Paper Plane

Chapter 62


Yang Xuan withdrew the hand holding his chin, and asked again: "How did you get in just now?"

Tang Junhe confessed truthfully: "I said I went back to the house to sleep, and they just went to the kitchen again, so I took advantage of them not paying attention..."

Yang Xuan looked at him with great interest: "Just under your mother's nose?"

Tang Junhe nodded, and stretched out his hand in front of Yang Xuan, holding the box of facial cream with a special purpose in his hand, his eyes flickered with a hint of probing: "Brother, I even took this out..."

Everything is self-explanatory, Yang Xuan glanced at the box of cream, and then at Tang Junhe's bright black eyes. The image of Tang Xiaonian applying cream to Tang Junhe at the door flashed in his mind nearly a year ago. It turned out that his judgment was wrong at that time. In the past ten years, his younger brother has not grown into a little princess beside his mother, but has become a A little devil who might defect with him at any moment.

In the living room, Yang Chengchuan and Tang Xiaonian came out of the kitchen. Through a solid wooden door, their chatter and laughter could not be heard clearly into Yang Xuan's room: "...Come on, Yang Chengchuan, don't be old. Say there is something wrong with my education method, if you have the ability, don't brag to others that your youngest son got the first place in the city, Chen Xing asked me about it the day before yesterday, it was you who told him..."

"You have to say that genes play a major role. Don't stare at me. You didn't say it's just my genes. Our genes are strong enough, right?"

"Keep your voice down," Tang Xiaonian lowered his voice, "Jun He is sleeping, don't talk about this."

Yang Chengchuan laughed and said: "Is there anything wrong with my words? Jun He will be 17 this year, and he is almost a grown man. You still treat him like a child every day."

"He's just a kid, he hasn't been exposed to society," Tang Xiaonian said, "He doesn't understand anything even when he's 17."

As the two talked, they gradually lowered their voices. Someone took the remote control and turned down the volume of the TV.

Tang Junhe listened to the conversation outside, and the hand holding the cream fell to the bed. Yang Xuan thought it was a bit funny, just when Tang Xiaonian was fully convinced that her proud son was sleeping soundly in the room, Tang Junhe slipped into her room quietly, I have to say, his younger brother is really amazing material.

Look at Tang Junhe again, he is wearing the little panda pajamas that Tang Xiaonian bought for him, with a furry panda head printed on his chest, matched with his harmless and beautiful face, at first glance it is indeed Tang The naive look of "I don't understand anything" in Xiaonian's mouth.

Yang Xuan pulled Tang Junhe towards him, put his arms around his thin waist, looked at him meaningfully and said in a low voice, "Your mother still treats you like a child."

Tang Junhe's eyes fell on Yang Xuan's thin lips, revealing his desire to kiss undisguisedly, he pursed his lips and said, "I'm already 17."

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "If she knew that you would seduce brother, what would she think?" Then, he reached for the box of cream in Tang Junhe's hand, and unscrewed the lid.

He put his cream-stained hands into Tang Junhe's body, and stretched him patiently. Tang Junhe took the initiative to lean over to kiss him, licking his thin lips with the tip of his wet tongue.

His initiative was beyond Yang Xuan's expectation. It is undeniable that part of Yang Xuan's purpose of doing this was to tease him, wanting to see him panicked, but he did not expect his younger brother to be so upbeat, with an expression full of disapproval. desire longing.

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered?" Yang Xuan asked him, stretching him.

Tang Junhe shook his head, the desire was plainly written in his eyes, and the whispers mixed with panting intermittently, like sleepwalking: "Brother, let's keep our voice down, so we won't be discovered..."

Yang Xuan pressed him onto the bed, and when he was about to enter with his penis, Tang Junhe suddenly struggled to turn over.

"What's wrong?" Yang Xuan looked at him and asked.

"I want to turn around," Tang Junhe whispered, "Brother, I want to watch you do..."

Yang Xuan turned him over, separated his legs, supported his hip bones, and slowly entered him in front of him. Tang Junhe's eyes looked straight at the place where they had sex, watching his brother enter his body bit by bit.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, looked at his blushing but straightforward eyes and asked, "See everything clearly?"

Tang Junhe nodded, and his two thin white legs climbed up to his waist. This action gave Yang Xuan a strong possessive desire, and he passed his arm through the gap between Tang Junhe's back and the bed , hugged him and twitched.

The bed was very soft, and whenever Yang Xuan moved, the springs in the bed would creak. This sound made Tang Junhe barely wake up from his indulging desire immediately, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. "Brother, go to the ground..." He whispered in Yang Xuan's ear.

Yang Xuan picked him up, and kept his genitals in his body. With the frequency of walking, he pushed into his body one by one. This huge stimulation caused the pleasure in Tang Junhe's body to surge up, and he almost cried out. He bit his arm and suppressed all his groans. The painful suffocation and intense pleasure made his face flush with blood.

Yang Xuan put him on the carpet on the balcony, took the remote control and pressed the speaker on the desk, the music streamed out, it was an ancient western piece of music, the brisk and melodious tune covered up the little noise made by their bodies colliding . Yang Xuan pulled Tang Junhe's arm out from between his teeth, a row of deep tooth marks had been left on it, and he inserted one hand into the hair behind Tang Junhe's head, once in the middle of the music. Pushing himself into his brother's body again, until he reached the deepest point and then pulled out, and then pushed deeply again. Tang Junhe would let out a muffled groan every time he pushed in. He bit his lips tightly, trying to maintain his sanity, and tried his best to restrain himself from making a sound.

Just as he couldn't help letting out a moan of extreme joy from his lips, there were a few clear knocks on the door suddenly. Both of them stopped moving for a moment, Tang Junhe's eyes widened instantly, and he looked towards the door in a panic, but Yang Xuan showed no panic on his face, he stopped and waited for the movement outside the door.

Boom boom boom. There were a few more knocks on the door, but Yang Xuan didn't look back, but still leaned over to Tang Junhe, frowned and asked impatiently, "Who is it?"

"Xiaoxuan." As soon as Tang Xiaonian's voice came in, Tang Junhe tensed up nervously. "Keep down the music," Tang Xiaonian continued, "Your brother is already asleep." She always liked to speak in an imperative tone, giving people a sense of order for no reason.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to pinch Tang Junhe's face, and lowered his voice as if coaxing: "Tell your mother that I understand."

Tang Junhe buried his sweaty face into his neck, and shook his head desperately to refuse. Yang Xuan pulled his genitals out of his body, and then pushed them hard and deeply. At the same time of the violent impact, he raised his voice, and responded with the usual tone: "Understood, auntie." After finishing speaking, he grabbed Tang Jun He's hair, with a little force, exposed his buried face, leaned down and kissed Tang Junhe's lips, then picked up the remote control to turn down the volume of the stereo.

Tang Xiaonian, who knew nothing about it, was very satisfied with Yang Xuan's rare compromise this time, and when she heard the sound of the stereo in the house subdued, she walked back contentedly.

"Let's go, relax," Yang Xuan patted his waist with his palm, "It's too tight."

Tang Junhe blushed when he heard the words, and relaxed a little obediently, and raised his head to kiss Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan pushed his teeth with the tip of his tongue, and their tongues entangled together, kissing a wet, hot and sticky kiss . At the same time, under the cover of the sound of firecrackers outside, Yang Xuan's lower body also began to strike relentlessly. Under this rapid twitching frequency, Tang Junhe was quickly ejaculated, and the semen splashed on each other's chest and lower abdomen.

When Tang Junhe ejaculated, his body tightened for a while, and Yang Xuan slowed down his movements. Every time he pulled out completely, he pushed in deeply again. Every time he pushed in, there was a burst of unconscious convulsions under Tang Junhe. Tang Junhe hugged his neck tightly, whimpering softly in the strong orgasm. "Brother..." he whispered in Yang Xuan's ear.

Yang Xuan pushed back his forehead hair, turned his face and kissed the healed scar on his forehead, then tightened his arms, pulled him into his arms, thrust him hard again, and then told Tang Jun He ejaculated together.

After experiencing both mental and physical stimulation, Tang Junhe, who ejaculated twice, quickly buried himself in Yang Xuan's chest and fell asleep. When he fell asleep, his hands and feet were curled up, and he looked like a small ball.

Yang Xuan was lying on his back on the carpet, stroking his hair with his hands, unconsciously pinching the ends of his hair and turning them around with his fingertips. Looking at the starry night outside the window, he suddenly felt that if his brother shrunk down a bit, maybe he could hide him in the suitcase and pack him away.

He has no nostalgia for this deformed home and the snowy Runcheng. If there is one thing, it is for this younger brother who broke into his world halfway. Not only because of Tang Junhe's reliance and trust in him, but also because they all want to escape from here, the farther the better, the sooner the better.

Yang Xuan lay on the carpet and closed his eyes for a while, listening to the sound of firecrackers outside gradually weakening, and the living room was silent, so he carried Tang Junhe into the bathroom, planning to clean him up first, and then wash himself bath. As soon as he put Tang Junhe into the bath, Tang Junhe woke up. He got up on his stomach in the bath and looked up at Yang Xuan.

"Are you awake?" Yang Xuan was standing by the side of the bathtub, holding the shower to adjust the water temperature. He is completely naked, and his well-defined body exudes a youthful and vigorous sense of strength. Tang Junhe squatted in front of him and reached out to touch his genitals. Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't stop him, he leaned over and licked it lightly with the tip of his tongue.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to hook his chin, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Will you?"

Tang Junhe shook his head first, then nodded, looked at Yang Xuan with wet eyes and said, "I can try." Yang Xuan's genitals almost immediately hardened after ejaculating, straight and straight, with blue veins exposed. The palm of my hand bounced.

Leaning against the wall, he watched his younger brother lick him intently and obsequiously. Those two black eyelashes sometimes drooped and sometimes raised, and the half-covered eyes were really beautiful.

Tang Junhe sucked his genitals deeper and deeper, first he only took in the full glans, and then tried to swallow the stem inwards. Although the smell of semen remained on it, Tang Junhe didn't find it strange at all. He liked every part of his brother's body and every smell on him.

Under this strong visual impact, Yang Xuan felt his lower body swelled so much that he was about to shoot out of Tang Junhe's mouth. He bent down to hug Tang Junhe, and put his back against the porcelain The wall, fiercely pushed into his body.

"Brother," Tang Junhe was hugged by Yang Xuan, almost half-hung, but he was not afraid at all. He lay next to Yang Xuan's ear and whispered, "I just tasted your semen."

"How's the taste?" Yang Xuan twitched a few times, then slowed down, and slowly teased him and asked.

Tang Junhe thought for a while and said: "It's a bit salty, a bit fishy." Then he moved closer to kiss Yang Xuan, "Brother, try it."

The tip of his bright red tongue was faintly visible between his slightly parted lips, Yang Xuan's lower body strength remained undiminished, and he turned his face to kiss him. He didn't taste the salty, fishy cum at all, he tasted the sweet apple.

Although there is a layer of glass doors in the shower room, they still carefully scruple the sound insulation problem and dare not make too much movement, everything is carried out in silence. The sound of sticky water between the lips and the staggered rapid panting can be clearly heard in the narrow and humid space.

Tang Junhe was carried to the bed by Yang Xuan in the end. He was exhausted from tormenting, but he still kept his eyes open and didn't want to sleep. He hugged Yang Xuan and said, "Brother, I like you very much."

Yang Xuan had been on a plane for more than ten hours during the day, and he was still suffering from jet lag. He was also a little tired at this time. He closed his eyes and asked casually: "How much do you like it?"

Tang Junhe worked hard to operate his brain cells, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I don't know." After a while, he added with a youthful spirit, "Brother, I can die for you."

Yang Xuan only pretended that he was asleep and talking in his sleep, and in the dark, he reached out and rubbed his head and said, "Stop talking nonsense, go to sleep."

"Let's chat bro," Tang Junhe looked at him and said, "I haven't chatted with anyone before."

"Where's your former classmate?" Yang Xuan asked. Although Tang Junhe didn't have any friends, although he didn't care much about it before, he occasionally felt a little surprised.

"They don't like me," Tang Junhe whispered, "Since Zhou Lin said in class that I stole his things, no one will talk to me."

Yang Xuan frowned and asked, "When?"

"It was the time I escaped from his dormitory." Tang Junhe recalled the situation at that time. That night he tied Zhou Lin's hand with a compasses, and jumped off the stool in a panic to escape. Left the schoolbag in Zhou Lin's dormitory. When he went to school the next day, Zhou Lin returned the schoolbag to him. Tang Junhe was terrified at the time, so he took it and stuffed it into his desk hole. Unexpectedly, in the evening of that day, Zhou Lin suddenly claimed that he had lost an expensive watch. Tang Junhe still feels terrified when he thinks about the next scene. He dug out the watch, and the fashionable and young Tang Junhe was unable to argue with the mountain of ironclad evidence. From then on, everyone believed that Tang Junhe was an ungrateful thief. They all whispered behind his back that Mr. Zhou was kind enough to give him homework after class, but Tang Junhe stole Mr. Zhou's homework while others were not prepared. watch.

- "This is really the contemporary version of 'The Farmer and the Snake'." The class teacher at the time said this while standing on the podium.

"However, it doesn't matter if they don't like me," Tang Junhe sniffed and said with his head resting on Yang Xuan's chest, "I don't like them either."

Yang Xuan felt sleepy for a while after listening to him talk about these old things. He suddenly had a strong thought, maybe it was not the wisest thing to stop Tang Junhe at that time, he should help him kill that cowardly beast, and then he took his brother and escaped out of Runcheng , fled to a foreign country—if he proposed to flee at that time, maybe there would be no need to "wait a while"

"Brother, I don't need others to like me, it's enough for you to like me." Tang Junhe said again.

Yang Xuan looked at the darkness in front of him, and gave a soft "hmm".

"I haven't been on a plane yet." After a while, Tang Junhe picked up a new topic, and he really started chatting with Yang Xuan, "Brother, what's it like to fly?"

"It's very noisy," Yang Xuan said, "It hurts my ears."

"Is there anything better?" Tang Junhe asked curiously.

Yang Xuan thought for a while, then spoke slowly, and answered him in a deep voice: "The sky is very blue and bright. The clouds are around, very white and thick."

The scene described by his brother appeared in Tang Junhe's mind. He followed Yang Xuan's words and said entirely out of imagination: "It must be very soft, and maybe it will taste sweet, just like the cotton candy you bought for me when I was young. .”

"Maybe," Yang Xuan smiled, "I will take you to sit with me when I have a chance."

Tang Junhe was very sleepy, he yawned, and said in a daze, "There will be a chance."