Paper Plane

Chapter 50


Tang Junhe stepped into the room, quickly locked the door, and sat in his room in shock, waiting for Tang Xiaonian to knock on the door again. While waiting, he couldn't help reaching out to touch his lips, reminiscing about the shallow kiss just now.

Perhaps because his whole face was burning hot, Yang Xuan's lips seemed a little cool. The moment he touched them, the kiss was like a snowflake falling on his lips. It was a little cold at first, and then quickly disappeared. melted. He pursed his lips, his heart beating violently.

He reached for the glass on the table and pressed it to his overheated cheek to cool down.

There was another sound of footsteps outside the door, and Tang Junhe waited anxiously for the knock on the door, but Tang Xiaonian seemed to have given up on this plan and cleaned up the house in the living room on his own. Although the aunt comes to clean regularly every day, Tang Xiaonian still maintains the habit of cleaning up on weekends, and she feels uncomfortable when she is free.

Tang Junhe lowered his eyes and listened to the movement outside the door. After a while, he stood up and walked to the door, opened the door, and called out to Tang Xiaonian in the living room: "Mom."

Tang Xiaonian was bending over to wipe the table, she paused when she heard this, but she didn't turn her head back, and continued to work on the table. In Tang Junhe's memory, Tang Xiaonian always seemed to be doing these things, bending over to mop the floor or wipe the table, a few strands of hair fell out on her forehead, fluttering slightly with her movements. Tang Xiaonian seems to have changed a lot from the dark old house to this big house with bright windows, but it seems that he has not changed all the time.

Feeling ashamed in Tang Junhe's heart, he went to the bathroom to pick up another rag, wet it with water, walked to Tang Xiaonian, and wiped it together with her in silence. A table was almost finished wiping, and two rags squeezed to the corner of a table, Tang Xiaonian sighed, and said: "Go back to your room to study, you don't need to do these things."

After Tang Junhe washed up, he returned to his room, and Tang Xiaonian came in with a plate of chopped fruit. The Cold War began tacitly, and ended quite tacitly.

Tang Xiaonian picked up the cream on the corner of the table, dug a little with his index finger, supported Tang Junhe's head with one hand, and applied lightly to his face with the other hand. In the past at this time, Tang Junhe would turn his head to avoid it. He didn't like Tang Xiaonian to apply cream on him, not only because Tang Xiaonian would always dig a big piece, and after applying it, he felt his face was covered with a layer of oil. It seemed that Tang Xiaonian seemed to be stuck, and because Tang Xiaonian's expression always seemed to treat him as a child who couldn't grow up, and the ubiquitous care made him feel breathless. But this time he didn't hide, and let Tang Xiaonian spread the cream on his face evenly.

Wiping it on the scar on the forehead, Tang Xiaonian sighed again: "The scar last time finally faded, and this time it hit here again, you, you, I really don't know if I broke my brain." She put Put the face cream back to its original position, and then get to the point: "Why did you lock the door just now?"

Tang Junhe searched for an answer that could be explained in her mind, but Tang Xiaonian took the silence as a silent resistance. She observed Tang Junhe's expression, and said sullenly: "I feel that I have grown up, and I don't want to let you I'm in charge of you, right? You don't even open the door when you knock on it, and you're already in your third year of high school and sleep until almost ten o'clock, so how much do you have to learn from Yang Xuan?"

Hearing Yang Xuan's name from Tang Xiaonian's mouth, Tang Junhe's heart trembled, and then his face became hot. Fortunately, Tang Xiaonian thought that he was ashamed because he was ashamed, and continued to say: "I told you not to get too close to him, let's not talk about whether his motives for approaching you are not pure, just say that he is a smoker and Fighting child, if you stay with him all the time, you will learn to be bad." Tang Xiaonian stretched out his hand to push his forehead, "Have you never learned the principle of getting close to vermilion and getting red, and getting close to ink to get black?"

Tang Junhe tried to persuade Tang Xiaonian: "But Yang Xuan is not bad, Mom, don't always be prejudiced against him."

Hearing that he was still talking for Yang Xuan, Tang Xiaonian was furious: "Then what's the matter with you fighting? Tell me, why did you fight?"

Tang Junhe fell silent, facing his mother Tang Xiaonian, he couldn't say the word "Little San" no matter what.

Tang Xiaonian asked persistently: "Say it quickly, if you don't say it, I will always find a way to ask."

Tang Junhe lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then lied: "I fought with Feng Bo because..." He reached out and pressed the scab on his forehead, "Because of what happened last time on the mountain."

Tang Xiaonian stared at him for a long while, then said with a cold face: "I also said that I am not imitating bad, and I have never seen you fight before."

Tang Junhe defended plausibly in a low voice: "I thought about killing someone before."

Tang Xiaonian choked in his throat, stared at him and reprimanded: "What nonsense!" She frowned, and after a while, she pulled Tang Junhe over, putting on a earnest posture: "You can't be bad, you If we learn badly, our mother and son have suffered all these years in vain, do you know? In order to give birth to you, I refused the opportunity to be a star. If I was not pregnant with you at that time, I would I left with that scout, and I might be earning hundreds of millions now." Tang Xiaonian couldn't stop talking about the suffering he had suffered in these years, "You were not in good health when you were just born, and I worked for others during the day, I went to the hospital with you behind my back at night, and I didn’t sleep well for a week, and I was so angry that I was so angry... At that time, I worked as a nanny for others, and I could earn thousands of dollars a month, just because you were young at that time , I will cry when I wake up and can’t see me, so I quit that job... "

Tang Xiaonian chattered endlessly, starting from the time when Tang Junhe was not born, and said that she had not been easy these years. She has said these words many times, as long as Tang Junhe is disobedient, Tang Xiaonian will say it all over again. Tang Junhe's ears heard cocoons, but his mind could repeat the words from beginning to end in one breath, but he didn't interrupt Tang Xiaonian, but just listened silently.

Tang Xiaonian said that he was still proud, and he didn't forget to ask a question at the end: "It's not because of you that I endured so much hardship. Now you say you are bad, and you are bad, and you don't think about whether you are sorry for me."

Tang Xiaonian's words made Tang Junhe breathless, and he became more and more aware of the desire to control him. What kind of friends to make, what kind of relationship to talk about, which university to go to... are all within Tang Xiaonian's control. If she deviates from it, it will definitely arouse her dissatisfaction. However, he felt a deep fear of this kind of control, so terrified that he wanted to run away.

If he has been living in that dim old house, maybe he will follow the route Tang Xiaonian planned for him, because he has no other choice. But he happened to meet Yang Xuan, and his expression was affected by Yang Xuan's every move. Everything in the next room is full of attraction to him, which means freedom and adventure, unrestrained and indulgent, which is another kind of life that he has never tasted in the sixteen years since he was born as a human.

At night, Tang Junhe lay on his bed and couldn't help recalling the scene in the morning. Why did Yang Xuan do that? Is it a trick? He thought of the smile on Yang Xuan's lips, which looked dangerous and seductive. But no matter what, the intense pleasure rushing straight to the top of the head is a hundred times more exciting than the moment of nocturnal emission. He held his lower body, imagining the picture of Yang Xuan's hand wrapping him, and then shot in the palm of his hand.

He wiped his hands clean, lying on the bed blushing, thinking, maybe, maybe he can help Yang Xuan do the same? He then thought that when he was blaspheming himself, he would think of Yang Xuan, so when Yang Xuan did this, would he think of himself? Maybe not now, but as long as you help him once, he will think of it in the future, right? As soon as this idea popped up, he couldn't help planning over and over again. He thought of the picture that popped up on the computer screen a few months ago, maybe not only with his hands, but also with other things...

On Monday, at the end of the second physics class in the morning, Qiu Li, the head teacher, walked towards the back of the classroom, stopped beside Yin Cong, and said to the people on both sides of the aisle: "Yin Cong and Tang Junhe, and Wang Jing and Miao Yulin. Take a seat."

Except for Tang Junhe, the other three people whose names were mentioned were all taken aback.

After Qiu Li finished speaking, she turned to Tang Junhe and asked, "Is the review finished?"

"En." Tang Junhe took the review out of the table hole, handed it to Qiu Li, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Teacher Qiu."

Qiu Li took it, looked down, nodded, and said, "Change your seat during the big class break."

"Why do you want to change seats all of a sudden?" Yin Cong stood up and asked puzzledly, while bending down, he began to move the single desk.

"Can I change it with you?" Tang Junhe suddenly said.

"Huh?" Yin Cong was taken aback for a moment, then realized and whispered, "You want to sit in front of Yang Xuan?"

Tang Junhe nodded: "Is it possible?"

"Of course I'm fine," Yin Cong said indifferently, "but do you want to tell the class teacher?"

"She will agree." Seeing the puzzled expression on Yin Cong's face, Tang Junhe explained calmly, "I asked her to change seats."

"Ah?" Yin Cong asked in surprise, "Why?"

Tang Junhe didn't answer this time, but just moved a step towards her table and said, "Let me help you move it." After speaking, he bent down and helped her lift the table.

"I see," Yin Cong asked in his ear mysteriously, "You want to sit with Yang Xuan, don't you?"

Tang Junhe nodded unabashedly, "Yes."

"You..." Yin Cong hesitated to speak, as if he was looking for an appropriate word in his brain, and after thinking about it, he continued to ask, "Are you reconciled?"

Tang Junhe said again: "Yes."

When the rest of the class heard the sound of the table legs rubbing against the ground, they all turned their heads curiously. Seeing that it was just a common seat change, they turned their heads numbly. Tang Junhe moved Yin Cong's table to the side of the aisle as if no one was around, and heard one of the people who wanted to change seats complain: "What kind of seat do you want to change, it's so troublesome."

He ignored it, backed away, lifted his desk together with Yin Cong, walked around to the back of the classroom, and moved the desk to the aisle on Yang Xuan's side. Yang Xuan left the classroom after class, and was not in his seat at the moment.

After the original desk was moved away, Tang Junhe pushed his desk in front of Yang Xuan, sat down, and continued to do the physics competition problem at hand.

A few minutes before the bell rang for class, the math teacher had already walked over with the test paper in her arms. When she reached the door, she urged a few people standing in the corridor, "Hurry up and get into the classroom. Are you all standing by the window to blow the wind? The wind blows." Is it possible to beat you to Peking University or Tsinghua University?" After speaking, he did not forget to mention Yang Xuan, "If you hand in the blank paper today, copy the test paper a hundred times for me, do you hear me?"

"I never handed in a blank paper." Yang Xuan said at the end.

The math teacher took the test paper and patted him on the back: "Don't just do solid geometry!"

Yang Xuan lowered his head and swayed to his own position, and when he heard a low "Brother" coming from his ear, he was slightly startled, and then saw the person sitting in front of his desk, looking up at him slightly Tang Junhe.

Yang Xuan just glanced at him, and then sat down in his seat.

"The physical education teacher has something to do in the next class, so I will allocate it to mathematics. We just use two class time to make a test paper." The math teacher counted the test papers and divided them into several parts. , you are in the college entrance examination room and see how many points you can get." After finishing speaking, she stepped off the podium and distributed the test papers to the students in the front row deftly.

The white test paper was passed from front to back, clattering in the classroom, and passed to Tang Junhe. He took a test paper, and then passed the rest to Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan didn't answer, and waited for him to put down the test paper, but Tang Junhe stubbornly held it behind him and refused to let go, insisting on waiting for Yang Xuan to take the test paper. Yang Xuan could only reach out impatiently and took it.

After passing the test papers, the class automatically quieted down, except for the sound of the pen tip brushing across the paper. Tang Junhe has always been very fast in solving the questions, not to mention that he has done all the college entrance examination questions in the past ten years, and he can directly write the answers to some questions without writing calculations.

A class has just ended, and he has finished the test paper. The noise of other classes finishing get out of class was heard outside the classroom. The math teacher got up from his seat, stepped off the podium and closed the door, blocking the sound behind the door, and then walked around the classroom along the aisle.

Tang Junhe thought for a while, took the square pad at the corner of the table, tore off a piece of paper, quickly wrote the answers on the test paper on it, folded it and held it in the palm of his hand. When the math teacher walked over, he quietly stretched his right hand behind him, turned his face and called out angrily, "Brother."

Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't answer, he could only put the answer on the corner of Yang Xuan's desk, then turned around calmly, and started to do his own Olympiad questions.

The math teacher turned around the classroom, turned back, and stopped behind Tang Junhe. Tang Junhe swallowed nervously. If Yang Xuan didn't take the answer away, he might be discovered by the math teacher—but will Yang Xuan take it away this time? After all, when Ying Hui handed him the answer before, he hadn't seen him take it.

"Do it well." The math teacher's voice sounded above her head. She said this to Yang Xuan. When she said it, she knocked on Yang Xuan's desk with her hand, and then walked past Tang Junhe.

Tang Junhe looked up at the math teacher's back, and was breathing a sigh of relief when something suddenly fell into the collar of his school uniform, which made his neck itchy. He reached into his neckline, took out a small ball of paper, took a look in his hand, and Yang Xuan actually stuffed back the small piece of paper with the answer written on it—however, he carefully folded it up when handing it over. Yes, when I got it back, it was randomly assembled. Yang Xuan opened it and read it

Tang Junhe opened the ball of paper curiously and saw that the answer to a multiple-choice question was crossed out and changed from D to A.

"..." Looking at the "A" written in one stroke, Tang Junhe was a little taken aback. Mathematics is his best subject, and he rarely makes mistakes, not to mention that he has done all the questions on this test paper... He quickly took the test paper on the corner of the table, unfolded it to find the penultimate multiple-choice question.

It was a three-dimensional geometry problem involving calculation. Tang Junhe looked over the problem carefully, only to realize that he was too hasty just now, and misunderstood one of the conditions, and the one Yang Xuan changed for him The answer is actually right!

Tang Junhe corrected the answer in a complicated mood, and he no longer wanted to continue doing the Mathematical Olympiad. Facing the corrected answer, he fell into deep thought—

After dozens of weekly exams, monthly exams and final exams, Yang Xuan was always at the bottom of the class without exception. He slept in class and had no exam papers. Yang Xuan showed his desire for grades extremely thoroughly. Almost all the teachers in the class would shake their heads when they mentioned him, saying that he was wasting their talents.

Tang Junhe thought almost in shock, could it be... Yang Xuan pretended all this? Shocked, he couldn't help but start to think along this clue. If Yang Xuan was pretending, maybe they could be admitted to the same university, and Yang Chengchuan wouldn't need to send Yang Xuan abroad... The university, going far away, and being together unscrupulously, thinking of such a future, he couldn't help feeling a little bit fascinated.

When school was over, it was snowing lightly, and many people gathered under the teaching building to look up at the snow. The first snow every year is extra exciting, especially this year it comes earlier.

On the way to the basketball court, a snowflake fell on Tang Junhe's outstretched palm, and was quickly melted by the temperature of his palm, which reminded him of the cool kiss that morning a few days ago.

Due to the snow, the basketball team's training ended earlier. Yang Xuan was still wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt with his school uniform draped over his arms, as if he couldn't feel the sudden drop in temperature.

Tang Junhe's hair was covered with bits of snow, when he saw Yang Xuan, his eyes immediately became hot, and he called out, "Brother.

Yang Xuan answered "Yes" and walked straight to the school parking lot. Regarding what happened that morning, Yang Xuan didn't mention a word, and even his attitude didn't change. This nonchalant attitude made Tang Junhe almost doubt whether what happened that morning was just another dream of his.

But he then guessed, maybe Yang Xuan's superficial indifference was just because of his inner vacillation? After all, they are half-brothers, and their kisses and comforts are immoral.

For Tang Junhe, he doesn't care whether he is against morality or not. There is no need for other people to exist in his world. Their vision and morality are just passing clouds to him. They may block his sight for a while, but they will never Will stay too long. But Yang Xuan is different from him.

"Brother," Tang Junhe followed Yang Xuan, suppressing the excitement of discovering the secret and asked, "You can actually do those questions, right?"

"No." Walking to the parking lot, Yang Xuan put on the black cotton jacket and said, pulling the zipper up.

Seeing the obvious expression of disbelief on Tang Junhe's face, he added: "That question just happens to be able to do it."

"How could it be such a coincidence?" Tang Junhe sat on the back seat of the bicycle and asked deliberately.

"How could it be such a coincidence," Yang Xuan said while straddling the car seat, hunching his back slightly, "I'm also very strange."

"Brother, which question do you happen to be able to do?"

"Three-dimensional geometry can be done exactly."

Tang Junhe deliberately found loopholes in his words: "But that question not only involves solid geometry, but also involves calculation."

"Is that so?" Yang Xuan pedaled the bike, and the speed did not slow down against the wind, "I don't need to calculate."

Tang Junhe was a little puzzled: "It's useless to calculate how the result is 2?"

"You can know it at a glance, just like knowing the way."

His tone was normal, and he didn't mean to be joking at all, nor did he mean to rebut on purpose, because it was too normal, which made people doubt that what he said was true. After all, in No. 3 Middle School, the math teacher did mention that for people with a good sense of space, the answer to the three-dimensional geometry problem may come out just by looking at it.

Thinking of this, Tang Junhe felt a little depressed. He looked at the snowflakes flying in front of him in confusion. If it was just a coincidence, then Yang Xuan would still be sent abroad by Yang Chengchuan, so what should they do between them

The cold wind blew up, Tang Junhe tightened his arms holding his brother, he looked up at Yang Xuan, and asked instinctively: "Brother, what do you want to do in the future? "

At that moment, the wind was suddenly very strong, and the voice was blown away as soon as it was spoken, maybe it was not blown into Yang Xuan's ears. This time, Yang Xuan just rode the bicycle silently, without saying a word.