Paper Plane

Chapter 12


After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he left Ying Hui and walked onto the stage, leaned over and said something to the long-haired guitarist. The man nodded, then stood up, handed him the guitar in his hand, reached out and patted his back, and then walked to a chair in the corner of the stage and sat down.

Feng Bo blew a whistle with a rising end, put his hands around his mouth and shouted to the stage: "Brother Xuan, you must sing that song!"

Without saying a word, Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to raise the height of the microphone in front of him, and then played a short piece of audition music.

"Brother Xuan, if you don't sing, you're not human!" Someone shouted.

Yang Xuan lowered his head and began to play the guitar. His fingers slid across the strings, and a short prelude flowed out along his fingertips. The prelude was a bit long, and Yang Xuan didn't speak for a long time, and those who didn't know whispered curiously: "What are you going to sing?"

Tang Junhe noticed that the slender fingers that were plucking the strings—the fingers that had been playing basketball for many years, just touched the back of his hand, and he felt a slightly rough callus on the fingertips. He couldn't help pinching the back of his left hand with his right hand, where that hand had just touched.

Ying Hui stood beside him, leaning against the table, and he saw her fingernails pinching the edge of the table again and again, it was a subconscious movement in a tense state.

"How can I fall in love with you, I'm asking myself..."

Yang Xuan opened his mouth, and just sang a sentence, which caused a roar of boos from the audience.

He sang Zheng Jun's "Cinderella", a love song that is especially suitable for confession. In this case, it may be read as "Fennel Girl". Tang Junhe quickly thought of the deep meaning of Yang Xuan's singing of this song.

He saw the pair of hands pinching the table lift up, covering that bright face, and heard Ying Hui's low but excited voice: "Oh my god, I'm going to die for singing this..."

The skin on the back of his hand was reddened by Tang Junhe's rubbing, and it hurt a little, and then it started to get hot, but he kept rubbing it, and even used the short nails of his right hand to scratch hard on the back of his left hand a few times. , as if to rub off the touch of a few minutes ago.

Not only Ying Hui, the boys and girls in the audience who usually had nowhere to vent their hormones were all ignited at this moment, and the screams almost toppled the roof. On the contrary, Yang Xuan on the stage kept his head down, concentrating on Singing and playing the guitar, as if deaf to the commotion in the audience.

His brow bones are particularly delicate. Because of the narrow distance between his two neat thick eyebrows and those slightly sunken eyes, when he raises his eyes expressionlessly to look at people, he will give people a sense of cruelty that does not match his age, but at this moment He lowered his brows and eyes, his young and sharp facial contours were filtered by a soft filter under the blue light, his face was obviously expressionless, but he looked affectionate.

Maybe Yang Chengchuan relied on this method to catch up with the two women who followed him willingly, Tang Junhe came up with this idea not without malice.

He thought of Yang Chengchuan's appearance wearing silver-rimmed glasses, and he had to say that they were really a natural father and son.

He wanted to leave a little bit, he didn't understand why he appeared in such a noisy and dizzy occasion, those people who kept screaming, applauding, and whistling were so boring, did they think they were chasing stars

Thinking of witnessing the scene of these two people's passionate confession for a while, he felt restless, maybe he should get up now, immediately, and leave immediately - but doing so would make Yin Cong, who was pulling him over enthusiastically, lose his mind. Save face? He rubbed the back of his hand vigorously.

To go or not to go? this is a problem.

Tang Junhe was thinking about how to explain to Yin Cong the reason for leaving when Yang Xuan on stage finished singing. The audience shouted in unison: "Confession! Confession! Confession!..." Some people kept knocking on the table with mineral water bottles, and the muffled sound filled the eardrums.

"Hey, you..." Tang Junhe lowered his eyes, and heard Yang Xuan's helpless tone, which probably had the same expression as the unintelligible "Here we come again" just now.

Yang Xuan then said into the microphone: "The song just now was suggested by Feng Bo, Chen Hao, and many people... So, it's not for me, but it's for all the boys in class three of our science department. Birthday! Happy Anise."

"I don't listen—" Ying Hui covered her face and yelled, "I didn't hear the last sentence!"

"Hey—boring!" Feng Bo took the lead and booed, "Brother Xuan, you are so boring!"

"What—I thought I was going to confess my love!" The audience in the audience couldn't hide their disappointment, and the gushing hormones had nowhere to be released.

After a burst of booing went down, the bar resumed the chaotic noise a few minutes ago.

Yang Xuan returned the guitar to the man, walked down, and slapped Feng Bo on the back of the head: "What are you talking about?" Then he turned to Anhui and said, "I'm sorry, they insisted on me singing this song, and I happen to know how to sing it." Play, just..."

"It doesn't matter," Ying Hui covered her blushing face and looked at Yang Xuan through her fingers, "Although she refused, she was still very happy."

Yang Xuan smiled at her, and sat back in the diagonally opposite seat.

So, is this the end of the legendary confession? Tang Junhe was a little surprised that he didn't wait for the imagined scene. He felt that Ying Hui's attitude towards "like" was unexpectedly magnanimous and calm, which made his previous dark thoughts even more shady.

Taking the place left by the bench, Ying Hui sat next to Tang Junhe. She held her face all the time, trying to cool down with the back of her hand against her cheek.

"What do you like about him?" Tang Junhe couldn't help but want to ask her, is it just "he is handsome, can fight, and doesn't like to talk to people?"

He suddenly felt that he was a little curious about the current Yang Xuan—maybe he had always been curious, but at this moment this kind of thinking was particularly strong.

But his well-controlled curiosity system forced him to swallow the question back. Unexpectedly, Ying Hui turned her head and asked him in a low voice with a blushing face, "He's your brother, isn't he?"

Tang Junhyuk didn't know whether to say "yes" or "no". This kind of relationship involving both parties seems not to be decided by him alone. If Yang Xuan refuses to admit it, they are nothing.

"Do you not like your brother too much?" Ying Hui seemed to see his embarrassment, and then whispered, "But he is really nice."

Tang Junhe turned to look at her, wanting to hear her continue.

Ying Hui then told a very old-fashioned girl's heart-warming story - when she was in her first year of high school, she was blocked by gangsters from a nearby vocational high school at the back door of the school. Yang Xuan didn't know her at the time, but went up to help her out.

"He's really good at fighting," Ying Hui couldn't hide the look of love on his face, "One punch kills one, wow—it's like making a movie."

"Really." Tang Junhe's reaction was almost indifferent.

He was very good at fighting when he was a child, Tang Junhe thought. Then he remembered the time when he broke his forehead by the river when he was a child, and within a few days, Yang Xuan beat up the boy who pushed him hard and avenged him.

It was not until after nine o'clock that someone proposed to leave.

When everyone put their schoolbags on their backs one after another, Feng Bo had another thought. He took the mineral water bottle and knocked hard on the table a few times, making a "bang bang" sound, and then said with a lewd expression: "Hey, hey, let's give Brother Xuan and Ying Hui some private space, shall we?" Then a few people winked at Yang Xuan, "Brother Xuan, let's withdraw first, what do you want?"

Yang Xuan had already stood up and was about to leave, when he glanced at him as a warning.

"It's Ying Hui's birthday, why don't you save face—" Feng Bo raised his chin at Ying Hui and said maliciously, "Go straight up, Sister Hui, don't miss this opportunity and don't come again."

Ying Hui was a little annoyed by the teasing, she stepped forward and grabbed the mineral water bottle in his hand and knocked it on his head: "Shut up, you!"

Feng Bo hurriedly hugged his head and slipped away. The others also hurriedly withdrew, and within a few minutes, only Ying Hui and Yang Xuan were left in the bar.

When walking out of the corridor, Tang Junhe deliberately lagged a few steps, walking behind Feng Bo and Chen Hao. He heard the boys in front discussing the matter of Yang Xuan and Ying Hui in a very obscene tone.

"Would you like to take a gamble?" Feng Bo patted Wang Xingchun's shoulder vigorously, "I think at least one of them should be, do you want to gamble?"

"Why don't you say at least get first blood." Someone next to him said.

"Fuck, fuck you and get some blood." Chen Hao slapped the man on the back of the head.

"Oh, Haozi, you are the most enthusiastic when you talk about this matter usually! What do you mean by this?"

"Hey, don't lose Haozi," Feng Bo hugged his shoulders to comfort him, "I'm just kidding, you can see that brother Xuan is obviously not interested in corresponding to Hui."

"Fuck, then you still have to make a deal." Because of the moment before leaving, Chen Hao ignored him.

"Just kidding—don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously, I'll send a text message to brother Xuan later, I promise nothing happened." Feng Bo's biggest advantage is that he doesn't take the truth seriously, and no one is ashamed to continue with him as soon as he slams his face and begs for peace. Set the air.

Chen Hao's expression finally eased a little.

Because he didn't want to get too close to them, Tang Junhe deliberately slowed down, getting farther and farther away from the few people in front of him.

In that small bar filled with faint blue lights, is it true that nothing will happen between those two people? Tang Junhe was the last one to walk out of the bar, and when he came out, he was secretly guessing about this question.

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed out from the side, yanked his arm forcefully, and pulled him to the side wall of the bar. Tang Junhe was unprepared, and was pushed against the wall by the man.

—He immediately realized that this person was Zhou Lin again. He's been followed on and off for six years, and you don't have to look him in the eye to recognize him.

He actually followed all the way here. Tang Junhe was shocked, but his face remained calm.

"Let me go." Tang Junhe tried to break free from his wrist.

Zhou Lin tightly clasped his wrist and refused to let go: "Who is that girl holding your arm today? Have you got a girlfriend?"

Tang Junhe smelled a strong smell of alcohol, mixed with Zhou Lin's wet breath and sprayed on his face, making him want to retch.

"It's up to you—" He squeezed out a few words through his teeth, trying hard to control himself not to spit out.

"Who is that?" There was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door of the bar, and Ying Hui's voice with a smile, "Who is it, are you trying to scare us by hiding there? Hey, I saw the shadows of you two— "

Before they finished speaking, she and Yang Xuan walked to the side wall of the bar, and then saw two people standing against the wall with ambiguous postures.

Ying Hui thought that she accidentally saw Tang Junhe's secret, and then she kept silent, covered her mouth and said, "I'm sorry, I thought it was Feng Bo and the others."

Tang Junhe and Zhou Lin also turned their heads at the same time.

Zhou Lin recognized the boy who was on the playground last time from his body shape. He remembered what Tang Junhe had said to him, and the hand holding Tang Junhe's wrist involuntarily relaxed, but he was still vicious. Immortal did not let go completely.

Tang Junhe didn't speak, he saw Yang Xuan's gaze passing over his face, and then looked away the second their eyes met.

"Let's go." Ying Hui took Yang Xuan's arm and trot forward two steps.

Yang Xuan didn't intend to break free, and took a bigger step according to her speed.

"Did you lie to me last time?" When they walked a few meters away, Zhou Lin turned his head and whispered into Tang Junhe's ear, "That man is not your brother at all, and he will not come to help you."

"How do you know?" Tang Junhe said coldly. His nostrils were filled with the disgusting smell of alcohol on Zhou Lin's body, and he couldn't help turning his head to the side to breathe.

Perhaps because of the alcohol, Zhou Lin became more courageous than usual. He reached out and grabbed Tang Junhe's chin, forcing him to turn his face to himself, then turned his head to face Yang Xuan's back, and raised his voice and said : "Hey, he said you are his brother."