Paper Plane

Chapter 37


The rocky mountain road is not easy to walk. Tang Junhe used both hands and feet to climb the rough and steep mountain wall on one side, struggling to climb towards the top of the mountain.

Looking up, you can only see the forest on the top of the mountain, and there are dense red maples among the verdant green trees, covering the legendary marriage temple densely.

He didn't care about the surrounding scenery, he just kept looking up towards the direction of the mountain top, the slightest movement could make him mistakenly think that it was Yang Xuan and Ying Hui, and his heart trembled.

The rain-soaked leaves reflected the dazzling white light under the setting sun, very much like the back figure in the white T-shirt he had been staring at today.

He strode towards the top of the mountain, not daring to stop for a moment, he remembered that Ying Hui was wearing an orange dress today, which was exactly the same as the slightly swaying red maple on the top of the mountain. Maybe they are holding hands and walking on it now, Tang Junhe thought of that scene with a flutter, and felt anxious and flustered again.

The setting sun hanging on the mountainside is slowly sinking to the west, and the layer upon layer of burning clouds in the sky are soaked by the afterglow, enveloping the hill located on the outskirts of the city warmly and gently.

The young man who was shrouded in it couldn't see the sunset. He looked up, his eyes were only limited to the marriage temple he imagined, and then he lowered his head, looking at the rugged mountain road under his feet, panting Climbing up. He only felt that the sky was getting darker and darker, his shadow was getting longer and longer, and the green trees and red leaves on the top of the mountain were gradually confused into a fuzzy mass, and he couldn't see clearly.

He climbed up to the top of the mountain in one go, and stood between the two old trees that slanted to meet each other, his chest heaved and heaved, propped up on the trunk, his neck was raised, panting heavily, and then he saw the temple they were talking about.

At the same time, he also saw clearly that there was no one in the dilapidated temple—it was empty, and even looked a little gloomy in the dark night.

Inside the temple, which has been in disrepair for a long time, there is a stone statue of a Bodhisattva more than one meter high, staring at him with big eyes.

Tang Junhe suddenly realized that he was being tricked, Yang Xuan never went up the mountain with Ying Hui, let alone came to this temple to pray! And he struggled all the way, but he didn't have the slightest doubt about Feng Bo's words.

The anger lasted only for a moment, and then a big daze followed. Tang Junhe turned around in confusion, turned his back to the stone statue of Bodhisattva, and looked down the mountain. It was dusk, and with the last ray of skylight, he could barely see the mountain road under his feet.

The daze in his heart spread rapidly, as fast as the twilight in front of him, and he suddenly couldn't figure out why he took the risk to climb to the top of the mountain—to prevent Yang Xuan and Ying Hui from worshiping this marriage temple? So what if you pray, so what if you don't? Why would he believe this feudal superstition? What's more, would Yang Xuan believe it? Even if he believed it, would he come up with the answer he had rejected several times

As the night fell, this series of questions surged up quickly like bubbles under boiling water, and then burst silently.

Almost in an instant, Tang Junhe felt that he was so stupid and ridiculous-what was he doing

Even if you do math problems, you have to see the conditions and assumptions clearly, but now, just relying on Feng Bo's unsubstantiated instigation, he ran up this rugged and steep road with a hot head. Barren mountain, and then climbed to the top of the mountain with a dull head.

What to do now? He looked down the mountain in bewilderment, and then he realized how high and far he had climbed. The huge mountain was covered with deep twilight, so that he could no longer see his classmates who were halfway up the mountain, and they couldn't see him either. Brother Yang Xuan died.

Should we go back? But he didn't seem to remember which forked roads he had gone through. When he arrived, he climbed up the mountain with all his heart, and when he encountered a fork in the road, he randomly chose a road that seemed to lead to the top of the mountain without thinking. Which way to go.

He looked at the swaying tree shadows at the foot of the mountain, and walked down a few steps almost unconsciously. The tense energy in his heart had been exhausted, he was a little absent-minded, and his steps became slow and heavy.

After a few steps down the stone steps, he suddenly stepped on a piece of loose gravel. The loose gravel embedded in the middle of the mountain road could not bear the weight of the human body, and it collapsed in an instant, taking the soup he stepped on it with him. Jun He rolled down together.

"Ah—" Tang Junhe let out a short exclamation, trying to grab something with one hand in panic, but he fell too fast, and the wet gravel road was covered with slippery moss, he couldn't grab anything , he could only feel that his body was constantly hitting the gravel, flying, hitting, flying again, hitting again, his brain was completely empty, and the piercing pain spread up instantly——


Yang Xuan helped Chen Hao and Wang Xingchun set up the tent, and was about to go back when Ying Hui stopped him.

"Yang Xuan, there is something wrong with the cooking utensils." Ying Hui looked at him and said, "Can you come with me to have a look?"

"What's wrong?" Yang Xuan followed her.

"The person who came here last time broke a few barbecue grills. The uncle said that there are still some in the warehouse, but he can't move them by himself. I think," Ying Hui said hesitantly, "how about the two of us help uncle move them?" a bit?"

"Call Chen Hao over," Yang Xuan said, "I'll go with him."

Ying Hui couldn't bear to give up this opportunity to be alone, so she tried her best to fight for it, "I don't think Chen Hao is really needed..."

"How do you move?" Yang Xuan looked at her indifferently.

Ying Hui looked down at the dress on her body, regretted it too much, and had to change her words: "Okay, then I'll ask him to come over..."

Looking at the back of Yang Xuan and Chen Hao walking away, Ying Hui sighed. Yin Cong came up from behind her and said, "What are you thinking? If he wants you to do this kind of hard work, you should sigh!"

Ying Hui smiled wryly, and gave her a helpless expression.

Yin Cong grabbed a barbed wire fence and looked at it for a while, and suggested: "This barbed wire fence is a little dirty after drying, let's go wash it? There is a spring over there, very close."

Ying Hui bent down to look at the barbed wire fence on the ground, nodded and said, "Then call a few more people and go together."

By the time the boys brought in the cooking utensils and set them up, the sun was almost setting. Yang Xuan walked towards the tent he had set up, bent down to enter, took the travel bag, found a bottle of mineral water from inside, took a few sips of water from the mouth of the bottle, then went out with the bottle, walked around to the side Next to Feng Bo who was playing with his phone with his head down.

He drank water and looked at the three-person tent that was set up not far away. Beside the tent was a bulging travel bag, with a light gray sports coat casually draped over it.

Yang Xuan tightened the bottle cap, glanced around, and asked pointingly, "Where's the person?"

Feng Bo looked up from the phone screen, looked at him with some confusion and asked, "Who?"

Yang Xuan lifted his chin towards the travel bag.

Feng Bo came to his senses, and smiled before saying anything: "Oh, you said him, I just want to laugh when I think about it, I was so ridiculous just now hahahaha..."

"What's wrong?" Yang Xuan interrupted him.

"I said before that he had a crush on Ying Hui, but Ying Hui still didn't believe it. I tried it just now, and it's really..."

Yang Xuan said impatiently, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Oh, listen to me slowly, Brother Xuan," Feng Bo turned off the phone screen, and vividly described the scene an hour ago, "I just told him that you went up the mountain with Ying Hui, guess what hahaha..."

Yang Xuan frowned slightly, but Feng Bo didn't pay attention to it, and laughed to himself: "Hahaha, he actually took it seriously! He jumped out in a blink of an eye, and I didn't stop screaming... Brother Xuan, you think he is It’s not stupid, that banner says no one is allowed to go up, did he not treat himself as a human being—” Feng Bo looked at Yang Xuan while talking and laughing, and he was startled by Yang Xuan’s expression, and let out a cry Laugh stuck in throat.

Yang Xuan's expression turned cold instantly, he stared at him and asked, "Then where is he now?"

Feng Bo stared blankly: "No, I don't know..."

"Fuck." Yang Xuan cursed, stood up and walked towards the banner.

"Hey, Brother Xuan, Brother Xuan," Feng Bo grabbed the phone, ran to catch up, and hurriedly explained, "I think he should come down, but he has no face to see us, so he probably found a place to hide..."

"This is something that can kill people, do you know?" Yang Xuan glanced at him coldly, his face was so gloomy and terrifying, Feng Bo was terribly frightened, he had never seen such an expression on Yang Xuan's face , he murmured: "No, I can't... I've been up this mountain before, as long as I know the way, it's not that dangerous..."

"Then is this banner a decoration?!" Yang Xuan snapped coldly, and walked around the plastic square cone on one side.

"Brother Xuan, are you really going up? How dangerous it is up there..." Feng Bo realized that he had made a slip of the tongue in the middle of his words, so he quickly fell silent and followed Yang Xuan.

But Yang Xuan walked too fast, he couldn't even catch up with running and climbing, and the gravel road was really hard to walk. After he almost fell, he held onto the mountain wall and gasped for breath, looking up at Yang Xuan. Xuan walked away without looking back.

"It can't be..." Feng Bo looked at Yang Xuan's back and murmured puzzledly. For a moment, he clenched his fist and thumped the mountain wall, sullenly: "It's so easy to kill people..."


When his forehead hit the protruding gravel, Tang Junhe fainted for a moment, and then his body was slammed onto the rough tree trunk. The one that stopped him was the crooked-neck ancient tree, towering in height and thick in its embrace. It had grown here for hundreds of years, and its trunk was tilted obsessively, blocking Tang Junhe who fell from the mountain.

Tang Junhe only felt his head spinning for a while, and instinctively sat up with one hand hugging the tree trunk, and the other hand covering the shattered forehead, groaning in pain.

The palm of his hand was a little wet and greasy, he felt that it was probably bleeding, and the stone seemed a little sharp. His expression was a little tangled in pain, and his nose wrinkled.

After covering it for a while, he took his hand away and took a look in the dark sky—sure enough, it was bleeding, and a lot of it was bleeding.

Not only his forehead, but also his body seems to have suffered a lot of injuries. His elbows were scratched and his T-shirt was scratched and ragged. There should be no serious problems on his legs.

He supported the ground with one hand, wanted to stand up, and then took a deep breath—the palm of his hand was also broken, and many small gravels were embedded in it. He lifted it up and took a closer look, then stretched out his other hand to wipe off the gravel in his palm, brought it to his mouth and blew twice, then propped his fingers on the ground, barely standing up.

— No, something is wrong with my ankle, it hurts terribly.

Broken? Tang Junhe squatted down and took a closer look, but it was so dark that he couldn't see the injury at all.

There are gravels everywhere, and it is not comfortable to squat or sit. Tang Junhe gritted his teeth, dragged his inflexible right leg, and limped to the stone steps in front of the old temple. Turned around and sat down.

The forehead was itchy, and the blood flowed down, along the temples, and flowed to the side of his face. He raised his hand and rubbed it randomly with the back of his hand, sniffed, and looked at the rugged mountain road under his feet.

The moon rose, silvery white, bent into a silver hook. The cool wind blew along the gaps between the branches of the trees, and the sky was as cold as the moonlight. Tang Junhe had tiny goosebumps on his arms. He hugged his arms tightly, trying to warm himself up.

When the wind blew, the leaves swayed, and scattered drops of water fell onto his face. He raised his neck, and through the dense leaves, he saw thin clouds like veils floating in the gray-blue night, which looked like the cotton candy he ate when he was a child—the one his brother Yang Xuan bought for him. The kind, white and fluffy, gets all over your face when you eat it.

He felt a little hungry.

However, even at the foot of the mountain, with those classmates, he was probably eating bread. He doesn't like them and they don't like him. However, that doesn't matter, he's already used to it.

You should bring your schoolbag and coat together, so you don't have to be afraid of anything, Tang Junhe thought, without a mobile phone, his mother doesn't know how anxious he will be tonight.

What should we do tonight? Go downhill? But the mountain road is so dark, he can't see clearly at all, and he doesn't know the way...

stay here? But it's very dark here. He was afraid of the dark when he was a child, and he would tremble when going to the bathroom... But, what's the use of being afraid? Moreover, isn't there a Bodhisattva in the temple? Will the Bodhisattva bless himself? This bodhisattva is for marriage, so will she keep safe by the way

Tang Junhe glanced back at the tall statue of Bodhisattva, perhaps because of the disrepair, she seemed to have a long history and was particularly convincing, no wonder it was regarded as an oracle by the people at the foot of the mountain.

Tang Junhe doesn't want to seek marriage, blood relationship is useless, what's the use of marriage? In his opinion, blood relationship is more reliable than marriage relationship. Even if marriage relationship is obtained, Tang Xiaonian and Yang Chengchuan are still in the same bed, and blood relationship is different. Even if Yang Xuan refuses to recognize him as his brother, he can't deny it. Physiological relationship.

However, the Bodhisattva who cares about marriage will never be like him, who doesn't even have a friend? Maybe she can ask her fairy friend to let Yang Xuan take care of him. Thinking of this, Tang Junhe clasped his hands and rested on his chin, abandoned materialism, and prayed a wish in front of the Bodhisattva devoutly.


The twilight seemed to fall suddenly, and Yang Xuan's anxiety became even worse. The mineral water bottle in his hand was deformed by him, and the small plastic sound was like a weak moan.

We are almost at the top of the mountain, why is there no one in sight? Could it be that, as Feng Bo said, he went down long ago and then hid? Where will you hide? Or... is he lost

Yang Xuan remembered that his younger brother didn't know his way since he was a child. He tried to escape the second day after he arrived at his house when he was a child, but he finally found him, crying with snot and tears all over his face. It would be okay if he got lost. The mountain is not big, but it's a big deal. He searched every fork in the road, and he could always find his brother.

But what if... not getting lost? What if you stumbled and fell

Yang Xuan was suffocated for breath, and there was overwhelming panic and fear in his heart. He took a deep breath, stopped the thoughts in his head, and then accelerated the pace of his feet.

But the more restrained he was, the more that thought kept pouring into his mind. He clenched his fists, squeezed a cold sweat, and tried his best to adjust his breathing.

No, he comforted himself, didn't he say that there are Bodhisattvas on the mountain? Bodhisattva will bless his younger brother, he is still so young, not much older than when he was a child, and he doesn't know what he has experienced, he thinks strangely, speaks strangely, and always stares at him with strange eyes. look at him.

And he was so easily deceived... Feng Bo believed such a clumsy lie so easily, how stupid was he

Yang Xuan tried to think of something else, which would make him feel at ease, although it was not very useful.

Almost at the top of the mountain, Yang Xuan's heart skipped a beat—if his younger brother wasn't here, he couldn't tell how he would react.

He didn't dare to stop walking up for a moment. When he passed the two old trees with crooked necks, because he walked too fast, he stepped on the gravel under his feet and almost slipped. He instinctively stretched out his hand to support one of the trees, Stabilized his figure.

Then he saw the little black figure curled up in front of the dilapidated old temple.

Through the thick night, Yang Xuan recognized at a glance that it was his younger brother Tang Junhe.