Paper Plane

Chapter 119


It can be seen from the top and bottom of the chest that Dr. Tang seems to seldom work overtime recently.

In the past, Dr. Tang would always stay in the hospital for a few extra hours after finishing his job, writing the course of disease, reading papers, doing experiments, researching surgical cases... the schedule was full.

But in the past few days, Dr. Tang left in a hurry after finishing what he was doing. The last project was over, and the C journal paper was published. After a whole month, I didn't see him rushing to find the next project to do.

Really abnormal.

As a result, new gossip arose in the operating room: It seemed that Dr. Tang had only had sex recently, otherwise his temperament would not have changed suddenly.

No one guessed that the reason why Dr. Tang left work early was actually to see the house.

Tang Junhe didn't think about buying a house before, and he didn't care about whether he had a house at all. But when he entered the first model house with Yang Xuan, he realized that he hadn't considered this matter before because he never thought that one day he and Yang Xuan would have their own home in Yancheng .

"This is okay," the two walked around the well-decorated model room, and Yang Xuan turned his face to ask Tang Junhe for his opinion, "What do you think?"

"Is it a little big?" Tang Junhe lowered his voice, he felt that the sales lady seemed to be looking at them all the time. Moreover, compared to the single room he rented, this house was indeed much bigger. It was only for two people to live in, so it seemed unnecessary to buy such a big house.

"One for the study room, one for the sundries, one for the bedroom, and one for the thirteenth room." Yang Xuan looked around the several rooms and said unhurriedly, "It's okay."

When he said this, Tang Junhe felt that it was indeed okay, although Shisan didn't seem to need to set aside a room on purpose.

Tang Junhe didn't say anything at the time, but after getting out of the real estate and getting on the car, he became a little talkative: "Brother, do you remember the closet in your room before? Let's put one in our room from now on."

"Sure," Yang Xuan drove on the road, "What do you want to show?"

"Put a lot of things." Tang Junhe didn't say it clearly, he wanted to keep it a secret first. But he has already figured out what to display, the two Transformers, the dirty basketball that he later cleaned, the plane ticket to Sri Lanka, and the thick envelope containing 79 suicide notes.

After returning home, Yang Xuan answered a phone call from his grandma.

"Have you settled down?" the old man asked with concern on the other side of the ocean.

Yang Xuan sat on the sofa and said, "It's settled down, I'll go back to see you in a few days."

There were repeated "yes" in response, sounding very happy.

Before hanging up the phone, Yang Xuan called "Grandma", and said "Hey", he glanced at Tang Junhe and said, "I have a younger brother, do you remember?"

Tang Junhe was squatting in the corner to feed Shisan, when he heard this, he turned to look at him in surprise.

"Why don't you remember?" Yang Xuan's grandma would sigh every time she mentioned something about Yang Chengchuan. "How is that child doing now? Are you still in touch?"

"Well," Yang Xuan pinched the lighter and turned it back and forth on his fingertips, "I'll go back this time and bring him to meet you."

Tang Junhe was stunned, and forgot to move. Shisan opened his mouth at the right time, and grabbed the dried fish in his hand with force, but he didn't bother to snatch it back.

He only heard Yang Xuan say: "He only has me as an older brother... Well, it's gone... Let's talk about it when we meet..."

Yang Xuan raised his head and looked at him, put down the lighter in his hand, and hooked his palm upwards.

Tang Junhe put Thirteen on the ground, walked towards him, and sat beside him in a well-behaved manner. He actually wanted to get closer to listen to what the other end of the phone was saying, but he was afraid that he would be heard if he made a movement.

Yang Xuan leaned back on the sofa with his upper body, and raised his hand to fiddle with the short, soft hair on the back of his neck.

Yang Xuan hung up the phone and saw Tang Junhe looking at him hesitantly.

"Can you take two days off recently?" He seemed to be asking something very common.

"I have to ask Teacher Xue," Tang Junhe said, and quickly added, "but it should be possible."

"If it doesn't work, we'll wait until the Chinese New Year."

"Will your grandma be unhappy seeing me?" Tang Junhe couldn't help asking.

"She is a very open-minded person," Yang Xuan said. Seeing that Tang Junhe's expression really resembled Thirteen who was tentatively begging for food, he smiled and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"A little bit." Tang Junhe said.

In fact, there is more than one point, because of the entanglement of the previous generation, he couldn't face Yang Xuan's grandma and grandfather calmly and peacefully. Although they have the same father and half the same blood running through them, the other half is completely different. Yang Xuan's grandma and grandfather belonged only to him and had nothing to do with him.

Tang Junhe didn't know how to please the old man, his own grandma died when he was very young. He didn't have a deep impression of her, he only remembered that she always scolded Tang Xiaonian, but she was very kind to himself.

When she died, Tang Xiaonian cried very sadly. In order to make his mother happy, he said that he would be a doctor when he grew up and healed his grandmother's illness. At that time, he didn't understand that when a person died, he was gone, and he disappeared from this world from then on.

During the ten-hour flight, Tang Junhe was uneasy. He carried a lot of things, including high-end medical equipment and expensive jewelry, hoping to make a good impression on himself.

But when I sat in front of the two old people, I felt that these vain etiquettes were really superfluous.

"This is Junhe." Yang Xuan put his hand on his back and introduced Tang Junhe to the two old people.

"I'll take a good look at this child." Yang Xuan's grandma took out reading glasses and put them on. She looked very kind, her face was wrinkled by the years, but it was not difficult to see the abundance of life. "It's great, He looks so good," she took Tang Junhe's hand and measured him carefully, "Is it more like your mother?"

Tang Junhe nodded awkwardly.

"Boys are all like mothers, so is Xiaoxuan, more like mothers," she said again, "That's great." Tang Junhe was very close to her, and seeing her cloudy eyes behind the reading glasses, it seemed that a layer mist. At that moment, he seemed to understand that the old man thought of Yang Xuan's mother—his own daughter. Then he seemed to understand that maybe the old man in front of him didn't hate Tang Xiaonian, she probably understood that Tang Xiaonian was a poor person just like Yang Xuan's mother. Just like him and Yang Xuan, since they were born, they were doomed to have a constant entanglement of fate.

"Call me grandma." Yang Xuan stood aside, patted the back of his head, and reminded.

"Grandma." Tang Junhe's voice was a little low, he was afraid that the old man would be unhappy.

But the old man cheerfully responded with "Hey".

"Grandpa." Yang Xuan reminded again.

Tang Junhe called out, this time louder.

Yang Xuan's grandfather looked unsmiling, perhaps because he saw Tang Junhe's embarrassment, he took the initiative to ask: "I heard from Xiaoxuan that you are a doctor?"

Tang Junhe said yes.

"Which department?"

"Cardiothoracic surgery." He asked, and Tang Junhe answered.

"Oh, that's amazing," the old man said in a tone of praise for the younger generation, "It's amazing to operate on the heart, what education is it?"

"Clinical doctor."

"Okay, okay," Yang Xuan's grandfather always valued academic qualifications, looked at him with admiration and said, "he will have a great future."

Auntie was cooking in the kitchen, and Yang Xuan's grandma would visit after a while and tell her what dishes to cook.

Yang Xuan played chess with his grandpa. He won one game and lost the other. If he loses, he must lose decently, but if he wins, he must win. Tang Junhe doesn't know how to play chess, he grew up with Tang Xiaonian, and he didn't have such rich entertainment activities, so he just sat by and watched them play, thinking about the rules in his heart.

After playing a few sets, Yang Xuan's grandfather wanted to go out for a walk, so Tang Junhe sat in his seat, learning while playing with the white pieces, and asked about the rules after a while. Tired from playing just now, Yang Xuan seemed a little careless at the moment, pointing out a little after asking.

"Play here, right?" Tang Junhe observed the chess game, he couldn't make up his mind, so he raised his head and asked Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan said "no", and he began to think about other positions.

After asking several times, Yang Xuan said, "Think for yourself."

"I think it's about the same." Tang Junhe said uncertainly.

"Then let it go."

"It seems better here?" Tang Junhe raised his eyes and asked again.

Yang Xuan said "hmm" without distraction.

Tang Junhe called "Brother" in a low voice, trying to get help by cheating.

Yang Xuan said "very good", and he settled down with confidence. But within a few steps, Yang Xuan surrounded him to death, and only then did Tang Junhe realize that he had been cheated. The "brother" call just now was in vain.

"I didn't lie to you," Yang Xuan was quite reasonable, "This move is better than the one you made at the beginning." He clicked a certain position on the chessboard, "If you move like you started, two moves can Surround you to death."

Tang Junhe tried to express his protest again, but was suppressed by Yang Xuan and let him think for himself.

At the beginning of the second game, Tang Junhe was still thinking hard, Yang Xuan was casual as usual, halfway down, Yang Xuan suddenly asked: "Where is your household registration?"

Tang Junhe froze for a moment before turning to this topic: "In the hospital."

"Collectively account?"

Tang Junhe said, "Yes."

"After applying for the real estate certificate later, what do you think of us putting the household registration together?" Yang Xuan pinched a sunspot and asked while looking at him.

Tang Junhe reacted for a while before he came to his senses. The key point of this sentence is "falling together".

When they were 17 or 18 years old, they were in the same household registration book. Later, Yang Xuan left, and his household registration was registered in the school, while Yang Xuan's household registration was registered in the military. Within ten years, they were completely separated and had no intersection. .

But now Yang Xuan said, let's put the household registration together, okay

"Is it possible..." Tang Junhe was a little caught off guard, and realized that the wording was not accurate when he said it, "I mean, is it possible?"

"Yancheng's new policy came down last year," Yang Xuan said, "I asked someone to consult it a few days ago, and it's feasible."

Tang Junhe was very familiar with his tone, and he was quite sure when he said this. Yang Xuan was like this before, whenever he said something, he knew that he could do it. Just like when he knew that he could take himself away from Runcheng to Sri Lanka.

The first thought that popped into Tang Junhe's mind was that they could be on the same account book again.

Then he realized that this matter was too significant, but Yang Xuan said it lightly. Thinking about it carefully, he said it so easily, but behind this grasp, he must have spent a lot of effort. Otherwise, he wouldn't have talked about buying a house early on. He knew his brother Yang Xuan, who, like himself, could live anywhere.

"In this way, you don't have to worry about me leaving." Yang Xuan smiled.

Tang Junhe felt that a layer of mist had formed on his eyes, his throat was blocked, and he couldn't speak, so he could only nod.

Yang Xuan raised the hand that was pinching Heizi, rubbed it on his hair, and then placed a piece on the chessboard: "It's your turn."

Tang Junhe's mind was full of settlement matters. When he looked down at the chessboard at first, he felt at a loss as to what to do, and there was a risk of being surrounded to death wherever he went.

"Here." Yang Xuan pointed to a position on the chessboard with his finger.

"Oh." Tang Junhe's mind was all about settling down, so despite the lesson of being cheated last time, he still settled down as promised.

Yang Xuan gave birth to another son.

There were only four or five steps in total, Tang Junhe was absent-minded and made a mess.

If he wants to make another move, Yang Xuan said: "Return? It's over."

Tang Junhe was taken aback for a moment, those chess pieces he had left in a daze, actually won? Looking down at the chess game, I realized that Yang Xuan deliberately gave way to him.

Those few white moves of his were too useless, so Yang Xuan spent no less effort in giving in to him than just coaxing his grandfather to lose decently and win happily just now.

Tang Junhe was no longer in the mood to play chess, and sat on a low stool in a daze. Yang Xuan took the remote control and changed the channel. CCTV6 played "A Chinese Journey to the West" again. It has been more than 20 years since the first screening, and Zixia Fairy still Delicate and charming, she said the classic line unreasonably - "I like you so much, you will die if you like me."

Tang Junhe remembers the first time he saw this movie on TV, sitting next to Tang Xiaonian. At that time, he was still very young and didn't know anything. .

Ten years later, Tang Xiaonian married Yang Chengchuan, and he also moved into Yang Xuan's home. At that time, a few people gathered in the living room to copy their homework, and their coats and schoolbags were thrown on the floor. Yang Xuan didn't write. Sitting on the sofa, watching "Journey to the West" broadcast on TV.

After another ten years, he followed Yang Xuan to his grandma's house, and called him grandma and grandpa together. They didn't seem to hate him, but treated him well, almost like a dream.

"Are you hungry?" Grandma came over and asked, "There are a lot of good dishes cooked in the kitchen. Go and see if there is anything you want to eat. Eat first."

Tang Junhe was still a little cautious, saying that he was not hungry.

Grandma turned around and went to the kitchen. After a while, she brought out a small bowl containing the torn braised hoof, hydrangea scallops, and pea cakes. The food was oily and fragrant.

"Eat first." Grandma stuffed it into his hand, "You children are very hungry."

Tang Junhe knew that he was no longer a child. After Tang Xiaonian left, no one saw him as a child anymore, so the cry of "child" made him burst into tears. into a small bowl full of food.

Tang Junhe felt that his tears fell at the wrong time, and he could hold back his tears even before. Sure enough, people living in a greenhouse tend to become vulnerable.

"Oh, why are you crying?" Grandma hurriedly took a piece of paper from the coffee table and stuffed it into his hand, as if coaxing a child, "Don't cry, don't cry, Xiaoxuan is your real brother, and we are your real grandma and grandpa. It's a family, don't see outsiders."

Tang Junhe just nodded, tried his best to hold back his tears, and said thank you grandma.

Yang Xuan came over, sat down beside him, wrapped his arms around his shoulders, and covered his eyes with his palms.

Tang Junhe didn't dare to do anything in front of his grandma. This kind of warmth related to home was too rare for him, so he quickly hugged Yang Xuan when his grandma turned around and left.

"What's wrong?" Yang Xuan asked while holding his shoulder, looking down at him.

Tang Junhe shook his head and said it was all right, so Yang Xuan didn't ask any more questions. He actually knew that Tang Junhe was thinking of Tang Xiaonian.

In the distant childhood, Tang Xiaonian always did the same, serving food in small bowls and letting Tang Junhe fill his stomach first.

For Tang Junhe, everything related to home is related to Tang Xiaonian.

Tang Junhe felt that Tang Xiaonian should have a good life there. A while ago, she always appeared in her dreams, nagging him about various things, but she appeared less recently, asking him if he was busy, saying that work is important, life is also important, and that work should be combined with rest, just like before. It's like getting up and walking after studying for a while.

Tang Junhe thinks that next time he sees Tang Xiaonian in a dream, he must tell her that Yang Xuan is very good, and Yang Xuan's grandma and grandfather are also very good. He has a family again, so let her rest assured that she will not be like before That's a lot of work.

The holiday is very short, and I can only stay for two days before leaving. Before leaving, Yang Xuan's grandmother made dumplings by herself. Finally, Tang Junhe could help. He helped Tang Xiaonian roll the dumpling wrappers since he was a child, and he was very handy , Coax grandma very happy.

"Take care of each other," said grandma, "it's a fate brought by God, and it's not easy."

Tang Junhe actually felt a little guilty. If grandma knew about the relationship between them, maybe she wouldn't treat herself like this. But he felt that this was already very good. Now that he has grown up, he understands that there are too many unavoidable things in life.

Yang Xuan was overdrawn during the holiday, so he went to the police station to report two days in advance.

Tang Junhe was on the night shift last night, had two emergency calls, and slept at home during the day. He woke up naturally in the afternoon, and he woke up slowly, feeling a little hungry. While washing up, he was thinking about what to eat at night, and thought he could buy some ingredients to cook noodles at night.

Thinking about buying some eggs back, he suddenly remembered what happened when he was a child, he was lost, Yang Xuan found him, and in order to coax him from crying, he fried five eggs for him in one go. Thinking about it, I couldn't help laughing to myself.

After more than 20 years, many memories of my childhood have been blurred, but I still remember a few things related to Yang Xuan very clearly, as if it happened yesterday, and I still remember it vividly now.

Tang Junhe washed up, put on his clothes, and went to the police station to find Yang Xuan on his own initiative. He wanted to see what his brother looked like at work.

The police station does not allow casual entry and exit, so he stood at the guard and called Yang Xuan, who agreed to come and pick him up right away.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I saw a person who had dinner with me last time coming out of it. The man was taken aback when he saw him, then remembered, and said, "You are..."

"Yang Xuan's younger brother." Tang Junhe continued.

"Oh yes, come to find your brother... Then can I take you in?" The man enthusiastically took him to register, "I saw your brother today."

The man brought him in, and just as he entered the gate and turned into the corridor on one side, Yang Xuan was walking down the stairs at the end. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and casual clothes, which lined his shoulders with broad shoulders and long legs. The cuffs were rolled up, revealing a smooth forearm line. He was talking to the people next to him as he went down the stairs.

It was dusk, and the setting sun shone brightly into the window above the stairs, dazzlingly bright, covering Yang Xuan's body. At first, because the light was too bright, Tang Junhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't see the expression on Yang Xuan's face clearly. When he stepped closer and avoided the strong light, he saw that Yang Xuan was also looking at him.

"Brother Xuan," the man who brought Tang Junhe raised his head and said, "I brought your brother in." He then greeted the person next to him, "Team Leader Wu."

"The legendary younger brother of Yang Xuan," the man walked up with Yang Xuan and stretched out his hand, "Doctor Tang, right? I've heard You Xin say it many times, I'm Wu Zhuo."

Tang Junhe shook hands with him. He remembered that Wu Zhuo was the leader of Team C. They had contacted on the phone when Zhang Kai's case happened a while ago.

They chatted briefly, and Yang Xuan wanted to change into casual clothes before leaving get off work, so he took him to the locker room. While unbuttoning his shirt, he asked Tang Junhe, "Did you come by taxi?"

"Yeah." Tang Junhe sat at the corner of the square table with his legs spread apart, and looked up slightly to watch him change his clothes.

"Help me bring my clothes here." The uniform that was originally flat and serious is now open, a mix of abstinence and casualness, which fits strangely on Yang Xuan, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Tang Junhe handed him the clothes and whispered, "Brother, you are disheveled."

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at him with some amusement: "I'm disheveled, what do you mean by me?"

Tang Junhe suddenly thought of what happened in the duty room, and he felt a little hot, so he quickly changed the subject: "Shall we cook noodles tonight?"

"Okay." Yang Xuan changed into his own clothes.

After get off work, I drove to a nearby Carrefour, bought ingredients, and took them home.

The dishes are cut by Tang Junhe with a knife, and the noodles are cooked by Yang Xuan. The taste is not bad, you can eat it. For the first time to fire, the requirements should not be too high, take your time, the days are still long.

In mid-June, the house in Yanqing District opened. The two took the real estate certificate and went to go through the registration procedures. They didn't like queuing up, so they drove there early in the morning.

A stack of various materials was prepared, each of which was proof of their relationship. Everything that was lost is now found.

The teller in charge of the formalities took the stack of documents, looked down carefully, and put all the qualified ones on the right hand side. Tang Junhe watched the position on her right hand gradually increase, and the memories of more than twenty years of life flooded up in an instant.

Remembering that when he was young, he knocked his forehead, Yang Xuan dragged him to the hospital, he said stupidly, if only you were my brother.

Remembering that dark cloud-covered dusk, he almost made a big mistake in his life with a fruit knife, but was stopped by Yang Xuan who arrived in time, and their fates have been tied together with an inseparable knot ever since.

I remembered that on New Year's Eve more than ten years ago, Yang Xuan hurried back from the other side of the ocean, with sporadic crystal snowflakes on his shoulders, standing at the door, looking at him with dark eyes.

I remember that he boarded the plane to Sri Lanka with Yang Xuan anxiously, and the endless fire clouds spread out in front of them, and the tide beat slowly on the reefs on the shore, and his breathing seemed endless.

Recalling that night when he was sitting in the duty room, Yang Xuan bent down and looked into his eyes and said, "Shall we start over?"

The brand-new account books were handed over to them, and they thanked the staff.

Tang Junhe looked down at the household registration book, and Yang Xuan held his wrist and walked forward to prevent him from being hit by others. There were fewer people around the corner, so Yang Xuan slowed down and looked away, Tang Junhe moved the household registration book in front of him and turned the pages for him. After reading it, Yang Xuan suddenly stretched out his hand to close the account book, and took it out of Tang Junhe's hand. Then he held the household registration book to block Tang Junhe's face, straightened his jaw, bowed his head and kissed him.

Not far away, there were only a few sporadic figures from their backs, so the kiss took a little too long.

They walked out of the air-conditioned hall side by side, and the heat outside was blowing in, and it was midsummer.

Compared with the morning, there are more vehicles on the street at this time, the green light is on, and the traffic gates are pouring out.

The sky is still good, and the rest of my life is long.

Let's go together and go home.

(full text)

The author has something to say

Thank you for your company all the way, ah, it is really a long way! I'm a little excited after writing, and I'll finish my speech slowly...

Then, there will be extra episodes, and they will drop from time to time~

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