Pancake Cart

Chapter 27


After school, Lu Lu didn't leave the stall, so he asked Yin Liang to go to the Kempinski in the city center, on the east side of the top floor, a luxury suite overlooking the intoxicating sea view at sunset.

Entering the room, Yin Liang threw down his schoolbag, and after a few doors, he saw a big snow-white bed covered with roses. There was a wine barrel beside the bed, and a bottle of local wine from that year was frozen in the barrel.

Lu Lu opened the wine silently, his technique was very skillful, he didn't need a cup, he took a few sips to his mouth, and turned back with a blushing face.

"Such an expensive house," Yin Liang looked at the corners of his blushing eyes, and walked up, "Where did you get the money?"

Lu Lu smiled bitterly and astringently.

"Are you looking for Huang Hai again?" Yin Liang deliberately stabbed him, forcing him to tell the truth, "You think I'm stingy, don't let me be awkward, Huang Hai, you go back and look for him, I won't stop you."

Lu Lu held back his tears and glared at him, pretending to be tough, took out Yin Liang's cell phone from his pocket, and threw it at him viciously.

Yin Liang caught it: "Why are you here, I thought I lost the hotel."

He was afraid that Huang Hai would get in the way, so he looked at WeChat first when he unlocked it. The first message on the message interface was Meng Xiaotian, so he clicked on it immediately. There were seventeen or eight messages sent away, which should be by land:

"Who are you? What's your relationship with Yin Liang?"

"Are you together?"

"Where are you?"

"I tell you, I'm his girlfriend!"

"Speak, why don't you speak!"

"Where are you guys, let Yin Liang answer the phone!"

Yin Liang could imagine Lu Lu's tone at that time, anger, jealousy, and heartbreak. When he thought of his helpless and almost desperate voice, his chest felt like a blunt knife was cut, and it hurt.

In the end, Huang Hai replied with a voice message.

Yin Liang turned it on, the speaker was in mode, and there was a shameless crackling sound in the huge luxurious room.

Yin Liang was stunned, looking at Lu Lu in fear.

Lu Lu cried, really cried, covering his face with his arms, holding back, sobbing softly.

It was Dizang and Huang Hai. Yin Liang was holding his mobile phone, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This made him play too hard. He didn't know whether to continue to follow the cards or to play stud.

Lu Lu wiped away his tears, and forced a smile: "Yin Liang, it's fun for you to lie to me, isn't it?"

Yin Liang didn't make a sound.

"After eating lollipops with me, go and fool around with her when you get back, right?"

Yin Liang lowered his head.

"You think I'm a poor pancake spreader, hopelessly in love with you, no matter what you do, I won't say a word, right?"

Yin Liang looked up at him.

Lu Lu raised the corner of his mouth resolutely, "Yin Liang, I lied to you first," he smiled retaliatoryly, a little viciously, a little flamboyantly, "I booked this room for a worthless amount of money, as long as I want, I can make it impossible for your father to change next year!"

Yoon-ryung is relieved that he finally said it, the cunning little liar.

"The Lu Lu who spread the pancakes, the Lu Lu who begged you to help him, and the Lu Lu who allowed you to bully him are all fake!" Lu Lu said with a smile, and he should be happy, but his face was full of tears, "The two of us are the same!"

"Land Lulu eating lollipops," Yin Liang asked, "is it fake too?"

Lu Lu said coldly: "Yin Liang, you are the first and last time in my life to be sincere." He unbuttoned his shirt, "I will give you all my innocence, and then I will become a walking dead."

Yin Liang watched him take off his clothes and pants, and stood naked in front of him, holding a tube of something in his hand.

Yin Liang wanted to pounce on him and hug him, so that all those falsehoods, deceptions, and schemes would be wiped out.

Lu Lu climbed onto the bed, lay down facing him, legs spread wide, and unscrewed the tube.

"Come on, let us all do what we want," he said, "and go our separate ways."