Paper Plane

Chapter 3


Tang Junhe thought that he would never see Yang Xuan again for the next year.

For a 5-year-old child, a year is a long time, enough to forget anything that happened a year ago. But a year has passed, Tang Junhe still remembers Yang Xuan.

In the summer when he was 6 years old, Tang Junhe saw Yang Xuan again.

The black car was parked downstairs, and Tang Junhe was led downstairs by Tang Xiaonian's hand. He didn't cry that time, he obediently climbed into the back seat of the car, sat upright and bid farewell to Tang Xiaonian.

Tang Xiaonian bought him nice clothes, a gray plaid vest over a white shirt, and a small bow tie around his neck, making him look like a little prince.

When Yang Chengchuan brought him upstairs, a neighbor saw him and said in surprise, "Hey, where is such a good-looking little boy?"

Yang Chengchuan just smiled and perfunctory: "My colleague is on a business trip, and the child sent me here to stay for a few days."

Yang Xuan went out to play, and when Yang Chengchuan called him back, his body was dirty. Tang Junhe was sitting restrainedly on the sofa and watching him, afraid that he would not remember himself.

As soon as Yang Xuan saw Tang Junhe, he rushed over and pinched his face with two dirty hands. Tang Junhe didn't hide, and let him pinch with a smile.

Yang Xuan has already entered elementary school and has to do summer homework, one matt a day. He doesn't like writing himself, so he pushes it to Jun He who is still in kindergarten to write, and he even calls it teaching him to read. Tang Junhe didn't resist either, holding the pencil tightly in one small hand, and wrote carefully for him stroke by stroke.

Yang Xuan tilted his head to watch him write, and suddenly found a new world and said, "So you also use your left hand!"

Jun He clenched the pencil tighter all of a sudden, and looked at Yang Xuan uneasily: "Isn't that okay?"

"Who says it can't be done, I also use my left hand," Yang Xuan said nonchalantly, "I won't change unless the teacher tells me to."

Jun He felt relieved, and said with puffy face, "Then I won't change."

The next day, Yang Xuan summoned a group of his friends to play by the river.

When he arrived at the shoal by the river, he carried a small bucket in his left hand and a fishing net in his right hand. He rolled up his trouser legs and was about to go into the water to catch fish. Before he went into the water, he turned his head and asked Tang Junhe if he wanted to be with him.

Tang Junhe shook his head and refused, he was a little afraid of water. He squatted on the bank by himself, lifted the rock to watch the crab, and when the rock was lifted, the little crab hiding underneath waved its eight legs and ran fast. He looked interesting, so he wanted to catch one and show it to Yang Xuan. He spotted a small crab and stretched out his hand to catch it. The little crab waved its claws to scratch him. He withdrew his hand and looked at the little thing with its teeth and claws eagerly. He didn't dare to make a move for a while, and followed the little crab to the river.

An older boy watched Jun He Mao Yao running over, bent down to pick up the small river crab maliciously, and said nothing to him.

Jun He was in a hurry to grab it, but the boy deliberately refused to give it to him. Taking advantage of his height, he raised his arms high and pretended to crush the little crab to death.

Jun He jumped to pull his arm, but the boy stretched out his hand and pushed him, and accidentally pushed Jun He down on the beach.

The shoal extending into the sea sloped slightly, and as soon as Jun He's butt hit the ground, he rolled down the slope. The corner of his forehead hit a sharp stone protruding from the edge of the sea, his body was submerged by the rushing river water, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Help, help—" cried the boy who had been in trouble, "someone's fallen into the water!"

Fortunately, there was an adult who was fishing next to him, and he quickly went into the water to fish Tang Junhe up, so no one was killed.

Because it was caught in time, Tang Junhe only choked on two sips of water, but there were no serious problems in other places.

After being caught, he didn't cry immediately, but curled up into a small ball as if he was frightened, staring blankly at the calm water in front of him, and shedding tears without saying a word.

"It's okay, it's okay," the uncle who picked him up comforted his wet head, then turned his head to look at the boy who caused trouble, "It's dangerous for such a small child to play by the river, you don't have adults follow?"

The boy was also frightened and stupid, eager to get rid of his responsibility and said: "He is the one who insisted on grabbing crabs from me!"

A boy next to him hurriedly said: "He has a brother coming with him, he is Yang Xuan's younger brother, I will call Brother Xuan over!" After speaking, he ran in another direction, calling Yang Xuan loudly as he ran.

Yang Xuan was concentrating on catching fish with his trouser legs rolled up, and he didn't know anything about the storm that happened fifty meters away.

"Brother Xuan! Brother Xuan!" The panting child ran over and called his name, and when he got close, he shouted in a panic, "Brother Xuan, your brother fell into the water!"

"Ah?" Yang Xuan didn't hear clearly, he straightened up and looked at the boy running over.

"Your brother..." the boy yelled out of breath, "Your brother just fell into the water!"

Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment, there was a buzzing sound in his head, the hand holding the red bucket loosened, and there was a bang sound, all the small fish, shrimps and crabs he caught just fell back into the water, he didn't care about these things , asked loudly: "Have you been rescued? How did you fall into the water?"

"Hurry up and take a look!" The boy who ran close bent his knees to look at him, gasping for breath, and said urgently.

Yang Xuan hurriedly stepped on the water and landed on the shore, not caring about putting on his shoes, and ran back.

"Brother!" Before Yang Xuan could get close, his voice came from afar, "Are you alright?"

Tang Junhe was lowering his head and silently wiping away his tears. Hearing Yang Xuan's voice, he raised his face full of tears and looked at Yang Xuan who was running over from a distance, as if a switch in his body was suddenly touched. Like, "Wow" cried out.

There was a small cut on his forehead, and blood was gurgling, flowing down his white and tender face, looking a little scary.

When Yang Xuan saw it, he knew that his younger brother was being bullied. He clenched his fists, glared at a group of young boys who were watching, and asked loudly, "Who bullied him?!"

Immediately someone nearby pointed to the boy: "He pushed your brother down."

"It wasn't me!" the boy argued, "he insisted—"

Before he could speak halfway, Yang Xuan had already mustered all his strength, rushed forward and pushed him staggering back two steps. Before he could stand still, Yang Xuan bent his arms again, and swung hard at his chest, slamming him to the ground. He raised his foot and was about to kick the boy when the adult next to him hurriedly pulled him away and said, "Don't hit him, he didn't mean to."

"He did it on purpose," Yang Xuan struggled to break free from the adult's hand, "I must beat him to death!"

"Your brother's forehead is bleeding, you should take him to the hospital quickly," the adult persuaded calmly, "otherwise the wound will be infected, it will be serious, so stop beating him."

Unwillingly, Yang Xuan stopped, took Tang Junhe's hand, pointed at the boy sitting on the ground and said, "You wait for Zhang Xinlong."

The half-old child had a vicious tone, and his chest heaved in anger, which made the adult next to him want to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, for fear that he would jump over and fight with him—this child's fists are not good enough. Big, desperate attitude seems very serious.

Yang Xuan took his younger brother's hand, thanked the man, asked the direction of the hospital, and led Tang Junhe towards the hospital. Before leaving, he did not forget to give the boy a hard look.

Jun He took the tissue given by the adult, covered the wound on his forehead, and sobbed softly behind him.

"Does it hurt?" After walking for a while, Yang Xuan stopped, took Jun He's hand away, looked down at the small opening and asked.

"A little bit." Jun He said.

Yang Xuan blew two breaths towards the small hole: "It won't hurt anymore, I'm almost at the hospital."

It was almost dusk and it was getting windy. Tang Junhe had just rolled around in the water, and was wet from head to toe. When the wind blew, he shivered firmly.

"Are you cold?" Yang Xuan turned to look at him and asked.

"One thing," Tang Junhe stopped crying and said sensiblely, "Let's go quickly, it won't be cold if we go faster."

"Take off your clothes." Yang Xuan said while pulling Tang Junhe's drenched little T-shirt.

Tang Junhe's eyes were wet from crying, he looked at his brother like a puppy, and asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Yang Xuan didn't say anything, just pulled his clothes, urging him to take them off quickly.

Tang Junhe didn't take off his clothes, he didn't want to walk naked on the street.

Yang Xuan was a little anxious, grabbed Jun He's arm a little rough, helped him take off his clothes without any explanation, then pulled his own T-shirt, pulled it off from his head, put it on Jun He's head, and said: "Wear mine."

"Then what are you wearing?" Jun He grabbed Yang Xuan's clothes and put them around his neck and looked at him and asked.

"I wear yours, I'm hot." Yang Xuan said, and put Jun He's clothes on himself in the blink of an eye.

Tang Junhe was a head shorter than him, and the clothes were naturally smaller by more than one size. Yang Xuan barely put it on, and turned the T-shirt into a navel-baring outfit, revealing a section of his white belly.

Tang Junhe was amused by his appearance, watching him giggle endlessly.

"Hurry up and wear yours," Yang Xuan grabbed his arm, stuffed him into his T-shirt, reached out and hit his head again, and said fiercely, "Don't laugh."

"Brother, why are you so kind to me?" Tang Junhe put on Yang Xuan's clothes and said from the bottom of his heart, "It would be great if you were my own brother."

Yang Xuan took his hand and said casually, "I am your brother."

After arriving at the hospital, Yang Xuan led Tang Junhe into the hall, looking around at a loss.

A young nurse noticed the two strangely dressed children, walked over and bent over and asked, "What's wrong with the children? Are you looking for someone?"

"My brother is injured." Yang Xuan took Tang Junhe's hand off his forehead, "The forehead was broken."

"Oh, so much blood," the nurse said distressedly when she saw the blood-stained tissue in Jun He's hand, "Come, come, sister, ask a doctor to bandage you."

Yang Xuan accompanied Tang Junhe to the children's ward, watched the doctor begin to treat his wound, quietly tugged at the corner of the nurse's clothes, and whispered: "Sister, I didn't bring any money, go back and get it now, can you Will you watch over my brother for me?"

He spoke like a little grown-up, the nurse looked funny, nodded and said with a smile: "You don't worry, leave your brother to me."

The hospital was two kilometers away from home. Yang Xuan ran back quickly, not daring to rest for a second. When he got home, he dug out his bear piggy bank, carried it and ran back, without even bothering to change his clothes.

When he ran back to the hospital out of breath, his clothes were almost dry. Jun He bandaged the wound and sat on the seat designated by the nurse sister to wait for his brother. He was a little sleepy and was dozing off against the wall.

Seeing Yang Xuan coming back, the nurse came over to tease him: "Why are you wearing such small clothes?"

"This is his clothes," Yang Xuan pointed to Tang Junhe in the corner, "He fell into the water and his clothes were all wet. Sister, how much do I have to pay?" He twisted the head of the bear piggy bank off , and took out a wad of money from it.

"What are you doing with so much money?" The nurse looked at the pile of one hundred yuan rolled up in his hand, and quickly pulled Yang Xuan aside, "Hurry up and hide it well, or someone else will snatch it away if they see it."

"No one dares to snatch me." Yang Xuantian said fearlessly.

Seeing that he was young, the nurse held back a smile and asked, "Is that your brother?"

Yang Xuan nodded.

The nurse took him to pay the money. On the way, he deliberately teased him and said, "Your brother just lost a lot of blood and needs a blood transfusion. We have no blood here. What do you think?"

Yang Xuan looked back at Jun He's direction in doubt: "Isn't he already bandaged?"

"Blood transfusion is needed after the bandage is done," the nurse fooled him solemnly, "You see that he is listless and dozing off, would you like to transfuse your blood to your brother?"

Yang Xuan raised his arm without hesitation and said, "Let's lose, I have a lot of blood, and I can share half of it with him."

"I lied to you." The nurse covered her mouth and smiled, "Why are you so cute?"

Yang Xuan was not angry, and corrected her: "I'm not cute, I'm handsome, and my brother is cute."

That night, Yang Chengchuan saw the thick gauze on Tang Junhe's forehead, and after asking the reason, he held Yang Xuan's neck, pointed at his butt, and couldn't help but give him a fat beating, and asked him while beating: " Do you still want to go to the river to play in the future? It’s up to you, if you don’t let you go, you dare to take your brother there!”

Yang Xuan didn't say a word, his neck was stuck and he refused to shed tears. After being beaten, he didn't eat two bites of dinner, and went back to his room to sulk, and he didn't know what he was angry about.

As soon as he left, Jun He was not in the mood to eat anymore, he turned his head frequently, and his thoughts flew from the meal to behind the closed door.

Yang Chengchuan put food in Tang Junhe's bowl and said, "It doesn't matter what he eats if he makes a mistake. Come to Junhe, let's eat ours and eat more."

Tang Junhe lowered his head and muttered: "It's not my brother who wants to take me to the river, but I insist on letting him take me there."

Yang Chengchuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect that the two sons had learned to take the blame for each other before they had been together for 20 days from birth to now. He patted Jun He on the head and said, "Do you like brother?"

Jun He nodded: "I like it."

Yang Chengchuan lowered his voice again and asked, "Then do you like Dad?"

Jun He looked up at him with some resistance in his eyes. Yang Chengchuan's heart suddenly turned cold. His youngest son knew that he was his father, but he just didn't want to recognize him.

Holding the slightest hope, he said softly to Jun He: "Call me Dad, I will take you to play by the river tomorrow and buy you Transformers, okay?"

Jun He shook his head without any hesitation.

Yang Chengchuan sighed.

Tang Junhe put the chopsticks on the dining table and said, "I'm full." Then he jumped off the chair, walked towards the closed door, pushed it open, walked in, and then closed the door again.

Yang Xuan was lying on the wooden floor playing Lego, looking sullen, and didn't look up when he heard Jun He walk in.

Tang Junhe leaned over, lay down next to him, called his brother in a low voice, and said sorry.

Yang Xuan pursed his lips and said, "What are you sorry for?"

Tang Junhe said: "I caused you to be beaten by your father."

"I also caused you to bleed a lot, we are even."

Tang Junhe had nothing to say, and silently accompanied Yang Xuan to build Lego.

"Will your father beat you?" Yang Xuan asked suddenly.

"I don't have a father," Tang Junhe said, "I only have a mother, named Tang Xiaonian, and she would beat me too."

His tone was so ordinary that Yang Xuan didn't realize that not having a father was a very serious matter. He just repeated Tang Xiaonian's name and commented: "Tang Xiaonian...your mother's name is more You are easy to remember."

Yang Chengchuan was on vacation on the weekend, and took his two boys to the playground for a day. While waiting boredly, the conductor at the side came up to him and said, "Are those your two sons? How old are they? "

Yang Chengchuan said: "The older one is 7 years old, and the younger one is 6 years old."

"You look really good," the man said enviously, "You look like a talented person with good genes, so I can't be envious."

Yang Chengchuan's appearance is very deceptive, his appearance is very deceptive. After hearing this, he humbly said "what's there, what's there", but he was happy in his heart. When the two sons came running one after the other, he carried one of them by the hand and took them to the mall, where he bought two identical clothes.

A denim jacket with a plaid shirt, and a baseball bat on their heads. The two little guys are all hip-hop. Yang Chengchuan follows behind, watching the two sons, one big and one small, running and frolicking in front. The depression in his heart a few days ago sweep away.

Because of these two identical clothes, Tang Junhe never saw Yang Xuan again in the next ten years.

The sky was slightly cloudy that afternoon, and cumulonimbus clouds were piled up on the horizon, moving slowly westward with the wind direction. It is not difficult to imagine that there will be a downpour in the future.

Yang Xuan was teaching Tang Junhe the origami airplane in the living room. At first, Junhe didn't want him to teach, so he grabbed the paper and said that he could fold it himself. He quickly folded a paper airplane, using the simplest folding method.

"Look, I can fold it." He put the paper airplane in his palm and brought it in front of Yang Xuan to claim credit.

"Oh," Yang Xuan didn't even look at it, "I know 12 kinds, and I wanted to teach you, but since you know how to fold, forget it."

Tang Junhe looked at the piece of paper in Yang Xuan's hand, he folded it over and over again, and finally folded it into a very powerful looking plane. Yang Xuan took the paper airplane, let out a few breaths at it, raised his arms confidently, and threw it far away.

The paper airplane flew up, very high and far away, and flew out of the window.

"Wow—" Tang Junhe was stunned, and pulled Yang Xuan's arm and begged him, "Brother, teach me."

"Didn't you say you would?" Yang Xuan raised his chin and looked at him.

"I won't," Tang Junhe said honestly, "None of those people in the kindergarten."

"I knew it," Yang Xuan's tone was showing off, "Come on, I'll teach you."

He taught Tang Junhe step by step, letting him fold along with him, and the whole process was patient. Jun Hyuk is also very smart, he learned it after only teaching it once. Holding the folded paper airplane, he followed Yang Xuan's example, heaved two breaths at the tail of the airplane, raised his arms high, and made a full posture.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound from the door lock outside, Tang Junhe maintained his movements and turned his head to ask Yang Xuan, "Who's here?"

"Who else is there, my dad," Yang Xuan said, "Don't worry about it, just throw it away."

Tang Junhe threw the paper airplane out.

The moment it was thrown out, the door of the house was pushed open, and then a tall, thin woman walked in.

The paper plane flew straight forward, hit the woman, was caught by her, and held it in her hand.

Before Tang Junhe could react, he stared blankly at the sudden stranger, while Yang Xuan happily called out "Mom", then jumped off the sofa without hesitation, rushed forward, and threw himself at him. mother's arms.

Many years later, Tang Junhe's memory of that scene is already very vague. He only remembered that the woman was tall and beautiful, but she had a sickly look on her face, always looking unhappy.

He remembered that woman came over and asked him what his name was, who his father and mother were, how old he was, where his family was, where he went to school, and how many days he had been here.

When she asked these questions, there was obviously no expression on her face, and her voice was obviously gentle, but Jun He felt a wave of fear for no reason.

"Mom, stop asking." Yang Xuan was lying on the sofa with his head resting on her lap, acting like a spoiled child, "Why are you asking these questions?"

"You go to the study to do your homework," the woman said, still speaking softly, "Mom has some questions for your brother."

"I don't," Yang Xuan said, "I don't like doing homework." As he said this, he was pulled by the arm by the woman and led to the study next to him, and then locked in.

Tang Junhe remembered that after he finished answering those questions, the woman took out her mobile phone from the bag beside her, walked to the window sill, and yelled something emotionally at the mobile phone, with Yang Chengchuan's name frequently mixed in her words .

Tang Junhe also remembered that when the woman came out, her face was covered with tears, very similar to his mother Tang Xiaonian crying.

It started to rain outside, and the raindrops slammed on the window fiercely, crackling into one piece, as dense as a high-spirited drumbeat, as if heralding the next variation.

Not long after, Yang Chengchuan rushed back in a panic. His whole body was wet by the rain, and the hair on his forehead was wet into locks, looking a bit embarrassed. There was a very fierce dispute between them, or maybe it was not a dispute, but one was arguing hysterically, and the other was evasively defending.

Tang Junhe didn't understand what happened, he huddled in the corner of the sofa, even panting carefully.

He heard a loud knock on the door from the study room, and Yang Xuan shouted "Dad" and "Mom" loudly inside, his voice broke. He could imagine Yang Xuan's anxious appearance at the door, But he dared not go over and open the door for him.

That afternoon, Tang Junhe was sent back home, perhaps because he was frightened, and when he was sent to Tang Xiaonian, he had already developed a high fever.

He didn't remember Tang Xiaonian's expression at that time, nor what she said, but he vaguely felt that Tang Xiaonian seemed to be crying too, because there seemed to be cold tears falling on his hot forehead, chilling him. I shivered.

Later, Tang Junhe went to elementary school and learned idioms, so he realized what happened that afternoon was called Dongchuang Incident.

And the last touch of color that Yang Xuan brought to his childhood was dappled by the heavy rain that afternoon, and added a layer of blurred filter by the menacing high fever. Looking back, although it is no longer Very clear, but very attractive beauty.