Pancake Cart

Chapter 25


White sheets, warm water stains.

Lu Lu twisted and kissed under Yin Liang's body, domineering and hot, he couldn't breathe, his legs were raised up, the smooth skin on the inside of his thigh brushed against Yin Liang's strong muscles, and the two of them shook at the same time.

"Lu Lu!" Yin Liang couldn't control himself, he groped his trembling body with both hands, bit his chin and listened to his begging for mercy.

Lu Lu always seemed to be struggling. Yin Liang grabbed his wrist to keep him from moving, rubbed against him deliberately, and sucked his Adam's apple like a beast. When he lowered his head, he saw his hardened little nipple, the one on the right, with a needle point underneath it. Mole-like.

Huang Hai is not talking nonsense, there are really moles under his nipples, even if he knows they are fake, Yin Liang is not happy

"Before the Yellow Sea, do you have anyone else?" He clamped the small place and crushed it hard.

Lu Lu seemed to be struck by electricity, arched his waist and hips, shrunk his shoulders pitifully: "No, really not!"

Yin Liang didn't let go, he twisted and licked his collarbone, Lu Lu reacted greatly, his legs bent and stretched and rubbed against each other, he didn't know whether he wanted him to go down or made him worse.

Yin Liang couldn't stand him like this, his brain seemed to explode, he wanted to do something to this body immediately, but he resisted, turned him over, and pressed him from behind.

I thought I could calm down because I couldn't see my face, but it turned out that by a coincidence, the big thing got stuck in the crevice of Lu Lu's buttocks, and the soft and hot place was purely instinctive, and Yin Liang arched presumptuously. Lu Lu screamed and bumped him unwillingly. The more he bumped, the harder Yin Liang bumped into him, the tighter the place was, and his hands even got into his armpits, pinching his chest from left to right, pressing hard. rub.

Lu Lu hummed endlessly, as if he was about to cry. With this sound, Yin Liang wanted to ejaculate, but he stopped and looked at the phone on the bedside table.

Without a phone call, he frowned, and suddenly noticed that Lu Lu was moving, moving his hips secretly.

"Are you rubbing the sheets?" Yin Liang tugged at his arm.

Lu Lu squinted his eyes and opened his mouth, and said vaguely: "No... no..."

Panting heavily, Yin Liang leaned on him again: "Who asked you to rub the sheets?" He said, pushing him down heavily, "If the sheets get dirty, they will come up to check after checking out later, knowing we How embarrassing to do this!"

Lu Lu struggled to grab the pillow when Yin Liang's phone rang, and three words were displayed on the screen: Meng Xiaotian.

Seeing it, Lu Lu froze for a moment.

Like a thief, Yin Liang grabbed the phone, got up from him, and went into the bathroom.

After closing the door tightly, he complained in a low voice: "Huang Hai, can you be late! I don't want to be in such a small hotel for the first time!"

"It took me a while to prepare the picture," Huang Hai said hoarsely, "I'll post it right away."

Yin Liang ended the call, came out of the bathroom, and deliberately threw the mobile phone beside Lu Lu's pillow: "There is something urgent, I have to go first."

He turned back to take a shower, the phone screen was still on, Lu Lu picked it up, and there happened to be a WeChat message, and the sender was Meng Xiaotian.

He hesitated for a few seconds, then tapped lightly.

The profile picture is a photo of underwear, with honey-colored skin and a proud career line, loosely covered by a black and purple lace bra, revealing a beautiful ink tattoo.

It's that kind of sexy and hot woman.

She asked: Husband, when will you come back? I'm done washing and waiting for you~

Lu Lu was shocked.

Then, she said: By the way, buy a box of Okamoto ultra-thin, and the house is gone~

The phone dropped on the bed, and Lu Lu froze.