Paper Plane

Chapter 30


The bar during the day looks completely different from the night, the windows are half open, the air conditioner has just been turned on, and the room is still a bit hot. The sun shines in directly, and the old wooden tables and chairs glow with a slightly oily light.

Tang Junhe walked through the first floor, went around to the stairs leading to the second floor, looked up, and heard the sound of footsteps above. He lifted his foot up the stairs, and the wooden stair boards were stepped on with a dull sound.

As soon as he went up to the second floor, he saw Yang Xuan. There were not many people in the billiards hall in the afternoon, only a table by the window surrounded by six or seven people, one of them was holding a pool cue, bowed his waist, and aimed at the billiards on the table, and several others were talking and laughing. Watch the fun.

Yang Xuan was leaning against the window sill, holding a pool cue in one hand and propping it on the ground, silently looking at the pool table. Noticing someone coming up at the corner of the stairs, he thought it was a guest, and subconsciously looked up, but unexpectedly saw Tang Junhe.

The teenager who appeared at the corner of the stairs looked out of place with the entire billiard hall, like an adult party suddenly mixed in with an ignorant underage. Yang Xuan frowned slightly, and looked at Tang Junhe slightly.

Tang Junhe didn't realize that he shouldn't come here, he was just curious, this was the first time he entered the billiard hall, he had just passed by the neon sign saying "Billard Hall" many times before, but never thought of leaving Go in and have a look.

The air conditioner on the second floor is fully turned on, but people staying on it will not feel much more comfortable than the first floor. Several young people around the pool table had exaggerated hair colors and tattooed parts were deliberately exposed. Almost everyone had cigarettes in their hands, making the air on the second floor smoky.

Yang Xuan has black hair and a black T-shirt. He usually looks rebellious among a group of good students. Standing in this messy environment, he looks like a clean and silent good boy.

Tang Junhe didn't like the dirty air here, but he still held back his discomfort, and faced Yang Xuan's warning gaze, he walked in without notice, and found a seat on a row of plastic benches against the wall.

Surrounding the pool table was a group of vocational high school students with no skills at all. One of the girls held a pool cue and walked around the pool table several times. She tried five or six times, but failed to pocket a single ball.

"Sister Yao, give it up," another boy with a mohawk hairstyle couldn't stand it anymore, and laughed from the side, "Didn't you wear contact lenses today?"

"Shut up," the girl looked up at him, "It's as if you can get in."

"Hey, you hide away," Mohigan held the pool cue and approached the table, "Look, I will show you a hole-in-one."

"You come here," the girl straightened up and took a step back, "just blow."

Holding the pole in his hand, Mohigan bent his waist, took aim at a ball on the table, gestured at the angle, and then pushed it lightly with the pole. The two balls collided, and one of them went straight into the pocket.

"How is it?" Mo Xiqian straightened his waist, and looked at the girl just now with ostentatious eyes.

The girl resentfully said: "It's just luck, if you have the ability, you can enter this table."

"Call in all of them. Are you treating me to dinner tonight?"

"I'll invite you all if you can call them all in." The girl said disdainfully.

"You said so." Mohigan bent down again, eager to try. I don't know if it was because of the pressure, but this time his luck was not as good as before. He circled the table several times and tried a few times, but he didn't hit a ball again.

"Don't try it, you are still stubborn if you say that you are lucky enough to catch up." The girl sneered, "I can find anyone who can fight better than you."

"Tch, look for it. You need to find someone who can clear the billiard table. I'll treat you to dinner." Mo Xigan said unconvinced.

"You said it." The girl looked at the few friends around her, she couldn't make up her mind, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she waved in the direction of the window sill, "Hey handsome guy, can you help me?"

The guest asked for help, Yang Xuan had no reason not to help, he had witnessed the scene just now, without waiting for the girl to tell, he knew what she wanted from him.

"Hey, you are still talking about asking for foreign aid." Mo Xigan protested, "Just look for us."

Yang Xuan didn't act in a hurry, and stood there waiting for them to resolve their internal conflicts.

"You just said you were present, okay?" The girl bit the word "presence" very hard, and gave him a blank look.

"That's right," another girl chimed in, "If you're afraid, tell me now."

"Fuck, who's scared," Moxigan said to Yang Xuan, holding the cue stick in one hand and stepping back, shaking the other hand towards the pool table, "Come on, buddy."

Yang Xuan waited for them to finish talking, then walked over holding the pool cue, looked at the girl and asked, "Then shall I start playing?"

"Let's get started," the girl said happily, "If you win, you will have a share of the dinner. Let Chen Cheng treat us to Japanese food."

Yang Xuan didn't speak, walked half a circle around the pool table, bowed his waist, looked calmly, gestured a few angles to the two balls, then lightly putt, the white ball spun forward, touched the blue ball, and the two balls met. Hit, make a light "da" sound, and then slide away in different directions.

The ball missed. Mo Xiqian snorted immediately, looked at the girl and said, "Sister Yao, next time you look for someone, don't just look at her face, okay?"

The girl was a little nervous, clasped her hands together, pressed her chin and said to Yang Xuan, "Please, handsome guy."

Yang Xuan's expression remained unchanged, and he changed his angle again, walked to the position where the white ball stopped, bowed down again, compared the angles, and then decisively pushed the cue stick with a stronger force than last time, and the white ball rolled forward , hitting the yellow ball diagonally ahead—then the yellow ball rolls straight into the pocket.

Without much hesitation, Yang Xuan took another two steps to the left, and the people around him backed up to make room for him. He bowed down, bent down again to hit the ball, and hit the basketball just now into the pocket. For the next four or five shots, Yang Xuan made quick shots, and sometimes he could hit the white ball straight to the target ball without even dribbling, and then made a hole-in-one.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer colored balls on the pool table, the girl looked more nervous and excited than Yang Xuan, almost jumping to cheer Yang Xuan on.

Yang Xuan looked very calm, with no fluctuation in the expression on his face.

Looking from Tang Junhe's position, you can only see Yang Xuan's sharp side face, slightly tensed forearm muscle lines, and the occasional waistline with clear texture exposed under the black T-shirt.

Tang Junhe was eating ice cream, looked at Yang Xuan, and then looked at the billiards. He looked at Yang Xuan's profile from head to toe, and wrote down all the rules that could be seen on the pool table.

When there were four or five billiard balls left on the table, another five or six people came around the corner, walked straight over, and stood beside a pool table.

Yang Xuan straightened up, glanced in that direction, and said to the people next to him, "Sorry, maybe the stage can't be cleared."

"It's okay, it's okay," the girl rushed to say, "It's just a joke and bet, will you have dinner with us tonight?"

"Please?" Moxigan said coolly from the side.

"I invite you." The girl turned her neck and glanced at him.

"I have to be on duty at night, so I can't go." After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he set the pool cue up against the wall and walked towards the other table.

When passing by Tang Junhe, Yang Xuan glanced at him with a hint of warning in his eyes.

Tang Junhe deliberately pretended not to see it, and concentrated on eating the remaining bites of ice cream. Then, while Yang Xuan was talking to the guests, he went downstairs holding the wrapping paper.

After Yang Xuan finished entertaining the guests, he looked at the row of plastic chairs against the wall, and Tang Junhe was gone.

Maybe it was just a whim, Yang Xuan was inexplicably relieved.

Most of the people who came to the billiard hall for entertainment were idle young gangsters. Most of them were students from the nearby vocational high school. Sometimes some people drank too much, and it was inevitable that they would pick quarrels and make troubles. And his half-brother, who looks innocent and obedient, is actually in constant trouble, and he didn't expect to be distracted from him at that time.

But in the next few days, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Junhe appeared at the corner of the stairs, then walked to the row of plastic chairs by the wall and sat down, eating ice cream while looking in the direction of Yang Xuan . Then I would sit there for about half an hour, eat the ice cream in my hand, and then walk away without a word.

Yang Xuan was a little annoyed by him. Especially some regular customers often let him play billiards on the table, and being watched by that gaze, he has to work hard to fully concentrate.

Perhaps a word of warning should have been given. On the fourth day, Yang Xuan thought so.

Unexpectedly, on the fifth day, Tang Junhe did not come, and on the sixth day, Tang Junhe did not come again. Yang Xuan felt a little strange, could it be that his half-brother has learned to assess the situation

Unexpectedly, on the seventh day, Tang Junhe appeared on time again. Yang Xuan leaned on the window sill and thought for a while, and came to understand—yesterday and the day before yesterday were weekends, and Tang Xiaonian was at home on vacation, so naturally he would not let Tang Junhe go out easily.

Yang Xuan was just making up his mind to go over to carry out the idea of verbal warning, when a regular customer who came to play billiards almost every day came over, put his arm around his shoulders, leaned into his ear and said, "Hey, what about that little boy? Always look at you?"

This regular customer is also a student of a vocational high school. He seems to be called "Huizi". earrings. On weekdays, there are not only some beautifully dressed girls around him, but sometimes some thin and quiet boys.

This "Huizi" always finishes playing billiards in the afternoon, and drinks in the bar downstairs at night, and can have "new gains" almost every day.

Yang Xuan smelled the strong smell of men's perfume on his body, and felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't show it on his face, he just said: "I don't know."

"No way, you didn't pay attention?" "Huizi" looked in Tang Junhe's direction, then turned his head and said to Yang Xuan, "Hey, could it be that he fell in love with you?"

"How is it possible." Yang Xuan twitched the corners of his mouth and gave a disapproving smile.

"Why is it impossible, hey," he bumped Yang Xuan's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Actually, you can try a man, it's very cool, really."

Yang Xuan's expression seemed secretive, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it with a lighter, and after exhaling the cigarette, he said coldly: "He is my brother."

"Huh? You also have the hobby of recognizing your younger brother? I didn't see it." Huizi laughed a few times.

Yang Xuan didn't make a sound, turned his head and glanced at him, there was no joke in his eyes.

Huizi was stunned for a moment, then laughed a few times before saying, "No way, I just thought he was pretty, and I thought if you're not interested, I'll ask and try, maybe... no one can say No, right?"

Yang Xuan took a few puffs of cigarettes, thought for a while, and said, "If you want to ask, you can try."