Paper Plane

Chapter 73


The room was quiet, every breath of Tang Junhe could be heard clearly.

The packed suitcase was standing next to the coffee table, and Yang Xuan could get rid of this boring home when Yang Chengchuan came back at noon. But he never expected that when he was about to leave, his younger brother suddenly ran back and said he wanted to go with him.

Yang Xuan smiled helplessly: "The visa has not been processed yet."

Tang Junhe's breathing slowed down. He inhaled shallowly one by one, and then exhaled long. In the quiet room in the early morning, it sounded like a slow motion deliberately slowed down in a movie. He asked in a daze and despair. : "That is to say, there is no way to take me away, right?"

Yang Xuan stood on the spot, his eyes fell on his face, and after a while, he lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembled, and said in a deep voice, "You can go, go to a place where there is no visa."

"Then I," Tang Junhe looked up at Yang Xuan who was walking in front of him. He didn't ask where he was going, but just asked, "Do I need to bring anything?"

"It's enough to bring your passport and ID card." Yang Xuan's eyes looked gloomy, "But if you regret it halfway, I won't send you back."

Tang Junhe swallowed his throat, and nodded to Yang Xuan.

"Go and change your school uniform." Yang Xuan reached out and rubbed his hair. "Bring two summer clothes. I'll go to the study to check the route."

Tang Junhe returned to his room, he didn't change his clothes immediately, but stood in front of the bed for a while, as if in a daze, then walked to the desk, picked up a pen, and quickly wrote down on the note paper one line.

After changing his clothes, Tang Junhe dug out two summer clothes from the closet. He walked to the study with his clothes in his arms, stood at the door and looked at Yang Xuan, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother, I don't have a suitcase."

"Put it in my box for a while." Yang Xuan's gaze shifted from the computer screen to his face, "My mobile phone is in the drawer of the bedside table, bring it here for me."

Tang Junhe put the clothes on the carpet, ran to Yang Xuan's room, took out the phone and handed it to him. Yang Xuan fiddled with his head for a while, booked the flight ticket on the computer, and handed him the phone: "Put it back."

"Brother, don't you take your mobile phone away?" Tang Junhe asked while holding the mobile phone.

"Don't take it with you. You don't need this card when you go abroad."

When putting the phone back, Tang Junhe suddenly thought that what Tang Xiaonian said was correct. After Yang Xuan went abroad, they would indeed no longer have contact.

They set off half an hour later, and before leaving the door, Tang Junhe left the note for Tang Xiaonian on the coffee table in the living room. Yang Xuanzhu stood at the door with the handle of the suitcase and looked at him. He waited for him to stand up and walk over before asking, "What did you write?"

"Say I'm with you and tell her not to worry."

Yang Xuan laughed: "In this way, she will only worry more?"

Tang Junhe pursed his lips, but did not speak.

They walked out of the house one after the other, Yang Xuan held the doorknob and closed the door, shutting the bright sunlight inside.

After getting on the elevator, Tang Junhe asked, "Brother, where are we going?"

"Go to a place where it's always summer." Yang Xuan said looking at the numbers dancing on the elevator wall.

This "place that is always summer" is far away and very small, and there is no direct flight to Runcheng. Yang Xuan first took Tang Junhe to the railway station in Runcheng by taxi, and took the train for two hours. After arriving at the railway station in the provincial capital, I went to the airport in the provincial capital.

The railway station in the provincial capital was crowded with people. Yang Xuan dragged the suitcase with one hand, and held Tang Junhe's wrist with the other hand, leading him to stride through the crowd. Leaving behind the noisy crowd, Tang Junhe almost had to run to keep up with him.

"Brother, are we in a hurry?" Tang Junhe quickly followed him and asked.

"Well, it's urgent."

"Then are we still in time?"

"It's too late." Yang Xuan said. Although he was walking fast, his voice was not flustered at all.

When they reached the exit of the train station, they were crowded and pushed by the passing crowd. Yang Xuan stretched his arms around Tang Junhe's shoulders and led him forward without saying a word.

The huge and congested provincial capital was unfamiliar to Tang Junhe, and he didn't even know where they were going. At that time, Yang Xuan was like a god in his eyes. His eyes followed Yang Xuan, and his footsteps followed Yang Xuan. Wherever the destination seemed to be, it seemed insignificant.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when Yang Chengchuan turned down his official duties and returned home to send his eldest son Yang Xuan to the airport, when he opened the door, he saw only an empty room covered with golden sunshine. At the same time, he also received a call from his secretary, saying that his youngest son Tang Junhe skipped class all morning and is still missing.

Yang Chengchuan immediately burst into flames, but what he didn't expect at this time was that the second he picked up the phone, on the tarmac of the provincial capital, accompanied by a loud hum, a Boeing 747 experienced After a period of rapid gliding and sprinting, it rushed into the vast sky.

Sri Lanka. Tang Junhe didn't know that Yang Xuan was going to take him here until he got the ticket. According to geography books, Sri Lanka is a tropical island country located in the Indian Ocean, known as "the tears of the Indian Ocean". Other than that, he didn't know anything about the place.

Tang Junhe's position was near the window, he held Yang Xuan's hand and looked out the window, what Yang Xuan said that night was printed in his mind verbatim. "The sky is very blue and bright. The clouds are around, very white and thick." Yang Xuan didn't lie to him.

The plane was getting farther and farther away from the ground, and the roads and buildings gradually became distant and blurred. The moment the wings broke through the clouds, the surrounding light suddenly became very bright.

Tang Junhe realized that they were really leaving Runcheng, and his brother Yang Xuan really took him along.

After a 10-hour flight, when they arrived in Colombo and stepped off the gangway of the plane, the humid and sweltering air hit their faces. The lush coconut trees stand leisurely in the dark night, with the salty sea breeze blowing on their faces. A few hours ago, they were in Runcheng, where the green shoots were sprouting, but now they have come to Sri Lanka, which is full of summer.

The hotel is right by the sea. When Yang Xuan talked to the waiter at the front desk in English, Tang Junhe once again felt like he was dreaming, a dream that smelled like sea water, full of water vapor, and rich in color.

The floor of the room is not high, and the window is facing the sea. As soon as you enter the room, you can hear the sound of the rising and falling tide outside the window, beating gently and slowly on the reef on the shore.

Yang Xuan stood on the ground, bowed and took off his trousers. Seeing that Tang Junhe was still sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze, he raised his eyes and asked, "Isn't it hot?"

"I feel like I'm dreaming." Tang Junhe turned to look at him.

"Then treat it as a dream." Yang Xuan smiled, lifted the suitcase to the wall with his upper body naked, then turned and walked to the bathroom.

Seeing Yang Xuan entered the bathroom, Tang Junhe lowered his head, stretched out his hand to unzip the jacket, and took off the jacket, leaving only a loose white T-shirt on. He took out his phone from his coat pocket, turned it on, and watched the no-service signal appear on the top of the screen.

No signal, no calls. Will Tang Xiaonian be in a hurry now? Tang Junhe was slightly distracted, he thought of the note he left for Tang Xiaonian before leaving the door. In fact, he lied to Yang Xuan. The note not only said that he was with his brother, but also that he would go back after a week.

According to his understanding of Tang Xiaonian, without this note, Tang Xiaonian might go crazy, but leaving this note, Tang Xiaonian will be angry within a week, will get angry, but will not collapse.

Tang Junhe walked to the bathroom with his mobile phone, but the door was only ajar, so he opened it and walked in. Yang Xuan was bending down to pick up the shower on the side of the bathtub. The shower in his hand didn't adjust the angle for a while, and poured Tang Junhe who pushed the door into his head and face, and the white T-shirt was almost transparent after being soaked in water. stuck to him.

Tang Junhe was caught off guard by the spray of water, subconsciously took a step back, then looked down at the water on his body, the dripping water droplets on the tip of his hair made him look like a puppy falling into the water.

Yang Xuan turned the shower in the other direction, and looked at him with some amusement: "Why did you come in suddenly?"

Tang Junhe raised his mobile phone in one hand and said, "Brother, I can't make calls from my mobile phone."

"Let's take a shower first, and use the hotel's landline to call later." Yang Xuan took the shower and sprayed it on his body to test the water temperature, and stretched out his free hand toward him, "Come here."

Tang Junhe had never been able to refuse Yang Xuan. He put his mobile phone on the sink and walked towards his brother.

Yang Xuan helped him take off the soaked T-shirt from his head and threw it aside, probably because Tang Junhe's eyes were wet just now, and he looked obedient.

Tang Junhe lowered his eyes, he noticed that the part between Yang Xuan's legs was half erect, but this time he didn't touch it with his hands. He raised his arms around Yang Xuan's neck, leaned his head against his collarbone, and hugged his well-defined body tightly.

Yang Xuan tilted his head, hooked his chin with the pulp of his index finger: "Do you regret it?"

Tang Junhe shook his head against his neck.

Yang Xuan squeezed some shampoo on his fingers, and rubbed it on his hair a few times: "Wash it yourself."

Tang Junhe put his arms around his neck and refused to let go, and said in a low voice, "Brother, help me wash."

Yang Xuan inserted his fingers into his hair, exerting a little force to make him look up at him: "Miss your mother?"

"If you leave, I will miss you too." Tang Junhe looked at him and said.

Yang Xuan smiled, instead of continuing the topic, he pinched Tang Junhe's chin and looked into his eyes and said, "Why do people always say we look alike?"

"Shouldn't it?" Tang Junhe turned his face and stuck it to Yang Xuan's neck, his skin was slippery, and he easily avoided Yang Xuan's shampoo-stained fingers, "You are my brother. "

Yang Xuan casually scratched his hair a few times, and got out a hand full of bubbles: "I'm just thinking about what it looks like."

"Maybe it doesn't look like anywhere," Tang Junhe buried his face in Yang Xuan's neck, muffled, "It just looks like it."

Yang Xuan took the shower and poured water on Tang Junhe's head, but Tang Junhe still refused to let go, but closed his eyes tightly to prevent the foam from getting into his eyes. Yang Xuan hastily washed him with water, took the towel beside him and pressed it on his back: "It's finished, let's go back."

Tang Junhe didn't let go obediently, he hooked Yang Xuan's neck, as if he made up his mind to hang on him.

Yang Xuan was a little helpless, he brought people out, so he should indulge him a bit. In this posture, he held Tang Junhe off the ground, just like holding him for a dunk, and carried him to the bedside.

Tang Junhe was put on the bed, turned over and lay on his stomach, but his eyes were still looking at him.

Watched by such wet eyes, Yang Xuan suddenly understood why Tang Junhe was so abnormal tonight—his brother was afraid. Tang Junhe, who has never been out of Runcheng, is a newcomer to this remote island country. What he sees are people of different skin colors and a completely unfamiliar language environment. Naturally, an instinctive fear arises from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Xuan covered his waist with the bath towel that fell aside, thought for a while, then raised his hand to stroke his hair: "I won't leave you alone."

Tang Junhe still looked at him silently, until Yang Xuan got up and went into the bathroom again, he blinked his sore eyes.

The author has something to say

Sri Lanka was visa-free 12 years ago. This article has a little bit of the background of the times, and most of the time it is reality and nonsense.