Paper Plane

Chapter 70


Hearing what Yang Xuan said, the expectation in Tang Junhe's eyes dimmed instantly, and his shoulders slumped. He lowered his head and said regretfully, "Brother, you always like to make jokes like this."

"Where am I kidding?" Yang Xuan stretched out two fingers and scratched his chin like a cat, "If you want to go, of course I can take you away."

He took it for granted, so that Tang Junhe believed it for a while, but he couldn't believe it. He looked up at Yang Xuan, and asked in a daze: "Go to America? But will your grandma like me?"

Yang Xuan laughed and said: "What does it have to do with my grandma, we can go to other places."

Tang Junhe didn't understand: "Then where are we going?"

"You can go anywhere, haven't you ever taken a plane? I'll take you to a place that you can only go by plane."

The deep anticipation in Tang Junhe's eyes slowly surfaced again, he thought of the scene Yang Xuan described to him that night, the blue sky and soft clouds wrapped around him, but he still hesitated to say : "But my mother won't agree..."

Yang Xuan laughed: "Your mother agrees to you coming to my room?"

Tang Junhe shook his head.

"Your mother agrees with you sleeping with your brother?"

Tang Junhe's face flushed with blush.

"There are so many but, you can't go anywhere," Yang Xuan squeezed his chin, tilted his head slightly to look at him, "you can only stay at home and be your mother's good baby."

Tang Junhe seemed to be moved, and he asked again: "Then how can I get there, I don't have anything..."

"It is enough to have a passport and a visa. I can take you to do both. Just give me your ID card." It seemed to be bewitching, "Then cheat out the household registration book from your are the best at this."

"Brother, it's not that I don't want to go with you..." Tang Junhe was interrupted by Yang Xuan before he finished speaking.

"It's not that I don't wait for you." Yang Xuan looked into his eyes and said, "The week after the passport is issued is the time for me to wait for you."

Tang Junhe fell into an extremely contradictory state. He wanted to go with his brother Yang Xuan, but he couldn't let go of his mother Tang Xiaonian.

Leaving Runcheng, going far away, and getting rid of Tang Xiaonian's airtight care, this is what he always wanted to achieve in his dreams. But when this opportunity came to him suddenly and within reach, he began to hesitate.

Tang Xiaonian will collapse, Tang Junhe lay on the bed, thinking with his eyes open in the dark. But if he stayed, he would not be able to see Yang Xuan until the next summer at the earliest. What if Yang Xuan didn't want to come back at that time? What if Yang Xuan met someone else in a foreign country? Will they hug? Will you kiss? will do | love

It was so sudden and they were still months away. A few months are enough for him to think clearly about this matter. How to make Tang Xiaonian accept him to go abroad, how to be with Yang Xuan, these all need time to prepare, just like killing Zhou Lin and taking revenge on Feng Bo, they need to be prepared in advance He planned carefully, but tonight he stood at the fork in the road unprepared, with an empty head and a defenseless hand.

Tang Junhe was in a dilemma. He felt that he had never made such a difficult decision in his life.

He was so entangled that his internal organs began to convulse, his whole body curled up into a ball, and the quilt was tightly wrapped to no avail. He still felt very cold, shivering from the cold, and even his teeth chattered disobediently, but his whole body was shaking non-stop. He was sweating coldly, and the sheets under him were soaked with sweat.

As long as he closes his eyes, Yang Xuan will appear in his brain, together with what he said that night, it will keep circulating back and forth in his mind.

— "I can take you away."

— “I can go anywhere.”

— "I'm not waiting for you."

This sleep was very restless, and when Tang Xiaonian knocked on the door the next morning to wake him up, he could tell something was wrong at a glance: "Didn't sleep well?"

Tang Junhe sat on the edge of the bed and replied sleepily.

"Are you worried about today's grades?" Tang Xiaonian thought he was worried about the results of the preliminary self-enrollment test that would be announced today.

Tang Junhe said absently, "Yes."

"What's there to worry about? You're the first in the city's joint exam, and you're afraid of such a small exam." Tang Xiaonian scolded.

Tang Junhe stopped talking, and after a while he said in a muffled voice: "Mom, I have never been out of Runcheng."

"You can graduate after you go to university." Tang Xiaonian said as he folded the quilt.

"I've never been on a plane before." Tang Junhe continued.

"What's so difficult about that?" Tang Xiaonian didn't take it seriously, "When you are admitted to university, I will support you to ride the rocket."

"I don't know what it's like abroad."

"I don't know. I'm still living well. What's so interesting about foreign devils." Tang Xiaonian stretched out his hand and patted his back gently. Don't dawdle, do you still want to go to university?"

Tang Junhe could only stand up and walk towards the bathroom. In Tang Xiaonian's mind, he could only pretend to be "enrolling in university". No matter what he said, Tang Xiaonian could turn the topic to "enrolling in university". superior.

Tang Junhe's heart became a seasoning jar with mixed flavors, all kinds of emotions were mixed together, anxiety, irritability, entanglement, despair, longing... His heart kept sinking.

At the dinner table in the early morning, Yang Chengchuan officially announced the news: "Next week Yang Xuan will go abroad to study," he said, turning his face to Yang Xuan, "I will find someone to help you with the withdrawal procedures in the next few days. , you should also tidy up your luggage, this time you are going to study, not like you used to go to play, you have to pack up your own things, don't throw things away, you know?"

Hearing this sudden decision, even Tang Xiaonian was taken aback: "So sudden?"

Yang Chengchuan hasn't talked about this matter with Tang Xiaonian yet, and he plans to deal with Tang Junhe's psychological problems according to the situation after sending Yang Xuan away. "I started thinking about it during the Chinese New Year, and sent it to his grandma's house early, so that I could get in touch with the language environment there." Yang Chengchuan said.

Naturally, Tang Xiaonian had no objection. Yang Xuan's being sent abroad was a development she liked to hear, but she didn't show her emotions too obviously, she just nodded and said: "Yes, it should be prepared early."

"As for Junhe," Yang Chengchuan turned his face to Tang Junhe and said, "In the future, your brother will not be able to go to school with you, so I will let your Uncle Chen send you off every day. Don't shake your head and refuse in a hurry. In this year, you There are also many things that happened to you, let the driver take you to school, and your mother can rest assured at home."

Tang Junhe silently bowed his head to eat without giving Yang Chengchuan a look.

Yang Chengchuan had already prepared for his reaction, and now he felt more and more that the decision he made was extremely correct, otherwise, when the matter developed to the point of no return, it would be too late to ask the gods to tell the ancestors.

After breakfast, Tang Junhe took out his schoolbag from the room, stood at the entrance to put on his school uniform, and when he was pulling the zipper of the school uniform upwards, Yang Xuan also came out of the room and stood behind him to change his shoes.

Tang Junhe thought that in a few days, Yang Xuan would no longer be standing here, this home would not have his shoes and clothes, nor would he smell like him. Thinking of this, he really wanted to turn around and hug Yang Xuan, but Tang Xiaonian was standing beside him, so he couldn't do it.

"Xiaoxuan still going to school these days?" Tang Xiaonian was in a good mood, and it was rare for him to take the initiative to talk to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn't pay attention to her, Tang Xiaonian felt a little embarrassed and made amends for himself, "It's good to go abroad, after coming back, I'll be an international talent, I'll be called 'Sea Turtle' on TV. "

"Mom—" Tang Junhe called out to her, preventing her from continuing.

Tang Xiaonian stared at him dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

Tang Junhe's words circled around the tip of his tongue, and he still said it: "These days, the self-enrollment re-examination review, the teacher asked to bring the household registration book to school..."

"The re-examination review is going to take place before the results of the initial test come out?" Tang Xiaonian said so, but she never suspected Tang Junhe when it came to his studies, so she hurried to her and Yang Chengchuan's room , the voice came through a wall, "Why did you say this before you left the house? You didn't say it earlier last night. You said everything before you left the house. I think you just remembered..."

She came out muttering, grabbed Tang Junhe's arm to make him turn around, stuffed the household registration book into the schoolbag behind him, and said: "I put it on the mezzanine inside for you, don't lose it, Bring it back when you're done."

Tang Junhe lowered his head and said, "Got it."

He followed Yang Xuan out of the door. While waiting for the elevator, Yang Xuan leaned against the wall and stretched out a hand towards him. Tang Junhe naturally understood the meaning of this action. He turned the schoolbag from his shoulders to his chest, unzipped the zipper, found out the household registration book, and handed it to Yang Xuan.

Since coming to this house, Tang Junhe hasn't read this account book yet, so he moved to Yang Xuan curiously to read it. Yang Xuan turned over the cover of the household registration book, and slowly flipped through the pages one by one. The first two pages are Yang Chengchuan and Tang Xiaonian, and the last two pages are them.

"We are on the same account book." Tang Junhe said suddenly.

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows: "Is it very strange?"

Tang Junhe looked at him and nodded.

When the elevator came, Yang Xuan closed the account book and returned it to Tang Junhe: "Did you bring your ID card?"

"Bring it." Tang Junhe took it, followed Yang Xuan to the elevator, and then put the household registration book back into the schoolbag.

On the way to school, Tang Junhe sat in the back seat of Yang Xuan's car, with one arm tightly around Yang Xuan's waist. He put his face behind Yang Xuan, trying to remember his brother's body temperature and smell.

The distance from home to school was once his favorite time. Half a year ago, Yang Xuan didn't like to talk to him, but he didn't mind driving him to school. At that time, he was sitting in the back seat of the car, humming The so-called song is so happy that I can't help myself.

This happiness accounted for too little in his short 17-year life. Before the age of 16, Tang Junhe walked on the way to school, always indifferent and full of defense, because he had to be alert to Zhou Lin's stalking and the inescapable maggot-like eyes at all times.

And on that cloudy evening, Yang Xuan's sudden appearance pulled him out of the boundless nightmare. The road that Yang Xuan took him on by bike was a road with sparse vegetation and blooming flowers. It was only after that day that he suddenly realized that he hadn't paid attention to the scenery on the roadside to school for a long time.

Tang Junhe looked at the branches with green buds on the side of the road and thought, he really likes this road, it would be nice if it had no end.

But the road always has an end. Yang Xuan parked his bicycle in the parking lot, and they walked towards the teaching building side by side.

Walking to the basketball court, Yang Xuan suddenly raised his arm and put it on Tang Junhe's shoulder. He turned his head and said in a low voice, "When the fourth class is in the morning, I will wait for you at the exit of the basketball court."

Tang Junhe looked up at him.

"I'll take you to apply for a passport," Yang Xuan raised his hand and patted the side of his face, "Remember to bring your household registration book."

The author has something to say

Steal the account book to get the certificate x