Paper Plane

Chapter 34


Things are messed up, and Tang Junhyuk is a little panicked.

He wasn't afraid the night before he planned to kill Zhou Lin, he wasn't afraid when he was called by the police to take notes, and he wasn't afraid when he was punched by that man in the billiards hall. He looked like water, but he was terrified like a fish lying on the chopping board waiting for the kitchen knife to fall, uneasy and with no way out.

He somewhat regretted his impulsiveness just now, but he didn't know how to do it right—other than his brother Yang Xuan, who else could he tell about this matter? It was impossible to tell his mother that Tang Xiaonian would go crazy, and not only would he go crazy, he might even take some extreme actions. Tell his deskmate Yin Cong? She is enthusiastic and friendly, maybe she can help a little, but thinking of the cold and violent campus that he has encountered before, he can't confide such an unspeakable secret to a "classmate" person.

After thinking about it, it seems that I can only tell Yang Xuan... Yang Xuan is his brother, even if he saw him almost become a murderer, even if he ruined his bright future of entering the provincial team by stopping him, he would not be sorry Own the slightest prejudice and anger.

It is true that Yang Xuan's attitude towards him has always been indifferent, and there may be occasional threats and ridicule mixed in, but for some reason, he can feel Yang Xuan's helplessness and tolerance towards him under that indifferent appearance, He had developed a feeling of trust and even dependence on his elder brother Yang Xuan almost like a broken bamboo.

Maybe even he himself didn't realize that what he personally handed to Yang Xuan in that gray dusk was not only a sharp fruit knife with a cold light, but also his ignorant and sincere heart. sincere.

Tang Junhe believed with certainty that even if something big happened, Yang Xuan would not ignore him.

What's more, the last time he said to Yang Xuan that he was no different from Zhou Lin, Yang Xuan didn't take it to heart, and this time he said that he was actually more like Ying Hui, Yang Xuan might be able to make a big difference. Breathe a sigh of relief. Tang Junhe thought so optimistically.

He intends to tell Yang Xuan the throbbing and abnormal thoughts in his heart, and hopes that he can help him solve his doubts—Yang Xuan knows everything, and he will definitely help him. Even if he can't help, he can use this to test Yang Xuan's attitude.

But unexpectedly, not only did Yang Xuan not heave a sigh of relief, nor did he intend to help him, but his expression turned cold instantly as if he had been touched by the scales. Thinking of this, Tang Junhe clenched his palms and tried his best to suppress the uneasiness surging in his heart.

At the same time, he was apprehensive, but he was also secretly thankful—fortunately, Yang Xuan's anger came in time. If he was as calm and calm as before, then he would probably tell about his dream about Yang Xuan and the nocturnal emission... If He said that, the consequences were really unimaginable, Tang Junhe felt a little scared.

Maybe an apology? He thought uneasily, maybe Yang Xuan would not be angry after apologizing. After all, his brother wouldn't leave him alone.

Thinking of this, he felt that there was still room for improvement, so he quickly made plans to go to the pool hall to apologize to Yang Xuan the next day, lined up his lines in his mind, and then fell asleep.


What Tang Junhe didn't expect was that his brother Yang Xuan really ignored him.

In the afternoon of the second day, he bought two ice creams from a store near the bar and held them in his hands. He planned to apologize to Yang Xuan sincerely and told him that he didn't mean what he said last night—anyway, he was always good at lying. Handy.

He wanted to tell Yang Xuan that when he said "same as Ying Hui", he meant that he also liked Yang Xuan, but his younger brother liked his elder brother, so is there any problem

Not only that, but he also planned to beat him up and tell Yang Xuan that it was abnormal and immoral for the elder brother not to like the younger brother, and he had not fulfilled his elder brother's duty.

Tang Junhe felt that his set of belly scripts was perfectly arranged.

Walking to the door of the bar, he was about to step in with a natural expression as usual.

Unexpectedly, the waiter standing at the door reached out to stop him this time: "Sorry kid, the bar doesn't accept minors."

Tang Junhe failed to brush his face, he was stunned for a moment, and after regaining his senses, he took out the omnipotent "passport" in the past: "I am Yang Xuan's younger brother, and I am here to find Yang Xuan."

The man pretended to be confused with an understanding: "Who is Yang Xuan?"

Tang Junhe was a little anxious: "Just watching the game in the billiards hall on the second floor..."

The man couldn't help laughing: "Are you in a hurry? I won't tease you anymore, Yang Xuan is not here anymore."

Tang Junhe looked astonished: "Then where did he go?"

"I don't know," said the man leaning against the door, "he's your brother, you should ask him."

"When does he come back?"

"Not coming back, resigned," the man looked at him, "Do you understand resignation?"

Tang Junhe didn't believe it, he had to go upstairs to confirm it with his own eyes before he was willing to leave. The man let him go up, and he hurriedly ran to the second floor, only to find a person he didn't know standing by the window sill.

He stood in the direction of the window in a daze for a long while, rubbed his eyes several times to make sure that he saw correctly, and then he was willing to believe that Yang Xuan was really not here anymore.

He turned and walked down the stairs dejectedly, out of the bar, to the shade of the row of lush green trees.

The weather was very hot, and the asphalt road was steamed by the sun into a fog visible to the naked eye. Cars sped past him, and the hot car exhaust made the air extremely dirty, which was even more unpleasant than the smoky smell of a billiard hall.

He squeezed two sticks of ice cream into his hands, and they quickly turned into water. Beads of cold sweat oozed from the packaging bag, wet his palms.

He wanted to cry again, he was terribly wronged, and walking on the empty street, he panicked as if he lost his way as a child.

But at that time, he was the one who wanted Yang Xuan to find him, but now Yang Xuan didn't want him to find him.

The typed manuscript was also wilted, sticking to his chest like a ball of starched draft paper, unable to get up or down, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Walking to the trash can, he threw away the two bags of ice cream that had melted into water, then blinked vigorously, holding back his tears.

Tomorrow will come to see, he tried his best to be optimistic, maybe Yang Xuan will come back.

For a week, Tang Junhe went to that bar every day. In the last few days, when the waiter saw him, he blurted out "Yang Xuan is not here".

Without Yang Xuan, Tang Junhe was listless, and he was not even in the mood to eat ice cream.

He had no way of knowing where Yang Xuan had gone—Yang Xuan was the same as during the winter vacation, not going home at night.

It was a breeze for Yang Xuan to disappear from his sight. Only then did Tang Junhe know that Yang Xuan let himself stare at him before, that was simply connivance to himself.

— But he screwed up, and Yang Xuan took back that indulgence from him.

Tang Junhe panicked and had trouble sleeping and eating. This was the first time in several months that he could not see Yang Xuan for several days in a row.

He looks forward to the start of school every day, counting the days left in the summer vacation. The end of the summer vacation means that Yang Xuan is coming back, which means that he can see Yang Xuan again.

Tang Xiaonian is so sensitive, she can see her son's abnormality at a glance. After several days of observation, she judges that this symptom of not thinking about food and tea seems to be lovesickness.

His son fell in love early? Tang Xiaonian observed Tang Junhe as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and interrogated him on the sidelines: "Are there any beautiful girls in your class?"

Tang Junhe said hastily: "I don't know."

"I went to the parent meeting last time, and I didn't see any good-looking parents." Tang Xiaonian continued to hit him sideways, "Besides, good-looking, it doesn't matter if you don't have good grades."

Tang Junhe was absent-minded: "Yes."

It's not good to be soft, Tang Xiaonian came to be firm: "You are not allowed to fall in love early, you know? Puppy love will affect your grades. When you go to college in the future, I will not care about who you want to like."

Tang Junhe was listless: "No one likes me."

Tang Xiaonian only thought that he was fooling himself, and did not let down his vigilance at all. You know, when she was young, she had a lot of suitors, and she would meet scouts when she went out to eat, and her son's appearance has absorbed the advantages of herself and Yang Chengchuan, and her grades are outstanding. Naturally, the little girl's love is indispensable in school .

Tang Xiaonian took it for granted, but he didn't expect that Tang Junhe had encountered cold violence on campus, blocked his social needs early, and treated everyone with a cold and indifferent appearance. Most of the little girls who go to school are also reserved, and few of them take the initiative to touch this hard nail.

She just thinks that Tang Junhe's introverted personality is all caused by Yang Chengchuan. Ten years ago, the expert on TV made it a prophecy. Tang Junhe grew up without a father, and he really lacked socially. Xiaonian thought bitterly.

Looking forward and looking forward, the start of school is finally here for Tang Junhe.

The night before the end of the holiday, Yang Xuan really came back. Tang Junhe was packing his schoolbag for the next day, and listened to the movement outside. Unexpectedly, Yang Chengchuan came and knocked on the door: "Junhe, come here and talk to you two."

Tang Junhe walked to the study, opened the door and went in, and saw Yang Xuan sitting on the edge of the bed with his back facing him, with his long legs crossed, listening to Yang Chengchuan. He walked over and sat next to Yang Xuan, a short distance away from him.

The two sons are both very good-looking, which should have been an enviable thing, but Yang Chengchuan didn't feel relieved at all, he felt a headache - none of these two sons made him worry.

"It's the third year of high school, it's time to be sensible." Yang Chengchuan cut to the chase, "Yang Xuan's problem is still his grades, it's not that he can't learn, it's that he doesn't want to learn."

He looked at Yang Xuan, but Yang Xuan didn't look at him, and he still looked like he was doing nothing and not doing anything.

"Of course, if I really don't want to learn, I have no choice but to send you abroad when the time comes. You have worked hard for half your life, and you still have the ability." How to relieve my anger, "But IELTS and TOEFL scores are also required to be sent abroad, and you can't just take the test. What will happen after you are sent abroad? Whether you can graduate or not depends on yourself."

Yang Xuan didn't know if he listened to these words, but Tang Junhe panicked when he heard this: Yang Xuan is going abroad? Wouldn't they be far apart

"Jun Hyuk usually helps your brother well. You have good grades. You don't need your mother and I to worry about it. You can get into a good university by yourself. This is something to be proud of, both for your mother and me, and for yourself. Things." Facing Tang Junhe, Yang Chengchuan's tone restrained a little, "Of course, if you also want to go abroad, tell me, I will send you out to receive the best education in the world and broaden your horizons. I think it’s a good way to go.”

Yang Chengchuan said this, but it didn't make Tang Junhe feel at ease—it was absolutely impossible for him to accept such funding from Yang Chengchuan.

Yang Chengchuan went on to say: "As for you two brothers, don't worry about the affairs of our elders, you should help each other, you still have to help each other." He sighed, "In the future, after you get married and start a business, you will know that there is nothing closer than kinship. Yes. Yang Xuan won’t be staying this semester either. Since neither of you wants the driver to pick you up, you can take your younger brother with you to and from school, or tomorrow I’ll buy a bicycle for Jun He and you’ll ride together. School?"

Tang Junhe shook his head for a while.

Yang Chengchuan mistook him for refusing to go to school with Yang Xuan, and persuaded him: "It's safer for you to go to school with your brother. If something like last time happens again, you brothers..."

"I don't want a bicycle," Tang Junhe looked at him and said, "Yang Xuan will take me there."

Yang Chengchuan was a little surprised, but since his youngest son said this, he wanted to ease the relationship, so he gave an order to his eldest son: "Then Yang Xuan, since your younger brother said this, you will take it with you every day from now on. Let him go to school."

Yang Xuan twitched the corners of his mouth at Yang Chengchuan, noncommittal.

Seeing his unwillingness to listen to persuasion, Yang Chengchuan became angry again, and reprimanded him with a straight face, "You look like an older brother."