Paper Plane

Chapter 68


As soon as Yang Xuan opened the door at home, he saw Tang Junhe sitting on the sofa with a small cup of green liquid on the coffee table in front of him. Tang Xiaonian used that familiar tone half angry and half indulgent: "Close your eyes Why don't you just drink it, you, you are so spoiled, you can't bear any hardships."

Hearing the sound of pushing the door, Tang Junhe looked back, Yang Xuan put the paper bag in his hand on the locker, and also glanced at him.

"Hurry up and drink your bitter gourd juice, and go back to do your homework after drinking." Tang Xiaonian stretched out his hand and patted the back of his head, urging him, "Clearing fire and improving eyesight is good for your body."

Tang Junhe didn't want to drink bitter gourd juice, he resisted: "But I don't get angry, and I'm not short-sighted."

Tang Xiaonian involuntarily picked up the cup and brought it to his mouth: "Hurry up and drink."

Tang Junhe took the cup and saw Yang Xuan enter the study from the corner of his eye. For some reason, he inexplicably felt that Yang Xuan just looked at him as if he wanted to say something to him.

Tang Junhe drank a glass of bitter gourd juice with a bitter face, and quickly drank the half glass of honey water that Tang Xiaonian handed over. Only then did Tang Xiaonian show a satisfied expression on his face. He took two cups and went to the kitchen to clean them. Before turning around, he reminded: "Okay, go back to study."

Seeing Tang Xiaonian entered the kitchen, Tang Junhe was not in a hurry to go back to his room. He walked to the entrance and looked at the white paper bag Yang Xuan put on the locker. There was a very eye-catching English logo printed on it, clearly showing that Inside was a cell phone.

Tang Junhe looked up at the kitchen, then picked up the paper bag and walked to the study, opened the door and walked in. Yang Xuan was sitting in front of the computer, and when he saw him coming in, he didn't respond.

"Brother, did you buy this for me?" Tang Junhe asked while standing in front of Yang Xuan holding the paper bag.

The computer was turning on, Yang Xuan leaned back and leaned on the back of the computer chair: "Well, I'll pay you."

"It's not compensation, it's a gift." Tang Junhe corrected. He squatted on the carpet, pulled the packing box out of the paper bag, unpacked it, and took out a brand new mobile phone. The mobile phone that Yang Xuan bought for him was not the one that Yang Chengchuan gave him before. He turned it on, sat on the carpet and fiddled with it.

Yang Xuan looked at him and said, "The SIM card is on the bedside table in my room, bring it here and I'll install it for you."

Tang Junhe put down his phone, opened the door and walked out. Tang Xiaonian poked his head out from the kitchen and said, "Why don't you go back to your room and run around?"

Tang Junhe turned back and said, "I want to go to my brother's room to get something." Although Tang Xiaonian showed dissatisfaction on his face, he didn't immediately drive him back. Before she could speak, Tang Junhe opened the door and entered Yang Xuan's room.

The broken phone was lying quietly on the bedside table, with the torn screen and back case making it look badly injured. In fact, it is still very new. Tang Junhe doesn't use his mobile phone very often. Since he took it from Yang Chengchuan, he has left it casually in the drawer most of the time.

The moment Tang Junhe picked up the phone, his eyes glanced at the tissue box on the bedside table. He thought that his first masturbation happened on this bed, and it was taught to him by his brother Yang Xuan. At that time, Yang Xuan took out a few sheets of paper from the tissue box, and wiped his calloused hand clean. Will Yang Xuan blaspheme himself? Will he think of himself when he does this... Thinking of this, Tang Junhe's face was a little hot, he stopped his wild thoughts, and walked back to the study with his mobile phone in his hand.

The back shell of the old mobile phone was a little twisted, and the card slot was slightly recessed, making it difficult to take it out. Yang Xuan got up from the computer chair, walked to the glove cabinet by the window, squatted down and took out a small pair of tweezers. He stood up, half sat and half leaned on the window sill, pulled out the card slot with tweezers, then pulled out the phone card inside, and put it into the new phone.

Tang Junhe followed him to the window, staring at Yang Xuan's well-articulated hands in a daze.

"Okay," Yang Xuan handed him the phone: "Why are you in a daze?"

Tang Junhe came back to his senses, took the phone and said, "Brother, why are you so kind to me?"

Yang Xuan looked at him and asked, "Huh?"

"It would be great if you were my own brother." Tang Junhe said while holding the phone.

Yang Xuan laughed: "What about sleepwalking?"

Tang Junhe shook his head, looked at him and said, "You should say, I am your brother."

"I don't talk nonsense."

"But you said that when you were a child," Tang Junhe looked up at him, "Don't you remember?"

Yang Xuan thought for a while and said, "I don't remember, how long has it been?"

Tang Junhe was a little disappointed, he said, "But I remember it all."

Yang Xuan stretched out his arms and put them casually on his shoulders: "What do you remember?"

"I remember that you always bullied me, and you were very kind to me after bullying. I still remember that you fried 5 eggs for me, and then stared at me to eat them. At that time, I thought you would kill me if I couldn't finish them." …”

"So you cried?" Yang Xuan smiled, "I remember this. You loved to cry when you were young, why don't you cry now?"

"It's useless to cry. Whenever I cried when I was a child, you would come to comfort me. The harder I cried, the better you treated me. But later I found out that even if I finished crying, the matter would still not be resolved. Zhou Lin Still standing on the podium, other students still think I stole something." No one came to comfort him, so he gradually learned not to cry.

Yang Xuan lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he raised the hand on Tang Junhe's shoulder and rubbed his hair carelessly. They were silent for a while, Yang Xuan's hand fell from Tang Junhe's shoulder, and he pulled out the mobile phone in his hand, as if he was hugging him.

Tang Junhe approached Yang Xuan a little closer, Yang Xuan pressed his thumb on the phone a few times in this posture of embracing him, brought up the address book interface, and then entered his number into it.

Tang Junhe had already memorized Yang Xuan's mobile phone number, but he didn't make a sound. It wasn't until Yang Xuan typed the four letters "yang" on the screen that Tang Junhe turned his head and said, "It's not Yang Xuan."

Yang Xuan looked down at him: "Huh?"

Tang Junhe stretched out his finger, deleted the letters on the screen, typed the word "brother" himself, and clicked save.


Tang Xiaonian was bending over to tidy up the medicine box. Seeing Tang Junhe coming out of the study, she frowned and hesitated to speak, but she didn't say anything until Tang Junhe entered her room.

The relationship between Tang Junhe and Yang Xuan was so good that she felt a little surprised. Originally, they just went to and from school together, but now they can freely enter and leave each other's rooms. This is a development trend she did not expect.

Tang Xiaonian has never read any books, but she is not stupid. She saw early on that Tang Junhe was not on guard against Yang Xuan, and even approached him intentionally. Because of this, Tang Xiaonian scolded him more than once, But all to no avail. As for Yang Xuan, Tang Xiaonian knew very well that Yang Xuan had a lot of hostility towards him, and he didn't have much affection for his son.

But what happened a few days ago made her thoughts a little confused. If, as Tang Junhe said, it was Yang Xuan who stopped the cigarette, then I can't be too grateful to him. But she had seen Yang Xuan and Feng Bo have a good relationship with her own eyes, which made her unable to completely let go of her guard no matter what.

Tang Xiaonian fell into a state of contradiction, she didn't dare to let Tang Junhe get close to Yang Xuan rashly, but she couldn't let Tang Junhe stay away from Yang Xuan.

Tang Xiaonian cut up the fruit and sent it to Tang Junhe's room. She caught a sharp glimpse of the brand new mobile phone, picked it up and asked, "Where did you get the new mobile phone?"

"My brother gave it to me." Tang Junhe said.

Tang Xiaonian asked suspiciously: "Why would he give you a mobile phone?"

"The last phone was broken."

Tang Xiaonian fiddled with Tang Junhe's new mobile phone, opened the address book and saw that there was only one entry: brother.

"The relationship between you two brothers is really good." Tang Xiaonian felt a little uncomfortable, "A brother came halfway, and he doesn't even want your mother, right?"

Tang Junhe straightened up from the desk, and seeing Tang Xiaonian was turning to the page of the address book, he took the phone uncomfortably and said, "I remember your number."

"Oh, then you can recite it to me."

Tang Junhe opened his mouth and came: "137********."

Tang Xiaonian had nothing to say, but the discomfort in her heart did not completely subside. Her son, who had worked so hard to bring up, called "brother" affectionately to the son of his rival in love, which made her a little unacceptable.


As soon as the news of Feng Bo's expulsion was announced, it caused a shock throughout the school. The third class of science, which has attracted much attention since the beginning of school, immediately stood at the forefront of the topic. The dozen or so students who were present on the night of New Year's Day were even more unbelievable. They witnessed the whole process of the game, but except for Ying Hui, no one thought that there would be something tricky in that cigarette.

At the beginning, the few people who were friends with Feng Bo kept silent about it, but later Wang Xingchun couldn't help but came to Yang Xuan during the break: "Brother Xuan, is there really no room for turning around Feng Bo's matter? "

Yang Xuan leaned on the window sill of the corridor and said: "It has been announced, and the school also wants to save face."

"Oh, why did it happen like this," Wang Xingchun said with a sigh, "I really didn't expect that there would be a problem with that cigarette."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Hui also came over, looked at them and said, "Are you talking about Feng Bo?"

"He told me that night, so I am also responsible for that matter." Yang Xuan continued what Wang Xingchun said just now.

Hearing what he said, Ying Hui raised her head and glanced at him, but said nothing.

"You can't say that..." Wang Xingchun hesitated for a while, and then said, "Speaking of which, Feng Bo himself doesn't want to go back to school, after all, he has decided not to take the college entrance examination."

"Two different things." Yang Xuan said.

Wang Xingchun didn't know how to answer it for a moment, he looked at Ying Hui and said, "Ying Hui, do you have something to do with Brother Xuan? Then I'll go back to the classroom first."

After Wang Xingchun left, Ying Hui looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Actually, you don't need to blame yourself too much. Even if you didn't take that cigarette that night, he would have other ways. If that cigarette was in his hand, Much more dangerous than in your hands."

Yang Xuan didn't say anything, just nodded and said, "Go back."

"Well, Yang Xuan," Ying Hui said hesitantly, "Which school do you want to go to? Or which foreign university do you want to apply for..." Seeing Yang Xuan looking at her, she said shyly, "If It's okay if you don't want to tell me..."

"I didn't think about it," Yang Xuan frowned slightly, seeing Ying Hui's dejected expression, he asked again, "What do you think the future will be like?"

Ying Hui was stunned for a moment, even though she didn't understand why Yang Xuan asked this question, she still thought about it seriously and said, "I can't think of anything special, just go to university, find a decent job, and then go to college." Let's get married, two people support each other... Isn't the life of most people like this, why do you ask?"

"But I never imagined that I would live such a life." Yang Xuan said.

"Ah?" Ying Hui heard him say this, and the frustration between her brows and eyes became more obvious, "That's right, I can't imagine that you will live such a life..." She continued to be a little confused, "But if it is not like this, then it's okay. How about it? Although everyone’s life is like this trajectory, in fact, it will be different if it is placed on a single person... "

Yang Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Under the high-intensity study of two points and one line, the matter of Feng Bo was forgotten by the students in less than a month.

The snow in Runcheng finally disappeared in early spring and March when the grass grows and warblers fly. The magnolia flowers beside the playground bear buds that are ready to bloom. The high school students' running exercises between classes resumed as scheduled with the temperature rise.

The self-enrollment examinations for major colleges and universities began. Tang Junhe applied for the two best universities in China. His average score in school was very high, and he was blessed with Mathematical Olympiad scores, so he passed the school's preliminary examination smoothly.

And on the weekend when he took part in the school's first exam, Yang Chengchuan suddenly received a text message on his mobile phone that made him furious.

The text said his two sons were having sex.

The author has something to say

I think Dad's attitude is still easy to guess... In order to prevent panic, let me explain in advance that I haven't reached the part of breaking the mirror yet...