Paper Plane

Chapter 110


Tang Junhe walked into the office, took the white coat hanging on the hanger, and was thinking about what Yang Xuan said while putting it on.

He was a sixteen-year-old boy when the idea of liking someone decently came to his mind for the first time. At that time, he was somewhat envious of Ying Hui, envied that she could pursue Yang Xuan graciously, even if she was rejected, she would not appear cowardly. But thinking about it now, Ying Hui's indignity will naturally not be shown in front of others.

Just like Dr. Tang, who seems to be doing well on the surface now, with dozens of medical staff around his chest and hundreds of patients who come to see the doctor every day, who can see through his skin? decent

What about Yang Xuan? It is true that his elder brother Yang Xuan has been used to hiding his emotions since he was young, so he often looks calm, and sometimes even appears a little indifferent. Could it be that his liking is also sometimes unseemly

At this moment, the nurse came in from the outside and knocked on the door, poked her head in and said, "Doctor Tang, Director Xue is here."

"Okay, I'll come right away." Tang Junhe recovered, turned and walked out of the office, and followed Xue Yuanshan to the ward rounds.

The operation went smoothly. After being assisted by Xue Yuanshan a few times, Tang Junhe's clinical level improved particularly fast. At the end of the most critical step, when the second half of the suture was being performed, Xue Yuanshan told Tang Junhe a few words and walked out of the operating room. In the laminar flow operating room, the tense and serious atmosphere was changed a few minutes ago. In front of the patients under general anesthesia, they began to chat about hospital gossip.

"Do you know Dr. Xu from the anorectal department?" The fourth assistant is an older nurse who has been in the operating room for a long time and has been Xue Yuanshan's assistant for nearly ten years. She dares to gossip about anything.

"You know, the one who got married last week," answered the doctor who was the third assistant, "what's wrong with him?"

"I heard from the little doctors who came over from the anorectal department yesterday that Dr. Xu's bride is a patient he had operated on before." The nurse stopped and laughed when she said this, "Guess what operation?" ?”

"Hemorrhoidectomy?" Sansuke also laughed.

"Really, how did you get together? It's really a fate that can't be stopped. You can meet true love even if you cut a hemorrhoid..."

Several people in the operating room chatted and laughed about this matter, and a few marriages in other departments were involved, while Tang Junhe lowered his head and closed his chest intently.

"Hey, Doctor Tang, I have been asked to come over to ask you something recently." The nurse turned to look at Tang Junhe and said.

Tang Junhe's subordinates kept moving, "Huh?"

"The unmarried nurses in our hospital all want to know, is your brother married yet?"

Tang Junhe continued to bow his head and close his chest: "No."

"Then, do you have a girlfriend?"

Tang Junhe's movements paused for a while, but he soon regained his proficiency, and said vaguely, "Mmm."

"Let me just say, they are really, it's not okay to have your idea, and now they are your brother's idea. I said yesterday, like your brother, either has a girlfriend or hasn't settled down yet. Thoughts... But Xiaotang, you don't look like a fun-loving person, why don't you find a girlfriend?"

Another little nurse answered quickly: "Doctor Tang doesn't need a girlfriend, as long as Dr. Tang has a cat, Sister Shan, Dr. Tang has a very cute little wild cat at home."

Tang Junhe worked in the outpatient clinic in the afternoon and received dozens of patients. When he got off work and walked towards the office wearing a mask, he saw Yang Xuan standing next to the nurse's station, lowering his head to listen to what Xiao Song said. Seeing Tang Junhe approaching, he raised his head and looked at him.

Tang Junhe reached out to take off the mask, walked up to him and called "Brother". More than an hour ago, Yang Xuan sent a message asking him what time he got off work, so he was not surprised that he appeared here at this time.

"Doctor Tang can leave work early today." Xiao Song looked at him with a smile and said.

Tang Junhe returned to the office and took off his white coat. There was no one in the office. A few people came home from get off work, and a few went to the cafeteria to eat. When he lowered his head to sort out the patient information on the desk, Yang Xuan leaned on the desk and waited for him, the two of them were chatting alternately.

Tang Junhe finished tidying up quickly, signed everything, and took off half of his white coat. Seeing that there was no one in the office, he quickly leaned over and kissed Yang Xuan.

Unexpectedly, just after the kiss, a doctor walked in at the door. Fortunately, Yang Xuan stood in front of him and was tall enough, so he was not caught straight.

"Doctor Tang, your brother is here to pick you up again," the doctor who walked in teased with a smile, "where in the world can I find such a good brother."

While waiting for the elevator, Xiao Song grabbed his bag and ran over. As soon as he got into the elevator, Yang Xuan spoke first, which was rare, and he said to Xiao Song, "I haven't finished talking just now, have I?"

He only said this, and Xiao Song immediately remembered it, and said with great interest: "Oh, yes, Dr. Tang is the doctor who spends the least time in our chest clinics. Why?" She asked herself and answered, "Because Dr. Tang was in the clinic before I met a patient who was chasing him crazily! He was a boy! He seemed to be a college student? Dr. Tang, can you tell me... "

Tang Junhe glanced at her and said, "It's not that exaggerated."

"No exaggeration, it's really crazy! At that time, the boy came to the chest clinic every week to register. He only registered with Dr. Tang and brought different flowers. Oh, so infatuated. Sigh, but Dr. Tang is more ruthless Well, I changed the shift first, but it didn’t work later, so I told Director Xue about the situation..."

Xue Yuanshan usually squeezes Tang Junhe, but at critical times he still protects his little apprentice, so he told the head nurse on the same day not to arrange Tang Junhe's outpatient duty for the time being. Going to the operating table is more tiring than sitting in the clinic, and everyone knows it well, so no one has any objection to this special rule. This incident quickly spread through the gossip channels in the operating room, and somehow it was misinterpreted as Dr. Tang, who had a chest outside, was forbidden to go out of the clinic because he was too good-looking. Later, it was made into a joke and posted on the Internet. After another half a year, after this matter passed, Tang Junhe started working again.

After Xiao Song finished speaking, Tang Junhe said: "He is taking up the treatment time of other patients."

Hearing this, Yang Xuan laughed, while Xiao Song stood aside and shook his head several times in disapproval.

When he walked downstairs, Tang Junhe realized that Yang Xuan hadn't driven over: "Brother, did you come here?"

"Didn't you say that you are tired from sitting all afternoon?" Yang Xuan turned his face to look at him, "Let's go, driving may not be much faster."

"Well, I used to walk home, what time did you wake up, brother?"

"It's almost time to text you."

As soon as Yang Xuan came back, Tang Junhe's mood improved again, and the anxiety from the night before was gone. Walking on the side of the street, he really wanted to hold Yang Xuan's hand, but he restrained this urge because he thought that he would attract other people's eyes. After all, they were no longer seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys.

When passing the traffic light, Yang Xuan naturally grabbed Tang Junhe's wrist and pulled him towards the opposite side of the road. Probably, the posture in which he held Tang Junhe's wrist was really like an older brother, and his attitude was very calm, so he didn't look at them strangely.

After ordering takeaway for dinner, Yang Xuan suddenly brought up the matter of buying a house.

"There is a real estate in Yanqing District that is going to open recently. If you have time on weekends, let's go and have a look."

Tang Junhe was stunned for a moment, but forgot to eat the rice before his eyes. It wasn't until Yang Xuan said "Huh?" that he came back to his senses and said, "Oh, good."

"Why are you in a daze?" Yang Xuan glanced at his expression.

Tang Junhe didn't know what to say for a while, but when Yang Xuan mentioned the matter of buying a house, his heart began to feel inexplicably swollen, as if he wanted to cry, but he didn't know where this feeling came from.

He ate slowly, swallowing the feeling of crying.

After finishing the meal, Yang Xuan roughly tidied up, sat on the sofa, pulled Tang Junhe over, and let him sit on his lap.

"Don't want to buy a house?" Yang Xuan pinched his chin and asked while looking into his eyes.

"How is it possible," Tang Junhe whispered, leaning on Yang Xuan's shoulder with his face sideways, "Brother, after buying a house, will we have our own home?"

Yang Xuan smiled: "Yes."

"Then you won't be able to leave in the future." Tang Junhe said.

"I wouldn't leave at all." Yang Xuan said, turning his face to kiss Tang Junhe, reaching into his pajama pants with his left hand and kneading, and after a while, he peeled off his pants, and held his hips to let him Sit down slowly.

This posture entered especially deeply, and Tang Junhe was quickly pushed to the point of tears. At the moment when the critical point came, he couldn't help but raise his neck, the lines were tense, and Yang Xuan lowered his head to hold his slightly protruding Adam's apple, Tang Junhe ejaculated all at once and cried out.

But at this moment, Thirteen, who had been playing ball in his nest, suddenly jumped over to look at them. Tang Junhe was slightly absent-minded, and didn't notice Thirteen at first. After it "meowed" at him, he Immediately stopped the small crooning, and instantly blushed.

At the end, Tang Junhe recovered his strength, leaned on Yang Xuan's neck and said, "Brother, Shisan has been staring at us just now."

Yang Xuan turned his head and glanced in the direction of the cat's nest: "I'm still looking at it now." Thirteen had stopped playing ball, and now he was staring at them.

Tang Junhe was a little embarrassed, and muttered: "It's not suitable for children."

"It's not for children anymore, the necessary adult knowledge still needs to be learned."

"But it has been eunuched, and it's useless to learn it," Tang Junhe looked at Shisan for a while and said, "This is too cruel."

"Practical combat is not enough, at least the theory must be mastered." Yang Xuan said, picked him up and walked towards the bathroom.

After the two of them took a bath, Tang Junhe lay on his side for a while, turned over and lay on Yang Xuan's body, he looked very happy, his eyes were crookedly smiling, and the eyelashes at the end of his eyes overlapped.

"Brother, am I sinking?" He looked at Yang Xuan and asked.

"What do you think?" Yang Xuan put his forearm on his waist, and rubbed his palm along his slippery waist, "It's much heavier than before."

Tang Junhe stuck to the side of his neck and smiled, saying that his waist was itchy, but he didn't mean to hide.

After a while, Yang Xuan asked: "When did you have a vacation recently?"

Tang Junhe thought about the schedule and said, "The day after tomorrow."

"I made an appointment with a psychiatrist from the previous team," Yang Xuan said in a natural tone, in a negotiating tone, "The day after tomorrow, let's have a video with him for a while, okay?" His voice was always cold, but now it sounds rare mild.

The smile on Tang Junhe's face immediately froze, and the legs that had been folded up and dangling in the air also stopped. He didn't speak at first, and then he lay down after a while, and said lowly to Yang Xuan's neck: "I'm all It's almost over." He thought the matter was over, but Yang Xuan brought it up again.

"Just for a chat," Yang Xuan slightly turned his face towards him, "it's not that formal."

"But I don't want to talk about the past." Tang Junhe still protested in a low voice.

"What if I'm not here at night?"

Tang Junhe immediately raised his head and looked at him: "You said you would never leave again."

"It's not leaving. What if I work overtime? This is unavoidable."

Tang Junhe didn't say a word at first, and when he was about to speak, Yang Xuan said again: "Things always have to be resolved."

"But I don't want to talk about the past." Tang Junhe said again in a lower voice.

After he said this sentence, Yang Xuan didn't speak for a while, and then he said again: "I didn't tell you why I came back, did I?"

"Huh?" Tang Junhe's voice was muffled in his neck, "No."

"I came back," Yang Xuan said, "because something happened in the team at that time."