Paper Plane

Chapter 107


It was said that they came to the town for vacation, but in fact, the two of them didn't have any schedules, and most of the time they just walked around the town.

There is a lake near the hotel. It is not special during the day, but it looks thrillingly beautiful at dusk. When the wind blows, the blood-weeping setting sun is reflected on the sparkling lake, with dots of light shining through. A team of ravens whizzed across the water, making the whole town especially peaceful.

Tang Junhe can't remember the last time he was so leisurely. It seems that he has lived for more than 20 years, and he has witnessed many births, old ages, illnesses and deaths, but he has never seen such a calm time.

Before the age of seventeen, he was forced by Tang Xiaonian to study non-stop, even if he was on vacation. After the age of seventeen, he was afraid that he would be idle. When doing surgery, once you have a little free time, you will start to feel anxious unconsciously.

Come to think of it, the only free time I had was the week in Sri Lanka. In my impression, the dusk in Sri Lanka is very similar to this place, with quiet water, swarms of ravens, and strong fire clouds, but there are more tides that keep beating the reefs on the shore than here.

There always seems to be danger signs beneath the surface of the sea, while the surface of the lake looks calm and gentle.

On the evening of the second day in the small town, the two stopped by the lake, and both stopped to look at the lake.

"Take a break?" Yang Xuan squatted down and picked up a stone, and threw it far away. The stone fell on the lake, causing a circle of ripples.

Tang Junhe also squatted down, also picked up a stone, and threw it into the wave of water that had not yet calmed down.

"Brother, when are you going back to the military region?" Tang Junhe turned to look at Yang Xuan and asked.

Yang Xuan took the stone and threw it in the palm of his hand, this time he threw it further: "Wait until you go to work."

"How many days?" Tang Junhe threw it around the stone again this time.

"One or two days, it's not a big deal." After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he looked at the two ripples that were very close together, and smiled lightly, "Who do you want to throw farther than me?"

"Is it not possible?" Tang Junhe tilted his head and looked at him, a sly look flashed in his eyes, then he lowered his head, picked up a few stones of suitable size and put them in the palm of his hand.

He spread his palms, Yang Xuan straightened up and walked over, bent down and grabbed a few in his palm, then stood up and walked to the side.

Seeing this, Tang Junhe was about to straighten up and follow, Yang Xuan looked back at him and said, "Don't move."

Hearing what he said, Tang Junhe squatted back again.

Yang Xuan stopped a few meters away from him, squatted down, turned his body slightly in the direction of Tang Junhe, raised his voice slightly and said to him: "You throw it first."

Tang Junhe thought that Yang Xuan was really going to throw it farther than him, so he raised his arms, gestured twice in mid-air with the stone in his hand, and threw it out with all his strength.

As soon as he took the stone in his hand, Yang Xuan also threw it out, but the direction of the stone was not towards the distance, but slightly in Tang Junhe's direction.

Tang Junhe turned his head to look at him in surprise, Yang Xuan still kept the expression of squinting one eye when he was aiming just now, and looked in the direction where the stone was thrown.

There was a crisp sound of "dang" in the quiet air. Tang Junhe unconsciously followed Yang Xuan's gaze, and the two stones had already bounced in other directions, losing their forward momentum and rushing across the air. Make two parabolas and fall into the water.

Tang Junhe was a little stunned, and turned his head to look at Yang Xuan after a few seconds. Yang Xuan had opened his narrowed eyes at this time, looked at him and smiled, which was different from his usual way of smiling. Too the same, looks a little cynical. This reminded Tang Junhe of how he was when he was seventeen years old. At that time, Yang Xuan was standing on the basketball court. After he scored a ball, his teammates ran over to give him high fives. Sometimes he would show such a smile, fooling around , as lightly as possible.

Tang Junhe regained his senses and threw another stone into the water. Yang Xuan squinted his eyes to aim like last time, and hit it easily.

"Brother, you throw it first," Tang Junhe turned to look at him, and raised his voice slightly, "I'll hit."

"Okay." Yang Xuan threw a stone casually, with little effort in his hand.

The moment Tang Junhe threw the stone, the stone thrown by Yang Xuan had already fallen into the water.

"No, you threw it too close." Seeing that it didn't hit, Tang Junhe carefully analyzed the reason for himself, "You need to use some strength."

Yang Xuan smiled when he heard the words, and threw a stone in the palm of his hand twice: "Look at it." Then he picked up the stone and threw it far away with his upper arm.

Tang Junhe also threw the stone immediately, but the stone fell into the water again in disappointment, not to mention hitting, it didn't even touch the edge.

"Don't use too much force." Tang Junhe asked again.

"You adjust yourself and don't care what I do." Yang Xuan said so, but still relaxed a little bit in cooperation.

"It has something to do with you, too." Tang Junhe was obviously a little shameless, and quickly threw the stone out after speaking. Still missed.

He tried several times in succession, calculated the throwing speed of the stone in his mind, and drew countless parabolas. When it came down to the actual shot, he still couldn't hit anything.

Yang Xuan finished throwing the stones in his hand, got up and walked over, saw him still gesturing to throw the stones, and pointed out: "The focus should be on the movement of the arms, when the eyes can see the trajectory of the stones, then what?" It's too late."

"I know," Tang Junhe put the stone back on the ground, patted the dust on his hands, and said a little dejectedly, "But I still can't hit it."

"Just knowing the method is not enough, the most important thing is to rely on practice." Yang Xuan reached out to him and pulled him up from the ground.

Tang Junhe stood up, held Yang Xuan's hand, and asked curiously as he walked, "Brother, were you a sniper before?"

"I worked as a sniper a few years ago," Yang Xuan said, "After becoming the captain, I lost my energy."

Tang Junhe nodded, and asked again: "Is that very dangerous?"

Yang Xuan didn't answer directly, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Didn't you survive?"

The sky was completely dark, and the town looked even quieter, and the mountains in the distance left a vast silhouette in the night.

Tang Junhe looked at the rippling water with some ecstasy, and sighed, "The holiday is coming to an end soon..."

"Don't want to go to work?" Yang Xuan turned to look at him with a smile in his eyes.

"Yeah." Tang Junhe nodded heavily.

Yang Xuan took a few steps forward and didn't speak at first. After a while, he casually mentioned: "Dr. Tang did four subjects at the same time, and all of them were issued SCIs."

"Who told you that?" Tang Junhe heard the teasing in his tone, blushed a little, turned to look at him and asked. Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't answer, he asked again: "Is that Xiao Song?" The person who could say such a thing to Yang Xuan could only think of Xiao Song.

Yang Xuan just smiled in a low voice, but didn't say whether it was true or not.

Tang Junhe muttered in a low voice: "Doctor Tang doesn't want to do a single topic now."

Tang Junhe has never looked forward to a longer vacation like this, but it always seems like this, the more he doesn't want to end, the faster it will end.

After returning to Yancheng and taking Shisan home from Xiaosong, the vacation is completely over.

"Doctor Tang, you're finally coming back." Xiao Song showed a look of joy when he saw him, "You don't know, Director Xue's complexion has turned bad during the half month you were away."

"A lot of operations?" Hearing what she said, Tang Junhe had already deduced the current situation outside his chest. Xue Yuanshan used him smoothly on weekdays, but after Tang Junhe left, he had to do many things by himself, so he was naturally too busy to have a good face.

"Isn't it?" Xiao Song said, "However, once you come back, you may be very busy again."

Tang Junhe smiled helplessly, hugged Shisan and asked, "It didn't scratch you, did it?"

"No, it's quite obedient and never scratched me." Xiao Song said.

Tang Junhe hugged Shisan and sat in the passenger seat. When Shisan saw Yang Xuan, he arched his back again. It always seemed to be a little afraid of him.

"It's strange, it doesn't scratch Xiao Song." Tang Junhe stroked its back, trying to make it relax. Before taking Shisan out for foster care, he worriedly told Xiao Song to be careful not to get scratched.

"Is it a male cat?" Yang Xuan glanced at Shisan who was staring nervously at him.

"Yeah." Tang Junhe said.

"It means it likes the opposite sex." Yang Xuan said casually.

"Really?" Tang Junhe held Shisan's face, stared at it for a while, and said a very ruthless sentence: "It's useless, it has already been castrated."

Because Shisan was fostered at Xiao Song's house, all the nurses outside the chest knew that Dr. Tang had a cat at home, which he picked up from downstairs. "Doctor Tang's family has a little wild cat" is a somewhat ambiguous joke, because it is very different from Tang Junhe's usual image of rejecting others, so it quickly spread outside the chest.

As soon as Tang Junhe returned to the hospital, a nurse greeted him: "Dr. Tang is back." Someone who liked to joke said directly in front of him, "Dr. Tang, your little wild cat is so cute."

Tang Junhe could hear the joke in the words, but he just smiled and didn't answer.

Seeing him coming back, Xue Yuanshan called him to the office, and pushed over a stack of medical records: "I read all of these while there is no operation today, and I will check the ward with me later to find out about the patient's condition."

Tang Junhe all responded and took the medical records to his office. He didn't rest all day, and he was in a hurry for lunch, so he didn't take a moment off because he was thinking about sending Yang Xuan to the airport after get off work.

Yang Xuan took a taxi in the afternoon, and as soon as he got downstairs, Tang Junhe closed his medical records and went downstairs. He had never left work before dark before, and the nurse at the nurse station looked at him in surprise and said, Dr. Tang is so early today.

"Go see my brother off," Tang Junhe hurried past, "I'll be back in a while."

After getting in the car, worried about the driver sitting in front, he only spoke a few ordinary words to Yang Xuan all the way. When he arrived at the airport, his voice was covered by the bustling noise, and he approached Yang Xuan, looked at him and said: "Brother, will you really come back tomorrow night?"

"Really." Yang Xuan put his arms around his shoulders, "Didn't I show you the flight information?"

"Then I'll wait for you tomorrow night."

"It's early in the morning when you come back, so you go to bed first." Yang Xuan said, seeing the reluctance on his face, and smiled, "Can't you bear it for just one day?"

"I don't want to sleep by myself." Tang Junhe said. This was true, he felt that he might not be able to sleep, but he didn't tell Yang Xuan.

"Let Shisan accompany you first." Yang Xuan pulled him into his arms with force. Yancheng Airport was much busier than Runcheng, and there were people coming and going around. Tang Junhe lowered his head slightly, and his forehead touched Yang Xuan's lips, but he couldn't tell whether the kiss was intentional or unintentional.

It was almost his nightmare that he had to reach the sign that said "seeing off people stop". When Yang Xuan just left, he dreamed about this sign almost every day.

When he saw these words from a distance, he couldn't help feeling a little depressed. He thought maybe he shouldn't insist on sending Yang Xuan off, because he really didn't want to recall all the circumstances of the departure at the airport.

Yang Xuan kept his arms around his shoulders, maybe seeing that he was depressed, he raised his hands and rubbed his hair while walking, then lowered his head slightly and said, "I'll be back soon this time."

Tang Junhe nodded, he thought he should be more happy, otherwise he would be too self-willed, but when he noticed Yang Xuan's indulgence to him, he couldn't help continuing to be self-willed, he looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Brother, Then can you kiss me?"

Yang Xuan smiled, turned his head sideways towards him, kept walking, and kissed him on the lips.