Paper Plane

Chapter 67


Yang Xuan smoked a cigarette and didn't speak at first, then flicked the ash after a while and asked, "When did you find out that there was something wrong with that cigarette?"

Tang Junhe answered truthfully: "When you went out with Feng Bo."

Yang Xuan remembered that when he came out of the corner of the stairs that day, he happened to meet Tang Junhe who was walking towards him not far away. Their eyes met, and Tang Junhe quickly turned and went into the bathroom next to him. Already noticed it. Yang Xuan asked again: "That is to say, when I took out the cigarette case, you already found that there was something wrong with that cigarette, didn't you?"

Tang Junhe let out a "hmm".

Yang Xuan laughed at himself: "Since you know that cigarette is tricky, then you don't have to take that one. Or at that time, you were already planning how to retaliate?"

"I didn't..." Tang Junhe suddenly raised his head, raised his volume and hurriedly defended himself, but he quickly lowered his voice again, "At that time, I wasn't sure what was wrong with that cigarette, I just thought , If you don't want me to smoke that cigarette, you won't put it in," Tang Junhe said with his head down, "You are my brother, and I will definitely do what you want me to do."

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and squeezed the center of his eyebrows, took a long breath of cigarette, and didn't speak for a long time, until the half of the cigarette in his hand was burned out, he put it out and said: "Go back to sleep first, if the police come to look for you again You, just go ahead and talk according to the original plan."

"En." Tang Junhe responded, standing up from the window sill. In fact, he didn't want to go back yet, but he heard that Yang Xuan was in a bad mood, so he could only go back to sleep obediently.

Yang Xuan also stood up and walked behind him, wanting to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Tang Junhe pressed his hand on the doorknob, but he couldn't hold back when he was going out. He turned around and hugged Yang Xuan and said, "Brother, can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Go back to the house and sleep," Yang Xuan said, seeing that Tang Junhe was still hugging him tightly and refusing to let go, he added, "I'm a little messed up."

"Brother, you won't ignore me, right?" Tang Junhe raised his head and looked at Yang Xuan after finishing speaking, "Didn't you say that as long as I am obedient, you will not ignore me."

Yang Xuan looked down at him, his younger brother's face was still so bewildering, his eyes were full of innocence and begging, he looked very much like when he was a child. He stretched out his hand and stroked his hair, and said lightly, "No."

Only then did Tang Junhe let go of his hand, he took a step back, leaning his back against the door and said, "Then I'm going back brother." Then he turned and opened the door, and walked to his room.

After Yang Xuan took a shower, turned off the light and lay on the bed, Tang Junhe's face always flashed in his mind. On New Year's Eve, those two slightly parted lips were like ripe cherries that were about to drip, and the eyes were black and shiny, with that innocent and seductive expression; His bright eyes were so warm that they could almost burn people; on that dark evening more than half a year ago, he was crying with snot and tears, looking pitiful, fragile and embarrassed; there were still a few hours Before, his face was completely devoid of blood, even his lips were white, leaving only extremely distinct black and white on his whole face, he seemed to be on the verge of collapse...

With so many styles, which one did he use to dig through the trash can and pick out those cigarettes? Which method did you use to go to the city that never sleeps to get that person's contact information? Which method was used to guide Feng Bo to meet that person

"Don't you think it's too vengeful?"

"Is it necessary to do so desperately?"

"Where did you learn to be so step-by-step?"

— That was what I was going to ask.

It's just that when those trembling hands handed over the phone, these questions made him unable to ask. For the first time in his life, Yang Xuan realized that he was being loved unreservedly by someone. This, he did not even feel when his mother was alive. "I can die for you." I thought it was just a childish and ridiculous vow to eachother.

How can a person be so real and strong in both love and hate? It turned out that those straightforward confessions had no ulterior motives, and the active dedication had nothing to do with frivolity.

It is indeed a good feeling to completely control a person's emotions and emotions, but when he realizes the pure and fiery emotion hidden behind it, Yang Xuan begins to feel that something has deviated from the original track.

There is no doubt that he has complete control over his brother, but his own emotions seem to be starting to get out of control.

But now there are two choices in front of him, let the horse rein, or rein in time...

Yang Xuan put the back of his hand flat on his eyes, and sighed in the silent night.


Because of the drug involved, this case attracted a lot of attention from the police station, and the matter was investigated very quickly. The next morning, Yang Xuan received a call from his friend. This friend is Zhao Yan, one of his seniors, and now he is a freshman at the Public Security University in the province. The two have been teammates on the basketball team for two years, and they have a pretty good relationship.

Zhao Yan's father is the director of the Runcheng Public Security Bureau. Yang Xuan called him after finishing his notes at the police station yesterday. He learned that he was staying in Runcheng during the recent winter vacation, so he made a special trip there.

Zhao Yan's work was safe. As soon as Yang Xuan explained his purpose, he thought for a moment and responded: "Okay, I'll help you find out. But I don't think I can inquire about it with my father in advance. If he knows that I am in the middle, he will definitely Don't say anything, how about this, I will ask a buddy from the police station to ask about the situation." He said, and dialed the phone.

After the phone call, Zhao Yan said to Yang Xuan: "My buddy is also more cautious, and I didn't dare to speak too clearly, but according to what he said, Feng Bo is relatively timid. When the police asked him why he stole the cigarette case, He took care of everything on New Year's Day night, and it even involved you a little bit."

Yang Xuan was not surprised, nodded calmly and said, "Well, it's normal."

"But, because your younger brother has been emphasizing that it was you who stopped the cigarette, and the surveillance and other people have also testified, there shouldn't be a big problem on your side. But on your brother's side, the police now suspect that it was him Hook out the drug dealer and design Feng Bo into it, but the evidence is not too clear, and I am still looking for clues. If I can't find it, then there should be no problem. If there is no evidence, no matter how accurate the guess is, it is useless .”

Yang Xuan raised his eyes and asked, "What will happen if the evidence is clear?"

"If it's clarified, although it's not too serious to be suspected of falsifying evidence, it should be detained for three to five days." Seeing Yang Xuan nodding thoughtfully, Zhao Yan joked again: "It's not really your brother's plan, is it? It’s really good enough to kill two birds with one stone. I heard that the thing sold by that gangster is a new type of drug. The Runcheng Anti-drug Division has never seen it before. If I were a policeman, I would not only let him go, but also serve tea Thank him wholeheartedly, this saves the police a lot of manpower and material resources, and maybe the anti-narcotics department can make a contribution if it is reported to the higher authorities."

Hearing this, Yang Xuan smiled casually: "Really?"

"Hey Xuaner, does your younger brother look like you?" Zhao Yan asked gossipingly, "I mentioned this to that buddy on the phone just now, and he said puzzledly, how could such a pretty boy be so handsome? With a heart? I am also quite puzzled, how can a man be described as beautiful? Especially your brother."

Yang Xuan knocked on the cigarette ash and said without distraction, "It's quite beautiful."

"Really?" Zhao Yan asked with interest, "Compared with Ying Hui, which one is more beautiful?"

"There is no comparison."

"Ha, when you say that, I really want to meet you. I haven't seen Ying Hui praise you for being beautiful." Zhao Yan tilted his head and couldn't help but said, "Yang Xuan's younger brother, I'm quite curious about what he looks like. .”

Zhao Yan is a very interesting friend, he said he would help, and told Yang Xuan the latest development of the matter the next morning: "Your brother should have no problems here, although a middleman said that he did give him the number, but there is nothing direct. The evidence proves that he made the phone call. Without this evidence, there is no way to say that there is something wrong with him. Besides, my buddy said that since the drug dealer has been caught, the focus of the investigation will not be on him. If he must be found Evidence It is not impossible, but they have no interest in dealing with this kind of elementary school disputes. Especially your father got involved in the middle this morning, and it is even more impossible for the police to arrest your brother for such a trivial matter. .”

"How about Feng Bo's situation?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Feng Bo's side is not so lucky. After all, he was so frightened that he recruited the situation and lured the underage to take drugs. Although it was an attempt, but because your brother reported the case when he made the record, he must still be punished. After Zhao Yan finished speaking, he analyzed again, "But because he is also a minor, it is estimated that there will be no major problems. Hey, speaking of it, have all your previous fights been cleared?"

"It's gone. After being rejected by the provincial team last time, my father was afraid of further delays, so he canceled all those cases."

"That's good," Zhao Yan said, "It's better to disappear in time."

After answering the phone call, Yang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He thought the matter was over like this, but he didn't expect that Feng Bo didn't come to school for several days. Until Friday morning, news leaked out from nowhere that the school had decided to expel Feng Bo from Runcheng No. 1 Middle School. Although it has not been officially announced, the news quickly spread among the students as soon as it leaked.

Yang Xuan felt a little strange, if Feng Bo's father found Yang Chengchuan to intercede, then Feng Bo would never be expelled anyway, at most, he would only be recorded as a major demerit, and it would not even be recorded in the file afterwards. Inside.

However, what he didn't expect was that Yang Chengchuan didn't want to help Feng's father after learning what had happened, and even used this to get the people below to publish a red-headed document, ordering the school to never allow drugs to infiltrate the campus. In fact, Yang Chengchuan didn't have too much hatred for Feng Bo, he had to be forgiving and forgiving. He still had business dealings with Feng's father, so the relationship between the two naturally couldn't be too rigid. But Tang Xiaonian didn't care so much. Under the wind on her pillow, Yang Chengchuan's elbows couldn't be too obvious, so in front of Feng's father, he sold favors to find someone to help Feng Bo in The police station cleared the case, and at the same time they used the excuse that the drug matter had attracted the attention of the province. As a deputy mayor, he really couldn't help but do a good job on the surface, so he really couldn't help the school.

Yang Chengchuan handled this matter skillfully, he not only sold Feng's father's favor, but also coaxed Tang Xiaonian, and saved his own face. As for Feng Bo's future, he didn't think about it at all.

After thinking about it, Yang Xuan called Feng Bo out on the weekend. After all, he felt that he was not innocent in this matter, and how much Feng Bo was out of his own hatred transfer, and how much was out of friendship among friends, these are not things he can clearly judge.

They met at a restaurant, but Feng Bo didn't go in. "Let's talk about it here." Feng Bo looked the same as usual, and he didn't have the haggard look he imagined, "Brother Xuan, what do you want to say when you come to me? Or tell me not to touch your younger brother?"

Yang Xuan didn't answer his words, but asked, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"Going abroad, what?" Feng Bo mocked, "You don't still worry about my future, do you?"

Yang Xuan frowned and said, "The news of the expulsion has not been announced by the school, so it's not impossible to change it."

"Your father can't do something, what can you do?" Feng Bo smiled, "Stop joking, if you want me to move, just say, brother Xuan, you were not such a beating person before. .”

Yang Xuan glanced at him: "If I don't want you to move him, you can't move him even if you want to."

"Really? It's great to have such a brother, but it's a pity that I can't be such a good brother. Then what do you mean by asking me out? Do good deeds and show love?"

"I stopped him from smoking that cigarette that night, and I can stop you from being fired now. After this matter is over, this is the end between you, and don't recruit anyone else."

"But I don't want to go back to school." Feng Bo tilted his head and said, "I don't want to stop here. Brother Xuan, your younger brother is gay. You protect him so much, don't you want to fuck him? Or have you already done it?"

Yang Xuan's expression turned cold in an instant: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, nothing," Feng Bo waved his hand, "Brother Xuan, don't do this, I know I can't beat you. I, I just want to tell you," Feng Bo said while walking backwards, "Before leaving the country, I have a big gift for you, I wish you happiness." After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Yang Xuan would catch up, so he turned around and ran away without looking back.

But Yang Xuan didn't mean to chase after him, he just stood there, looked at the back of Feng Bo running away in embarrassment, and gave a faint low snort, which sounded like he was sneering.

Yang Xuan turned around and walked back. After walking about a few hundred meters, he passed a mobile phone store. He walked in. Ten minutes later, he walked out with a white paper bag in one hand and a pocket in the other.