, Xiao Lianyu was suddenly at a loss...

what is it call

Should I call my aunt too