Paper Plane

Chapter 109


Half-dream and half-awake, Tang Junhe heard his cell phone ringing, he groped to grab the cell phone, and picked it up without looking at it.

The voice over there was impatient and anxious: "Dr. Tang, come quickly, there is an emergency, and the patient's life is in danger!"

Tang Junhe felt that his head was not so clear, perhaps because of the effect of the two sleeping pills, he was a little confused, and said "here we come", got up and dressed in a hurry, before taking the elevator in time, he quickly grabbed the handrail of the stairs Go downstairs, don't dare to delay for a moment.

The sky was not yet clear, and the sight was gray, and there was no shadow of a car on the wide road, and it was quiet.

Tang Junhe walked quickly towards the direction of the hospital, and took out his mobile phone to call a taxi. The time on the screen passed by every minute and every second, but there was still no movement on the taxi app. He kept looking down at the taxi interface, feeling a sense of anxiety in his heart. He couldn't wait for the taxi, so he turned off the screen of his phone and ran towards the hospital.

He was running very fast, sweat was running out on his forehead, his breathing gradually lengthened and became heavy, and it rang clearly in his ears. His legs were sore and limp from running, and his whole body was exhausted. The nurse kept calling to remind him, but he didn't dare to stop for a second.

After running for an unknown amount of time, he finally reached the gate of the hospital. Panting for breath, he ran over. Just as he went up a few steps in front of the gate, the siren of an ambulance sounded behind him.

Someone shouted behind him: "Doctor Tang, the patient is here!"

Tang Junhe stopped, turned around and looked towards the ambulance.

The ambulance stopped at the gate, and the medical workers carried the patient off on the stretcher. Tang Junhe was just about to lift his legs and walk down the stairs when he saw the man on the stretcher clearly—soaked in dark red blood. The wounds are shocking.

Tang Junhe shifted his gaze to that person's face in disbelief. When he saw Yang Xuan's face with his eyes closed, Tang Junhe stepped on the ground, his legs went limp, and he fell down the stairs—

The strong sense of weightlessness caused Tang Junhe to open his eyes suddenly.

While realizing that he had a nightmare, he also saw Yang Xuan who was sitting in front of him, looking at him solemnly.

Tang Junhe couldn't tell whether he was in the dream or outside the dream for a while, he just felt that his brain was in chaos, which was very similar to the feeling in the dream. The room with the curtains drawn tightly looked dimly lit, and the surroundings were so quiet that it was disturbing.

He calmed down his breath, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, his hoarse voice was full of sleepiness: ""

Yang Xuan didn't speak, just stared at him through the dim light.

Tang Junhe was still holding the black cotton coat, he subconsciously put away a small part of the coat that was exposed outside the quilt, and sat up on the bed: "Brother, why are you back... Am I still there?" Dreaming?"

The expression on Yang Xuan's face seemed to have slowed down a bit, and he stretched out his hand to brush Tang Junhe's messed up hair: "Did you just have a nightmare?"

Tang Junhe was frightened by the nightmare just now, and broke into a thin layer of cold sweat, which wetted the hair on his forehead. Yang Xuan's cool and dry palm touched his smooth forehead, and his calloused fingertips felt slightly Rough.

Tang Junhe sat up and looked at Yang Xuan in a daze. The anxiety and panic in the dream just disappeared, and he was a little dazed by the sudden surprise. After a while, his lips were slightly pursed, and a smile appeared on his face belatedly, and then spread from the corners of his raised lips to his curled eyes. He leaned over and hugged Yang Xuan, resting his chin on his shoulder: "Brother, didn't you say that the flight was cancelled? How did you get back, taking the high-speed train?"

"High-speed train to plane," Yang Xuan raised his hand and held his shoulder, looking down at him slightly, "What nightmare did you just have?"

"I dreamed of the day you were carried to the hospital before." Tang Junhe hugged him tightly and said. Yang Xuan's body was still covered with the coolness of the early morning outside, Tang Junhe leaned closer, his warm cheek pressed against a small piece of skin under his neck that was exposed outside his shirt, looked at him sideways and asked, "Brother, Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I'm afraid you will be too happy to fall asleep," Yang Xuan looked down at him, his two faces were very close, the tip of his nose almost touched, "How did you sleep?"

"Very good." Tang Junhe was full of his brother, said these three words without thinking, raised his head and kissed Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan hugged him and responded to him very gently. Compared with the passionate and lustful kisses they had on vacation, this kiss was calm and soft, without any sense of pressure, the lips touched, the breath was entangled, moist and lingering.

After parting, Tang Junhe leaned back on his shoulder, and his eyes fell on his face without blinking. Yang Xuan touched his lower lip with his thumb, rubbed it twice with his fingertips, looked directly at him, and said in a low voice, "How many times have you lied to me?"

Tang Junhe was stunned for a moment, but didn't react for a while: "What?"

"Did you sleep well?" Yang Xuan reminded him.

Tang Junhe woke up in an instant, and subconsciously looked at the medicine box—did Yang Xuan see the box of heart rate-lowering medicine? !

"It's just for... sleep aid," Tang Junhe raised his head from his shoulders and explained guiltily, "the side effects are less than sleeping pills."

"Continue," Yang Xuan said, seeing Tang Junhe looking at him with some doubts, he said again, "Continue to lie."

"Brother really..." Tang Junhe's voice lacked confidence, "If you don't come back, I will definitely be worried..."

"Well, let's not mention this box of heart rate-lowering medicine." Yang Xuan said, got up from the bed, walked to the medicine box, lifted it by the edge of the medicine box, and put it next to Tang Junhe. He took out a small medicine bottle from it: "This bottle is Valium, it's empty." He took out another bottle, "This bottle is also halfway left."

"There are also these two boxes, alprazolam, the effect is..." Yang Xuan turned the medicine box over and read the explanation, "Anti-anxiety, anti-depression, sedation, hypnosis," he looked up at Tang Junhe, "Where are you? A sort of?"

"It's expired," Tang Junhe swallowed. Under Yang Xuan's gaze, he felt that the rotten self in the past had nowhere to hide. This feeling made him a little panicked, "I, I haven't eaten this for a long time It's gone." Seeing that Yang Xuan looked at him silently, he added another sentence, "This sentence is true... I didn't lie."

Yang Xuan stared at him for a moment, looked down at him, he stretched out his hand to lift his quilt, Tang Junhe realized what he wanted to do, and immediately grabbed the edge of the quilt to stop Yang Xuan's movement, but Yang Xuan His strength is obviously far superior to his.

"Let go," Yang Xuan said in a deep voice, his tone sounded unquestionable, "Hiding and don't want me to see it? It's already late, I covered you with the quilt."

Hearing what he said, Tang Junhe paused for a moment, and the two hands that were holding on to the quilt loosened. Yang Xuan lifted the quilt, revealing the black cotton coat hidden underneath.

Tang Junhe's eyelashes trembled, and he lowered his head very slowly, staring at the black coat. Suddenly he thought of his terrible self a few years ago, who smoked during the day and took medicine at night, every now and then Drinking, it seems that without the support of three things: tobacco, alcohol, and medicine, his life will be like a rotten wood eaten by moths, which will collapse and rot at any time.

It took him a lot of effort to get rid of them, and he became the current Dr. Tang who seemed to be living a good life, but a negligence was seen through by his sharp-eyed brother from the outside to the inside.

For a moment, all the grievances that had been suppressed over the years surged up violently, his head drooped even more, his elbows rested on his legs, pressing down on the coat, his hands covered his entire face, and his voice was very low : "Does it have to be like this? Brother, you have to..." He choked up, stopped and slowed down, trying to suppress his emotions so that his voice trembled uncontrollably, "You have to force me to admit that I have Is it not good? You have to force me to admit... Have I ever become a terrible person because of liking you?" His voice weakened, as if desperately begging, "I also want to like you in a decent way... "

Yang Xuan's actions stopped immediately, he didn't expect such a situation, he just wanted to find out why his brother took these medicines.

After leaving the airport in the early morning, he didn't go back to the hotel, but took a taxi directly to the high-speed rail station. Weicheng is far away from Yancheng, and it takes a high-speed train in the middle, and the waiting time is more than ten hours. He thought it was too slow, so he made a decisive decision. He took the three-hour high-speed train to another city, transferred to a plane at the airport, traveled for nearly seven hours, and returned to Yancheng before dawn.

When he opened the door and entered, and leaned the suitcase against the wall, Tang Junhe was holding the coat, his breathing was a little short, as if he was not sleeping peacefully. Yang Xuan reached out to help him pull up the quilt, but his eyes immediately fell on the coat. Tang Junhe hugged it tightly, as if afraid of being snatched away by others.

Yang Xuan will not forget this dress, he will remember everything about the day of parting, because it was the complete end of his boyhood.

He stared at the dress for a while, and also stared at his brother Tang Junhe for a while, then moved lightly and pulled the quilt towards Tang Junhe.

Yang Xuan looked at Tang Junhe who was burying his face in his hands, and sighed inaudibly after a while, raised his hand and stroked along his hair, staying on the back of his neck, and his tone eased: "Okay I won't ask any more."

Tang Junhe didn't say a word, still covered his face, and didn't move for a moment. It wasn't until the set alarm clock rang last night that he freed one hand to fumble for the phone. After touching it around but not finding it, Yang Xuan grabbed his wrist, took his hand and touched it backwards, and Tang Junhe touched the phone. He brought the phone over and pressed the alarm clock, but Yang Xuan still held his wrist.

If Yang Xuan was in front of a comrade who was better at dealing with it, he would probably say coldly, "If you are sick, treat it, why cry?" After all, there is no pressure in the army, they are all Forced to grow up under extreme circumstances. But now he was facing his younger brother.

"It was my fault, okay?" Yang Xuan said, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, with a hint of discussion in his tone.

Tang Junhe's sudden sensitive emotions came and went quickly, and now he had slowed down, he straightened up, leaned on Yang Xuan's shoulder and shook his head, the raised hair on the top of his head rubbed against Yang Xuan's sharp jawline superior.

He realized that he had overreacted just now, and called "Brother" embarrassingly for a long time.

"Huh?" Yang Xuan looked down at him.

Tang Junhe changed the subject and said, "Are you tired? It's so far away, and I have to take the high-speed train and reverse the plane."

Yang Xuan laughed: "What do you think?"

"Brother, why are you so kind to me?"

"How am I treating you?" Yang Xuan looked at him and said.

"Yeah." Tang Junhe nodded.

He leaned against Yang Xuan and was startled for a while, then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. When he came out, Yang Xuan was sitting on the sofa and swiping the screen of his mobile phone to watch something. The boxes of medicines were placed on the coffee table in front of him.

Tang Junhe stepped forward, picked up the boxes of medicine and threw them into the trash can: "It's been a long time since they expired, so throw them away." Then he bent down and picked up the trash bag. Obviously, he didn't want to mention this matter again.

Yang Xuan didn't say anything, and stood up from the sofa: "Let's go, I'll take you to work."

"Go to sleep, bro," Tang Junhe said, "I'll take a taxi by myself."

"Come back later and sleep again." Yang Xuan picked up the car keys and half a pack of cigarettes on the table, went to the front, changed his shoes and opened the door.

The road to the hospital was still congested. Tang Junhe sat in the co-pilot's seat and couldn't help dozing off. Seeing this, Yang Xuan closed the window on his side and opened the window on his side. to max. After waiting for the traffic lights, he took a cigarette out of the cigarette case and put it in his mouth, picked up the lighter and lit it, took a deep breath, frowned slightly, and exhaled a puff of smoke, as if he was thinking about something.

The matter may be more serious than he thought in the morning, because when Tang Junhe buried his face in his hands, he could vaguely see signs of collapse in his younger brother. Perhaps this kind of collapse has happened to Tang Junhe many times before. The second time, Yang Xuan thought that it started because of him, but he missed it for ten years.

When the car stopped at the roadside in front of the hospital, Tang Junhe was still dozing off. When Yang Xuan helped him untie his seat belt, he woke up in a daze: "Are you here, brother?"

"So sleepy," Yang Xuan looked up at him, "Do you want to ask for leave and go back to sleep?"

"Director Xue won't agree." Tang Junhe rubbed his eyes a few times with his fingers, then shook his head and said, "It's okay, I won't be sleepy once I stand by the operating table."

When he stepped out of the car door and was about to leave, Yang Xuan suddenly turned around, grabbed his wrist and pulled it.

Tang Junhe turned around, bent slightly and looked at the rolled down car window: "What's wrong, brother?"

"When I came here, I was thinking," Yang Xuan looked calm and his voice was deep, "Is there any kind of liking that is decent."

Tang Junhe was stunned for a moment, Yang Xuan thought for a moment, then said again: "Forget it, you go to work first."