Pampering the Yandere in the Apocalypse

Chapter 95: Preliminary construction


In the pitch-black night, there were only a few insects chirping occasionally, and the night watchers never relaxed for a moment. The sleeping people turned over occasionally, but no one snored.

Many people will have the habit of snoring before the apocalypse, but in the apocalypse, snoring is to tell the zombies their location, so gradually no one snores. Even if they fall asleep, the vigilance still exists.

Luo Mingyan and the others slept together with the members of the mercenary group. There were more than a dozen mutant beasts guarding the RV. From time to time, they raised their heads to look around vigilantly, and then lay down after finding no problems.

The night watchers occasionally looked at the RV, their eyes full of nostalgia. With the group leader here, they didn't have to keep vigil, but they couldn't rely too much on the group leader from now on.

I strengthened my confidence, raised my vigilance again, and took charge of the night vigil task.

Two hours later, someone yawned and came out to change the guard, followed by his partner, "Thank you for your hard work, go in and take a nap! It's my turn."

"Well, hard work is coming next." He patted the man's shoulder to drive away his drowsiness and then turned and left.

After changing the post, when I passed a car, I found that the lights inside were still on. I opened the car door and found that it was Shiyue, "Right Commander, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Shiyue raised her red eyes and yawned, then threw away the paper and pen in her hand, "You can't be careless when building a base. Construction will start tomorrow, so we can only make a plan overnight and then allocate it according to the plan. mission, and then build a base based on the terrain.”

As she spoke, Shiyue yawned again and rubbed her eyes with her hands, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I had just handed over the vigil duty and was about to go to bed when I saw the lights in the car were still on, so I came over to take a look."

"Then go to sleep! I have a little more to finish." Shiyue said with a smile.

"Then I'll go to bed. Remember to get some rest early, right?" Seeing Shiyue nodding, she closed the car door and left.

Shiyue rubbed her eyes again to cheer up, and murmured to herself, "The climate in this place is a bit weird. It's clearly winter in other places, but it's like summer here. I don't know what's causing it!"

During the day, everyone had forgotten this due to the exhaustion of the past few days and the sudden sight of a vibrant scene. Only when they calmed down did they realize something strange.

But here, the temperature is the same whether it is day or night, so you don't have to worry about the same temperature in the two seasons during the day and night.

After finishing writing the plan, it was already past three o'clock in the morning. After twisting his sore neck and stretching, Shiyue felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. Shiyue was so sleepy that he lay down on the back of the car. Asleep on the seat.

When everyone was asleep, only Su stood on the roof, looking at the dark night sky with an indifferent expression.

… a good night’s sleep.

"Your Majesty, it's time for you to get up, everyone is waiting for you!"

In the early morning, Shiyue was woken up by someone from last night. She raised her sleepy eyes. After seeing the people waiting, she lost sleep. She jumped out of the car and found that her toiletries were all ready.

Shiyue didn't show any pretense. After washing up in a few moments, she took the plan she had prepared in the evening and started arranging it.

Everyone has arranged different tasks according to their own abilities and abilities, down to the details of what everyone did before the end of the world, so Shiyue, who has been busy all night, is really very careful.

Even Luo Mingyan and others were assigned different tasks.

Get to work quickly after assignments are made.

Everyone left, leaving only Shiyue and Su.

Su was wearing blue clothes, which looked very much like ancient clothes, but more handsome and lighter than ancient clothes. On her feet were a pair of white-soled cloth boots of the same color, with an unknown flower printed on them.

"Everyone has a job, but what about us? What do we do?" Su regained her previous aloofness and looked at Shiyue with doubts in her eyes.

Shiyue smiled and looked at this second-generation aristocratic zombie who looked cold but was actually very sultry. "Of course we also have a task, which is to inspect the terrain and then make further plans. You are a second-generation aristocratic zombie and you must know your own world very well. Look. From the looks of it, the zombie world must be prosperous and the layout must be very good.”

When Su heard Shiyue's praise, she unconsciously raised her head and said with a proud look on her face, "Of course."

"After the branches of the base are planned, I'll wait for you to direct their construction." Shiyue looked at Su with starry eyes.

"Do you have anything else?" Su Ben looked confused.

Shiyue chuckled, "Well, we are seriously short of manpower here. It is impossible to build a base with so many people. So, can you call some zombies from the zombie world to help us? We can give you a reward, which is a crystal core. You See if it works?”

Su frowned and said after a while, "It's not impossible to call someone. The zombies in the zombie world are unimaginably loyal to the king. They may ask to see the king before they are willing to work, and every day. "

"That's no problem. Do you have any other requirements?" Shiyue said boldly.

"Also, their admiration for the king is terrifying. Please bear with me if they do some crazy things." Su's expression was a little unnatural.

"for example?"

"Ahem, for example, from time to time, you might express your sincerity to the sleeping king, or give the king all the valuable and good things you think are valuable, or stick to the king's side and look like a fool..." It's a little embarrassing. !

Shiyue twitched her lips, "It's okay, as long as you don't bump into or disturb the leader, don't worry about it."

"..." Seeing Shiyue's somewhat relieved look, Su opened her mouth but couldn't say anything.

Forget it, let’s wait until the time comes!

But when that time came, everyone looked at the zombies from the zombie world in bewilderment. They were all piled on the RV, refusing to come down to work, crying like a mess, with tears and snot in their noses. When he hit it, Shiyue's whole face twitched, and she just wanted to blow Su's head off.

Su felt a little aggrieved, and it wasn't his fault that they cried like that.

Of course, all this is a matter of course.

At this time, Su followed Shiyue and saw that Shiyue kept writing things down in the notebook. She gave some advice from time to time wherever she went, and they got along quite well.

"Muxue, let's go prepare some food and water for them!" The only girl in the team walked up to Muxue with a satisfied smile on her face.

Muxue looked puzzled. She was exhausted from working. What was there to be satisfied with

Although he was dissatisfied, he still nodded and said, "Let's go!" How can we not take advantage of the lazy time!

But what she didn't expect was that preparing meals for dozens of people was not an easy task.