Pampering the Yandere in the Apocalypse

Chapter 47: Symbiosis, a thought arises


Everyone's silence lasted until the evening. Seeing that the silence was likely to continue, Gu Xunjing spoke again in order not to continue this silence.

"Xiao Yezi is a zombie, and you are humans. Don't you have any ideas? Do you just want Xiao Yezi to work hard alone?"

Mu Yuan re-examined herself and suddenly realized that she had never integrated into this group before. She was too selfish.

After Gu Xunjing's words, he suddenly realized that it was not too late, a bright smile appeared on his little face, "Let's create a symbiotic world together! A world that can accommodate zombies as well as people."

Except for Gu Xunjing, everyone else was frightened by Mu Yuan's boldness.

Luo Mingyan was leaning on the door frame, his eyes were blood red, and there was a hint of white in his hair. He could hear Gu Xunjing's words clearly in the room before. He didn't expect that there was such a past behind Luo Ye's understatement.

The looming white color was so dazzling, which showed how guilty he was.

At this time, Luo Mingyan's bloodshot eyes burst out with a burst of determination. As soon as he came out, he heard Mu Yuan's seemingly impossible words. In the eyes of others, Mu Yuan would be a fantasy lunatic.

"This is impossible! How can zombies live with people! Except for Xiaoye, I have never seen a zombie that can get along with people normally." Gao Mingkai looked solemn. Not to mention that zombies have a blood feud with humans, but zombies have no intelligence and only know how to eat. People can't get over this.

Feiyan's face was also very solemn, "Let's put aside everything and just talk about human beings' hatred of zombies. I'm afraid no one can accept this."

"Yes! It is an indisputable fact that zombies eat people. How many of the survivors of human beings have their wives and children separated and their families destroyed by zombies? That is the hatred that is engraved in the heart and cannot be erased. How many people live just for Kill more zombies and avenge your family!" Lin Shuo's eyes were a little confused, and he saw in his eyes the scene of the survivors struggling to survive.

For a while, Gu Xunjing was also made to lose confidence by everyone's words. It's not that he hadn't thought about it, but after so many people talked about it, he also found it difficult to realize it. How could one person have thought of so much before!

There was silence again for a while, and everyone's breathing could be heard in the room. The thought of symbiosis was suppressed as soon as it arose.

Even with Luo Ye, they couldn't get all the survivors to accept symbiosis, because people's hearts are unpredictable, and they couldn't see each other in their minds and hearts.

But with this idea, they decided to give it a try even if they had to accompany them. The first thing they had to do was to improve their strength.

The apocalypse has changed the previous rules of survival. In the apocalypse, the strong is respected. Whoever has a bigger fist is the boss, and whoever is stronger has supreme rights.

They have endless food, which is their strong backing. With their backing, as long as they have strong strength, they will not have to worry about not having sincere subordinates and partners.

"Shiyue, what do you mean by saying people are alive?" Luo Ye asked, looking at the survivors surrounded by zombies.

Shiyue looked in the direction of Luo Ye. Luo Ye could see farther than her. She could only see groups of zombies. By now, she was used to the existence of so many zombies.

"People seem fragile, but everyone wants to live. They work hard and are strong. We should give those strong people a chance to survive, right? The reason why they are strong is that there are people at home waiting for them to return safely. "As she spoke, Shiyue's voice was filled with yearning. She also wanted someone to be waiting for her to return, but she was the only one left in this world.

Luo Ye glanced at Shiyue lightly. She understood this emotion, but she couldn't feel it deeply because she was a cold person.