Paper Plane

Chapter 111


"You asked me before if I had ever been a sniper. I have been a sniper for four years. After I was appointed as the captain by the superiors, a new sniper came to the team not long after." Yang Xuan talked about this, rubbing Tang The hand on Jun He's waist stopped.

"This new sniper, named Xia Zhao, is a young third-generation sniper. He was very arrogant when he first came, and even a little spoiled, but because of his good marksmanship and loyalty, he quickly became mixed up in the team. "

"Snipers usually have an observer. After I became the captain, Wu Pan, the observer who used to cooperate with me, changed to cooperate with him."

Wu Pan was born in the countryside and started as a conscript. He was transferred to the special forces in the same year as Yang Xuan. Wu Pan is reliable, kind, and reticent, but his reticence is different from Yang Xuan's. Yang Xuan's silence is offensive, but Wu Pan's silence seems to be deliberately reducing his sense of existence.

Having been a partner for four years, Yang Xuan knew very well that Wu Pan had a low self-esteem—his family was in a difficult situation. There was an older brother with dementia and two younger sisters who were still in middle school. The burden on his shoulders was heavy. His inferiority complex not only stems from this, but also because of his identity as an "observer". Compared with other commanders, snipers, blasters, assaulters, etc. in the team, the observer is more like a sniper's collaborator, or in other words, a subordinate. A product cannot exist independently from a sniper.

Wu Pan has always had the ambition to be a sniper. After Yang Xuan became the captain, he once held great hope that he could become a sniper, but later the superiors transferred Xia Zhao to replace Yang Xuan as a sniper. .

Xia Zhao was only twenty-two years old at the time, and he was a sniper genius, but he had a frizzy personality and lacked experience. He partnered with the calm and careful Wu Pan, and it can be said that he cooperated perfectly.

The two partnered for another four years. Before Xia Zhao came to the army, he was a real playboy. He was young, and the number of girlfriends he had talked with couldn't be counted on the fingers of two hands.

As soon as Xia Zhao came, he started teasing Wu Pan, using dirty talk and pornographic jokes in different ways, and when he saw Wu Pan, an older virgin, looking embarrassed, he would slap his thigh and laugh out loud. Speaking of which, the training of the special forces is quite boring, especially the training of snipers and observers. They often have to keep the same posture and lie on their stomachs for several hours, so Xia Zhao began to tease Wu Pan tirelessly.

The team knew about this because Xia Zhao once got off the training ground, and the first thing he said when he returned to the dormitory was, Brother Wu Pan's butt is too upturned. Wu Pan was taking off his training clothes to take a shower at that time, Xia Zhao added meanly, she is more perverted than the wildest girl I have ever fucked. Unsurprisingly, Xia Zhao was beaten up by Wu Pan that day. If Xia Zhao couldn't fight back, Wu Pan couldn't fight back. It seemed like he was dealing with a child.

This state lasted for more than a year. It seemed that from a certain point, the relationship between Xia Zhao and Wu Pan suddenly began to become estranged, and no one else in the team could tell why. When I asked Xia Zhao, Xia Zhao happily changed the topic, and asked Wu Pan, but Wu Pan naturally wouldn't say anything.

"The inside story in the middle was told to me by Xia Zhao himself," Yang Xuan said here, stopped, and patted Tang Junhe's waist, "Help me get the cigarettes and lighter."

Tang Junhe got up from him, got out of bed and took the cigarette and lighter, Yang Xuan took the cigarette and put it in his mouth, Tang Junhe lit the lighter, lit him, and then continued to lie on him.

"That was the second year Xia Zhao was transferred, and he suddenly came to me and told me that he wanted to retire." Yang Xuan turned his face in the opposite direction to Tang Junhe, slowly exhaled smoke, and continued.

Yang Xuan asked him why, Xia Zhao refused to tell the truth first, the two went to the cafeteria to eat, and when they were about to return to the dormitory, he suddenly pulled Yang Xuan's arm and said, captain, I'll tell you the truth, don't hit me.

Xia Zhao said, I had a good time with Wu Pan.

The next sentence is, but it's only been a while, and they have already been divided.

After he finished speaking, he thought that the captain would be furious and kick them out of the team, so he quickly said: "Actually, it has nothing to do with Wu Pan, I recruited him first, captain, if you want to expel them, Just fire me." The tone sounded deliberately indifferent.

But Yang Xuan just frowned and said, "When did it happen?"

"At the beginning of the year." Xia Zhao confessed.

"What happened at the beginning of the year, why did you mention your retirement now?"

Xia Zhao was silent for a while, turned his face away and said, "Because I can't stay any longer, damn it, Wu Pan found a girlfriend."

When Xia Zhao said this, he couldn't hold back any longer, and explained everything in one go. The two of them fell in love with each other, and it was Wu Pan who broke up. Wu Pan first explained his family situation at the time, saying how his demented elder brother dragged the family down, how his parents urged him to get married quickly so that they could have grandchildren, and how his area was economically impoverished and backward.

At the end, Xia Zhao got impatient and asked what you wanted to say.

Wu Pan was silent for a long time, and finally said it, his tone sounded calm, saying Xia Zhao, let's stop the loss in time.

Xia Zhao was stunned, and after realizing it, he called Wu Pan a coward and a coward, and Wu Pan accepted everything. On the training ground the next day, Xia Zhao beat Wu Pan until two ribs were broken. In terms of fighting strength, Wu Pan is actually much higher than Xia Zhao, but this time it was replaced by Wu Pan who could not fight back.

After Xia Zhao told Yang Xuan about this, he went back to the dormitory and had a drink, and took advantage of the wine to find Wu Pan.

Xia Zhao said that Wu Pan's girlfriend was a bitch, and that he was hooked as soon as he made an appointment, and that the first thing he did after returning from the army was to fuck that bitch. They fought again, after which they were each taken away by the picket team and locked up for two days.

After that night, Wu Pan broke up with his girlfriend, and Xia Zhao never mentioned his discharge from the army. In the following time, the distance between the two became more and more distant. Except for missions, they would deliberately avoid each other in normal training.

Later, Wu Pan was about to get married, and this time the partner was introduced by his family. He was honest and responsible, and he was no longer the kind of "bitch" that Xia Zhao said. Xia Zhao provoked Wu Pan again in the fighting arena, but Wu Pan didn't give in to him this time. He used all his strength to lock Xia Zhao's wrist and put his knee against his back, making him lie on the ground immobile. , and then whispered in his ear, don't make trouble with Xia Zhao, don't waste me with me, it's been so long, I'm really going to get married this time, you retire from the army, go back, and be your little master.

Xia Zhao retired from the army this time, and he retired very simply. His family has a background, and his superiors quickly released people. But who would have thought that when the day came to complete the formalities, the team suddenly took over the task again. The mission was of high importance, and it was to rescue the hostages held by the ISIS organization. The new sniper hadn't gotten along with Wu Pan yet. In order to ensure that this mission would not go wrong, the superiors asked Xia Zhao to complete this mission before leaving.

The discharge procedures have not yet been completed, Xia Zhao is still a member of the army, and must follow the regulations of the superior, so he and Wu Pan partnered for the last time.

Xia Zhao is still a sniper, Wu Pan is still an observer, and the two cooperate seamlessly.

The hostage was an underage girl. Captain Yang Xuan and another assaulter were in charge of the assault, rescued the hostages, and escorted them to the designated location. Two machine gunners were responsible for covering fire.

When Xia Zhao was trying to grab the highest point, his left shoulder was pierced by a bullet. He gritted his teeth to resist the dizziness of bleeding, and completed the sniper mission. When Wu Pan finished saying "the captain's position is safe", Xia Zhao In an instant, he relaxed, and his whole body was almost paralyzed. However, at this moment, the opponent's sniper aimed at his head.

It is almost certain that if Wu Pan hadn't pounced on him and pushed him away, Xia Zhao would have had his brains exploded on the spot.

The opponent's sniper fired several bullets in a row, one of which pierced Wu Pan's heart from the back, and Wu Pan lost his breath on the spot.

With heavy bleeding and emotional stimulation, Xia Zhao immediately fell into a coma. When he was carried back to the army, he kept asking Wu Pan in a daze how he was doing.

After hearing the news of Wu Pan's death, his two younger sisters rushed over to deal with his funeral. Only then did Xia Zhao discover that the older girl was the one Wu Pan said he wanted to marry.

It turned out that Wu Pan lied to him when he said he was going to get married. As for why Wu Pan lied to him, no one knows.

Maybe it's because Xia Zhao pointed at Wu Pan's nose on that night two years ago and said, I'll spend it with you, let's see who can afford it. Wu Pan may not want Xia Zhao to spend time with him.

Xia Zhao sat in Wu Pan's dormitory with a dazed expression, watching his two younger sisters pack up his belongings. The younger sister whom Wu Pan used as an excuse to deceive him suddenly walked towards him, handed a page of paper, and used her pair of Looking at Xia Zhao with red and swollen eyes from crying, he said, are you Xia Zhao? I found this under my brother's pillow.

Xia Zhao took it and saw at a glance that it was the page they used to write the suicide note, but there were only two words written on it: "Xia Zhao:" followed by a colon, and as for what was after the colon, who? I can't guess, it's probably because Wu Pan wanted to write but didn't dare to write, and he had time but had no time to say it.

While he was staring at the page, his sister said above his head: "When my brother used to go home, he always mentioned you, saying that he had a friend named Xia Zhao, who was only in his twenties, and was a talented sniper..."

Xia Zhao's tears suddenly started to fall, he stared at the paper almost viciously, and shouted at his sister rudely: "Who the hell is he friends with him!" After saying this, he put He buried his face between his knees and cried hoarsely.

After Yang Xuan finished talking about this matter, he stopped, and Tang Junhe didn't speak for a moment, looking a little dazed. Both fell silent, and Yang Xuan let out a long sigh after a while. He moved his arms upwards, wrapped around Tang Junhe's shoulders, and tightened them tighter: "Actually, before Xia Zhao was discharged from the army for the second time, Wu Pan also came to me and begged me to find a way to get the superiors to agree to Xia Zhao's discharge from the army." .”

"Why?" Tang Junhe asked softly.

"Because Xia Zhao was almost shot by a bullet during their penultimate mission. Wu Pan said that he was afraid to see Xia Zhao die in front of him. Xia Zhao's family has been urging him to leave the army. I spent time with him before staying in the army."

"Since then, Xia Zhao has been receiving psychological treatment for PTSD. I went to see him later, and he said that he hid something from me two years ago." In fact, when Wu Pan said to stop the loss in time, Xia Zhao went to find Changed girlfriends, changed one after another, deliberately let Wu Pan know. After that, Wu Pan found a girlfriend. After that, the relationship between the two continued to deteriorate.

Wu Pan couldn't say some things, but Xia Zhao refused to say them.

In the end, all the unspeakable and unwilling to speak became too late to speak.

Yang Xuan never thought that he would be too late to do anything in his life. Before the age of seventeen, what he thought about was to take revenge on Tang Xiaonian, to escape from Runcheng and Yang Chengchuan. After the age of seventeen, what he thought about was how to shoot the bullet more accurately. Some.

In other words, he deliberately avoided thinking about things that were too late. Getting the bullet out and hitting the target is enough to get him so absorbed that he doesn't even think about dying on a mission someday, because he doesn't care. When he was young, he felt that talent can be wasted, and later he felt that life can also be wasted.

However, after this incident happened, he began to inevitably think about things that were too late.

"After that mission, another mission came down from the team, and the level of importance was similar to that of Wu Pan. After receiving this mission," Yang Xuan smiled self-deprecatingly, "I actually feel a little scared."

"It is very dangerous to go on a mission in this mental state, so that night, I went to the team's psychiatrist. He knew the recent situation in the team, suspected that I also had some mild PTSD, and gave me a special forces psychiatrist. I took the basic psychological test three times, but I failed all of them." He hugged Tang Junhe tightly, and sighed in his ear, "It's ridiculous, isn't it? The captain of a special team didn't witness his teammates being shot. At the scene, he failed even the most basic psychological test."